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A Son Returned Ch. 03-05

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They continued their circuit of the lake, both of them feeling rather miserable by now. Tara was experiencing guilt over her coolness toward Vince, but she wasn't sure just what to do about it. Her guilt inclined her to indulge him, to try to please him with some substitute for her affection. This gave her an idea.

Stopping beside the shore of the small lake, she knelt and dipped her hand in the water. "Hey," she said brightly, "the water's really warm today! We have an hour or so before I have to make dinner. Would you like to take a swim?"

"Oh, yeah, that would be great!" exclaimed Vince. He was still able to enjoy childish pleasures. He sat down in the grass and began to unlace his boots.

Tara was pleased with the effect of her suggestion. The boy looked happy and carefree again. There was just one problem, they hadn't brought bathing suits. Stupid, she thought, why didn't you consider that before you suggested a swim? It was a hot day for northern Canada, and they had been walking a long time; she would have loved a swim. But it was out of the question now. She saw no impropriety in Vince taking a nude dip. With an impatient sigh, she sat down in the grass.

Hot and sweaty, Vince was undressing as fast as he could, paying no attention to the fact that his mother only sat and watched him. When he was naked he bounced to his feet, his limp white cock flapping gaily, his balls bouncing. He eyed the cool blue water hungrily, then ran for it and dived in. Tara noted that he was an excellent swimmer, but more vivid in her mind was the image of his handsome genitals and the profound pleasure she'd experienced while playing with them and sucking his cock...

"Hey, Mother, hurry up!" Vince called from the water. "Aren't you coming in?"

She smiled and waved at him but called back, "Oh, I don't think so, Vince, not today! I didn't bring a bathing suit!"

"So who cares?" he inquired. "We're around the bend from the lodge, nobody'll see you. Come on, Mother, please! I don't like to swim alone. It's dangerous."

Again Tara's conscience nagged at her. Vince was right, of course, one should never swim alone. He might get a cramp or run into some other kind of trouble, and hampered by her clothes, she would be unable to save him. Hesitantly, glancing around to make sure no one else was in sight, Tara began to unbutton her cotton shirt. "All right, Vince," she called, "I'll be with you in a second!"

"Super!" Vince was even more happy and excited than he indicated. He was delighted to have Tara as a swimming companion, but even more delighted to have an opportunity to study her luscious mature body. It would be the first time he'd even seen a woman naked. He dog-paddled furiously, trying to contain his excitement, forcing himself not to stare too rudely while she took off her clothes.

Tara was none too pleased with this development. She didn't see how she could refuse Vince's request, thus exposing him to the perils of solitary swimming, but on the other hand she was horribly embarrassed to appear naked in front of him. Well, she thought grimly, at least this'll cure any infatuation he might have, I'll look like an old cow to him! She blushed to imagine the image she presented to his young eyes. Her legs were still good, she knew that, but the rest of her--hips, belly, and tits--seemed slack and plump, almost voluptuously gross. As she tossed aside her panties, she felt herself reddening all over. But there was nothing for it but to plunge into the water.

Contrary to her expectations--and unknown to her--Vince found her beautiful. This was how a woman ought to look, he decided. Her waist curved in sharply, accentuating the bold bloom of her hips and breasts. Her large white tits were everything he'd dreamed, and more--prettier than he'd imagined, with dainty pink nipples. He longed to touch them. And her small black snatch appeared dainty, too, making him wonder about the mysterious parts which lay behind it. But he sensed Tara's nervousness and embarrassment, and he made no immediate move toward her. Instead he tried to appear oblivious of her nakedness, swimming out into deeper water and laughingly inviting her to follow him.

Tara also was an excellent swimmer, and once in the water, she was glad she'd obeyed Vince's request. She remained submerged up to her neck, not exposing herself, enjoying the delicious coolness which washed away the sweat and grime their walk. At a leisurely pace she swam after Vince, wanting to stay close to him in case of trouble.

"Wow!" Vince yelped. "I just saw an enormous fish!"

"Trout," said Tara. "I have the lake stocked every year. You can go fishing any time you want."

"Great," Vince said. "I'm really glad I came here. It's a wonderful place. In the city--" He stopped abruptly, losing his train of thought. Tara had swum up quite close to him, and in the pure transparent water he could see her huge white tits floating like great melons.

"You were saying?" Tara noticed the direction of his stare and blushed deeply.

"It's--uh--a lot nicer than the city." Vince finished lamely, blushing and withdrawing his gaze from her breasts. Damn it all, he wanted to touch them, play with them, so badly! If only he could think of some excuse!

"Swim over this way," Tara said hastily. "I'll show you something that's lots of fun."

He swam along behind her, thinking, I know something more fun than that, whatever it is! For no matter what she showed him, it could never equal the intense, squealing pleasure he'd felt the night before when she'd sucked his peter and made him cum in her mouth. If only he could get her to do that again! But how?

Tara swam along the shore for a short distance till they came to a place where a great old maple tree slanted out over the water. A rope dangled from a high branch.

"See," said Tara, "you can swing out on that rope and drop into the water, just like Tarzan."

The boyish part of Vince responded eagerly to this new amusement. "Oh, wow, yeah! I'm gonna try it!"

He swam quickly to shore, seized the rope, and began swinging on it, working up momentum. Tara smiled and watched, glad to see him enjoying himself. When he had achieved a very high swing, he let go of the rope and, with a joyous cry, sailed through the air and landed in deep water with a thunderous splash. He came up spitting and laughing. "Hey, that's great! I'm gonna do it again!"

Tara paddled closer to shore so she could stand on the bottom and rest. She found herself admiring his youthful grace, his trim young body, and above all his flapping white cock and wobbly balls as he sailed through the air time after time.

Slowly, in spite of her resolve, she found herself growing hot with lust, aching to touch him, to explore his sweet parts even more thoroughly than she'd done last night. But, she scolded herself, it's out of the question. My God, he's only eighteen, and he's my son!

Then Vince went down and didn't come up. He had sailed off the rope, landing farther out in the lake than before, but instead of bobbing quickly to the surface, he remained out of sight. Tara panicked. With a sharp cry of alarm, she began swimming as fast as she could toward the spot where he'd gone down, praying she could find him. She reached the spot, dived, and far down in the dark water she could see the flash of his pale body. She swam deeper, clutched at him, and succeeded in getting a good hold. With a powerful kick, she made for the surface, holding him around the waist, tight against her cushiony breasts. He seemed limp and stunned.

He was limp, all right, but not stunned. Far from it. As his mother held him tightly and carried him to the surface of the lake, Vince was intent and alert, smiling to himself. His trick had worked. He'd pondered a way to achieve bodily contact with her, and his device, pretending to drown, had worked like a charm.

Bursting back into air and sunlight, Tara quickly inspected her son. He still seemed dazed, but he began to cough. "Try to lie still, Vince," she said urgently. "Let me tow you to shore."

He obeyed, still secretly rejoicing. Tara got him to shallow water, then lifted him in her arms and carried him up the bank and laid him in the warm grass. He was much heavier than she'd thought, weighing almost as much as she did, and she fell panting beside him. Vince, feigning shock, curled up close to her, and Tara automatically put her arms around him to comfort him. He buried his wet face against her huge silky tits. At the same time he put his arms around her and pulled himself tight against her, his floppy cock nestling in the soft wet fur of her mons. He trembled with excitement. If only he could prolong this moment for a while!

"Vince," she said gently, "are you all right?'.' "I dunno," he murmured. "Let me rest a little."

Tara sighed and hugged him...

Harold Davis was just rowing around the point when he saw the accident. Miss Johnson, the proprietor of the lodge, was swimming with the boy who'd arrived yesterday--Vince, his name was, and at dinner last night she'd briefly and blushingly explained that the boy was her son. Harold and the other guests had seen very little of the boy since then. Now, searching for a better fishing spot, Harold was making for the far end of the lake when he observed Vince swinging on the rope, flying through the air, hitting the water--and staying down.

For a moment, Harold froze. Then he started pulling off his boots, ready to help in the rescue. But he wasn't needed. Miss Johnson appeared to be an excellent swimmer, and she dragged the boy to shore without difficulty. Even at a distance, Harold could hear the boy coughing, so he knew he'd be all right. Miss Johnson and the boy hadn't even noticed him.

It was only after the initial excitement that Harold realized mother and son were both naked. This made him blush, for he was a very shy and inhibited person himself. But he was also tolerant of others. He admired their courage and thought nude bathing was probably a very healthy thing, if one had the nerve to do it, but he shouldn't be gawking. He quickly retraced his path, rowing around the point again--till he was out of sight. Then he dropped his oars and drifted, realizing with great surprise and embarrassment that he'd gotten a painfully hard erection.

What in the world had caused him to get a cock stand? Harold thought for a moment, then blushed again. It was the sight of Tara Johnson that had done it, just the brief glimpse of her lovely voluptuous body as she carried her son from the water. Harold sighed. He'd give anything to have a woman like that, a woman who looked truly female. But his timidity had always prevented him from approaching beautiful girls. That was why he'd never married. Lacking the courage to approach attractive women, he was nevertheless a perfectionist. He would not have an ugly wife. At forty-five he was still holding out for his ideal. If only he could attract somebody like Tara Johnson! Now, there was a woman! His cock ached and twitched as he thought of her. Indeed, he now realized, he'd been hot for her since the day he arrived at the lodge.

Harold Davis sighed and removed his fogged glasses to clean them. He was sweating, trembling. Damn it all, he was only human, he had a normal man's desires, but his shyness prevented him from satisfying these desires very often. When it became unbearable, he'd patronize a prostitute, but the act disgusted him, and he yielded to it only a few times a year. He needed much more than that. He needed a woman of his own.

Suddenly Harold was struck by a wicked but delicious notion. Tara would probably still be on the shore with her son; maybe she would still be undressed. All he wanted to do was look. Really, could there be any harm in just looking? His erect cock still twitched excitedly, Harold rowed quickly to shore, beached the rowboat, and began creeping through the woods to the other side of the point...

"Vince? Feeling better now?" Tara could scarcely keep her voice from trembling. With Vince's soft cock pressed against her pussy fur, with his warm breath and downy face caressing her sensitive tits, she found herself growing achingly horny. She couldn't allow a repetition of last night!

"Ummm," Vince muttered drowsily. He sensed her urgent desire to pull away, and he decided to use the tactic which had been so successful last night, pretending to drift off to sleep. If only it would work again! Lazily he readjusted his posture, cupping her huge breasts lightly, wriggling his flabby prick deeper into her silky mons hairs. He felt his balls tingling excitedly.

Tara sighed, partly with lust and partly with exasperation. What was she going to do? Just like last night, when Vince had urged her to stay a while in his bed, she felt he needed her, and she didn't want to abandon him, but on the other hand, she recognized all too well her own growing need, a need which could easily overpower her and lead her to do things she'd regret later. Now she felt his cock twitching, lengthening, and stiffening in the tangle of her pussy fur, felt his smooth young hands furtively exploring her tits. This was too much, she simply couldn't allow it!

"Vince!" Gently she began pushing him away. "We have to stop this now. It isn't right."

"Hmmm?" Vince opened his eyes sleepily and looked at her with apparent bewilderment. "What isn't right, Mother?"

"Holding each other like this," she replied nervously. "A mother and son shouldn't--Well, it just isn't right." She sought to extricate herself from his grasp, but Vince was determined not to let her go. He flung one leg over hers, keeping her near him, and pleaded, "Please, don't move away! I don't see anything wrong with just touching each other. It's nice, it can't hurt anybody." His penis had stiffened completely now and had intruded into the moist slick folds of her labia. Tara blushed as her eager cunt juices seeped out to soak his tool. More than anything in her life, she wanted that stiff prick inside her, but she would not yield to the wicked temptation.

"No, Vince," she said and shuddered, "take my word for it, it's wrong. Let go of me, please."

The boy looked stricken and rejected. "If you say so, Mother, but I just don't see any harm in it. Can't I just look at you? Would that be all right?"

Tara sighed and yielded, seeing that he was close to tears. She just couldn't bear to be cold to him. "All right, Vince, but don't lie so close to me."

With a smile of relief, the boy nodded and drew away. He knew exactly what he wanted to look at, and he wasn't bashful about it. Reversing his position and turning his back to her, he knelt and gazed down at her soft mons patch, at the small curls still wet from their swim. Sighing, he stretched out to be more comfortable, unwittingly putting them in the "69" position. Tara gawked as his stiff penis practically grazed her nose. Then she felt his warm breath against her mons. All right, so he wanted to explore--was there really any harm in that? She wanted to explore him, too. The bright sunlight gave her a much better opportunity than she'd had the night before in the dim bedroom. His penis twitched invitingly. She couldn't resist. Trembling, she reached out and curled her fingers around the warm hard shaft.

Vince suppressed a joyful sigh. She had yielded! Her exploring fingers felt great on his aching cock, and, just as good, he now had tacit permission to play with her, too. Gently, so as not to alarm her, he parted the curly lips of her mons and got his first look at the mysterious female parts inside. There was a bright red little bump of flesh that glistened with its own juices. He rubbed it, and Tara moaned and opened her legs wider. So she liked that! He did it again, gently but persistently rubbing the fleshy button, and again his mother moaned her pleasure. Emboldened, Vince leaned closer, parted the pink folds of her labia, and gazed for the first time at the dark indentation of a woman's vaginal opening. Timidly he touched it, inching his finger inside, and Tara sighed deeply, her hot cream pooling around his intruding finger.

She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't stop. Vince's gentle play between her legs was driving her wild. Flicking out her tongue, she began licking his stiff penis hungrily, then bent lower and licked his hot balls. He trembled and sighed, and she felt his probing finger inching ever deeper into her cunt From the shelter of the bushes only a few feet away, Harold Davis gawked through his horn-rimmed glasses, unable to believe what he saw. When he'd first arrived on the scene and crept into his hiding place, mother and son had been lying quite still in each other's arms, Tara apparently trying to calm the boy after his near-drowning. But their embrace had turned into something very different. Harold wasn't at all sure how the transition had taken place, but mother and son now lay feet-to-face, the boy eagerly exploring her genitals with both sight and touch, while Tara licked Vince's balls and cock. Could it really be happening?

Harold could not doubt his own senses. He'd overheard their words, too, Vince's pleading and Tara's reluctance, then her final surrender. As noted before, Harold Davis was a very tolerant man. As he watched the bizarre scene in the grass, he readily understood its causes. A young, horny adolescent; a beautiful woman who had lived alone too long; it was an explosive combination, and he was not all surprised that mother and son had yielded to their powerful physical needs. But what a shame, Harold concluded, that they couldn't find more suitable partners! Vince should be making it with girls his own age. And as for Tara, if she'd only known it, she could readily find a willing and able partner in Harold. Rubbing his painful erection, he tried to communicate with her silently: Oh baby, he thought, leave that kid and come over here! I'd be only too glad to take care of you!

While Harold felt intense envy of Vince, he did not mistake it for dislike of the boy or for moral disapproval. The kid seemed nice enough, and Harold could well understand his feelings. But if only there were some way to turn this situation to his own advantage! Obviously Tara needed a man, and Harold certainly needed a woman. Harold vowed to overcome his shyness, urging himself, at the next opportunity, to make some kind of approach to Tara. He could hardly intrude on the present scene, however; he could only sit there watching and eating his heart out.

Tara gave a loud moan of lust and suddenly sucked Vince's stiff penis into her mouth. Vince yelped happily, dipped his face between her legs, and then loud sucking and licking noises could be heard. Mournfully, Harold Davis unzipped his pants, pulled out his achingly stiff cock and, without taking his eyes from the scene, began to jack off...

Clyde Simmons was in a foul mood. Being horny always made him bad-tempered. Yesterday that snooty bitch Tara Johnson had made an ass of him, refusing his attentions. And today his own wife had failed him. That was the final blow.

Becky might not be much to look at any more, but up to now she'd always been eager to fuck. Clyde would have liked a younger, prettier, livelier woman, but he was smart enough to realize that very few girls would indulge his sexual appetites the way Becky had. Sure, she'd lost her looks, was almost fifty, and was beginning to be a bit of a slob, but whatever crazy thing he wanted to do in bed, she was always willing to try, and she usually ended up liking it as much as he did. Until today.

Having gotten no satisfaction at all from his encounter with Tara Johnson, Clyde was ready for a good long romp in the hay, and after lunch he'd hustled Becky up to their room, his cock already growing hard and hot as they climbed the stairs. But when he'd started to undress, Becky had sighed wearily and said, "Oh, not now, honey! I'm so tired. I'd just like to take a nap. We can do it tonight, after I've rested."

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