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A Tight Spot


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I tried moving my arms in an attempt to extricate them. The left arm was completely stuck, but there was some leeway with my right. The arm itself was pressed back against the wall by the old guy next to me, and the hand itself was stuck in between two people next to him. If I just... twisted it a bit... move my hand up and down... maybe I could free it...

Suddenly, as I was moving my right hand up, trying to worm it out from between the two bodies it was sandwiched in between, the palm of my hand slid across something soft, warm, and large.

Uh oh.

I softly squeezed the thing I held in my hand, my fingers testing the yielding and pliable form. I slowly turned my head to my right and saw that beyond the old man next to me was a couple pressed in together. The man was stuck against the wall like me while the woman was squished against his front. My hand was caught in between them, and was now currently cupping the woman's sizeable right boob through her thin sweater. Although her tits weren't as big as mom's, they were still a generous handful. Without thinking, I gave her tit another cursory squeeze, causing a slight frown to appear on her pretty face.

"Bill," I heard her whisper to the man she was pressed against. "Not here!"

Bill, of course, had no idea what she was talking about. "Huh?"

Oh man, she didn't know it was me. I felt my dick twitch happily as I gave the stranger's boob one more squeeze. She frowned at Bill again before shaking her head and looking away from him, obviously resigning herself to letting him (well, me) have his fun. I took her up on her offer and started to caress her breast more forcefully. As my palm and fingers explored her luscious tit, I felt her nipple grow hard and poke the middle of my palm. I heard the girl moan and saw her close her eyes, obviously getting turned on at what she thought was her boyfriend getting frisky.

"Jesus," I muttered, unable to believe I was getting away with groping a complete stranger. I continued massaging her boob, testing the weight in my hand and feeling its denseness. Without realizing it, I also began to slowly lift and thrust my hips back and forth, causing my dick to slide up and down through my mother's wet cleavage. The sensation was fantastic, even better than before, as I was now moving on my own. The lubrication of my cum also allowed my cock a more slippery tunnel to fuck into, thus increasing my pleasure.

I suddenly felt mom slapping me against my shin, and pulled my attention away from the girl I was feeling up to look down at her. She was still on her knees, angrily fuming at me, and still covered and dripping with my cum. Her face was even more flushed with irritation, as she seemed very agitated that I had been fucking up into her tight cleavage. Her green eyes glared at me through stained glasses, but this time my own eyes did not look away. I stared right into her beautiful fiery irises, my own shining with lust.

With our eyes locked together, I pulled my hips back, then slammed them hard up through her breasts. Her eyes widened, the fury vanishing to be replaced by shock and fear. I pulled my hips back again, the length of my dick sliding out and under her boobs leaving only the head still inside, then thrust forward once more, as hard as I could. There was a loud sound as my thighs slapped against the undersides of my mom's tits, the force bouncing the mammaries up and around. Some droplets of the cum covering them splattered upwards, most hitting mom on the chin.

My eyes continued to gaze down into hers as I repeated the process of moving my dick up and down and in and out from between the tight confines of her slick tits. The soft sound of "schlick schlick schlick" could be heard in the elevator as I violated my mother's bosom, the enflamed cockhead poking up from between her tits and sliding across the wet flesh of her neck. I was in absolute heaven, my dick vibrating with pleasure each time I pushed into and pulled out of the loving softness of my mother's rack.

The girl bit her lip, soundlessly moaning as I continued to rub her breast. My palm captured the orb from below, lifting it up as my thumb found her hard nipple and began to rub at it through the fabric of her sweater. My eyes left my mother's for a moment as they flicked back towards her, and I saw that her left shoulder was moving up and down frantically; I guess she had snuck her hand between her legs and was enjoying what she thought was her boyfriend playing. Her eyes were tightly clenched, her pink tongue peeking out from between her lips to wet them as her body shivered with pleasure.

My breath came in gasps, sweat poured from my face, as my hips and hand continued their lustful actions. I turned my attention away from the girl and looked back down at my mom, expecting her furious green eyes to be waiting to meet mine. It was to my surprise that I found her looking down, watching my cock as it continued to plow through her wet, slick tits. I then noticed that her cheeks were red and the flesh above her breasts were flushed as well. Her nipples were also incredibly hard, each pointy tip visible through her bra and white blouse.

I let out a groan of pure lust as I realized that my mother was turned on. She looked up, her green eyes finding mine again, though this time they were far from furious. Her eyes shone with fear, apprehension, and a building fire that seemed to smoulder, flaring up in intensity as the seconds ticked and the sensation of her son's dick rubbing up and down against her sensitive breasts continued. Her lovely lips parted as she let out a long, shuddering breath, the warmth of which touched the tip of my cock and only enflamed my lusts even more. I quickened my pace, stabbing my rock-hard rod through my mother's tight tit tunnel, her chest heaving up and down with each aroused breath she took. My mother then began moving her upper body in tune with my thrusts, bouncing her massive breasts onto my cock, her beautiful green eyes now burning with lust as they locked onto mine through the murky, cum-stained lenses of her glasses.

My pleasure was intense, so ultimate and consuming that I was close to passing out from its magnitude. I was surrounded in softness. My cock, my hand; breasts were everywhere, consuming me, smothering me, from the slick tightness of my mother to the soft fullness of the stranger. I was in heaven, and I did not want it to end.

Unfortunately, I could feel my balls churning. It was a slow build-up, like a dam about to burst, and soon its contents would flood the entire elevator. I continued to pump my hips, my slick, hard manhood fucking into the tight, hot clutching silky pillows of my mother's bra-encased tits. My right hand continued to fondle the stranger's breast, my fingers squeezing, my thumb poking, my palm rubbing. I kneaded and massaged it like bread dough, reveling in the fact that I was getting away with molesting this stranger in public, and she was unaware of the fact that she was deriving pleasure from someone other than her boyfriend.

I felt myself about to explode, the pressure in my balls too great to control any longer. I gritted my teeth as I kept pumping my hips, eager to cum yet wanting to wring as much pleasure out of this perverse situation as I could. My mother saw my grimace and realized what was about to happen. Her eyes flared even more brightly with lust as she quickened her own pace, bouncing herself up and down on her knees, fucking me even more furiously with her tits, now a willing and anxious participant in her own defilement.

"Hey, knock it off." The Japanese guy behind her grunted in irritation at her frantic movement, though he didn't turn around to see what was going on. I doubt mom and I would have stopped what we were doing even if he did.

I was so close. I continued thrusting as mom kept up her bouncing, both of us breathing hard from both arousal and exertion. I pressed my palm into the stranger's breast, flattening the tit against her chest, feeling the diamond tip of her nipple poke me through her thin sweater. My fingers caught the edge of the sweater's v-neck, and in my lust I yanked it down with all my strength, almost ripping the fine fabric in my haste. Thankfully the elastic held and I managed to pull it below her chest, allowing her big right tit to flop out into the open. This caused a gasp of surprise from the girl, and I allowed my eyes to wander back to her. She was so incredibly beautiful, standing there, brown hair stuck to her face in sweat, and her large, firm boob exposed for everyone to see. One man, who was pressed up behind her, did indeed see it. His wide, shocked eyes stared down past her shoulder at the exposed breast, unable to believe what he was seeing. The girl herself was in her own world, her shoulder continuing to rise and fall as she pleasured herself. She had her eyes open now though, the brown orbs staring hungrily at the face of her confused boyfriend, who looked like he had absolutely no idea what was going on.

Unable to help myself, my hand rose up to grasp the exposed breast from below, my greedy fingers wrapping around the soft, pliable flesh. I moaned as I gave the bare tit a squeeze. The girl gasped loudly and threw her head back, her long hair hitting the man behind her. He, of course, didn't notice as his eyes remained firmly latched onto her tit, and the fingers that were gripping it.

"Jenny, what's gotten into you?" Bill whispered in shock as he watched his girlfriend suddenly have an orgasm right in front of him.

Speaking of cumming, I was about to do the same. With Jenny's tit firmly in hand, I turned my attention back to mom. She was still in the throes of her lust, her upper body gyrating sexily as she continued to fuck up and down on my eager dick. It was harder than it had ever been before, and had turned an angry red. I felt myself on the brink; just a few more thrusts and I would explode. Just before I did though, I suddenly felt a shift from the person to my left, and suddenly I found that I could move my left arm!

It was as if God Himself saw what was going on and decided in His glorious mercy to intervene. Through His divine power, my arm was released from its imprisonment, and now I could use it to stop the moral deviance that was occurring. Unfortunately for the Almighty, I did not use my new freedom to extricate myself from damnation, but instead used it to further drag myself deeper into the Pit.

With my left arm free and my balls readying to burst, I reached over my mother's head and grabbed it. My fingers sunk into the silky strands of her bound hair, which caused my mother to look up from her chest in surprise. Her green eyes, shining with lust and confusion, quickly met mine and she opened her fine lips as if to ask me what I was about to do. Instead of answering her with words, I chose to do so with action.

Just as the electric explosion of pleasure burst up from my groin which was caused by the massive load of jism traveling up my cock, I used my firm grip on my mother's hair to slam her head downwards, towards the immense steel rod that was sandwiched between her tits. Her open mouth parted even wider in surprise, thus allowing my exploding dick to penetrate her oral cavity with ease. The pleasure that I had been feeling suddenly increased tenfold, as my mother's warm, wet, mouth clamped down around me.

"Mrrrphhhh-glggg!!!" Mom shouted, though her volume was muffled due to the exploding penis in her mouth. She attempted to pull herself off, but my hand continued to push her head down, forcing my ejaculating dick further into her throat. She coughed and complained, but I couldn't hear her. I couldn't hear anything. I was stuck in a world of absolute bliss, and nothing else existed except for me and my exploding cock. I shut my eyes tightly and gritted my teeth, seeing nothing but stars as what seemed like gallons upon gallons of cum shot out of me.

Minutes seemed to pass in bliss as I held my mother's head down, my hips spasming in pleasure as my right hand squeezed the unsuspecting stranger's tit as hard as I could. Pretty soon, the wonderful orgasm passed and I was left breathing heavily in contentment. Sweat coated my face and my heart thudded fiercely inside my chest, the beats slowly calming as I recovered from the most powerful orgasm of my life.

I finally opened my eyes and glanced down, seeing my mother still struggling against my vice-like grip. I quickly released her and her head shot up, a jolt of pleasure shooting through me as my cock slid swiftly out of her hot, wet throat. She gasped and coughed while tears leaked from her eyes, trying to catch her breath as a slimy mixture of spunk and spit slowly leaked from her mouth and dripped down her chin. Bits of it hung down in thick strands, some of which snapped and splattered against the top of her breasts and stained clothing.

As I watched my mom attempt to recover her breath, and as my dick finally began to go soft, I tried to force myself to feel guilty. What I did was horrible and wrong; not only had I totally taken advantage of my mother's virtue by fucking her tits (twice), but I had just basically raped her mouth and forced her to swallow a whole load of my jizz. I don't know where you come from, but that just isn't RIGHT.

But as I continued to watch my mother, her hair in disarray, mascara running in thin tear tracks down her cum stained cheeks, her lips bruised from my dick, and her entire upper body covered in my juices, I realized that I did not feel guilt. Maybe that meant that I'm a horrible person, a deviant and a monster, but at that moment I did not care. Later would come the consequences of my actions, and they would most likely be severe. But at this moment, in this crowded, broken down elevator, I cared about only one thing: there was a beautiful woman at my knees who had just given me the most pleasurable moments of my life.

A shocked gasp to my right brought my attention to the girl whose boob I had been using as a stress ball. My eyes met her own, which were wide open in shock and horror. It seemed that my gorgeous stranger, after finally coming down from her self-induced orgasm, had now noticed that it was not her boyfriend's hand that had been mauling her tit, but my own. Indeed, my fingers were still happily wrapped around her sizable globe, and I felt no need to let go of the wonderfully soft and firm orb just because the jig was up. Perhaps it was the fact that I had just had two of the greatest cums of my life, or maybe it was the fact that the elevator might drop and this could be the last moments of our life, but regardless of the reason I felt no fear. I felt wonderful, invincible. Like I could do no wrong.

So instead of removing my intruding hand from her breast like any normal human being should have, I instead squeezed it tighter, reveling in the softness my fingers were feeling. The girl gasped in outrage, then blushed and turned her head away. I guess she felt embarrassed about diddling herself while a perfect stranger was groping her, and she didn't want her boyfriend to know. Whatever the reason was, I couldn't have cared less. So I continued squeezing her boob, flicking my thumb across the stiff nipple as I watched her try to repress her pleasured trembling.

Eventually, much to the relief of everyone in the elevator (except for myself, who would have been perfectly happy to stay where I was) the power came back on and the elevator began a slow descent to the ground floor. Most people shouted in joy, while others merely breathed a sigh of relief that their ordeal was over. I, myself, reluctantly let go of the stranger's breast, giving her nipple one last parting squeeze before pulling away. The girl quickly yanked her sweater up, covering the lovely orb from view.

Unfortunately for mom, with her arms pinned down by my thighs, she could not fix herself up. She continually glared up at me from her kneeling position, obviously pissed off at how I had treated her earlier and most likely panicking at what she would do once the elevator doors opened. She was obviously in no state to be seen as she looked like she had just been gangbanged by an entire football team.

I avoided her angry eyes for the most part, not because of fear or guilt, but because I knew that looking down at her, seeing her in all her cum-stained glory would set my wood to growing again. I was in enough trouble as it was, and now that my adventure was over I did not wish to add to the already dire situation I was in.

After what seemed like an eternity, the elevator finally reached the ground floor. With a happy "ding," the doors parted and bright sunlight from the lobby streamed in. The people quickly streamed out, as they had been stuck in the hot and cramped confines for what seemed like an hour and they were most eager to get a breath of fresh air.

"Fuck, it smells like a whorehouse in here," muttered the Japanese guy in annoyance as the people out front began to exit the elevator. I looked down and saw mom blush at the comment.

The pressure pushing me back against the wall eventually lessened as more and more people exited the open doors. Pretty soon, the press was gone completely as the back half of the elevator marched out. I took a glance at the pretty stranger girl whose right tit I had intimately made friends with; she stiffly traipsed out of the elevator, her eyes deftly trying to avoid mine. Her boyfriend tried to keep pace with her swift steps, the ever present puzzled look still on his face. Before she stepped out, I managed to take a gander at her ass and almost laughed out loud when I saw a large wet stain against the back of her skirt. It looks like the guy behind her, who had spotted my groping of her boob, had some fun of his own.

Eventually, it was our turn to leave. I tried to help mom up, but she angrily swatted my hands away. She sneered at me, her cum-stained face making the look extremely sexy, as she attempted to get up on her own. "Don't touch me, you bastard," she growled. "Just wait for me back at the car. I need to go to the restroom to clean up."

And so I exited the elevator, turning the corner so that I could head out the front and head towards the parking garage. It was then that I was almost blinded by several sudden flashes, and I blinked and almost leapt back in surprise. In the lobby were numerous emergency workers and photographers, as well as television reporters with their camera crews. I would learn later that there was an attempted terrorist attack at the building, and it was the explosion that had caused the elevator to almost collapse. No one was seriously hurt, but it was still big news in our small city.

Several of the reporters shouted some questions at me as I turned around swiftly, attempting to warn my mother before disaster could strike. Unfortunately, she had already rounded the corner form the elevators and had entered the lobby, stopping like a deer caught in headlights when the flashes from the cameras took her by surprise.

You could hear a pin drop in the silence that followed. The reporters ceased shouting their questions at the elevator passengers, and the cops and emergency crew stood stock still as they stared in awe. The other elevator passengers stopped and looked around, trying to see what the commotion (or lack thereof) was all about.

"Jesus. Fucking. Christ," said the Japanese guy when he spotted mom's state. Even shocked, he still looked and sounded pissed-off.

Mom, for her part, stood where she was, perhaps too shocked to move. Her eyes were wide and shining in despair as she beheld the scene before her through the cummy lenses of her librarian glasses. Her face, hair, chest, and clothing was covered with sperm, even her skirt was wet from where my cum had dripped down from her chest. She was quite a sight to behold, and I'm sure everyone in that lobby agreed with me.

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