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A Tempting Vacation Ch. 16

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Poolside fun, as Ron "accidentally" exposes himself to Pam
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Part 16 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/01/2003
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It had been about 30 minutes since Beth, then Pam, joined Ron by the pool, and neither woman had done anything to overtly call for attention, with the obvious exception of simply walking from their condo, through the pool grounds, their nearly perfect bodies and scant bikinis unavoidably demanding a prolonged inspection from the increasing number of guests now lounging in the sun. But since reclining on the cushioned chaises, they'd behaved as would any normal sun worshiper.

Ron had expected such unremarkable behavior from his girlfriend's mother, but had to admit he was somewhat surprised that Beth wasn't strutting around, providing him and every other nearby male prolonged views of her firm yet curvy form. Given the things she'd said to him back in their room, he certainly hadn't expected to essentially be ignored.

The one favor Beth had done him, however, was to decide a small round table needed to be between her and Pam, for their drinks, sunscreen, watches etc. Beth's insertion of the table at the foot of his chair pushed him to the rear so that the head of their loungers was about even with his knees.

As they relaxed within arm's reach, each reclined at about 30 degrees, his scenery was indeed superb. Ron's cock, having momentarily softened after his brisk swim, was now steadily responding to every innocent bend, reach and stretch, each fantasy inducing sip from a water bottle, and of course, the nonchalant yet thorough application of tanning lotion, all seemingly performed without a break in their otherwise mundane conversation, and all as if they were completely unaware of his presence just a few feet away.

Sensing the steady engorgement of his dick, Ron tore his eyes away from his roommates to glance to his crotch. The baggy swim suit was almost completely dry, and the absence of any sort of mesh lining easily enabled his shaft to expand down against his left thigh, the loose material pushing up taut. His cock head wasn't in danger of slipping out of his leg opening, at least not as he was currently positioned, but he was pretty sure that if Pam ever turned over onto her stomach, facing him, she'd have a clear view up his baggy trunks, to the swollen head of his not quite erect cock. Beth wouldn't get the same view from her angle, even if she could discern the notable bulge in his suit.

Ron peered over their shoulders, ogling the fleshy, bronzed cleavage and smooth, toned abs, even as his mind struggled with the opportunity before him. Beth had seriously spooked him about doing anything overtly sexual, but if he was careful to behave as the naïve teenager they'd depicted him to be just a few hours ago, then perhaps he would be able to covertly exhibit himself to Pam. Hopefully the success he'd had with both Beth and Sue, by behaving ridiculously innocent and passive, would allow him to steadily stoke Pam's craving for him, or better said, his cock.


Pam had done her best to convey a disinterest in how sexy she knew she looked, even as she felt the eyes, both male and female, virtually crawl over her exposed skin as she had settled in on the chaise lounge, next to Beth. Now, after relaxing for the past half hour or so, she had grown immune to the random leer from a fellow vacationer. Yet, as the penetrating Caribbean sun enveloped her golden skin, her body's response was not so easily ignored. There was no denying the sweltering arousal percolating beneath the tiny patch of red and white stripes concealing her crotch, as it seemed to amplify the simmering Caribbean heat progressively consuming her entire being.

Pam couldn't explain it, as she'd been consciously directing her mind away from any deviant thoughts, especially any involving her daughter's boyfriend. She had come to realize how easily she'd been manipulated by Beth, into the window's streaming sunlight and the resulting unintentional display for Ron's benefit. Of course, Pam also had to admit that to classify her exposure as "unintentional" would not be entirely accurate. There was no denying the brazen excitement that had overcome her upon realizing the erotic vision her body portrayed, silhouetted by the brilliant sun as it sliced through her thin gown, nor her resulting complicity in agreeing to linger before the teenager's lustful gaze. And even though her arousal had remained unabated after her failed masturbation session in the shower, Pam had pledged to, once again, redouble her adherence to proper thoughts and behavior. Thanks to the positioning of their lounge chairs, Pam's intention to steer clear of any tempting situations was already being tested however, as her mind kept circling back to the realization that lounging directly in Ron's line of sight, wearing next to nothing, was most certainly providing him a titillating vision.

Unaware that her body was gradually succumbing to the stimulant laced drink she'd downed before leaving the bathroom, Pam had truly done her best to concentrate on her Glamour magazine, and even immerse herself in the surprisingly PG-rated dialogue with Beth. Although she'd intentionally avoided conversation and activities that could be considered even remotely sexually stimulating, knowing Ron could stare unabatedly as she reclined in her tiny striped bikini was causing her nipples to harden and her pussy to tingle the way it did on those rare occasions back home when she'd allow the removable shower head to linger between her legs. As her smoldering sex demanded acknowledgement from her brain, Pam became aware of the way she had been unconsciously fidgeting, crossing and un-crossing her legs in an instinctual effort to satisfy the physical yearning continuing to fester beneath her bikini bottoms.

The heat, from both the sun and her own body's irrepressible arousal to this relatively innocent scenario, was becoming too much to bear, and Pam announced, "I am going to take a quick dip, be right back." Before anyone could respond, she'd taken three long strides across the hot concrete, and then gracefully dove in. Even though the water was luke-warm, it still offered the relief needed and she began to lazily glide to the opposite end of the pool.


Realizing she needed to move carefully, two steps forward, then one back, Beth had made every effort to be on her best behavior since leaving their room. The more she'd thought about the sexy window exhibition into which she'd maneuvered Pam, the more she suspected her friend had surely become aware of the extent to which she was on display. And if that was indeed true, she knew Pam would likely be intent on re-establishing the proper demeanor she'd kept returning to, ever since the first encounter with Ron in her backseat on the drive down. Beth also knew from firsthand experience, that the Sensuvive pills Sue had given her were legit. Having already experienced their effect the previous day, she'd been quick to perceive her own reaction to the increased blood flow to her pussy, and the resulting escalation in heat and sensitivity. As she'd watch Pam squirm and fidget, and there was little doubt as to the source of her restlessness.

Now, as she observed her sexy friend float effortlessly toward the pool's edge, Beth knew the time was right to begin turning up the heat, if only a little. She turned to speak to Ron as he sat, pretending he'd been reading his Stephen King book, rather than leering at Pam, now ascending the ladder closest to the bar. "Having fun today Ron?" Beth asked in a quasi-hushed tone, then glancing to his crotch, continued before he could respond, "Ah, you better watch yourself back there, those baggy legs might open up enough to cost you your modesty if you're not paying attention. You certainly don't want Pam to think you're being inappropriate. Of course accidents do happen, and sometimes we just aren't aware of the image we are presenting, are we?" Beth flashed him the briefest conspiratorial grin, before she turned back to greet Pam as she returned from her brief respite, still dripping wet.


Pam had emerged from the water, feeling her already snug bikini cling even more possessively to her athletic curves. She wanted to glance down and confirm the sexy image she most certainly was conveying, but the not-so-subtle leering of the three college boys sitting at the bar was all the verification she required. Plus, given the likelihood that both Ron and Beth might be watching as she made her way back to them, the last thing she needed was to provide any affirmation that she was cognizant of her own lust inducing appearance. If she intended to keep Beth under control, and Ron behaving properly, it was essential that she keep up the façade of the blissfully innocent parental figure.

"Hey, feel better?" Beth inquired of Pam as she leaned forward and shook excess water from her hair.

Pam answered as she righted her body, "Yeah, very refreshing. You should try it." She was telling the truth, at least partly. The water did help cool her down, except for the persistent smolder stubbornly lingering between her legs. As she dabbed off the remaining droplets still clinging to her skin, Pam took the opportunity to discreetly assess her new suit. To her surprise, the water had rendered the white stripes so sheer as to be almost non-existent. The urge to panic came upon her quickly, just as it had when she'd realized her similar predicament in front of the window. And as before, she did her best not to noticeably react, but upon seeing a portion of her erect nipples and areola clearly visible between the red stripes, she pulled her towel up to conceal the view.

As she stood there, drying her damp skin while concealing her exposure, Pam, seemingly with no conscious effort, found herself imagining how tantalizing she would appear to Ron, the most intimate portions of her body intended to be hidden, yet now playing peek-a-boo between each red stripe of her swimsuit. Feeling another wave of intensity escape her pussy and surge throughout her body, her decision was made, and Pam deliberately positioned her towel back across the lounge chair, feeling two sets of eyes roam over her body as she bent and stretched before them. She told herself there was no going back now, for if she was going to be "unaware" of her appearance, she'd have to behave as if she had no idea of the extent to which her body was on display.

Ron couldn't believe his eyes. He'd locked onto Pam as soon as she'd stepped from the ladder and began to make her way back to them. The closer she got, the more obvious it was that it was her skin visible through the suit, and not the white material. He had been afraid she'd realized what she was showing as she dried off, but then she'd spread her towel back out, her body once again offered up for his inspection. His cock lurched at the sight of her. He'd thought about trying to innocently flash her, but with a complete hard-on, it would hardly appear accidental. He wanted to go through with the "unintended" exhibitionism, but he had to get control of his erection.

"Uh, I'll be right back, I, ah, I need to go to the, ah, bathroom." Ron stammered and scampered away toward their room before either woman could respond.

"Ah...., well I think Ron must have appreciated your new bikini," Beth said while barely stifling her laughter. "Can't say that I blame him, you do look like something straight out of playboy. THAT body in THAT swimsuit.......very sexy!"

Pam wasn't prepared for Beth's blunt comments, and quickly decided to continue on with her effort to be believably unaware of her appearance.

"What do you mean?" she responded, then glanced down her body, pretending to notice for the first time the sinful nature of her suit. "Oh my God! Beth.....you...you did this on purpose, didn't you!?" Pam whispered angrily, feigning outrage. "How could you?" She grabbed her cover-up and held it to her chest.

Beth couldn't tell if her friend was really that clueless or not, but decided it would be more fun to assume she was, "Of course not, I had no idea it'd be transparent when wet, but look, as it dries it goes back to being solid white. I guess Ron saw just enough to compel him to go seek relief before things grew beyond his control, if you follow what I'm saying."

Pam looked to her body again, and noted her friend was right about the diminishing transparency. Surprisingly, she found herself as disappointed as she was relieved from the lessening exposure. God, this was not like her at all, but there was no denying the arousal she felt from having yet again partially exhibited herself to the well hung teenager. And now if Beth was right, he had run back to the room to masturbate, no doubt while thinking of her in this bikini.

"I don't necessarily agree that Ron ran off to, well, to you know, relieve himself. But if he did, well, this is rather embarrassing, both for me and for him. I'm sure he'll be mortified to face us again, with us knowing what he left to do." Pam said, genuinely feeling a little sorry for the boy, even as she delighted in being the source of his arousal.

"Oh honey, I saw the way he looked at you, like he wanted to throw you over his shoulder, carry you to the room, rip that bikini off and fuck you silly with his enormous cock." Beth said, making an effort to graphically paint a picture for Pam. "But just because I could tell what he wanted doesn't mean he has to be embarrassed. As long as we don't make a big deal out of it and we just act normal, he can simply keep up the lie that he needed to go use the bathroom."

"You think? That would be best wouldn't it, for both him and me. I would rather not have to talk with him about his reaction to my, well my accidental exposure." Pam said truthfully. "I'll just put my cover up on and slip back to the room to change into one of my more appropriate swim suits once he comes back. I never should have let you talk me into wearing this one anyway."

"I don't think that would be for the best," Beth began her best effort to influence her friend, ignoring the fact she'd already hidden all Pam's "appropriate" swimwear. "If you go change, you'd be all but announcing that you were aware of how see-through this bikini was, and how he responded to you. He might even think you were teasing him on purpose. But if you don't do anything, and we just keep hanging out like we didn't suspect he went and jacked off while fantasizing about fucking his girlfriend's mother, then everybody avoids embarrassment."

Deliberately choosing to cut this conversation short, Pam replied, "I hear what you're saying, but ...umm...I just don't know. We'll see." She hoped she wasn't too transparent in so easily giving in to Beth's suggestion to keep wearing the suggestive striped bikini.

"It'll be okay, just remember how we talked about treating him like one of the girls. Don't acknowledge how tempting we must be to him, and we'll be fine. Now let's go grab another Bahama Mama."


By the time they'd fended off the already partying boys around the bar and returned with two fresh drinks, Ron was still nowhere to be found.

"Hey, why don't we slip into the pool with these? I just love to relax in the warm water with a cool drink." Beth suggested.

Pam liked the idea also. Her eagerness to get back in the water seemed to also confirm that her pledge of proper behavior around Ron was less than steadfast, as her tingling pussy confirmed the appeal of eventually having to expose herself once again, in the semi-transparent bikini. But if she was going to keep up the façade of reluctant cock-tease, she needed to put up at least some resistance to Beth's obvious attempt to offer he up once more in the dripping wet, erotic bikini. "Beth, I can't get in again. This suit is just too revealing when wet."

"That's why we should jump in now, so we can get back out before Ron returns. Plus, we need to roll over and get some sun on our backs anyway, so he won't see anything when he does come back. And remember, it will all be okay as long as we behave as if he is just this naïve boy that doesn't even notice us, okay?"

"Well.......I guess you're right. I am really hot again, and the water does look refreshing." Pam agreed, again hoping she hadn't caved too easily.

They sat both drinks on the edge of the pool and slipped into the beckoning water. After only a few minutes of meandering around in the chest-deep water, talking and drinking, Beth stepped across the path of a water jet, doing its part to circulate fresh water from the wall of the pool. She had always loved these potent little geysers, and their ability to batter relentlessly against her willing cunt if she was positioned just so. She scooted closer, pretending to leisurely lean against the smooth concrete lip of the pool. Even though Beth was aware of the impact of the Sensuvive tablet, she was no less immune to its effects, and this relentless stream pounding against her clit soon had her squirming involuntarily.

Pam noticed her friend's unusual movements, and whispered, "Beth, what's up with you? Are you okay?"

Beth's mind had quickly dropped into the middle of the recurring fantasy she'd been concocting over the past couple of days about her, Pam and Ron. A few more minutes and she might have even been able to cum, but Pam's voice jarred her back to reality.

"What...oh, ah let me show you. Come over here." Beth guided her near the wall, until the water spout was beating across Pam's thighs. "Now move on over just a bit until it hits you at just the right spot."

Pam felt her friend's hand on her hip, nudging her up on her toes, and into position. As soon as the relentless stream began to pound her already sensitive clit, she jumped slightly from the sudden, pleasurable sensation and looked around, to see if anyone had noticed. To her relief, everyone nearby seemed intent on their own vacation fun. Even relative to everything that had happened so far on this trip, self-pleasuring herself against the pool water jet, near so many other people seemed exceptionally perverted.

"Beth" Pam whispered, "I can't do this, here, with so many people around, in the middle of the day."

But as Pam began to move from the water's path, Beth used both hands beneath the surface, one essentially grabbing her firm ass, and the other on her hip, to keep her in place. "No one is paying any attention, so just enjoy for a bit. I know it feels great. Maybe a little relief will do you good."

Pam didn't put up much of a struggle, readily admitting to herself that the pulsing water was just what her body needed to satisfy the perpetual arousal she'd been experiencing since her aborted attempt to masturbate in her morning shower. Acquiescing to Beth's directive, Pam allowed herself to be maneuvered even closer to the increased pressure nearer the pool wall. Still self-conscious that everyone at the pool must be watching, another quick glance around confirmed the still relatively scant number of sun worshipers were paying them little if any notice. Even the boys at the bar had now moved on to younger, more attainable conquests. Fully giving into the hedonistic pleasures, Pam allowed her eyes to close as the pounding stream brought her rapidly to the brink of orgasm. She vaguely took note of Beth's hand, lingering on her upper left cheek, firmly holding her in place. Strangely, the act of sharing such a sneaky and naughty adventure with her obviously depraved friend was in itself intensifying her response to the situation.

Her excitement steadily ratcheting higher, Pam surprised even herself when, realizing Beth was shifting positions, she found herself imagining that her friend might slip a hand in her bikini and assist the streaming water to bring her orgasm to fruition. But instead, Beth moved behind her, and began to gently, yet innocently massage her shoulders. Beneath the water, however, Beth's knee firmly move up between her legs, so that her feet lifted slightly from the pool bottom and effectively held her suspended against the relentless little geyser of water.

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