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A Town Called Eclipse


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The behemoth turned ninety degrees to the left and pulverized two homes as it passed between them. I could see the clock tower. I saw the glint of metal in the tower and guessed that one of Erick's men was positioned there as a sniper. I couldn't let the machine destroy the tower, but I had to get word to the sheriff. I grabbed one of the smaller goblins.

"Tell sheriff there is a sniper in the clock tower." I ordered in goblin speak.

"How? They no speak goblin."

"Point at the tower and go bang bang... I don't know."

"Bang... bang..." the goblin uttered.

"Good, now go."

The goblin fled the compartment and leapt from the machine when it was clear of debris. The head goblin reached out and pushed one of the levers forward. The machine slowed and pitched downward. The drill bit into the earth and we submerged. A series of loud clicks could be heard and suddenly brilliant lamps lit the cabin as well as the forward facing drill. Where the hell were we going? A sudden jarring motion sent all of us hurtling towards the ceiling. I got to my feet and as I did so I saw a small book skittering along the floor of the cabin. I pointed to it and the nearest goblin picked it up and handed it to me.

"Thank the gods," I said as I opened the instruction manual.

It wasn't clear or concise but more of a loose set of drawings and scribblings next to them. I tried to decipher Tara's handwriting as the machine burrowed deeper and deeper. I found a drawing that described a lever that was marked 'level out'. I scanned the controls and found it. I pulled it slowly and the machine responded. A read out with a horizon control showed the line in the middle of the window. Had we travelled far enough to be outside the town? I hoped so. I was afraid we were going to suffocate. I yanked lever the goblin had pushed to send us downward. We clung to the handles as the beast moved upward. I prayed I had waited long enough. The machine slowed, and it was a clear sign that we were breaching the earth. I saw daylight and as the treads struck the ground I leveled us out. I got the briefest glance as the drill pierced a massive wooden building. The structure was large enough to house twenty digging machines. I looked at the warehouse's contents and it was clear someone was up to no good. Everywhere I looked there was railroad equipment and supplies. There were also several large crates that bore the seal of the Magnus Mithril Mine. I'll be damned, we found the thieves that had been raiding the shipments.

"Shit!" I cursed when the first gunshot erupted around us.

I needn't have worried. The digging machine's armor was sufficient to repel small arms fire. The glass was another matter altogether. The first bullet to strike the side glass cracked it. The second shattered it completely. We were sprayed with glass and several of the goblins were left with cuts to face, chest, and arms. The gunfire continued, and we were forced to duck. While I had been careful one of the goblins dove and in doing so yanked a lever on his way down. The machine performed a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn. The drill bit struck one of the gunmen killing him instantly. We heard his cry as he died. I popped my head up to see where we were going and warned the goblins to hold on tight. The treads of the machine struck the pile of train rails and pitched upward until the full weight of the machine bent, folded, and crushed them. There was more gunfire and curses as the side of the warehouse was destroyed as the digging machine trundled out and into the forest beyond. I poked my head up and saw that we weren't far from town. We were on the very outskirts and headed towards the church. One of the goblins desperately pressed the manual back into my hands.

"Push... pull... not die..." he stammered.

I had enough time to read the manual and learn the basic controls. As trees fell to the indiscriminate drill I heard more gunshots coming from the town. Erick and his men were attacking the town. I was sure they would have used the eclipse for a signal. Wasn't anything going right today? I made a critical decision and aimed the machine at Main Street. The street was wide enough to accommodate the machine, I hoped. It would act as a distraction and a target. I hoped it would give the people time to get to cover. I warned the goblins and they left the compartment to the last. They had, had enough of me and the machine. As the great behemoth rolled down the avenue citizens, strangers, and gunmen alike raced away in mass panic. I grabbed the bright yellow rope and pulled hard. The whistle sounded like a banshee and startled everyone. I spun in a panic when I heard the door to the compartment open. Instead of a raging gunman I found a raging gnome. Tara was beet red and furious.

"What happened to my windows? Why are they dents on the exterior?"

"They were shooting at me." I informed her. "I am sorry."

"You are a quick learner." She said as she took over the controls.

I watched in rapt fascination as she pulled one lever that released a hidden stool. She stood on it and was soon navigating her machine safely out of town. She removed the leather backpack I had failed to notice and hand it to me. I untied the leather straps and opened it to see my gun belt and pistols.

"They are loaded and ready to go. Your friend Russell sends his regards."

"I have an orc to kill." I growled as I strapped on my guns.

"Be careful, I wouldn't want anything to happen to that fine um mind of yours." She giggled.

"I'll tell you all about it when I get back, if I get back."

She kissed my cheek and I kissed her mouth and she slapped me. I timed my exit from the machine and moved from the compartment to the interior of the saloon. I scanned the bar but found it empty. Crouching and keeping low it appeared that my distraction had reached its end. Erick and his men had regrouped and intent on finishing what they had started. I crouched lower and glanced at the clock tower. It was only twenty minutes until the eclipse began. A single shot rang out and dirt was kicked up near Erick's left foot.

"The next one goes between your eyes." The sheriff called out.

"That is no way to treat your mayor." Erick called out.

"Sorry Erick, you've been fired. Now piss off or I'll kill you where you stand."

The orc to Erick's right brought his long gun up and tried to fire at the church. The sheriff was as good as his word. The olive-skinned brute fell dead with a hole in his chest. The rest scattered and spoiled any chances at a clear shot at the former mayor. All hell broke loose after that and I joined in eagerly. I could hear my hearts pounding in my ears. The edge of my vision narrowed as I focused on my targets. I had limited ammunition, so I had to make every shot count. The humans made themselves easy targets. I split the lot with the others. The others appeared to have at least some military or practical experience. They proved harder to place in my gun sights. After I had taken down my first orc I had drawn attention to my position. I was forced to take to the second floor so that I could shoot down on my enemies. I found Rainwater, the saloon's owner, cowering in a corner. I didn't blame him, not all are born with the killer's soul.

"Keep down and put that chest of drawers between you and the outer wall." I offered as I crept towards the window.

"Thank you," he stammered. "I wish I was as brave as you."

"I'm not brave. I am scared shitless, but I love killing so it is a fair exchange."

"I don't understand."

"Nor should you," I said smiling. "Looks like they are getting ready to storm your saloon. Is there someplace you can hide?"

"Yes." He replied as he fled the room.

I reloaded and scanned the street below. I had lost sight of Erick and that concerned me. What was he up to? Had he returned to the warehouse or was he intent on my death? I hoped so. If he was focused on me then others were safer. Until he was dead no one was perfectly safe. The orcs burst from cover and raced across the street. There were four of them. I managed to kill one while someone from the church took a second. The left two of them downstairs. I felt my smile widen as I turned from the window to hunt them down. I slipped off my boots and crept barefoot across the floor. I could hear the pair as they moved towards the stairs.

"Where is he?" One of them grunted.

"Don't know... can't hear a damn thing." The other replied.

I had moved to the far corner waiting for them to top the stairs. I forced my breathing to slow and calmed myself. A sudden creak came from one of the rooms. Was there someone else in the saloon? Had one of the regulars passed out and lay forgotten on the floor? A second creak and the orcs moved up the stairs. Their backs were to me as the positioned themselves outside the door. The one with the long gun reached for the knob as the other raised his pistol. The orc shoved the door open and the roar of a scatter gun erupted from the darkness within the room. The orc with a pistol was cut in half and the one that had opened the door had missed instant death only because he had moved to the side to give his partner a clear shot. I finished him off with a well-placed bullet to the back of his skull.

"Val... is that you?" Rainwater called out.

"I got the other one," I shouted back. "I thought you had gone into hiding."

"I did," he said as he stepped out. "Fortunately, this room had my shotgun in it."

He reloaded his weapon and I retrieved my boots and slipped them back on. Rainwater became animated and led me down to the basement. This is where he stored his liquor and beer. It was also one end of a secret tunnel. One of the stack of casks on the far wall swung outward. He lit an oil lantern and we proceeded to the other end of the tunnel. I closed the secret door behind me and I had a brief flashback to the last time I had been in a secret passage. It involved a romantic liaison in a Belgian castle and a rather lucky dark elf. We reached the other end of the tunnel and Rainwater knocked on the door in a stuttered pattern. A second knock from the other side gave the all clear. He pushed opened the door and I recognized the dark elf whore I had spent time with in the bath so many days ago.

"Hello there," I said, and she blushed.

"How bad are things Selene?" Rainwater asked, and the girl touched finger to lips.

"Erick and ten of his men are upstairs." Selene whispered. "Lady Crimson sent me down here in case you used the tunnel. He is in a deadly mood that one, the Mayor wants you dead Duskwalker."

"Ten you say," I said in a hushed tone.

"They just arrived not ten minutes ago." She said her eyes on the ceiling. "I think they are soldiers or were at some point. Some of the words they use and most of them call Erick sergeant."

"Where are the girls?" Rainwater asked and to our horror they were mingled with Erick and his men. "We can't go in guns blazing."

"No, we can't. We are going to have to wait. Sit down and rest."

We didn't have long to wait. The sound of a dozen men moving about makes plenty of noise. We could hear muffled voices, but we could pick out the excitement as they moved towards the front door. Gunfire erupted, and the final conflict had begun. It was time to end this. I took the lead and Rainwater followed if reluctantly. I listened at the basement door before opening it. I gestured for the dark elf to cover the back door. I went forward with gun drawn. Sudden cries of pain alerted me to how close I was to Erick and his men. One of them had been struck and lay whimpering on the floor. I heard Erick chastise him as he moved to the front of the action. I moved slowly knowing I was overwhelmed if I didn't strike at the critical moment. I peered around the corner and saw that the sheriff and others had killed three of them. Erick was firing a lever action rifle. He emptied the weapon and moved back reloading as he ordered his men to action. I aimed my weapon at the back of his head when Lady Crimson crossed my path and stood between the orc and me.

"He is going to kill you," she purred defiantly.

"Who, your sheriff or the Duskwalker?" Erick growled as he pressed fresh bullets into the receiver. "You've fucked both haven't you."

"I'd never let that filthy six fingered freak touch me!" She lied.

"Hmm, perhaps I should let you kill him for me. But no, we have history he and I." He said chuckling as he placed the reloaded weapon across his shoulder. "If anyone is going to kill him it is going to be me. It's gone silent across the street. He must have killed those idiots. If I know him he has joined your precious sheriff. Alright boys, we are going to kill that damned Sidhe and I am going to claim those mithril pistols for my personal collection. Let's do this! Kill them all!"

His men roared in response and with weapons blazing they charged the church. Lady Crimson sat down clearing my line of fire. Erick stood alone laughing as his men did all the work. He turned and saw me as I squeezed the trigger. My bullet went wide and struck his shoulder instead of his heart. The force spun him around. The she elf flew to her feet blocking my second shot. I ordered her down, but it was too late. Erick had fled out a side door. Crimson spun on her heel and she stared at me her cheeks flushed with color. I raced after the orc and the whore house became a shooting gallery. He was wounded but orcish stamina was legend. The injury would do little to slow him once his blood was up. I dodged his wild shots and we were both in it. I smiled as I squeezed off shot after shot. I hid behind a bronze bath tub as I reloaded. Erick tested the tub's capacity as a shield. Water rippled as three rounds slammed into the other side of it.

"You're lucky Val." Erick called out. "She's a lousy whore."

"I never fucked her Erick, her pussy way too loose for me." I shouted back as I snapped the cylinder into place.

"True, but her ass is still nice and snug," he replied as he fled.

I chased, and he led. He knew this place far better than I. I was learning the layout as I went, and it almost cost me. He nearly managed to slip behind me except that one of the other whores cried out a warning. I ducked and fired simultaneously sending wood chips flying near his face. The orc laughed and fled back the other way. I found droplets and even small puddles of blood now. I may have nicked an artery or vein. Hell, he might just bleed out before I get in another shot.

"You're bleeding Erick," I yelled.

"Yeah, you got in a lucky shot. I'm going to have to kill you quick."

His voice was fading as he raced for the back of the whorehouse. I heard Erick call out Rainwater's name just before the deafening explosion as the elf loosed both barrels into the orc. The silence that followed was profound. I crept carefully to the rear of the building. Erick, what was left of him, was sprawled on the kitchen floor. Rainwater was on his knees weeping with the scatter gun on the floor before him. The blast had literally cut the former mayor in half. It had struck him mid torso and killed him instantly. The girls scurried in and it was Crimson that appeared carrying the bottle of dwarven whiskey. She handed it to me and I took a jolt or two. I walked over nearly slipping in the orc's blood, and handed the bottle to Rainwater. He took several smaller sips of the liquor.

"How did it feel?" I asked.

"I think I came." Rainwater replied laughing.

"Yeah, I get that."

The sheriff appeared with three of the male survivors from the church. They cursed seeing the corpse of the mayor and they each took a share of the whiskey. The clock rang the hour and I raced out leaving them. The citizens and visitors of Eclipse joined me on the streets as the sky began to darken. We were all looking up as the moon slid in front of the sun. I felt a slender hand slip into my left hand. I glanced over to see Selene holding my hand. I smiled and gave her a little squeeze. Not to be left out Tara took my right hand.

"You wrecked six buildings." Tara whispered.

"Only," I replied laughing.

"Hell of a sight," Magnus called out to the crowd. "We need to thank the Duskwalker for this moment and many that follow."

"Here... here..." many of the crowd agreed.

"Well?" The sheriff asked, and I told him all about the warehouse and the stolen mithril.

"Damn Val, you help kill a lunatic, recover the stolen mithril and land, and even get the girls. That's a victory in anyone's book."

"Fine, I'll run for mayor." I agreed.

"Who wants Val for mayor?" The sheriff called out.

"ME!" The townsfolk and visitors alike roared.



I took up residence in the house that Erick built. Tara made excuses to come over often to tweak my plumbing and wiring. I settled into the position of mayor and even attended the wedding of the former madam and the sheriff. They did make a handsome couple. Magnus D paid me a ten percent finder's fee for the recovered mithril. I used my reward to rebuild the homes I had destroyed with the digging machine. The rest I set in a community fund for the improvement of the town. The railroad's arrival to the town was slowed down by a month over the loss of critical materials lost in the events that occurred at the warehouse. Tara dismantled the digging machine and used the parts to build a power plant for the town. I wrote and sold my stories to my publisher back east and they sold quite well.

I still write as the town has grown by leaps and bounds with the help of the railroad. I served two terms as mayor and was replaced by my dear friend Rainwater. He was a far better mayor than I had ever been. He was reelected to the office six times. The town of Eclipse became the city of Eclipse. As I write these words the moon is nearing its position to darken the sky. I sit on the porch with Tara and many of our friends. We toast to friends gone and those that had perished during the Battle of Eclipse as we came to call it. I'm feeling that itch to move along but I feel that the gnome may choose to come with me if I go. Tara refills my glass and touches hers to mine.

"To a bright future together." She whispers in my ear.

I kiss her cheek and feel at home for the first time in many years.

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davevsr1davevsr111 months ago

Out - Fucking - Standing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It’s a nice mash-up if LOTR races with the American Wild West. Lots of action - sometimes a bit too fast without enough explanation. Sometimes a character is shot dead almost out of nowhere.

My other suggestion, writing-wise, is to vary sentence sentence more. Include longer, more complex sentences and a few very short ones. If you throw it into a text analyzer, you’ll find your sentence length is remarkably constant and that’s not like natural speech in which we have thoughts and give explanations and commands with more and less detail at different times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The story is inconsistent

On page two Tara knows who Jules Verne is and even credits him for giving her the idea for the digging machine "I had asked her if she had ever read any Jules Verne and she giggled. It was in fact his novel, Journey to the Center of the Earth, that had inspired the digging machine", but on page six she has no idea who he is and claims she only reads the work of other scientist "Jules Verne would be proud." I said, and she looked at me puzzled. "He is a human author." "Ah, I don't read anything other than works published by other scientists. I don't have time for silliness."

Timtom12Timtom12over 6 years ago

That was stellar!

Only thing I noticed is you can Monika Mary once.

chidoc63chidoc63over 6 years ago

Great story, couldn't stop until I finished it. Enjoyed the combination of characters and elements. Nice addition to the wild west collection.

Lost BoyLost Boyover 6 years agoAuthor
Thank you everyone!!

I was thrilled to be invited for this event. I had a blast writing this and grew up with the weird west show 'Wild Wild West'. I hope everyone had a great holiday and enjoyed time with friends and family. Thanks again Randi!!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago

When you copy the link, be sure you delete the space in the middle of "writers!"

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 6 years ago
Thank you, Lost Boy

You took the challenge and came up aces. You are a huge talent, and I knew I wouldn't go wrong asking you for a Western. Great story, and I am very grateful. Randi.

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