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A Sleeping Dragon Wakes

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Her pain wakens & his doom grows.
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I feel that a dragon has been using my body as his den. His snortings and convulsions are painful to me. And the pain has taken me to the brink of hopelessness.

She looks up slowly through her golden tangled tresses. The strands cover her face to shadow the darkness that lurks in her gaze. Her piercing amber eyes lightly flash in a still and stoic, yet featureless face. Their depths reflecting the realm of innocence she had once harbored. Her soul flows within the murky pit of her darkest desires. Protecting that which she has kept hidden, tucked away deep inside in her thoughts alone. Her torrid pain, hers alone to keep. The brushed black leather corset laced tightly; stills her breath as it rises from deep within her chest. She slips her hand down her thigh. Slender fingers course down the black suede leather of her pants, aching to wrap around the ornate handle of her dagger strapped to her side.

Her mind floods with the pleasingly torturous images of how she shall provoke him. Closing her eyes she restrains herself, taming her mind for the time being, knowing that soon she will allow herself to be free. She quietly crosses the room, her lithe form closing the distance between herself and the bed. The light imprints of her boots in the plush carpet betray her dangerously silent arrival. A devious smile curls the edges of her rosy lips as she pulls in a long silent breath, approaching his unsuspecting relaxed form. She stops at the edge of his bed. His stately tanned body cloaked in the white sheet; the sight causing her to moan as she watches the rise and fall of his chest in the rhythm of sleep. One long, muscular leg drawn up and exposed from underneath the stark white fabric. His strong and supple form flowing within her heart and soul.

The enigmatic sound of blood rushing through her ears drowns out all thought as she gradually crouches beside his bed. She leans closer to him to gently caress his cheek; the feather light touch going un-noticed. Time is of no existence as she memorizes the way his ebony lashes lay upon his bronzed cheek in the sweet manner of one lost in slumber. She silently pulls her red silken panties from her bag. Dousing it with a small amount of ether. Her determined eyes reflecting her tormented thoughts. Finding it so very fitting that his favorite pair of red panties shall be used for her greater will. She covers his nose and mouth with the fabric. Holding it tightly to his face as she leans over and presses her weight into him to hold him down during his light struggle.

Her soft satisfied sigh echoes through the room as she looks down at his drugged lifeless form. Pulling her dagger from it's sheath she curls her fingers around the heavy gold ornate handle. The intricate double dragon design sacred to her. A single dragon protruding from each side of the handle expressing their fury with long fangs and jewel -encrusted sparkling amber eyes. Much like those of the woman wielding the weapon. Her fingertips roaming over each scale and claw causing the devious dragon eyes to glitter with the turn of her hand. Re-uniting herself with the darkness that is as much a part of her as the light.

Her sweet breath passes through lightly parted lips as her fingers encircle the dark amethyst jewel set in the pommel of her dagger. Gliding over the solid handle to grasp it firmly within her dainty palm. The twin dragons working their wicked forms into her soft flesh with the tightening of her grip. His listless form a mere reflection in the sliver of her blade. Turning the dagger, she lightly runs a fingertip across the edge of the slender blade. Emitting a deep gasp as her soft skin silently splits upon the slightest touch of the sharp edge. Her crimson blood subdued by the gentle pressure she applies before sliding her finger from the tip. Gazing down at her hand she quietly marvels at the stark contrast of her dark burgundy blood against her creamy skin.

She seems slightly puzzled. Knowing she has been injured, yet the pain refuses to be felt. The pounding in her heart echoes with the truth. Telling her that the only true pain she feels is that of the love lost. The agony she feels twists and turns through her spirit. Her eyes as hollow as a fathomless gaping pit that reaches into eternity. Struggling to pull in her breath as the thought springs into her mind. He must pay for his transgressions against her.

Returning her dagger to it's sheath, she rises. One finely arched brow quirked as she looks down at him. A thick drop of crimson falling from her fingertip. The bulbous drop slowly extends to the pristine white sheet to mark it's presence forever more. The words with which she speaks are dark and angry; spoken in the low husky tones of one with no mirth. "Mmmmm, so I've found you Sweet One. " Gently clicking her tongue as she slips her hand into her pocket to retrieve four pieces of thickly coiled wire.

Inflexibly grasping his wrist, she attaches it to the bedpost by twisting the wire around his flesh. Curling the remaining wire around the post to secure him tightly. A low and devious laugh greeting him as his eyes flutter open with the shock of one caught in a trap. His limbs so heavy within his drugged state, he groans softly with the effort to move. She crushes her boot clad foot into his chest moving quickly to bind his other wrist. Making sure to pull the wire tight enough to cut into his flesh. Ripping the sheet from his body, she presses her agile leather clad form into his nakedness before roughly pulling his ankle to the foot of his bed. His groan of disbelief shadowing her every move as he fights the groggy reality of this present moment.

Her cold gaze vigilantly watches him shift upon the bed in slow motion. Her quiet disdain chilling him to the core as she wraps the wire around his ankle, her nails digging into his flesh. Yanking the wire tightly to cut into him, she grins at his attempt to hide his wincing. In a sudden movement he pulls his free ankle from her grip, his eyes flashing. "I'm not going to fucking help you ." he spits at her. Every muscle in his body rippling beneath her as she rises from the bed. Smirking, she examines her handy work. So very proud of her accomplishment.

She carefully unsheathes her dagger, her eyes narrowing with a seething glare aimed at him. With the swift flick of her wrist her dagger soars through the air landing between his thighs at the juncture of his legs. The utter violence causing him to snap his eyes shut. Falling back upon the bed, his chest heaving with every rugged breath. Sneering down at him, she pulls a pair of tiny plyers from her clevage and waggles them beneath his nose. In a matter of seconds her expression changes from one of complete darkness to one of sweet innocence. Transforming her exterior as the hard lines of anger diminish into a soft angelic glow.

"Ooohhh you mean you aren't going to help me at all? Ooh what's the matter darling don't you fucking love me?" her sweet and melodious words, crescendoing with the darkness that laces her actions. A deep growl pouring from within as she snakes her hand out and yanks his ankle to attach it to the bedpost. Gracefully moving to tighten each piece of wire, she assures that he is tightly bound. Gently shaking her head as she watches him test his bonds. "Pull a little harder love, I want to see the blood run." she purrs from the end of his bed. His tone dark and threatening as he responds with a long and loud line of curses. "Mmmmm where are your gentle whispers now love? Shall I remind you of how it's done Sweet One?" she whispers softly.

An evil grin planted upon her sweet lips. She slides up between his legs to pull her dagger from within the bed. Not uttering a single word, she deliberately glides the tip of her blade along the inside of his thigh. The sharp tip barely gracing his warm skin. Her head sinks down to gently flick the head of his cock with the tip of her hot wet tongue. Raising her fiery amber eyes to lock with his piercing gray eyes. "Oooohhh God don't do this..." he groans writhing beneath her. "Don't do what love?" she purrs applying more pressure with her dagger to the tender flesh of his inner thigh.

Digging the tip in to pierce his darkly tanned skin. "Don't fuck up your life like you fucked up mine? Why don't we save the world the trouble of dealing with your blood line?" Her words dark and scornful as she grips her dagger with steadfast assurance. Carefully twisting the tip in; her eyes glazing over vacantly as his skin indents with the pressure. Biting her lower lip, she presses her blade in further. A breathy hiss slipping through his bared teeth as he contorts his face with the effort to show no emotion despite the blaring pain.

He turns to look away from her. The curve of her back flowing sensually while she moves. She closes her eyes and moans softly as she slides the tip of her silver blade through his flesh. Looking at him with utter disgust as his tortured cries reach her ears. "You can't run from me now Sweetling. Mmmm no, I won't allow it. Look at me." she growls softly. Reaching out roughly to whip his face toward her. The blade twisting sideways quickly and ripping into his flesh, her disconnected emotions causing more pain with each passing moment.

Keening softly within his painful howl, her gleaming amber eyes watching and gauging his every move. The smile upon her lips never quite reaching her eyes. Her soft pink tongue gliding smoothly along her upper teeth just before she grins; scrutinizing him as he twists his capable hands into fists. He curls his body up as much as possible to withdraw from her. "Mmmmmm that's more like it love." her velvety words caressing his ear as she slips up his body. Harshly covering his lips with her own while ruthlessly pushing her blade deeply through tendons and muscle. Releasing the dagger to stand upright in his thigh, buried to the hilt.

Currents of blood seep from either side of the blade with each ebb and flow of his life force. Capturing his lower lip between her teeth she sinks her teeth making him cry out in pain. Purring softly she allows his lip to slip from her grip, reaching behind herself to slide her blade out slightly. "Did I not once love you?" she murmurs melodiously. "Did I not give you that which I gave no other?" Offering him no opportunity to speak as she places a fingertip to his lips. "Ssssshhhhh love, don't speak, it's too late. You once told me that you were dying." her words quietly trailing off. Her heart aches and demands that she continue, caught in the deep turmoil of the truth.

The scorn lacing her words with a sickening vitality. "What is the truth now? Tell me the truth now." she whispers. Her tears building behind her eyes in a barely controlled anger. "No!" she screams. The callous tone causing him to flinch. Raising a resolute hand to silence him as his lips move to speak. "All we have is deception." she purrs leaning across his body to gently brush her lips across his lips. She moans softly. Her words a barely audible whisper, "All that was sacred to us is no more." Resting her head on his broad shoulder as she had once and again. The warmth of his skin so inviting; so familiar.

Slipping a hand up to caress his cheek, her heart lurches as she closes her eyes. "Tell me that you cared once. That when you gave yourself to me; you didn't fucking lie to me!" Losing control she rages toward him. Grabbing his throat in a vice like grip. She cruelly forces her knee into his stomach, slipping her leg over him to straddle his lap. Tightening her thighs around him to still his thrashing. A deep and shuddering breath fills her lungs while she stabs her knees into his ribs making him gasp for breath. A slow wicked smile dominating her features as she curls her nails into his flesh with the tightening of her grip.

"Tell me darling," she murmurs, flicking his strained lips with her tongue, "tell me that you fucking loved me!" Her eyes dancing dangerously as she releases him abruptly. Raring back she slaps his face full force. Landing the blow before he can catch his breath. "Son of a bitch." she growls as she slips from his body. Snatching her dagger from his leg haphazardly. His blood pools and drips from the tip, making a trail upon the pure white sheet as she slips from the bed. Growling deeply, she peers at him through the narrow slits of her eyes.

Observing the rapid rise and fall of the planes of his chest as he fights to pull in breath between groans. His gray eyes encumbered with agony. Hanging his head to the side, he gently slides his tongue out to catch a trickle of blood that spills from the corner of his mouth. "You've made a very big mistake." her simple words cold and as hard as stone. Ever so gently toying with the tip of her dagger, she paces around the bed. "Ooh Sweet One," she purrs; the softness of her words carry the heavy burden of her actions. "You have made me a hard and bitter woman. I'd just as soon kill you as fuck you."

Briskly turning, she throws her dagger just inches above his head. The silver blade cutting into the oak headboard with a resounding thunk. "Noooo stop!" he yells. His words going un-noticed as she lightly presses her weight into the bed. Crossing one arm before the other in an provocative crawl. Her form taking on the beauteous picture of a woman hell bent for revenge. A resounding growl curls her lips up as she inches her way up his bound body. Her fierce gaze burning into his very core as her intent registers within the recesses of his mind.

Skimming his chest with her tiny hands as he pulls against the coarse wire binding his limbs. Wincing as it cuts further into his flesh. The heat of her body so tantalizingly close, his body responds to her radiating sultriness despite his growing fear. Her agile form slithering each of her voluptuous curves into him in the act of digging her long fingernails into his flesh. The stealth of a feline within her every move. Purring sweetly, she gently runs her fingertips through his thick hair. Each breath she takes pressing her breasts into his flesh as she hovers above him.

Calmly curling her fingers into his locks in the process of tempting him into a false lull. Her pulse races as she awaits the precise moment. And upon noticing his shallow breath, she laughs devilishly and yanks his head back savagely to gaze upon the tender flesh of his neck. His muscles tensing and contracting as he swallows. He closes his eyes, finding himself unable to look at her. Sneering sinfully she looks down at him, she examines the bruised crescent indention's that line his skin in the arch of her hand.

"Ooohh dear sweet Dragonrider," a low devious chuckle building from deep within her, "I have waited a very, very, long time for this. Mmmmm is it not ironic that you shall meet your end beneath a little one such as myself? I mean after all this hiding, all of your lying, you've been found. And now it's time for you to reconcile with my heart. Isn't it just the shits darling?" she coos softly to herself. "Aaahhh but long overdue Sweet One; long over due." she sighs. His eyes pleading with her as she retrieves her dagger from the headboard with a pronounced jerk.

Grinding down further into his hardening cock, the sleek leather of her pants pressing into his flesh causing him to groan. "Mmmmmmm darling, you haven't changed a bit," she purrs as she slips the dagger between their fevered flesh. His eyes widen with fear at the coolness of the blade as it slides against his hardening shaft. A deep and devious laugh filling the room as she throws her head back. Her golden tresses spilling past her shoulders. Smirking while she leisurely leans forward into him; she presses the tip of her dagger into the crotch of her pants. Ripping open the seam to expose her fiery flesh.

The smooth skin of her palm gently caressing his flushed cheek as she purrs softly, "My, my, my, darling, did you think I was going to end it before I had my fuck?" Softly shaking her head, "Mmmmm no. First I think I'll fuck you." she purrs grinding her exposed flesh into him. "What do you think darling? A fuck before dying?" Laughing softly into his ear as she guides his cock between her hot wet folds. The confines of her leather pants making her entrance tighter. Clutching her dagger in one hand as she slips down his chest. Sweeping her tongue down his flesh in a hot trail. Seductively lowering her lashes to cover her steamy gaze as she loses herself in the salty sweetness of his skin.

Sucking his pert nipple between her lips and digging her teeth into the tender flesh. A hard jerk of her head causes him to hiss as she snaps her teeth shut a hairs length from the tip of his nipple. Her eyes locked with his as she slides down his rippled chest carrying her dagger with her. Taking in a deep breath to fill her senses with his scent. Shivering lightly as his cock throbs against her bare flesh. She spirals her hand around his shaft and gently slips the tip of his head between her scorching folds.

A sharp gasp escaping her as her body aches for his familiar touch. She shivers with the sweet betrayal of her body due to the deep attraction. Dragging his hard member deeply within her throbbing sex. Rolling her hips around his cock so that he feels every inch of her hot and pulsing pussy. Groaning deeply as she grinds down on his head. The pressure sweet and intense as he slides past her engorged nether lips. Her tight flesh encompassing his cock and spilling open with slick and hard spasms.

Pulling him deeper into her famished flesh. Inch by sweet silky inch she impales herself upon his hard and thick cock. Her lust filled eyes flashing down to his as she settles herself fully upon him. Purring softly while his hips grind up into her. A slow smile creeps upon his features. Sucking her lower lip between her teeth, her chest heaves lightly before she stills her movements. Drawing her dagger beneath his throat, she knicks his flesh when he attempts to swallow. Leaning in and caressing his tender flesh with the tip of her soft pink tongue. Erasing the tiny red drops of blood that spring forth.

Her eyes blazing as she caresses the angry pink line in the wake of her blade. Flicking the tip of his earlobe, she sucks the tender flesh between her teeth. Sending a chill down his spine while her tongue teases his lobe. Holding her blade steadfast to his throat as she continues her sweet assault. Purring in his ear as she draws the tip of her tongue along the sensitive flesh behind his ear. "Mmmmm tell me Sweet One, tell me that you don't like this." she murmurs before tenderly flicking the skin at the base of his neck. His deep groan penetrating her senses as he yanks his wrists forward headless of the searing pain.

"Let me loose little one." he murmurs softly. "It's too late." she counters. "I can no longer trust you." she whispers faintly as she slides her hot flesh up the length of his cock. "And you should no longer trust me." she murmurs. "You came around and tore this wall down around me, and when I gave you that which you didn't deserve you fucking left me!" she rages as she pulls back and viscously cuts into the flesh of his upper arm. Hating all of this. Seething down at him as he sucks in his breath with the fresh pain. "Looks like I found the real you." she growls down at his knowing eyes.

Slamming her flesh down hard upon his cock and squeezing his upper arm just above his wound. Clutching him tighter and tighter as she begins to move along his shaft. Groaning with each caress of his cock within her silken walls. Her movements increasing with ardor, gasping as her body tingles and verges on the edge of orgasmic pleasure. "Mmmmmmm fuck." she groans. Thrusting into him harder and harder as her sweet juices flood his engorged cock. Arching back she grasps her dagger with both hands and shuts her eyes as she fluidly moves along his thickness.


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