by MarshAlien
I truly enjoyed this story beyond anything I have ever read on this site. A pure joy to read.
thank you for writing this nice story, and kudos for doing it well. very good.
Great story, a great read. I am glad I found it. I'd recommend this to anyone.
you had me waiting eagerly for each installment of this story
thank you
Great baseball story. What's with all the sex, though? (grin)
Seriously, I've read a lot of stories here where the comments read "best story on this site", or something similar. They're all wrong. THIS is the best story on the site. Thanks for writing, and I look forward to more from you!
I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, when he would have returned to 9th grade. I'd have to say this is your best story to date. Keep up the wonderful work!
This is the only story from this site that I have copied and converted to PDF and sent to almost everyone I know (LOL didn't send links because I didn't need people knowing about my literary tastes). I apologize to the author for editing the version of the story I sent to my mother, for her I had to remove the sex scenes (LOL).
Thank you very much!
It could of went so many ways, but you sent it where it should have. Thank you for intertaing us. Mike from Texas
Like any good story, I found myself angry at the characters for their stupid actions, or worried for them in their difficulties. I've not been around high school kids for a while, but it does feel very well researched. Just wonder where a kid with a 15 year old brain and an 18 year old body got so much wisdom about life, sports, relationships.
That three-hour change of partners, during the formal, was the only thing that didn't quite ring true to me, but what do I know about teenagers?
Thanks for a good story, and a good proverb: Be ready when it's your turn.
I've read a lot of stories in Literotica,,, and I like this one better than any I have read to date.. Thank you
All seven chapters were perfectly paced and equally excellent. I am envious. You have accomplished what I only could hope to approach; a long story that always holds our interest.
Thank you for your time in putting this story together. It was a wonderful read.
This is one of the best series I have ever read.
Thank you for writing it
there are so few non-anonymous comments. This alien life form appears to be far superior to anything earth has produced, at least on Lit. The fact that he/it understands the infield fly rule proves conclusively he/it is not of this world. We need only stand back and see how good this alien gets!
This has been probably the best novel/series I have read at Literotica, or even on the web in general, in years, if not ever.
I couldn't help but feel happy for the end results, having felt earlier on that Cammie and Patrick gave off those 'vibes', even though they were together with others.
Very nice story. I recomend seeing about getting it published, if you haven't already.
Hope to see more of your work in the future.
Every chapter of this story has been beyond wonderful. I don't think I can find the right words to express how amazing this story was.
I was so sad when he and Tanya split, and so happy when he and Cammie finally got together.
I hope you continue writing more stories like this, because I will be checking everyday for them.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
loved it! great coming of age romantic story. hope to see more from you soon.
I couldn't stop thinking about your characters after I finished the story. I had hoped it would never end!
So far all of your efforts have continued to surpass themselves.
I cannot express my appreciation for the quality effort you have put into this. Your characters are so well crafted that we begin to really care what happens to Trick. When he and Tanya had to split it was the right thing but it pulled the right emotional strings.
Thank you!
What a great story. Growing up and redeeming ones self at the same time. Nice plot line, be careful what you wish for, you might get it! The dialog, background, and hot sex were perfect. I will agree with HDK and wonder why so many of the comments are anonymous? I'm proud to say what I think of this story!
I loved how your story carried through. characters and story line were great.
Thank You
once again you prove to me that you are the best writer of stories i have read on this site.i eagerly await your next submission. i laughed i cried i related and im a guy.great job.
Loved the story! The characters were (mostly) realistic, and the plot was really engaging. Even without any sex scenes it would have been an excellent series. For the last week or so, I've been checking your submissions page at least once a day, eagerly awaiting the latest addition to your work.
My one complaint is that, frankly, I didn't like Cammie very much. It seemed that for most of the series all she did was make sarcastic remarks and call Patrick an "asshole." By the time we saw her sensitive side, it was too little, too late.
But all in all, great job!
Wow, this story had me glued to my monitor a little too long, but I loved every frickin word. You are the best writer on the internet period. Please submit more of your magic. Thank you for entertaining us. Luis
I probably learned more about baseball than I really wanted to know (being English - we're supposed to like cricket!) but I doff my cap to a superb writer, who tells a great story. Real characters, in a real world, people to care about. Thank you.
What a great story this was! I waited until the end to make any comments but I did vote as each chapter came out. You're a great writer!
This was an excellent novel. It was full of all the main elements of a great story and was well constructed. It made me laugh, it made me cry. It had drama. I don't know if the level of adulthood it showed in the teenages was realistic. I realize things are much different now than they were fifty years ago. Since I was socially immature at that age myself, maybe I can't appreciate that these teens are thinking and acting at such levels. Nevertheless, I give it high points for enjoyability. I'm glad it wasn't just a fuck & suck story, but a real Romance. I had a hard time putting it aside to get mundane chores done.
You already know how I feel about this story. It's fabulous.
YOU, on the other hand...
Extremely well written and detailed romance throughout the story, I was absolutely enthralled by it all and spent the last 3 days on my vacation away from home reading this on my laptop!.
A wonderfuly inspiring read.
You're an evil warlock. I have enjoyed all of your submissions, but this one hooks me. I have read the entire story now 5 different times. My wife is questioning me about what I am doing locked to the computer for the time it takes to read the whole story. I can't read just part of it and though I know what is going to happen, I can't stop.
Please keep your writings shorter so I don't have to spend so much time reading. But, whatever you do, don't stop.
It is 04:27; I could not stop reading until I finished !Not a wasted night , and expect sweet dreams. Thank you for such compelling writeing.
Awesome story. I really enjoyed reading it. Well-written and I really empathized with the characters. (Which makes me a sentimental fool, but whatever).
I never imagined I would find such a wonderful story of redemption told so well on an erotic literature site. This is a great series. I love all of your writing, but this story stands above everything else I have ever read on Literotica. I could gush on for hours. Thanks.
Honestly this is one of the best stories i've ever read on this site fantastic job.
I spent the better part of an entire day - no, make that a day and night - reading the entire series. Some readers might complain about the sparse sex in the story, but I think it was just the right amount. Although I think I had a clue from the beginning about Cammie, I just couldn't wait to get to the end to find out. Thanks for a great read!
This story took me four hours to read from start to finish, and besides the fact that I started at 1030 at night, it was worth every second. I just need to remember to start reading your stuff earlier in the day. Lose less sleep that way ;)
THIS was truly one of the best stories i've ever read. Ever. Not just here, but in print as well. Well done.
I have ready many other stories on this site, but none can quite compare to this AMAZING story.
I read it from start to finish in one sitting, and the only complaint I can find, is that there is not more.
I don't quite know what to say, because I feel my words won't do it justice.
It was... palm sweating-ly good. Why did it have to end?
You're my hero.
This was an excellent story. Found it very compelling. Exceptionally well written until the last paragraph of the last chapter on the last page of the entire story when you stated that after these two have a couple of kids, when she may not be as 'TIGHT' as she is now, it would be okay because she would still his beautiful Cammie. What a stupid and demeaning thing to say. Patrick had come a long way from his asshole status. I know the character is just a teenager but was that really necessary? Would he really think that at this moment? Did you think that when you made love or had sex at 18, actually during the act? Give me a break. What a sad and sickening way to end a great, great novella.
I read this when MA first posted it. Read it again this weekend - very difficult to put it down. Writing, character development, realism, plot: all superb, with a few nice erotic bits thrown in. Well done!
this is by far the best story on literotica.... you find yourself almost skipping the sex scenes to find out what happens next... not that theres anything wrong with the sex scenes...
seriously though... this could be published !!!
I thought the writing was superb but after awhile it seemed really long-winded. I found myself skipping over the baseball parts. And while I get that Patrick would still have feelings for Cammie because he missed a few years of his life, his relationship with her seemed a bit sudden to me. Nice work, nonetheless.
very well done.. Spending 5 hours on reading a non erotic story... Guinness should add my name on their book.
I enjoyed every minute of this story and beleive it would be worthy of prit
I stayed up 'till 4:00 AM to finish this story, and laughed and almost cried my way through it. (not easy to say for a guy!) Great story line, great character developement, great sex scenes, and even though the sex thinned out toward the end, by then I was so caught up in the story that I didn't really care. When are you printing this...?
I'm a little late to the game, but no less appreciative of the wonderful writing and crafting of this story. I loved it from beginning to end, and I was sorry to see it end. I don't think I can add anything more that hasn't already been said, so I'll simply thank you for sharing such an amazing story :-)
Thank you for an excellent story.Like some of the other readers, I found it difficult to stop reading. It moved well and came to a satisfying conclusion. I wish more stories were like this one.
It's freaking 4:15 in the morning. I just finished your story. Novella. Thing. It's was great, probably the best thing I've read on this site.
4:59 am for me, thanks for a great story with most of fun stuff really in there. I liked the characters, the erotica, the conflicts, and attitudes. Now I can go to sleep.
Honestly the best story I have ever read here. I love the action suspense and believability of the characters. I loved the ending.
Thanks for providing such a great piece of literature.
Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Great story.
Mike from Texas
Thanks for writing! Really enjoyed the story. I always like optimistic coming of age stories probably because my high school days sucked so bad. The only thing I found unrealistic was Trick and Cammie going off to different schools hundreds of miles apart. I don't believe many long distance relationships ever survive especially when the couple is so young.
It took me 6 hours straight to burn through this series. Worth every second. Exemplar writing filled witty, touching and realistic characters, this is a blockbuster if I ever saw one.
Well done.
Hyperbole Hyperbole Hyperbole. Flawless victory. Great story, well written and exciting. a perfect mix of high school life and wit. Keep up the good work
I just spent the whole day reading this series. I have you booked as one of my favorites.
I am kind of shocked right now, going over this story, because this is probably one of the best stories I have read about redemption that I actually think of, since it's in an erotica website. Truly, I am extremely impressed and kind of sad as well that the story ended. I know the story was long, but so worth it that I wished there was at least another chapter focused on Patrick and Cameron. Wow, great characters, and awesome story. You are a simply awesome storyteller. And, I got to learn a lot about baseball as well.
C'mon man, how could you end such a great story like that. After going threw 7 chapters in like 5 hours, you don't elaborate more about trick and cammie's relationship. I was like waiting for that. You gotta write their story man, somehow, this is way too good of a story to end so fast.
Come on, extend the story a little, don't leave the ending like that. Give your readers a litte more. Such a sweet story. I hope for more of this.
Having missed a lot of sleep the last two nights reading this superb piece of work, I don't have a supremely witty comment to add just now. I can say however, if you're not doing this for a living yet, which I highly doubt, you owe it to the world to get cracking on your new career.
Other than the gap in his memory, this is a well written and beleivable classic. I applaud the melding of behavior by "Trick" and his solution to finding his true worth. I wonder how well any one of us would have the courage to face our own hidden demons?
Thank you for this submissiom. In my opinion a "sequal" or continuation would only muddy the waters of imagination as to the future of our two reluctant, though inevitable, lovers.
Well done!
Please, don't even think of adding a sequel to this beautifully finished story (I've just read it for the 5th time - it's WONDERFUL). But keep writing stories for us, please.
I love your humor, your intelligence, your sense of creating believable characters, not just the leading roles but also the extras...
Thank you thank you thank you
You're an amazing writer!
I love your style :)
Enjoyed the series very much.
That was THE most beautiful story I've read. I'd never expected to come across something so fulfilling and uplifting(spiritually) out here...
Please do keep writing more n more... I got all misty-eyed...
Kept me glued to the monitor all day I think that tommorrow I will start in on your other works but not tonight as I want to get to sleep. :)
Keep writting and I will keep reading and enjoying.
Just as someone else mentioned no sequels please. (though a prequel might be good if done just right and kept short about those three lost years and his jerkhood)
I am a fifty year-old father of three teen-agers - gifted athletes and potential scholars every one.
Sure, I experienced the same amazing rush of emotions as so many other readers have posted about . . . pride, horror, shock, amusement, tears (yes, grown men DO cry) and laughter . . . lots and lots of laughter. Sometimes even laughter and tears together.
But what I feel is most remarkable of all (for me at least), is to find myself thinking seriously about passing the URL link to this story to my teen-age sons . . . sex scenes and all.
MarshAlien, I expect that you have heard before that you have a remarkable ability to tell a great story. Bless you for sharing that gift with all of us. Bless you, indeed!
I've been a fan of your work since reading Living Dolls some time ago. I absolutely loved this story. I know this is Literotica and we all come here expecting sex, but you provided that and more. I'm going to read all your stories now and I hope you would give consideration to coming back to this story and either giving it another chapter or an epilogue. But that's the fan of your story in me talking, of course it's perfect as it is.
Keep writing and I'll keep reading. (I hope you give consideration to writing more in the Living Dolls story as well). :)
THIS was truly a great story. I can't write enough platitudes about it, so I won't try. This was just the best example of what great storytelling is all about. At no point did I feel the characters were false, and between how beautifully they were illustrated, as well as how wonderfully the plot was drawn out, in the end it just came down to being a plain and simple good story. Sounds simple to achieve, but this story proves how much work goes into that little miracle. Good job!!!
I've lived 27 years and this is so far the best story ever !
Go to hollywood and get your story made into a movie.
...this is a 12! Thanks for a great, great read! Publish it at once!
I really loved this story,it brought a whole range of emotion out of me. I would like to say continue the good work.
I was disappointed when Trick and Tanya separated. We had seen them together a lot, and I'd grown to like her. I don't get why Trick was supposed to be madly in love with Cammie. They didn't have a real relationship that Trick could remember. He'd reluctantly agreed to spend some time with Cammie when his sister pushed them together, and he and Cammie shared a little kiss. That's it. If we'd been shown a strong, loving relationship between Trick and Cammie before the time travel, I would have been rooting for them to get that relationship back. But we weren't shown that relationship, and I didn't particularly care whether he got back with Cammie or not. I do think this is a well written story, and I enjoyed it. I just didn't feel any sense of victory when Trick and Cammie got back together. In fact, I missed Tanya.
Instead of studying for multiple tests, I pulled an all nighter tonight solely so that I could finish your story. Poignant, flowing, the melody of the words and the harmony of the story you told melded perfectly into one cohesive whole. Although I do agree with the comment that perhaps the whole Trick-Cammie relationship was a bit underdone in the beginning, it was nonetheless a gripping tale of motivation, hard work, and introspection in one's life. Thank you so much for this story.
The romance and religion stuff was really good, the concept of Jews dating non-Jews is definitely real. I was surprised (and a bit disappointed) the idea of Patrick converting to Judaism wasn't discussed a bit more. When he talks about his Religion class final to the whole school, and the question about a Jewish character in the bible, the stage is definitely set!
+1 for the movie idea,<br>
But in my opinion this could be a great story for a movie even without going to the over budgeted Hollywood, and might even benefit from the atmosphere that an independent studio can bring.<br>
P.S. I too would have liked a bit move explanation of why Patrick loved Cammie some much, probably at the start of the story.<br>
P.P.S. I nearly cried, just nearly, oh so close.
The first half of the story was one of the better works I have read on this site. Chapters 5-7, I found largely uneventful and somewhat cheesy. May have be targeted more toward females.
sorry to rain on your parade. But marrying jews only is as racist as belittling them for being jewish.
Very real, if not a bit over sexed... but that what this place is all about right?
I loved your story, and I can't believe I didn't stumble upon it sooner. At times they all acted like brats and bitches and that irritated me, but I think it's just a great example of your characterization skills.
You have some of the best stories on the site, and I have truly enjoyed reading them. I laughed, I cried, I enjoyed the sex scenes. Thank you.
I've read it for 4 straight hours and i didn't get any sleep. I've been glued to the laptop!
I dreamed, laughed, cried, got horny, etc...
My eyes are still red and puffy, not just for not sleeping for the whole night (it's now 6:11AM) but also for crying.
This is great! Reminds me of Sweet Valley novels, but even better. You should get published.
Thanks a lot for the great story!
This is THE best story i've ever come across on any website. to indicate just how good i think it is...well...i've read maybe about a couple hundred stories, but this is the first time i'm commenting on one. you really are an amazing writer.
Title of comment says it all. This was a wonderful, well-crafted, and superbly-written story. My only disappointments are why are there only 5 stars to choose instead of 50, or hell, even 100? And, how come I'm just now discovering this story in 2010 when it was written/posted in 2007?
But really, thanks for such an amazing story. It held me captivated and spell-bound from Ch. 01 to the very end. I cried (both happy and bittersweet tears), sputtered in choked laughter at several humorous innuendos and puns, and finally giving up decided "Oh, what the hell" and allowed myself frequent bouts of raucous laughter, uncaring that i was waking up my sleeping neighbors at 3:00 AM in the morning.
You're a pretty damn good writer and I have to echo at least one previous commenter about this story being prime publishing material. Thanks for a splendidly fascinating tale!
It is finished , it is done , so soon, RATS!! Want more, please more! Sequel ?????
Well done !!
Fabulous. Loved Living Dolls, love this. Hope you're making bank or beneficence somewhere with this talent.
I considered this a pleasure to read and will be reading anything else you post
Wonderful, engaging, an absolute pleasure to read. Thank you so much for putting me two days behind in all of my work! ;)
I came by looking for a "short story" in order to kill some time and ended up reading through last night....
Thanks for hours passing by without me noticing it at all, have`nt had that in a long time!
(P.S.: Sry for the english but as a german I do not tend to get too much practice!)