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A Twinkle in the Twilight Act 02

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Long neglected coupling continues.
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 11/13/2002
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There was no end to Maude's talents. The snack as she called it was one of the most well balanced meals I've had in a long time. We didn't bother to get dressed when we decided to take a lunch break, so now we were sitting at the kitchen table rubbing our bellies and relishing the repast dressed very formally in our birthday suits. I was still fascinated by Maude's enormous breasts, and she was concentrating on my pecker. Sitting as she was at the table, her fleshy thighs were pressed together making her pussy entirely invisible.

"What are you so interested in, Maude?" I inquired. "You're going to get a headache staring that way."

"Well, if you must know, I am staring at your pecker and trying to get it erect by sheer will power. Think it will work?"

I couldn't help but to chuckle at her remark, nor could I resist touching my cock to see if her efforts were working. After feeling a rather limp dick between my legs, I figured maybe I should help her out a little.

"Maude, sugar, let me show you an easier way to motivate this thing. Open your legs and show me your pussy."

She did exactly as I ask without hesitation. I stared into that massive patch of pubic hair and deeper to the bright red lips of her pussy carefully concealed by the patch of silky strands. We both watched as my shaft gradually began to expand in girth and length.

"It's so slow," she said while pursing her lips into a pout.

"You gave that thing one hell of a workout this morning, Maude. You can't blame it for bouncing back slowly. Maybe you should help it along."

With a big smile on her face and a gleam in her eyes, she dropped to her knees between my legs, leaned forward and kissed the head of the tool she had earlier referred to as Godzilla. This contact brought instant results. Like a hot air balloon being prepared for flight, the skin of my penis was slowly but surely taking shape.

Maude's patience would not allow her to wait. She lifted the almost lifeless thing and sucked it into her mouth. I instantly sat up in my chair to watch this woman as she enveloped my entire semi-erect cock with her mouth. She flipped my flaccid tool around in her mouth briefly before it decided to take shape and join the party. In less than a minute my shaft was rigid.

Maude was holding my stiff joint at the base and giving a special lip service to its head. She added to the ecstasy when she rolled my balls around in one of her hands and squeezed them just enough to put fire back in the furnace.

"Wanna fuck?" she asked looking over my wakened dragon with a wicked smile on her lips.

"Get up," I said unable to hide the excitement in my voice. I offered her both hands to help her to her feet. Then I turned her to the kitchen table and coaxed her to bend over the table top. The table top was a perfect height placing her plump ass cheeks just below my navel.

The oleo that we had with our meal was still on the table. I hurriedly scooped a glob of the spread on two of my fingers and then transferred this lubricant to her asshole. I took my time massaging this ointment into her anus using two and then three fingers to make sure the job was done properly. Maude seemed to thoroughly enjoy what I was doing. In fact, she was spreading her ass cheeks wide so I would have room to operate.

I walked around the table to where she was facing the window, and offered her my throbbing cock. She took as much of my rigid pole as she could into her mouth and bobbed a couple of times.

"That should do it, love. Thanks." She had just upgraded my erection to extremely hard, and she had freshened the surface with her saliva.

I went back to the business end of the table where I saw Maude was already spreading her cheeks once again. My happy camper slid into her rear portal almost effortlessly. I did do the penetration in three gradual stages, but she had no problem with accommodating my whole spear without a problem. Her ass muscles were chewing on my rod with a vengeance, and my balls were threatening to erupt any minute. I pumped her ass vigorously mainly because she seemed to be enjoying the exercise so much. The other reason was that I was thoroughly enjoying our fun to the extreme.

My balls slapped against her ass each time I rammed my cock home, and her ass cheeks actually rippled with each contact my body made.

My audible participation in this entire overture was nothing but grunts and groans while Maude's vocal commentary was inspiring. Her moans and sighs compelled me to stroke harder and faster.

And then blissful, gut wrenching ecstasy settled in for the curtain call. My balls exploded sending streams of my semen deep into her bowels. Her melodic commentary continue, but at a lower octave now. Her ass was pressed hard against my abdomen as though she was begging for more. I held my position deep within her until she unceremoniously spit my tool out of her ass. We both laughed when that happened.

"Got tired of my cock, did you?" I teased.

"Not so," she declared enthusiastically, "I simply wanted to get it out in the open so we could rejuvenate the monster in preparation of our next venture."

"Oh yeah? What makes you think there is another venture?"

"Well you haven't lied to me yet so the way I see it we are due a grand finale. I have sucked your cock, you have eaten my pussy, I sucked your cock some more, and then you butt fucked me in royal fashion. It's been a wonderful day so far, but I think we should engage in some old fashioned sex as a fitting conclusion to our sex fest. Agree?"

"Amen, but the last leg of our journey was a nasty one. I think we need to clean up a tad before we swap bodily fluids again."

"You're absolutely right, Randy. Come with me," she said. She had been standing ever since our anal action so she headed down the hall in the direction of the bathroom wickedly twisting her fat cheeks as she went. I was surprised to find that my cock noticed her actions and mildly responded.

In the bathroom she busied herself adjusting the water temperature in the shower while I stood behind her jiggling and caressing her majestic boobs. She wiggled her butt against my body to express her approval and appreciation. My cock wholeheartedly accepted her arousing display of appreciation and flexed its muscle to let her know its feelings.

In the shower we immediately cleaned up the overflow from our butt fucking, and then we devoted considerable time to soaping and caressing the remainder of our bodies. For a minute I thought Maude was going to jack me off in the process of scrubbing my tool. She did get it hard, and upon doing so she stooped in front of me, placed my cock between her enormous tits, and together we worked it back and forth in her upper valley.

I was extremely turned on by now, and Maude noticed this fact. She removed my shaft from between her boobs and into her mouth. Vigorously, she sucked and pumped my tool to blissful submission. Once again I fed her my best cream. But I was not to be undone.

As soapy as we were, I moved her out of the shower and seated her on the toilet. She automatically spread wide when she saw me kneeling before her. The bountiful soap suds collected at her crotch did little if any at impeding my quest for her pussy. My mouth found her opening instinctively, and my tongue jutted into her hole. Her greeting was a low, sensual moan as she cradled my head in her hands.

The intensity of our coupling along with the long period of neglect for both of us caused Maude to respond to my tongue immediately. Also, the unbridled ardor with which I invaded her crotch had brought the tip of my nose into play coincidentally and precisely on top of her clitoris. Her orgasm could have been classified as spontaneous combustion considering the time from contact to climax.

We stood soap-clad back in the shower deeply engrossed in passionate embraces until the water started to turn cooler and convince us the shower was over. We took turns drying each other, and in the process almost initiated another amorous episode.

"Careful, Randy," she gasped, "I still want that old fashioned fuck."

"I'm up for that," I replied with all due enthusiasm.

"Not just yet, you aren't" Maude said as she flipped my limp dick and laughed. "I'm awed by that thing's stamina, but timing is everything at this stage of the venture. Rest up, and then I want you to fuck me bowlegged." Evidently my earlier remark had stuck with her.

"Done," was all I could think of to say. I followed Maude back to the kitchen where the day had begun.

"By the way, Mr. Handyman," she said, "my plumbing is still leaking."

"That gives me a reason to visit you again," I said good-naturedly.

"You damned sure better have a better reason than that to return."

"Oh, believe me, Love," I sighed, "I do. I do."

We went into the living room where we sat and listened to some very pleasant music from a collection of CD's in Maude's entertainment center. It was nearing four o'clock in the afternoon. Maude broke the silence.

"Martini time," she announced cheerfully. She headed for the cleverly disguised liquor cabinet in the corner of the room. "Would you like something else?" Maude asked.

"You," I said truthfully.

"All in good time, my good man." Her smile was sweet. I couldn't help noticing she was still stark naked as she sauntered back to the couch where I was sitting. She handed me my martini, and softly sat down beside me.

We continued to listen to the pleasant sounds from her CD player while we sipped our drinks. Maude's hand casually but deliberately inched its way toward my crotch. I pretended not to notice, but my pecker never seems to cooperate with me when I am trying to be suave. I could feel it expanded in both girth and length. By the time her hand stealthily made contact with my love muscle, it was at a semi-hard stage.

"Oh my," exclaimed Maude. "What do we have here?" Her fingers carefully lifted it free from between my legs. My organ was growing all this time. "Is this for me?" she asked coyly.

"I've been saving it for you," I grinned.

"Bullshit. That thing has been in nearly every imaginal portal of my body," she said playfully, "and, I might add, it has performed magnificently."

"Are you ready for the next act?" I asked knowing full well my question was purely rhetorical. My cock was at full mast and literally ready to get the show on the road.

"I want to ride it like a horse," Maude said almost shyly, "and I want you to play with my boobs the whole time. I miss having a man around, so tag you're it."

"Climb aboard fair lady. Your stud awaits you."

"What happened to carriage?" she asked playing along with my nonsense.

"Sorry, ma'am," I said playing the role. "All you get this trip is a broken down old stud ready for the soap factory."

"How dare you speak that way about my thoroughbred stallion. There is none other like him in this kingdom, my good man."

Maude's stallion had no idea what we were talking about, but it was steadily becoming more anxious to start the ride. With the help of her hand, the steed stood erect awaiting her mount. She might have been a lady, but this was no occasion for side-saddle. She swung her leg over my body and straddled my hips demonstrating remarkable agility for a woman of her tender years.

She deftly aimed my shaft at her thoroughly wet pussy, and settled on it without hesitation. I watched with blissful amazement as her crotch swallowed up my cock. Once at ground zero she slowly ground her pussy against my crotch. She may have been away from the sexual scene for an extended period of time, but there was no doubt that her memory was as sharp as any around.

I began hunching my hips and she automatically switcher to her riding mode. She rose almost the full length of my pecker before starting her assent. On her way down she tucked her hips inward creating a powerful thrust against my cock. This was a first for me, but I hoped she would never take this maneuver out of her assault plan.

Maude was working on her fourth orgasm of the day, and as normal with women they were coming at more frequent intervals. I tried desperately to honor her request by caressing her breasts as much as possible, but she was determined to sit upright to take full advantage of the stallion in her barn. I was the last person on Earth to dispute her wishes.

When her orgasm did take over her body and her emotions, I held fast and let her ride my stiff rod to the finish line. She was perspiring openly now and she was breathing more like the horse than the rider, but the expression on her face and her panting commentary convinced me that she had just thoroughly enjoyed her fucking ride. Her magnificent bosom was immediately in front of my face now, and I took full advantage of the situation. I went from nipple to nipple and back again.

When she realized that my cock was still embedded full-length in her pussy, she immediately decided on a solution. She carefully raised her body high enough for my pecker to come free of her pussy. It was still super slick from her vaginal juices so when she carefully eased the head of my dick in her ass it slid in almost effortlessly. This was much tighter. I commenced my stroking with renewed vigor, and nature took its course. My balls started to quiver and my climax took charge of my actions.

In the heat of passion Maude has changed positions. She was leaning away from my face, and resting on her outstretched arms. This was the deepest I would ever penetrate her ass. It was also the deepest I would ever deposit my generous ejaculation.

Somehow, once we recovered from our world class coupling, we came back to Earth and regained our composure sufficiently to allow us to bring our day to a wonderful end. I did manage to repair the leak under her kitchen sink even though she insisted the deed was not at all necessary.

If you think our relationship ended here, you're crazy.

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