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A Summer of Submission Pt. 07

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Julie and her masters visit a new couple's playroom.
8.1k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 03/02/2024
Created 12/02/2022
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My Masters promised a Brunch following our stops on the late summer Art

Tour. They chose a lovely restaurant with an outdoor patio and an interesting menu. I tried the grilled portabello mushrooms smothered in a creamy cheese sauce. It was delicious. Paired with it was a delicious fruity white wine.

After the many many sexual and bdsm sessions with my beautiful Masters I was now almost completely relaxed in their presence, simply letting my latent submissive nature flow. I found it peaceful to simply follow their instructions without thinking. And I just accepted that this might lead to a session where my hands were tied above my head and the restraint hooked to the ceiling and my masters would lash me with a leather strap, a whip with many falls or once and only once a three foot cane. Try as I might I couldn't tolerate the pain of the cane. At the second stroke, delivered by Marika, I screamed enough to scare the local wildlife and broke down into a sobbing mess. The pain was beyond excruciating and they took the rest of the session calming me down.

But that was over two weeks ago. While simply enjoying the afternoon sunshine and the great meal I noticed glances and looks going between Sam and Marika. Something was afoot I sensed. Sam finally cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Julie sweetheart we've got something to run by you. We're not entirely sure ourselves so we thought the three of us should discuss it before any decisions are made." Okay, I thought, this is interesting. I'm not usually consulted on what their plans are that involve me. I've given them my complete submission and I trust them implicitly that they would never truly harm or humiliate me.

I chirped a reply, "Happy to discuss anything with my Masters."

Marika continued, "Julie we've all agreed that this is a summer of discovery. We went into this looking to expand our sexual experiences and to explore another side of human sexuality. We couldn't be happier with how this summer has gone. We've both fallen for you and your delightful body and love our time with you. So, having said that, we've contacted another couple who seem to be on the same wavelength as we are. They have a D/s relationship with two submissives, a girl and a guy, which was a bit of a surprise for us. We're simply curious about their relationship."

She stopped there and took another sip of wine. I was intrigued and wondered where this might go so I asked, "And are you thinking of spending time with this couple? Have you met them yet?"

"No, we haven't met them in person but have exchanged emails and have talked to them on the phone for over an hour and they seem really open and friendly. We would like to meet them in person."

"Would I be part of this?" Frankly, I was wary of our relationship going beyond the three of us. I now accepted that what went on behind their closed door was very private between us. I had spoken of it to no-one, not even my closest girlfriends. I was still processing all I had done with Sam and Marika and in reality what I had become, if only for the summer. I wasn't ready to share this with the world and probably never would.

"Yes, we want to get your thoughts. Sharing our relationship outside of just us is not part of the deal we have so we need your consent. But before you answer let us assure you that this is just a get acquainted visit. They want to meet us and you as well."

"Okay, but what have you told them about me?" I asked warily.

"Just that we have a warm D/s relationship with a lovely young woman who has exceeded all our hopes for what a submissive could bring to Sam's and my life."

Wow, I thought, that's an interesting way of summing what we do with each other. My mind flashed to Sam play punishing me. While Marika liked to apply real pain with the belt, her hand or a lightly applied leather strap, often while I was suspended helpless by my arms tied to a ceiling hook, Sam liked to lie my naked body across his lap and alternate between caressing my ass and applying light slaps to my rear. His approach just caused a frisson of arousal for myself, and judging by the hard cock pushing into my stomach, him as well. On the other hand, Marika was incredibly turned on by beating me, a response to causing pain to another helpless woman that was something she couldn't explain or rationalize but had come to accept that she loved to do it. And my reward for enduring it was a torrid sexual romp with this highly aroused woman. After a punishment session she would kiss and lick all over my body and would often bring me to intense orgasms with her mouth on my sex. And after me she would have Sam fuck her hard and long. Sam's hard cock seemed to be the only thing that would satisfy her when she finished with me.

Marika was kind enough to know that after she had had her way with Sam I would really want the same even though she and I had pleasured each other intensively. But I wanted it all and my Mistress was determined to keep me happy. We would get Sam a glass of red wine and then proceed to work on him, starting with a loving massage delivered by four feminine hands all over his back, legs and ass. We would then work together on his cock, taking turns with loving licks, kisses and sucking until he was hard enough for me to mount and fuck him. Was I being greedy? Maybe. But in this summer of exploration I wanted as much as I could get, particularly in light of the floggings I endured at Marika's hands.

So I replied, "If you really feel these people are discreet it might be fun to meet them and their submissives."


Driving down a long winding driveway in a beautiful rural setting we approached a sprawling home, clearly the residence of a well to do couple. I followed behind as Sam and Marika walked up and rang the bell. They seemed a bit quiet, almost nervous about this rendezvous but I revelled in my submissive role. All I had to do was smile and wait to be told what to do. Simple, right?

The door opened and a petite dark haired young woman opened the door. She welcomed us and said her name was Mika. I was immediately surprised by her dress. It was long and flowing but very translucent. Her features were very pretty and her eyes were a beautiful brown. I also couldn't help noticing the dress material moved deliciously around her breasts that were clearly unconstrained below. The thought also occurred to me that during the time with Marika I had developed an appreciation of other women, something that my pre-submission self had no interest in.

Behind her was a very handsome young man in a t-shirt and shorts. He had curly blond hair reaching his ears and neck and was beautifully tanned. I thought surfer dude but maybe that was a bit judgmental. He introduced himself as Mathieu and offered to take our bags that contained swim gear as recommended by our hosts Vivian and Louis.

We were led into a large expansive great room by Mathieu and Mika and immediately joined by Vivian and Louis, the Masters. They hugged Sam and Marika like old friends and then turned to me. Vivian looked me up and down and exclaimed, "You of course must be Julie, Sam and Marika's Pet and you are as gorgeous as they said you were." I blushed at the compliment but wasn't sure of the protocol for a submissive when confronted by another Master. I giggled thinking that Ms Manners may not have addressed what a good submissive would do or say in this situation. I was rescued by Marika.

"Yes, this is Julie and thank you for your compliment. I would also compliment you on your young friends, Mika and Mathieu. They are as stunning as well." I surmised then that a good slave/submissive would only speak when addressed directly.

Vivian and Louis were somewhat older than my masters. I would guess late forties or early fifties but both were very attractive in a mature and very sophisticated way for lack of a better way of describing them. Louis was tall and apparently well built with strong but good looking facial features and framed by greying hair. I thought this mature appearance very attractive. Vivian was also in a summer dress, very floaty and floral that showed off her long toned legs. She had long brunette hair held up in a elegant up do that showed off her elegant neck and attractive features.

Sam and Marika were ushered to a comfy couch in the lovely sitting area and Vivian and Louis sat opposite them. I watched as Mika and Mathieu glided down to their knees on cushions place strategically on either side of their Masters. Vivian then spoke up seeing me eyeing the younger subs and clearly not knowing where to place myself. She said, "Mika be a darling and place a cushion for Julie beside her Masters." Mika sprang up and retrieved a cushion placing it beside Sam. I had guessed correctly that my place was not on the couch with the Masters. I sighed but realized the game we were playing had specific protocols for us lesser slaves and subs.

A lot of small talk ensued, if you could categorize chit chat about the care and feeding of subs and slaves as small talk. You know, how to find good submissive pets and how to keep them in line with spankings and admonishments and sometimes making them stand in a corner like recalcitrant children. The usual cocktail banter in bdsm circles I guessed. During all of this we subs were like good children: seen but not heard. Finally I was addressed by Vivian.

She asked, "So Julie what convinced you to submit to Marika and Sam."

I blurted out, "Sex! Sex with two gorgeous people I had admired from afar." I was caught off a bit by the question so answered quickly and truthfully. They all laughed at that. Even Mika and Mathieu smiled brightly and nodded agreement.

"So is sex with them good?"

"It's amazing!" I replied, no holding back now. I could see that my Masters were enjoying this exchange.

"Are you okay with sex with women?"

"I love sex with Marika but not sure if that carries over to all women. But I have to say that I've developed an appreciation of other females this summer."

"That's good to hear. What do you think of our Mika?"

I looked over at the bemused face of the tiny Mika with the sparkling beautiful brown eyes and said, nodding, "She's super cute and cuddly looking. I love her eyes." With that Vivian clapped her hands and laughed at my honesty.

Vivian continued, "Well I hope we spend enough time together so that you get to know Mika well and spend time looking into those eyes." Whoa I thought. Was that "knowing" in the biblical sense I wondered. I was pretty sure it did.

The temperature in the room had just shot up but maybe that was just me. Did I really get what Mistress Vivian was inferring. I think I did and I felt a fluttering in my tummy while considering the possibilities. And then again there was the handsome male submissive. Was my inner nympho surfacing? My tummy had a few butterflies fluttering around to the thought of wrapping my arms around Mika and looking into her eyes followed by a fun romp with Mathieu.

Louis stood up and suggested we all go out to the pool and enjoy the warm late summer weather while the sun was still up. When the Masters were comfortably seated in their loungers Vivian spoke to Mika and Mathieu, Would you take Julie for a swim dears."

I jumped at the suggestion and spoke up, "Thank you Mistress, my swimsuit is with our bags in the house."

"No need Julie. We insist our Pets swim in the nude. Marika and Sam, are you okay with Julie following our protocols?"

Sam looked at Marika and I knew they were a bit conflicted. They had promised me that this was a friendly get acquainted visit and thirty minutes in I was being asked to take my clothes off. Marika spoke up, "Julie, would you like to go for a swim with Mika and Mathieu," and with some hesitation she added, "Sans swim wear?"

Frankly, I was amused by their concern. What's a little nudity when I've been whipped and spanked in the nude almost daily over the summer. I replied as a good sub, "I would be happy to if my Masters say its okay?"

"Go ahead then Julie, enjoy the water. Maybe we'll join you later."

Mika led me to a Cabana where she quickly pulled her translucent cover up over her head and placed it neatly on a shelve. All she was wearing now was her lovely silver collar, complete with attachment points for rings. She offered, "Julie, hand me your dress and things and I'll take care of them for you." I pulled off my dress and then shimmied out of my panties. I had no bra as per my Masters' instructions.

Mathieu pulled off his tshirt and shorts which was all he was wearing, save for a similar silver collar to Mika's. I couldn't help but take a good look at his youthful cock. Surprisingly, he was completed devoid of hair in his private regions so his cock really stood out. I liked what I saw.

Mika's body was delightful as well. Her dress hadn't hidden much though but now she was gloriously naked except for her collar. I was reminded of a fairy princess or a delicate wood sprite. My nipples were hardening at the sight of this vision.

Mika and Mathieu then took me by the hand and at the pool's edge we all jumped in, still holding hands.

The water was warm and the next while I enjoyed splashing and playing around with Mika and Mathieu. The Masters were watching us with amused smiles on their faces. Mika and Mathiew led me out of the water and down the curving waterslide that dumped me into the deep end. I surmised that this was all about getting the naked subs out of the water so the two couples could admire each others Pets. Knowing this I played it up and why not. I was newly proud of my toned legs, perky breasts and flat tummy, a product of all that pounding of the pavement Marika put me through along with the weight training. If I had to suffer through that mini torment I was happy to flaunt the results. I sashayed shamelessly out of the water and up the steps of the slide. I displayed myself for some time at the top pretending to be intimidated by the slide. They all laughed when I shrieked and slid down into the water.

The three of us also spent some time in the shallower water chatting away. Mika moved very close to me and under the water ran her hands up and down my naked sides. I pretended to not be flustered by this but in truth I loved the light touch of her hand but was still feeling a bit awkward. I wondered if subs were allowed alcohol in this setting. I felt I could use a drink to settle myself down.

Mathieu also moved close but mostly behind me. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck and then I almost jumped as I felt fingers slide down my spine and land on my ass. This was then followed by two hands - Mathieu's - cupping my bottom, caressing and squeezing. I must of gasped causing Mika to giggle when I felt a very hard cock brush up and down my ass crack. Clearly, this 'get acquainted' stuff was moving right along.

Mika turned me and placed her back to the pool side. She gripped my hips and pulled me toward her. Mathieu, still behind me, pressed forward, his cock pushing right into my ass crack. Hard now, it felt pretty impressive. My role was to be the spread between the Mika, Mathieu sandwich.

I glanced over at the Masters and could see Vivian, Sam and Louis engaged in a conversation but Marika was focused on what was going on in the water. We locked eyes at the same time my face was inches away from the little tease pressed against my front. The little devil in me crept into my mind and with a smile at my Mistress, I turned and placed my lips over Mika's and moved my arms behind her shoulders, pulling her even tighter to me. She responded immediately by reciprocating the kiss and even licked my lips and briefly touched my tongue with hers. Electricity shot through my body at the feel of her tongue on mine. The kiss only lasted a few seconds and then I turned to look at Marika again, an even bigger smile on my face. Her look was unreadable but intense. Was it disapproval, anger, concern or maybe it was simply lust? Somehow I thought I would be feeling the belt when this night was all over and we were back at my Master's home.

Just as I felt Mathieu's teeth graze the back of my neck as his cock slid up and down my ass our play was interrupted by a matronly woman announcing that dinner would be served very shortly. I could see a table set on a patio adjacent to the pool area. In the fading light I appreciated the soft lighting around the table. It was a beautiful setting.

Vivian stood up and urged us with, "Come dears, get yourself out of the pool and dry off. Julie dear, Mika will provide you with a coverup for dinner."

I don't think I was really being offered a choice. I would have preferred dressing in my own clothes but I sensed I was now under another persons control. I just nodded my assent to Vivian and followed Mika and Mathieu over to the cabana and a stack of towels.

As the guest, I was treated to the two of them drying me off. This time they switched positions with Mika drying my back, legs and ass while Mathieu drying my front, paying particular attention to my breasts. I squirmed as I felt his towel encased hand push between my legs and carefully dry my pussy. All the while he held my gaze with a small smile on his lips. More 'getting acquainted' I smirked to myself.

The cover up Mika handed me was a colourful but shear slip over tunic like garment that flared a bit at the hips and stopped above mid thigh. The fabric was so shear and light that I felt almost more naked with it than without. Mathieu's was more substantial but his cock was very visible as it swayed underneath his tunic. The motif of the clothing was more ancient Rome than 2023. This was all we slaves and submissives were to wear except that Mika and Mathieu were wearing beautiful silver collars around their necks.

Mercifully I, along with Mathieu and Mika, was seated at the table, although separated a bit from the Masters. Eating dinner barely covered was a new experience for me but just one of many this summer. Whenever I looked at Mika she was smiling at me, her big brown eyes on her petite face lit up for me. Mathieu sitting beside Mika and I occasionally ran his hand under the table up and down my thigh. All this play and the near nudity was turning me on. I could barely concentrate on eating I was getting so worked up.

Meanwhile the Master's continued their discussion on experiences in the bdsm world. Compared to Vivian and Louis, my Masters were merely neophytes to the world of D/s. They seemed particularly engrossed in Vivian's tales of torrid scenes enacted at their private club, some of which starred them and Mika and Mathieu. In the end Louis explained that they now chose to hold their scenes in the privacy and comfort of their home. I liked that, being less exposed to a wider audience, something I didn't want to do.

Dinner finished, Vivian stood up and clapped her hands saying, "Now Sam and Marika would you care to see our very comfortable session room. Louis has some very fine brandy and scotch I'm sure you would enjoy."

"Yes please, lead the way," Marika replied.

Mika and Mathieu stood up and waited with their hands held behind their backs. I was then surprised to see Vivian approach Mika with a leash in her hand which was expertly clipped to a ring on the petite submissive's collar. Louis then attached a leash to Mathieu's collar.

Vivian turned to me and then to Sam and Marika and exclaimed, "Oh, I see that Julie is not wearing a collar. Do you not leash your Pet?" I felt like barking and saying that I was a well behaved little dog but bit my tongue.

Marika looked a bit surprised as did Sam who answered, "Julie has a collar but we weren't sure of the dress code for tonight. Should I retrieve it from the car?"

"Oh yes, please do. And bring her leash as well. We insist on leashing our Pets when in the play room." Interesting, I thought. Did the Pets try to escape? or bite maybe?

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