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A Special Kind of Love Pt. 05

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Lucy starts using her new toilet.
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Katie was the first to wake the following morning. She turned to face her mother who was still asleep and with her back to her. She moved carefully so as not to wake her mum and gently snuggled up behind her in a spooning position. The warmth from her mother's near naked body radiated a soothing and welcoming glow. Both were naked apart from their knickers, the only clothing they felt appropriate after their evening of sex. Katie eased an arm across her mother and gently cupped an exposed breast, it caused Lucy to stir but not wake.

Katie spent the quiet time reflecting on the events since she returned home from work the day before last. She found it difficult to process everything which had happened, not least the fact that she and her mother had committed incest. It didn't bother her though, in fact laying there that morning, the comforting warmth from her mum's body and the softness of her breast felt perfect in every way.

Her mind then tried making sense of the conversations they had. Not least the ones where Katie had expressed her desire to be abused. Had she really expressed her darkest inner secrets to her own mum? Katie knew she had, she also knew that her mum had not screamed at her or thrown her out of the house. In fact, here she was, snuggled up next to her, feeling her warmth and love. The moment had felt magical to Katie and the casualness with which she cupped her mother's breast in her hand spoke volumes to where their relationship had moved to.

Katie's mind continued to retrace steps and conversations then moved onto how events would likely develop upon her mum's waking. Would her mum really allow her to taste some of her shit? Would she really agree to one day fist her! And fist her in both holes? Would she really become her mum's 'dirty little plaything'?

All Katie knew was that she was getting turned on again, massively turned on and if her mum slipped her hand inside Katie's knickers when she woke up, she to would find out how seriously turned on her daughter was. Katie squeezed her pelvic region in a vain attempt to hide her arousal. She then tried turning her thoughts to mundane ones but they kept returning to sex, extreme sex and each time she felt her arousal ratchet up another notch.

Finally her mum stirred, her eyes opened and she became aware of her daughter snuggled up behind her and that her right breast was being held. "Mmmm Katie, this is a pleasant way to wake up darling."

A slightly embarrassed Katie moved her hand away. "Oooo, don't take your hand away sweetheart, it feels nice."

"The answer is yes!" Blurted out Katie who only had one thing on her mind.

"Yes? What? What was the question?"

"I hope you're teasing me mum, you know, my big decision!"

"Oh Katie, sorry, what? Can I wake up first?"

"Mum!! The answers yes, yes to everything!"

A rather irritated Lucy turned round and sat up in bed making no attempt to cover her now exposed breasts. "Katie! For fucks sake, can I wake up first!"

"Sorry mum, it's just that I'm really excited!" Katie paused as she started to think that her mum was not going to go through with what they discussed yesterday. "If you won't do it, I'll find someone who will, I mean it!"

"KATIE!" Lucy raised her voice, she was clearly getting cross. "For fucks sake Katie, couldn't you at least wait until I'd fucking woken up properly!" Katie now realised that maybe she was being a bit hasty.

"I'm sorry mum, it's just that I'm getting excited, I want this, I really do."

Lucy decided it was time to take control. "Now listen to me young lady. You are not going to do this with anyone you meet on an online dating site. Do I make myself clear!"

"You can't tell me what to do." Replied a defiant Katie.

"Shut the fuck up you dirty bitch! "You are not going to do this with anyone you meet from a dating site because it is not safe." Katie was about to explode when her mum continued. "And anyway, I am going to do it! I told you that yesterday."

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just that I thought for a minute that you'd changed your mind."

"You think too much sometimes Katie. I said I'm going to do it didn't I, everything you want. Your life is about to change Katie and I want to make sure it really is what you want."

Katie immediately interrupted her mum. "It is mum, I mean it, this is what I want, what I've wanted for a longtime. Will you really fuck me up?"

"I don't like the phrase 'fuck me up', please don't say that but if you want your cunt and arse stretched, then yes, I'll help you do it. I'm also going to help you become an even dirtier girl than you already are and don't forget, you are going to be my toilet aren't you?"

"Yeah, do you want to go yet? And mum, thanks, I love you!" She hugged her mum and planted a kiss directly on her lips.

It's then that Katie realised her naked breasts were exposed, grabbed the duvet, pulled it up and covered herself. Lucy laughed at her. "You really are very self conscious aren't you? Why are you covering your breasts after everything we've been doing?"

Katie shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno, don't want to leave them uncovered I suppose."

"Pull the duvet back down sweetheart, you've got really nice tits, don't be ashamed or embarrassed."

Katie still clasped the duvet close to her chest. "Do as you are told Katie!" The instruction from mum was firm. "You are mummy's dirty little plaything now so do as you are told."

Katie lowered the bed covers slowly and sat there, breasts fully exposed. "Good girl. Now, we're going to have to change your mindset aren't we? I am going to make you more confident at exposing your sexy young body to me sweetheart. I've told you that mummy likes sexy and attractive young women now haven't I!"

"Yes mum." Was all Katie replied.

Lucy changed the subject and said. "Go downstairs and get my breakfast darling. Two slices of toast and a cup of coffee, strong coffee, that should get me moving!" She grinned at her daughter and Katie knew exactly why she was grinning. Katie was a little put out at being told to get breakfast though, she just sat in bed and didn't move. "Do as you are told Katie and bring my breakfast in here for me." It was an instruction, not a request and there was no please either. Katie suddenly realised it was the start of her new life. "Yes mum." She replied.

She slipped out from under the duvet, stood up and reached for her bra. "You don't need that Katie!" Came a further instruction from her mum. "Oh and Katie luv, take your knickers off before you go downstairs!"

"But mum!"

"Do as you are told Katie! You're a dirty bitch now aren't you?"

"Yes mum".

Katie pulls her knickers down and steps out of them.

"Turn around darling, let mummy see you."

Katie turned to face her mum but covered her pussy with her hands.

"Move your hands away Katie and let me see you." Katie did as she was told. "There, that wasn't difficult was it? You have a beautiful body Katie, so make sure you show it off to me. Now run along and bring me breakfast."

"Yes mum."

Katie went downstairs and made breakfast, two slices of toast with marmalade for her mum and a cup of strong white coffee with one teaspoon of sugar. She also got the same for herself but with tea instead of coffee and no sugar. She put it all on a tray and carried it upstairs to their bedroom. Lucy took one look at it and said.

"Why have you prepared breakfast for yourself as well?"

"Because you told me to."

"No I didn't, you need to listen and pay attention Katie. Your new life will be hard if you don't listen properly. I told you to get MY breakfast! I didn't say anything about yours."


"No buts Katie." Interrupted her mum. "I thought you were having a different breakfast this morning!"

The penny finally dropped for Katie. "Oh, umm, err yeah of course, sorry umm, I wasn't thinking was I?"

"You don't need to think now sweetheart, you just need to listen and do as you are told, don't you?"

"Yes mum."

"Good girl. Now take your breakfast downstairs, throw the toast in the bin and pour your cup of tea down the sink."

"But I like a cup of tea first thing in the morning."

"Just do as you're told Katie. You will have a different drink first thing in the morning now won't you?"

"What? Your pee?"

"Got it in one darling!"

On hearing that Katie instinctively placed a hand between her legs, realised what she had done and took it away again. The action wasn't lost on Lucy though who let out a mischievous grin. "Hurry up darling, mummy's getting your breakfast ready." Said Lucy then she took a bite out of a slice of toast and marmalade.

Katie turned and hurried downstairs to throw her freshly prepared breakfast out. Toast in the bin and tea down the sink as instructed. She turned again and was about to dash back up the stairs when she stopped and went back to the sink. She turned on the tap and rinsed the sink down with cold water. Katie had always been a thoughtful girl and even in her latest adrenaline rush she didn't want to leave the kitchen sink in a tea stained mess.

Having quickly dried her hands on the towel she runs back upstairs and bursts into the bedroom slightly out of breath having taken the stairs two at a time.

"Slow down Katie." Said her mum with a mouthful of toast. "There's plenty of time darling, I'm not going to shit without you."

"Sorry mum, I'm just excited that's all."

"i can see that, now come back to bed but before you do there's a plastic sheet in the bottom drawer over there." Lucy points across the room. "Be a luv and open it out on the centre of the bed. We're not going to be making much mess this morning but it'll be there just in case."

The reality of what was about to happen started to hit home for Katie....big time. She flustered as she took a plastic sheet out and hurriedly opened it

"Slow down Katie, I won't go to the toilet until we're ready, calm down sweetheart."

"Yes mum, sorry."

Katie finally laid the sheet across the bed and climbed back in then snuggled up to her mum again.

"You're nice and warm mum."

"You're not, you're hands are fucking freezing!"

"Sorry, I used cold water to rinse the sink out."

"Okay, never mind, now warm them up first then have a feel to see how turned on I am at the thought of using a new toilet this morning."

"Have a feel? What?"

"Oh Katie, wake up darling. Shove your hand inside my knickers!"

"Oh, alright, sorry."

Katie immediately placed her hand on her mum's stomach ready to slide it inside her knickers. Her mum's scream stopped her dead in her tracks!

"I said warm your fucking hand up first!!"

"Oh shit! Yeah, sorry."

Katie rubbed a hand up and down her own leg to warm it up then tried a second time and slid it down the front of her mum's knickers.

"Wow! You're really wet down there."

"I just wanted you to see how much I'm looking forward to you becoming my toilet Katie." Katie responded with a nervous smile. Without warning Lucy placed a hand between her daughters legs. "Feels like there are two very horny girls here who are about to have some naughty and dirty fun doesn't it?"

Katie gave a nervous nod then placed her hand on her mother's stomach and rubbed it gently. "Are you really preparing breakfast for me?"

"Yes darling, are you sure you want it?"

"Yeah." Was all she replied then Katie leaned over and gave her mum a kiss on her lips. As she moved away again Lucy noticed how her daughter's nipples had hardened already. She was about to go down to suck on one when she remembered a glass.

"Katie luv I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you to get a glass."

"No worries, I'll get it." Katie got out of bed and headed for the door when her mum called out.

"Bring up one of your dad's pint beer glasses, the one he used to drink from."

"You can't pee in that! He still uses it when he's here!"

"Good, it's perfect then!" Said Lucy with a wicked grin on her face.

*You're really naughty mum, but alright I'll get it!" Replied Katie, her grin even wider than her mum's.

"Don't rush darling, I can hold on and I don't want you falling down the stairs!"

"No mum, I'll be careful."

Katie didn't exactly run but she wasted no time in finding the glass and bounded back up the stairs two steps at a time again. She went back into their bedroom and received another telling off from her mum. "I told you not to rush didn't I?"

"Yes mum, I'm sorry but...."

"No buts Katie! Do as you are fucking told! You had better start getting use to instructions young lady. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes mum....sorry."

"Give me the glass."

Katie handed the beer glass to her mum who placed it on the bedside cabinet next to her. Katie was about to climb back into bed when her mum stopped her and told her to lay on top of the bed. Lucy then slipped out from under the duvet and joined her daughter. Katie placed her hand on her mums tummy again and asked if she was ready to do it.

"Yes darling." Came the reply. "It's almost there."

"Are you going to do it straight into my mouth?"

"No, not today sweetheart, we'll build you up to that. I'm going to drop it all on the bed, on the plastic sheet and piss into the glass. Slow and steady for your first time, I don't want to overwhelm you."

"I'll be okay mum."

"We do it my way or not at all Katie."

"Alright. Yes mum."

"Good girl. Are you ready for it? I can do it now."

"Yeah, go for it. Can I watch it come out?"

"If you want to darling."

Lucy picks up the glass from her bedside cabinet then positions herself and squats down on the bed. Katie scurries around so that she can look up at her mums bum.

"Are you really going to poo now?"

"Yes darling I am. You sure you're okay with that?"

"Yep, I can't wait, I'm excited, this is going to be awesome."

"Here goes then."

There was a pause for a few seconds before Katie cries out. "It's coming mum, I can see it, wow! Look at that!"

"I know it's coming darling, I can feel it, I don't need commentary."

"Yeah but it's awesome, wow, I can see it, it's hanging out your bum mum!" There it goes, it's dropped, I can smell it already."

"Katie, why are you so excited? I'm only shitting!"

"Yeah but you're doing it on the bed and I'm watching! It's fucking brilliant! Here comes some more, Wow!"

The commentary didn't stop until her mum had dumped the lot. Katie watched in awe as the second piece dropped quickly and was followed even quicker by the third and fourth turd. Just as the second turd fell the sound of Lucy pissing into the glass could be heard. That sound prompted Katie to ask if her mum was pissing now. 'Yes darling' came the reply, 'I'm pissing and shitting at the same time.' That was followed by a rather sarcastic. 'Is that alright with you?' Katie didn't pickup on the sarcasm and simply told her mum that it was.

Lucy finished pissing then spent a few moments pushing the last pieces of shit out from her arse before moving and stretching her legs.

"Do you want me to lick you clean now mum?"

"Not right now sweetheart, you'll be doing it soon but, like I said, I want to take things slowly to start with."


"I've told you Katie, I don't want to overwhelm you. Look sweetheart, I want this as much as you do darling. I want you to become mummy's toilet, if we go too fast too soon it may put you off and I don't want that. We'll do it all properly soon, do you trust me?"

"Yeah okay. It does smell a bit doesn't it?"

"Off course it smells Katie, your nose is not far away from a pile of my shit! We are taking things slowly Katie because my shit will be nothing like yours and you're already finding that out by it's smell aren't you?"

Lucy looked at her daughters face and could see a screwed up look, she could tell that the smell was not what her daughter was expecting. Nevertheless Katie lowered her face over the pile, stuck out her tongue and licked the turd laying on the top of the pile. Lucy smiled, not that Katie could see it but it was a smile of satisfaction. Lucy wanted more than anything to watch Katie eat some of her shit.

Just when Lucy thought the situation was progressing nicely though, Katie let out a cough as she choked on the smell.

"Fuck mum, it fucking stinks, what have you eaten?"

"It's not what I've eaten darling, you're finding out that someone else's shit is nowhere near as pleasant as your own. Look Katie, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Lucy was disappointed but she didn't want to force her daughter into doing this if she couldn't handle it.

"It's alright mum, I'm going to do it, I'll get used to it won't I?"

"I don't know darling, mummy hopes you will but it's a big step."

Katie goes back to the pile of shit and licks it again, then Lucy hears her daughter sniff in deeply. Katie chokes on the smell again but isn't deterred as she licks it again.

"That's beautiful Katie, try to enjoy it sweetheart."

"I will mum."

"Whenever you are ready Katie, pick out a turd. It can be a big one or a small one, whichever you are comfortable with. Then take your time, mummy wants to watch you eat it. You are getting me really horny darling."

Katie used her fingers to pull the shit pile apart, there was no sign of the 'not wanting to touch it' finger grab she used when picking up her mum's dirty knickers. This was a confident handling of another person's faeces as she moved turds around selecting the one she wanted. Unsurprisingly in many ways she selected the largest piece and held it aloft.

"Katie luv, you don't have to eat the biggest bit, why don't you pick out a smaller piece for your first time?"

"It's not my first time!" Replied Katie indignantly.

"It is eating mummy's poo sweetheart, it won't be like eating your own." Lucy was conscious of not pushing her daughter too quickly.

"Don't worry mum it's only a bit of shit, it might taste a bit different but it's still only bodily waste. If you won't let me eat all of it then I'll eat the biggest bit!"

"Only if you are sure Katie." Lucy was, in fact, desperate to watch her daughter eat it but she was also desperate for her daughter to become her full time toilet. She was worried about Katie going too fast and being permanently put off by it.

Ever since Lucy and Julie split up Lucy had spent many hours analysing where their relationship went wrong. She kept arriving at the same conclusion.

Lucy had wanted Julie to be her toilet 24/7 but Julie refused, only performing 'full' duties at a weekend and as a urinal on weekday evenings. Lucy could tell that her partner, her toilet, was comfortable drinking her piss but taking a full dump of shit often proved difficult for Julie. Lucy knew it of course but she always became highly sexually aroused whenever Julie consumed her excrement. So aroused in fact that it caused her to try pushing Julie much further than she really wanted to go.

Lucy was now well aware that she should have acted more responsibility and followed up on the obvious signs of reluctance Julie displayed, but no she kept pushing until Julie couldn't take any more.

They did love each, Lucy was confident of that. In fact she now realises that Julie's love for her was the driving force in her becoming Lucy's toilet in the first place. During these last few weeks she had constantly tortured herself with her thoughts at what might have been if she hadn't constantly wanted more from her partner. Lucy knew that all she had to do was to accept Julie's limits and if she had done they would probably still be together now.

Lucy was determined not to make the same mistake again with her daughter.

"It's beautiful mum." Said Katie, referring to the piece of shit she was holding proudly in front of her.

"Is it?" Replied a surprised and sceptical Lucy.

"Of course it is! Shit IS beautiful and yours is especially beautiful. Just look at it, you made this specially for me, inside your body and now you've given it to me to appreciate and enjoy."

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