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A Strange Alliance


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"That's right, I am," he told me, his grin resurfacing muzzily. A sharp canine peeked below his lip. Large hands began undoing the clasps on my clothes, and I let him. What other option did I have? If I tried to stop him, he could just rip them away, and then I'd have no clothes left when we were done. I didn't want to do anything that could be viewed as aggressive, that could trigger the Beast. In any case, my arousal was building again. I recognized there was no out from what was about to happen, but I was resolved to enjoy it. I'd just have to be more passive than I was accustomed to in order to tread lightly around the Beast's instincts. With past lovers, I'd always taken the dominant role, often restraining them to ensure my safety. Maybe it was a bit of a kink too, but certainly I felt safer when my lover was thoroughly trussed up and simply presented a tool for my satisfaction. What was about to occur would be a far cry from those furtive and well planned encounters.

"Let's at least get your clothes off too," I suggested, and Mor looked up, bewildered. The alcohol really hit him hard. His Beastliness was wasted. Then one hand moved to pluck his shirt off while the other shot to the fastening of his trousers. Good, and with his hands occupied I could back up for a little breathing room. I made to move back and a rippling growl split the tent. I looked up into glowing eyes. Ok then. No moving. In any case I was transfixed by the big, golden body in front of me. Without his clothes, Mor was even more stunning than before. My gaze slid down what seemed like acres of chest, taut abs crisscrossed with a few white scars, and stopped. Now *that* was an erection. I tamped down on my apprehension since that wouldn't help me fit the huge cock that was apparently destined for me on this night.

Mor swayed, leaned forward, and I took a quick step back in spite of myself. This time he let me and followed, herding me toward the big bed lavishly draped with furs. The bed hit the backs of my knees and I fell ungracefully into it. Mor followed me down, once again a silhouette against the lamplight. With quick, if unsteady fingers, he finished removing my clothes and growled again, guttural and possessive, as my body was revealed in the low light. Pink lamplight dipped and flowed along my muscles and curves, shadows pooling in cold contrast to the rosy gold of my naked form. I wasn't particularly pretty, but my body was honed from years of fighting, fleeing, and intense training. There wasn't much softness to me, but what there was, he found. Before I knew what was happening, a tongue was on my nipple and I arched into the sensation with a groan. No kisses then; that was ok, one glimpse of the half emerged canines was enough to warn me off. In any case, I didn't need a slow and gentle foreplay. My nerves were singing like plucked lute strings already. I gave myself up to the sensation of his tongue on me, his fingers kneading and caressing, wandering where they chose. It was novel to be dominated, rather than being in control.

Mor leaned in, breathed deep, and uttered a single syllable. "Want." His voice rasped. "I can't... I'm -" A frustrated snarl rolled from him and Mor displayed the edge of his canines, closing his eyes as if in pain. The scent of strong liquor washed over me. I offered him a terse nod, understanding, acceptance, whatever he liked. The glow in his eyes told me the Beast was close to the surface. I trembled as his weight settled over me and his transformation began. It was close to instantaneous, muscles burgeoning into fur, a hand that grasped at my nipples spiking claws. I dared not twist away for fear of what those claws could do. Green eyes shone in a face that seemed devoid of human intelligence. A muzzle elongated to accommodate a wicked row of teeth. Incisors punched out. I couldn't decide if he looked more bear or wolf. It hardly mattered; what would happen next was all up to instinct now. I felt the hot length of his cock lying against my thigh and shuddered, my heart racing. It would tear me apart.

In spite of my very real fears, my pussy was as wet as it had ever been as he licked and nibbled his way up from my stomach to my breasts. I twisted away when the stimulation became too great, only to be pinned by a heavy clawed hand. My body's natural defense against what was to come became evident; in minutes I felt my arousal dripping down my thigh. I was thankful for that lubrication before long, when I felt the burning crown of Mor's Beast cock start pushing against my opening. It was massive; bigger by far than what I'd seen on his human form. The light was too low to get a good look, and besides, I didn't want to spook the Beast, so I lay back, trembling with terror or anticipation or some heady mix of both. I was very aware that if he took me roughly now, he could kill me, and I wasn't sure who was in control here, man or Beast.

He was going slowly, meeting resistance, conquering it. My body opened, stretched for him, and still it was not enough. Mor's Beast gave a frustrated whine and surged forward, giving in to the drive of instinct. I stifled a scream, stretched beyond anything I could have imagined as the massive dick plowed into me. For a few moments my vision flooded red, and then cleared. I had a glimpse of glowing green eyes bearing down on me, devouring me visually before I blinked my eyes shut and focused on coping with the stretch. Somehow he stilled, only part way in. That was as far as it was going to go. He'd better accept that - I bared my teeth at him in a futile show of strength. Slowly, I grew accustomed. I sobbed, overwhelmed, hiccupped, and stilled, waiting. My skin felt hot and taut, stretched, anticipation burning through me along with the pain of being overfull.

Then he began to move again, quick short strokes that rasped against my clit, bringing welcome warmth and arousal back to the fore. This was unlike anything I could have imagined. For a few minutes, intense pleasure built as he continued to fuck me. I lay back, gasping, and tried not to squirm as sensations zinged between my groin and breasts. The overfull feeling didn't fade, but other, more pleasurable sensations overpowered it. Distantly I could hear myself whimpering, awash with pleasure.

I would have been happy to take it like this forever, but apparently it wasn't enough for Mor. The Beast growled and manipulated my body ungently, slinging me onto all fours to line himself up again. This time I was more or less ready, although the cock sank even deeper from this angle. And then he really began to move. My body sang out with a mixture of pleasure and pain as a clawed hand closed around my throat and a massive cock pillaged me from behind. He was taking me for all I was worth and there was no resistance left.

I was spiraling up on a wave half pleasure, half agony - ready, waiting. The slick sounds of our joining made me moan, took me higher. A claw punctured the delicate skin of my throat and the needle of pain brought me to the edge. I snarled as I found my release, and behind me, Mor's Beast did the same, quickening his strokes into sharp, jerky motions. I collapsed, boneless, and he followed me down, rutting mercilessly, pressing me into the furs. Within moments I felt scalding cum spurt inside me; more than I could have imagined, filling every crevice, unable to ooze past the enormous member still lodged in my tight passage. I felt swollen, packed with it, even as I quivered around what impaled me. Mor gave an almost human-sounding groan of satisfaction and released my neck, claws sliding back through my hair.

Elation sang through me even as exhaustion claimed me. The light seemed to flicker behind my closed eyes. All the brutal training sessions of my growing years had not scratched the surface of my physicality; this was by far the most embodied, the most intense workout of my life. I had survived, and what's more, I had enjoyed the experience on a primal level. I'd have to thank the Beast Lord for a night to remember. Or not... but I'd leave political machinations for the morrow. I felt his massive dick slide free with a gentle tug, and collapsed onto my side to sleep it all off. As I descended into a daze of exhaustion, I thought I felt the Beast's muzzle brush my neck and a warm tongue swipe lazily across my throat. We both succumbed to slumber on a deeply satisfied sigh.

My eyes were gritty and my breasts ached. The thin light filtering into the tent was grey, signaling dawn. I half-woke to feel hands frantically patting my naked body down, feeling for a pulse beneath my throat, fingers shaking. Someone was riled. Drowsily, I wondered if he forgot he could hear my heartbeat, or if dulled senses were part of a Beast hangover. Fingers skated over the bruises on my neck and I let out an involuntary moan of pain. That part didn't feel so good. I became aware of aches in other parts of my body. Most notably, between my legs was pretty sore, but with a good ache of satisfying sex. I needed more sleep anyway. I'd drift off again on the welcoming furs if he'd just leave me alone. A minute later, apparently satisfied that I lived, he did. I saw the tent flap swing open, and heard a bellow that must have rung across the camp.

"Arduoch!" Mor's voice echoed in my half awake brain. Arduoch was the Beast Lord's second in command, I recalled. He favored moderation and was known to reign in His Beastliness's more reckless maneuvers. "What the fuck are you looking at?" The voice was like a lash, and I heard the scurry of what I presumed were Beast underlings retreating, leaving their commanders to confer in relative privacy. Now Mor's voice lowered and I only caught scraps of the conversation. "... were you thinking? ... in my bed, smeared with blood, all over bruises." "Could have killed her! ... full Beast... yes, no thanks to you." Arduoch didn't seem to have much to say for himself. He must have been the one to get Mor so comprehensively drunk, disregarding potential consequences. Or perhaps choosing those consequences as an acceptable risk. "Telling me to fucking celebrate since I had the bitch under my dominion. You knew..." Most of that was easy to follow. "...how could you guess her scent affected me?" "...guessed she was an Alpha female like no other - yes it was a chance." Arduoch's measured tones cut in briefly. Mor's outrage went on. I couldn't bring myself to be upset as I stretched and felt the deep languor that suffused my body. I'd never get a fucking like that again.

Mor snarled and I imagined him running his hands through his cropped dark hair in frustration. It would be standing up all over the place. I bet he had epic bed head this morning. I could already tell that I did; my chestnut locks were tangled around my head, and matted in places with goddess knows what substances. I couldn't even remember Mor undoing my braid, yet he must have. I stretched, sighed, and let sleep reclaim me. I was in no present danger, that I knew. It felt like the first time in a long time that I had no need to be on high alert. My uncle couldn't reach me here, the Beasts presented me no current threat, naked as I was in the tent of their leader... I welcomed the feeling of safety as I burrowed deeper into the furs of the Beast Lord's bed and drifted off once more.

When next I woke, the morning was considerably advanced. The aroma of a well seasoned stew wafted up to me, making my stomach growl. I rolled over cautiously, exceedingly conscious of my aches and pains but able to ignore them momentarily for the promise of hot food. Mor knelt beside my bed - his bed, I should say - with a pinched expression lurking in the backs of his eyes, and an earthenware bowl in his hands. A faint curl of steam rose from the bowl and I leaned forward in interest. Most of my mind was on the food, but I spared a look at Mor, curious how he was doing after yesterday's adventure. Much to my disappointment, he was clothed. His face was pale and grooves bracketed his mouth, as if from stress or pain or both. That must be some Beastly hangover. I would have laughed at him but something told me he wasn't in the mood for quips.

"Huntress," Mor said, offering me the bowl. His voice was choked with constraint. "Beast Lord," I nodded in reply, acknowledging my snooping of the night before. I accepted the broth and drank, letting the silence stretch between us. If he had a tail it would be tucked between his legs right now. This was a far cry from the coolly confident Mor who first captured me in the forest and told me I looked delicious. And I was right, his short hair stood all on end as if he'd run his hands through it over and over in frustration. I wanted to reach out and smooth the unruly dark tufts. I gripped the bowl tighter instead. Where had that thought come from? Letting him think he was forgiven had no part in my plan.

As I finished the soup, I let my mind wander to our activities of the previous night. Mor still knelt before me, and some part of me relished having this brutal, seasoned warrior on his knees in front of me. Especially when he had dominated me so roughly and satisfyingly last night. I felt a flicker of arousal as I recalled being cradled by his big body, then driven hard into the furs as he took his pleasure. I shifted where I sat, knowing my hardening nipples betrayed my state and trying hard not to care. Mor's nostrils widened and his eyes shot up to meet mine, pupils dilating. I held his gaze and he looked away first, green eyes slanting down and returning to the ground. There was certainly something to be said for naked diplomacy - it gave me an edge.

As I took care of my body's most immediate need for food and drink, I considered my situation. I was bruised and naked in the Beast Lord's bed, for one thing. I was not uncomfortable with it, but Mor clearly was. I tried to see myself through his eyes and realized the marks of our lovemaking were all over my body. Bruises ringed my neck, and dried blood smeared from a claw puncture high on my throat, meandering in a muddy red stream to the top of my left breast. Lower down, some bite and claw marks marred the curve of my breasts and stomach, though none of them had broken the skin. I couldn't really remember how they got there. My tangled tresses did little to conceal my slightly battered state. I wasn't looking particularly beautiful or dignified, and yet it seemed I held Mor captive before me with nothing but the force of my presence. In this moment, I could have asked the Beast Lord for anything, and his shame and remorse would require he comply. Tricky Arduoch. I sighed.

"Mor..." His eyes remained on the ground and hands fisted at his sides. I'd have to play this carefully. "My Lord." His eyes met mine once again, hazel and clear this morning, the beast chained far back in its cave. Brows furrowed infinitesimally. He didn't like being addressed as such. He held himself aloof from me even as he wished to make amends. His shame was too great, perhaps. I slipped off the bed and matched his posture, kneeling too. My slighter form was dwarfed by his, but now he was forced to meet my eye, to avoid staring at my body where I knelt knee to knee with him. Our closeness sparked an uneven heartbeat. I worked to keep my reaction under control. When I spoke, I was relieved to hear my voice come out low and even.

"My offer was genuine. You've read it. You know me now, about as well as any other man has before. What will you do?"

His eyes lit with a possessive light. The words were out with involuntary intensity. "Other men. You won't go with them anymore." It came out with the force of a command, suffused with unnamable emotion. He tried to make it a question. I could take it as a threat, or take it for what I knew it was; the Beast's mating instincts taking over. I found I wasn't dissatisfied with this particular turn of events, though he didn't have to know it yet. And I still had questions about our compatibility.

"You can hardly think to ask any such thing of me. I've addressed a question to you, of huge political import, and I will have my answer," I told him coldly, and watched Mor leash himself with visible effort. He seemed reluctant to speak, and I was all too happy to fill the silence. I was enjoying my role now, backing the savage Beast into a corner. "I showed myself willing to parley. I set conditions and attempted to follow them. I was assaulted, here in this forest you rule, here in your tent; I, a hand of the king, a potential ally. You have choices before you, but through your own deeds you've drastically narrowed your options. You may trust me, or you may kill me." Mor made a muffled sound of protest. "Arduoch would agree with me. He appears to have wanted this alliance very much, to risk his skin in such a manner." I let warmth creep back into my tone. Mor's eyes snapped to mine. "I'm asking you again, Mor, what will you do?"

I watched the ruler of the Beasts reassert, saw a leader emerge in the squared shoulders and watchful gaze. He breathed deep, exhaled long and slow. "Let us work together. There is much we can do. I will follow your lead in your plans for the Hunter, but we must reach some compromises about what the future of the Hunter's forces look like. I assume the King would not sanction disbanding them altogether?" I nodded. Privately I realized that the King would be unlikely to let me lead them either if I formed a mating bond with the Beast Lord, but such things need not be considered yet. I was by no means certain my body could handle many more such nights as the last one, in spite of the way my blood heated whenever my thoughts wandered to our encounter. Mor must be highly uncomfortable, catching occasional whiffs of my arousal from this close. Nonetheless, he was behaving like a gentleman, possibly put off by my bruised and unbathed state. I couldn't be bothered to interpret the clenching and unclenching of his hands, as doubtless I wasn't meant to notice.

"I'll bring you water for washing, and some fresh clothes." He stood, towering over me. I saw a bleak look cross his face and vanish into impassivity. I rose too, stretching to work the kinks out of my well used and still exhausted limbs. My breath came in on a hiss as a strained muscle twanged painfully. I'd be paying for last night for days to come.

"And, Huntress -" a lost look crossed his face as he faltered, watching me arch my back. "Your name?" "Call me Nathalia." Mor inclined his head, and I heard the ghost of a sigh. "Nathalia. I am sorry for the hurt I caused you yesterday. By my actions, I will try to earn your forgiveness." My startled gaze tracked his retreating figure as he left the tent. He was gone before I could formulate a reply. We were off to a shockingly good start. When would the brash warrior who was all instinct and more than half Beast show up? And did I want him to? I had to admit that I more than half did wish for it.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Well finish it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

This would do great as an actual story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Need more Mor ASAP!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I was looking for a quick read for *ahem* personal time before bed. Instead I got caught in the story, and now I need to know what happens!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I'm so ready for this to be a series. Please!?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great start!

I was enthralled from the beginning! I hope you write a sequel!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Loved this

This could be an amazing novel. I hope you continue to write.

AmazonBeauty1966AmazonBeauty1966almost 6 years ago
Well now ...

... this is certainly a delightful tale in the making!!! I do hope I see more!! Thank you :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
more plz

This can be a novel.. I want to read more into the story, this was fantastic!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Great descriptions and fascinating inner monologues. I implore you, please continue. Your work shows not just passion but also a brilliance I do not see on this site often. I appreciate the time you took to write every word. Again, Please continue.

TJSkywindTJSkywindalmost 6 years ago
Engaging story

Could be a stand-alone, but the questions at the end almost beg for a sequel. Much has been explained already, but there is room to expand the tale as well.

Thanks for sharing. 5* Slainté

EclipsedWolvesEclipsedWolvesalmost 6 years ago
So Good!!!

I hope that you write more for this story line, this was fantastic and enthralling!

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