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A Taste

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An unexpected May/Dec encounter between male coworkers.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 1 part series

Updated 07/17/2024
Created 06/24/2024
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Jack is on his way to the gay dance bar located downtown. He's been divorced for about six years now and discovering that he is more flexible in his sexuality than he ever would have thought during his marriage. All thanks to a coworker that happened to invite him out one Friday, at the end of the work day, to a drag show at the bar.

He showed up towards the middle of the show and stayed towards the back of the bar where his coworkers wouldn't notice him. He was enthralled by the way the men on stage looked and carried themselves during their performances. Not all of them would pass as women, but that didn't discourage them from getting up on stage, dressed-up and made-up to the nines, to entertain the crowd. And entertain they did, the audience was clearly enjoying themselves as they clapped and whistled for their favorite performers.

It was this peek into another world, which he'd never had been aware of before, that set him on his path towards seeing what the hell else was out there for him to discover. He flirted a little with cross-dressing in the safety of his own home, thanks to online shopping. Occasionally, he'd get brave and wear a pair of women's panties under his pants to work, which always left him feeling a bit daring and naughty.

This evening, Jack had decided, he'd go and dance and see what was out there for him to find. He wasn't specifically looking to hook up with a man, but he wasn't closed off to the idea, either. If he was being honest with himself, and most of the time he was, he wanted to find people like himself. People who were open to exploring and without all the sexual hang-ups that society places on both men and women, alike.

Pulling into the parking lot, Jack took a couple of hits from his bowl, before he exited his car. In his mid-40s, he was of average height at 6' even, slim built, with olive skin and light blue eyes. His black hair with sprinkles of silver at the temples was freshly cut and his full dark beard neatly trimmed. He was wearing gray jeans, white button down shirt rolled up to the elbows and his black boots. Jack knew he was a decent looking man, but felt a little uncomfortable with so many eyes on him as he walked up to the end of the line waiting to enter the bar.

Jack only had to wait a few minutes before one of the two beefy bouncers at the door waved him up and asked to see his photo I.D. Jack handed it over to the beefcake and was told there was a ten dollar cover for the band, which he paid. The bouncer opened up the door, with a blast of music from the interior, for him to enter.

Upon entering, Jack felt the high energy of the place and felt his own excitement ratchet up a notch or ten. He made his way to the bar and ordered a bottle of beer, and decided to walk around and see what there was to see. The place was crowded with men and a few women, here and there, talking, laughing and having a good time. The dance floor was packed with bodies gyrating to the beat of the live band that was playing. Jack noticed in the darkened corners there were people making out. He was fairly sure he saw one man getting his cock sucked, but moved on without looking too closely.

As Jack made his way towards the back part of the bar, he found that there was a room past the bathrooms where a couple of pool tables, dart boards, several large screen televisions and another smaller bar was set up. It wasn't as crowded in the back room, so he decided to pull up a bar stool and sit at the bar to people watch. It wasn't long before a young, good-looking, blonde bartender came up to ask if he needed another drink.

"Sure, I'll take another. Thanks," he says.

When the bartender returns with his beer, Jack asked, "What's your name?"

"I'm Alex," the man tells him.

"I'm Jack. It's nice to meet you, Alex," Jack says as he pays for his drink.

"I've not seen you here before," Alex observes. "Is tonight your first night visiting TJ's?"

"I was here for a drag show a few weeks ago, but didn't stay once it was over. I thought to see how it was on a regular weekend night," Jack explains.

"The band playing tonight has this place hopping. It's a local favorite called Rocking Horse," Alex tells him. "Are you here alone or are you meeting someone?"

Jack looks at the younger man, "I came alone and don't have pre-made plans to meet up with anyone."

"Now, that's good to know," Alex tells him with a grin before moving to help another customer.

Jack was left staring after the young man with his eyebrows raised. "I wonder what he meant by that comment?" He wondered to himself before giving a small shrug and turning back to people watch.

A good-looking man with dark skin, long twisted locks, wearing jeans and a nice tee shirt, came and asked if he wanted to dance. Jack threw back the last few swallows of his beer and followed the man to the dance floor.

Once on the dance floor, Jack came to find the man who asked him to dance was named Eric. Eric was an amazing dancer and Jack had a blast dancing with him until someone else came up and cut in to ask to dance with Eric. Jack was unfazed and exited the dance floor looking to grab another beer. He decided to go to the back bar, since the one nearer to the dance floor was packed.

As he was walking up to the bar, Alex spotted him and pulled a beer from the cooler with a tilt to his head, "Ready for another?"

"Yes, indeed. Dancing is thirsty work." Jack said as he sat down.

Jack had only drank about half his beer when another guy came over and asked him to dance. When Jack turned to face who was speaking to him, he did a double take. It was his coworker, James. The one who'd invited him to the drag show.

"Hey, Jack. I wouldn't have thought to find you here. Would you like to dance?"

"James, I wasn't expecting you to be here, either. Uh, sure, we can dance." Jack felt a little out of his depth. James was a coworker, and at least ten years his junior, and he wasn't sure what to make of him at the moment. James, with his blonde hair, deep, brown eyes, and easy smile. And that smile was directed at him, right now, which had Jack's heart beat picking up pace.

He and James made their way to the dance floor. Jack allowed his body to relax and move to the heavy beat of the music. James was actually a fairly decent dancer, and there were other men that would join them for a time before moving on. Jack found that he was actually enjoying himself as they danced for the next several songs together.

James mimicked drinking from a glass, and Jack nodded in agreement. They both exited the dance floor and went towards the back bar. The place had gotten even more crowded while they had been dancing. It took several minutes before he could even get Alex's attention to order.

"Hey, Jack! Are you ready for another beer?" Alex asked him.

"Yes, please," Jack said. "And whatever my friend here would like, as well."

James asked for a Manhattan before Alex moved off to go get their drinks. He and James found a couple open stools and sat while they waited.

"Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" James asked him.

"Go for it." Jack told him.

"I could have sworn that I had heard you were divorced, is that correct?" James asked with a slight hesitation to his tone. He didn't want to upset Jack, but he'd always found Jack attractive and wanted to know where he stood.

"Yes, that is correct. It's been about six years now. Why?" Jack inquired.

"You were married to a woman?" James asked for clarification.

"Yes, I was married to a woman. We have a grown daughter together." Jack was forthcoming in his answers to James.

"What made you decide to come out to a gay bar this evening?" James was intrigued by Jack's story.

"Curiosity, mostly, but also, that I am much more open to experiences than I had been when I was younger. Now, since discovering there's so much more out there to explore, I'm determined to do just that: Explore." Jack explained.

"You've never dated or been with another man sexually before?" James asked bluntly.

"No. No, I haven't. To be honest, I was so programmed to believe I needed to find a good girl, settle down, get married, and start a family that I never once even thought of what else might be out there. Now that I'm divorced, and my kid is grown, I feel like this is my time to experience all that I missed out on when I was young and dumb," Jack explained.

"So, this is like a sexual liberation of sorts for you, then? Wow! That's actually really exciting. You're getting to experience all the things for the first time," James said with a sexy grin. "Your first kiss, for instance. I would be honored to be the one to give you your first kiss with a man. With your permission, Jack. May I?"

"What the hell? Why not?" Was Jack's answer, as he leaned over to kiss James. Apparently, James had something else planned. He stood up, took Jack's face in his hands, and proceeded to delve into Jack's mouth, his tongue licking along the seam of Jack's lips, tempting Jack to open for him. His eyes sliding closed, as he wrapped his arms around James' waist, and leaned into the kiss. Jack could feel his cock pounding against the restriction of his jeans and moaned at the sensation.

James had slid his hands into Jack's thick hair and was holding his head still as he explored Jack's mouth. His head spinning at the intoxicating mix of the sexual hunger he felt from James and his own arousal. It was only Alex's voice that brought him back to the here and now. "I hate to break up what looks like a good time, but I have other customers to tend to here, Jack."

As Jack pulled back from James, he could feel a flush trying to climb his neck, but seeing the pure lust in James' face, had him smiling instead as he turned to Alex. "Is that so? Alright, how much do I owe you?" Jack asked with a grin.

"Ten dollars and fifty cents," Alex said.

Jack pulled out a ten and five dollar bill from his wallet and handed it over to Alex, "Keep the change. And thanks, Alex."

Alex winked at Jack with a smile pulling at his mouth, "No problem, Jack. Please, carry on as if I never interrupted."

Jack laughed at the bartenders antics and turned to hand James his drink. He looked up at James' handsome face and wondered if he was being reckless in messing with the younger coworker, but really couldn't find it in himself to care much, at the moment.

He danced to a couple more songs with James, enjoying himself immensely as other men would come up and rub against him or James or both. At one point, James was behind him doing a little bump and grind action and Jack could feel his erection pressing against him. It was then that James murmured in his ear, asking if he was ready to get out of there. "I swear, all I can think about is tasting your cock." James admitted.

Jack felt a heavy ball of arousal pound into his groin at James' confession. "Yes, let's get out of here," he agreed.

Making their way out of the bar, James told Jack that he only lived a few blocks down the street. "Would you be okay leaving your car here and walking?" James asked him.

"Sure, let me grab my pipe, if you don't mind?" Jack asked.

"No problem. 420 friendly here," said James with a grin.

After getting his pipe from the car, the two men walked to James' loft apartment building. They entered the elevator and as soon as the doors slid shut, James pressed Jack's body against the back wall with his own, holding his hands above his head and kissed him until his head was spinning. The elevator dinged as the doors opened and James pulled back with a sexy grin, "Thank fuck we're here, because I can't wait much longer."

Jack feels his own passion flaring even hotter as he follows James down the hall to his apartment. His cock is painfully hard and throbbing. James has the door unlocked and holds it open for Jack to enter, closing and locking it behind them. Jack looked around the loft apartment and was impressed by the comfortable, yet masculine, design and furnishings of the place. From the high ceilings with pipe works and wooden beams exposed, to the exposed brickwork, the overstuffed brown leather couch and chair, and large windows that line the back wall leading out to a decent sized balcony outside.

"Nice place," Jack says as he walks further into the living room to look outside. "And the view is amazing from here."

"I have to agree about the view," James admits as he's looking straight at Jack.

Jack turns to look at James, noticing that he was speaking about him, rather than the view outside, and his cock stiffened even more at the naked lust he sees in James' eyes.

"Can I offer you a drink? Beer? Water? Coffee?" James asked.

"I'm good right now, thanks." Jack says as he walks up to James and takes his hand and guides it to his cock. "There's something more pressing that needs addressing."

James cocked his eyebrow up and grinned, "Oh, is that so now?" He asked, his voice growing husky with desire.

"Indeed, so," Jack says, his breath stuttering as he feels James unzipping his pants.

"When was the last time you were tested for STI's?" James asked him.

"At my yearly checkup, which was about three months ago. Everything came out negative. I can pull up the results on my phone for you," Jack says. "Have you been tested lately?"

"Yes, I was just tested a couple of weeks ago and am negative for everything, as well" James told him. "I have the paperwork from the clinic in my bedroom." With that, he leads Jack down the hallway to his bedroom. He picks up a folded sheet of paper from the dark walnut dresser and hands it to Jack to look over. Jack hands him his phone in return, with his own result pulled up for James to read.

"Now that that piece of business is out of the way, it's time that I finally get to taste that cock of yours." James says with a wickedly sexy grin that has Jacks heartbeat kicking up a notch as he unbuttons Jack's shirt and stripped it off of him. "Mmmm," James murmurs as he nibbles, between Jack's neck and shoulder, causing goosebumps to break out across Jack's skin. He pushed Jack down on his king-sized bed and divested him of the rest of his clothing.

"I want to see and feel you, as well," Jack states as he pulls James' shirt over his head. James' smooth, toned chest and six-pack abs came into his view with a dark blonde happy trail of hair going from his belly button and disappearing under the waistband of his jeans. Jack wanted to follow that trail with his tongue, but James had other things on his mind.

James shrugged out of his shirt and tossed it to the side, his attention zeroed in on Jack's erection. He pushed Jack back on the bed as he knelt between his legs and took his cock into his warm, wet mouth. "Ahhh... Holy fuck, James!" Jack moaned as James began working his cock as deeply down his throat as he could.

He could tell that James was skilled at what he was doing, as he'd bring Jack right up to the point of no return, but would back off just enough to keep him riding the edge. Jack thought he'd lose his mind with the building arousal pushing him ever higher. He finally pulled James away from his cock, and had him stand in front of him, though it was almost painful to do so. "I believe it's time for you to get rid of the rest of your clothes," he states as he began to work James' button loose from his jeans, unzipping them and sliding them down James' toned legs.

James toes off his shoes and climbs next to Jack in the bed, their cocks rubbing together, adding even more fuel to the fire as Jack brings his mouth down on James' for a lust filled kiss.

"My turn, but understand, this is a first for me...," Jack begins, but James shook his head.

"Just go with what feels right and don't go selling yourself short before you even begin." James told him.

Jack gave him a smile before he finally got to follow that dark blonde happy trail with his tongue, swirling it around the head of James' cock, before firmly sliding his mouth down his engorged shaft, taking in as much as he could.

"Fuck, Jack! That feels amazing...don't stop, please," James panted as he gazed at Jack with burning passion. Jack felt his cock twitch at the thought of having this young, handsome man literally in the palm of his hands. He cupped James' smooth balls in his hand and gently rubbed them, before taking his shaft in his hand and using it, as well as his mouth, to work James' cock.

"Yessss... just like that. Fuck, yes," James urges Jack on.

Jack is finding himself enjoying the knowledge that he's giving another man pleasure. His pleasure seemed somehow linked to James', and the more he gave, the more he seemed to receive.

"Jack, please, I need to feel you fucking me. I won't last if you keep that up." James admits.

Jack releases his cock with a small pop and grins up at James. "Let me grab a condom, do you have any lube?"

James pulls out the nightstand drawer and brings out a bottle as Jack slips the condom over his cock. Jack takes the lube and slathers a generous amount on his cock and on the opening of James' ass as he positions himself between his legs.

As he slowly works his cock into James' ass, his hands tightening on the young man's hips to keep him still, James let's out a long, low moan.

"Fuck, Jack, please! Fuck me!" he pleads.

Jack finally gets himself fully seated in James before slowly pulling back out just to the point only the head of his cock is still in James, and stops, teasing the man.

"Jack...," is all James gets out of his mouth before Jack has set up a hard, pounding pace. The sound of skin slapping against skin, broken only by the moans of pleasure from both men, fills the room as Jack pulls James towards him even tighter as his orgasm comes racing towards him.

"James, holy fuck, you're so fucking tight and feel so fucking good," Jack confesses. "I'm not going to last at this pace."

"Please, Jack, don't stop. Fuck yes. I'm almost there." James says as he takes his own cock in hand and begins to pump it in his fist as Jack fucks his ass. "Ohhh, fuck! Fuck, yesss... just like that, Jack. Fuck, I'm going to fucking cum!"

Jack feels James' ass tighten down even more on his cock and roars as his own orgasm pulses through him.

Both men crumpled to the bed, spent.

As their breathing and heart rates slowed, James looks over at Jack with a grin on his face. "You know I've had the worst crush on you ever since transferring to your department, right? I used to fantasize about the way you would taste. I admit, the reality was way hotter than the fantasy."

Jack smiled at James and said simply, "I'm glad not to disappoint."

Both men slipped into a deep, peaceful slumber.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I don't ready erotic literature very often, and when I do it is heterosexual, since that's what I am. It was easy to put myself in this man's shoes as he stepped out to explore his sexuality, something many of us don't get to do until we are divorced. That's what made it so relatable.

I could connect with him emotionally, as well. He was SO determined, yet SO nervous! I admire his bravery! And I am happy that the author decided to write about sharing STD results, as this is something that rarely portrayed in media, mainstream or otherwise. I can't wait to read the rest of Ms. Bee's works!

Ms_BeeMs_Bee3 months agoAuthor

Dear Anonymous Reader:

First, safe sex is super sexy! It shows that you care for your own well-being and the well-being of your sexual partner/s.

Secondly, not every sti test is on the normal sti panels. So, it's still possible to not know you're positive for an sti & to spread it. Herpes is a good example of this.

Thirdly, normalizing sti testing and openly discussing your test results with potential partners is something I'm 100% in favor of.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Curious why the author went through the whole exercise of having them exchange test results but then still went with a condom.

Ms_BeeMs_Bee3 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Paul4play! :)

Paul4playPaul4play3 months ago

Mmm…that was fun!

Ms Bee, you are quite a versatile writer!

In a short vignette you capture the exploration, their personalities and their horniness, leading to an orgasmic finish!

Well done!

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