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A Very Demanding Job Ch. 01

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Neelam looks for a job.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/12/2022
Created 09/07/2009
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From an idea from Dahlia57

Naina had just won her Master degree in Economic Sciences degree at the University of Birmingham cum laude (with honors in latin). She had shortly after officially married Tim, her former professor and lover for four years in her home town of New Delhi. There has been a big party with over three hundred guests. The couple had duly followed the tradition for their wedding with Naina wearing a red richly embroidered saree and marvelous jewels. These diamonds, rubies and other sapphires had been lent to her by the Prince Kyrhan and his wife, Princess Kira. Globally, she evaluated the value of what she was wearing to five or six million dollars. Some of the jewels were centuries old and the head piece decorating her forehead and her hair had been worn by maharanis in the eighteenth century. Never any member of her family had worn such rich attire!

She should have been afraid of an aggression by thugs but as the Prince Kyrhan, a member of the central government, attended her marriage, it had ensured the presence of several police officers among the guests and around the hall. Kyrhan himself was a former colonel of Indian commando troops and he kept himself in top shape. He had arrived with his jack of all trades Rajeev and the group of Dalits employed usually by the princess. Kira had started to give them a complete education and the most advanced were already starting their BSc studies (Bachelor of Science). They would risk their lives to protect their mistress! Among all these men, Naina would have walked by night through the seediest streets of Calcutta!

Kira was seated next to Kyrhan on the front row of the assistance. Seated next to him was another pretty Indian girl, named Neelam. She had followed the same courses as Naina and her sister Ritu, just a bit less brilliantly but she didn't have the support of Tim or his brother. She was mesmerized by the richness of Naina's jewels, her ear rings, nose rings and her head pieces, the spider web ornaments on her hands and feet brittling with rubies and sapphires, emeralds and diamonds. Naina was certainly the prettiest bride she had ever seen.

Neelam had had luxury dreams too. She had recently married another Indian student in English literature named Swaroop. They weren't very rich and he had just found a job of assistant at University : not very well paid to support them both. She was a shy and slim girl. She had led a demure life far from the numerous adventures and wild sexual life that Naina and and Ritu had enjoyed and continued to do so with their lovers and now husbands.

When Neelam had returned to the grim streets of Birmingham and her husband had returned to his job at the University, Neelam never imagined to be a stay at home wife : she decided to apply for a job. She realized soon that it wouldn't be that easy : with the economic crisis, they were very few jobs available and a married woman without any professional experience even with a prestigious degree wasn't especially in demand these days in England. She was lucky to live in England where racial prejudice is less prevalent than elsewhere. She had been told during some interviews that she should go back to India!

Such a rejection can be easily discarded once but at the fifth occasion, Neelam's morale was severely eroded. The twenty-eighth interview seemed to be following the direction of the previous ones.

- Unfortunately, we have no vacancies in our commercial department and no one is to retire or has even evoked the possibility to resign in the near future...

Neelam's shoulders sagged in despair : she could still ask the help of Naina who had high ranking connections but she wanted to find a job on her own without some outside interference...

- But we intend to create a new service for after sale assistance to our customers! Would it interest you?

- What would I have to do, sir?

- Quite simple : customers sometimes have complaints about our production : late deliveries, insufficient quality or lack of compliance with the customer's specifications. It's a highly emotionally charged job where you would have the future of the company in your hands : your first objective would be to calm the customer, make him totally happy or even have him send us a new order!

- I could see if I can fit in the job, sir!

- Perfect! I propose you a three months test period : we'll see if you can fulfill all the requirements of this job. You'll be directly attached to myself and I'll take care of your on the job training. I'll show you our offices and present you to our director of human resources to fill up the paperwork. You'll start tomorrow morning at nine o'clock ; don't be late!

- Of course, sir! How shall I call you?

- Sir seems perfect! I'll call you Neelam until further notice, if you have no objection...

- None, sir!

The next morning, Neelam arrived ten minutes in advance and she knocked at her boss' door immediately. She was wearing a very conservative business suit with black pants, a dark grey sweater and a grey jacket. She had put on a very discreet make up. She was quite pleased by her professional look. Mister Jenkins watched her from head to toe : his face showed that her outfit didn't please him!

- Do you think that this drab outfit is convenient for your job? You could attend the funeral of your grand mother with this skirt! Do you think that you are going to calm an aggrieved customer and make him happy with such clothes?

- Sorry, sir! I didn't realize you wanted something different! Could you advise me about the appearance you intend for me to have?

- I'll do better than that : we are going together to buy you a complete outfit, several ones if I find something suitable. If not, we'll go to London : I'm sure we'll find everything necessary there! It will be paid by the company, of course, as it will be your uniform!

Neelam nodded without protesting : everything considered, if Mister Jenkins paid for her work clothes, she had no reason to argue! They went to a very expensive shop. Mister Jenkins made her model for him, wearing a series of different outfits. He told her he was looking for something elegant that showed off her figure and was relatively sexy to catch the eye of the customer...

- Don't forget I'm married, now, Sir!

- Do you think every married woman should hide under an opaque veil? If you think so, perhaps you should move to Djeddah or Kabul!

- No chance, sir!

Mister Jenkins finally chose a close fitting black leather skirt that reached down to her mid thigh and a red blouse with a very low cut neckline that showed more cleavage than anything she had worn previously. It was in very fine silk and her heart stopped beating when she saw the price of it : four hundred pounds! She tried to talk her boss from that purchase but he declined to do so! He even insisted for her to wear her new outfit immediately. The clerk put her business suit in a bag. Mister Jenkins took it in his hand. Neelam expected they would walk back to their office but Mister Jenkins seemed to have other ideas...

He stopped in another expensive shoe shop. It wasn't the usual retailer's shop with piles of cardboard boxes and little place to walk. Instead, it was a very cozy place with upholstered armchairs, ebony furniture and oriental carpets. The clerk who appeared just when they entered asked politely what kind of shoes they were looking for. Mister Jenkins replied him :

- We are relooking this pretty young woman. Do you have something that would match her new outfit?

The man stepped back and assessed Neelam's figure from a distance.

- Yes, sir, something very classy but sexy to emphasize the beauty of your lady... I would advise you red pumps, maybe stilettos but surely very high heels to show off her delicious legs. When it's raining, what would you think of high boots to the knee still with high heels, of course!

- That was what I had imagined! Neelam, give me your jacket, you've more modeling to do for me!

The young woman emerged from the shop, tottering on her impossible high stilettos. She was forced to take the helping arm of Mister Jenkins. He stopped near a public bin and dropped into it her business suit and the flat heeled shoes she had put on this very morning.

- Mister Jenkins, you've discarded my business suit and my new shoes!

- In comparison to what you're wearing now, it's their right place. Don't ever wear such ugly garments as long as you work for my company! I forbid you to take them back!

The business suit and the shoes had absorbed all her savings but she didn't try to argue any more. Step by step, Mister Jenkins was imposing his domination and Neelam felt gradually more normal to abide completely to his orders. He remarked that her bra could be seen at the bottom of her cleavage. It was black and was quite visible under her red blouse. Mister Jenkins drew her to a Victoria secret shop and she didn't object. He made her try a dozen bras but they could always be seen under her blouse. Looking annoyed, Mister Jenkins told her to model for him without a bra.

- I suspect your breasts are proud enough not to require any support. Let's see if I'm right!

He declared himself perfectly satisfied when she walked in front of him. She was blushing terribly of being half naked in front of her boss but he dismissed her fears with a negligent gesture.

- No, Neelam! Your outfit isn't whorish : it's just very sexy! Your breasts are young and firm ; they don't really need a bra! But let's try out a few suspenders. I love these frilly garments...

Their shopping spree had lasted all the morning. Mister Jenkins invited Neelam to the restaurant. As she walked more and more confidently, she remarked the appreciative glances of the men on both sides of the road and the heinous faces of the women who accompanied them. Finally, a pretty woman relished being desired by stranger men and hated by other women : it gave her some sense of ultimate superiority! She surprised herself when she wiggled her bottom on purpose when a few students whistled when she passed them by.

The waiter opened the door wide when she arrived and bowed down when she passed in front of him. It was probably a devious way to have a closer look at her décolletage but she just giggled. The waiter proposed them a quiet table, isolated by several plant pots in front of a window with a view of the flowers in the inner garden. To have a better view, Mister Jenkins proposed to sit on the side of Neelam and not in front of her. He ordered as aperitif a glass of exotic fruit juices for both of them. Neelam grasped an exchange of glances between Mister Jenkins and the waiter but she didn't understand its meaning.

The drink was delicious but somewhat heady. She wondered whether there was some alcohol into it but Mister Jenkins seemed to drink it as if it was water. He offered several toasts, drinking to her health, then to Swaroop's then to their company. When her glass was empty, he ordered for another one. Neelam began to feel dizzy when he clunk glasses to her beauty. Her voice was hesitant as she answered to his toast. She didn't know it but the waiter had added to her first drink a good measure of Vodka : it was almost tasteless but it improves anything to which it is added. The second glass had a double measure of vodka. There was no mystery that her words were slurry and she didn't react when he kissed her on the cheek, then let his hand rest on her naked thigh, above her knee.

When she announced she wanted to go to the loo, he escorted her with his arm around her waist, waited for her exit and walked her back to their table, holding her tighter. The alcohol was doing its effect as his right hand had cupped her breast and massaged it under her jacket and she didn't even try to push him away. When they arrived to their armchairs, he made her turn around and kissed her straight on the mouth. She had no reaction, again and let him explore her mouth. He pushed her against a wall and really French kissed her.... She wasn't used to drink vodka ant it completely lifted her inhibitions. Mister Jenkins jumped on the opportunity and whispered to her ear :

- Would you mind if I pulled down your panties?

She replied, still more than half drunk :

- If you want, sir!

- You know that when you wear such an expensive skirt, you should bunch it around your waist and sit with your buttocks directly in contact with the leather!

- Oh nobody has ever told me that!

- Let me help you!

Neelam now exhibited lewdly her pussy to his eyes without thinking to it in her inebriate state. She even parted her thighs and pushed her crotch forward, opening her twat just for him. He took out his cell phone and took a series of images he could have easily sold to a porn site on the web! He took off her jacket, lifted her blouse and completed his collection with close ups of her face, her breasts and her pussy. He forced her to stand up and turn to make a close up of her pretty apricot with a dripping wet slit. She had her legs safely under the table just a couple of minutes before the return of the waiter. Everything worked accordingly to his plans. This little cunt didn't know it for the time being but he was already her Master and she couldn't resist him!

- Before we return to the office, we could pay a visit to the beauty parlor and have your pussy shaved : I prefer it that way!

- But Swaroop will see it this evening! He'll ask me what I had in my mind!

- You'll just tell him the usual explanation, that you made it to excite him! All men would believe it! Take another glass of that delicious fruit juice!

Neelam came back home at the end of her work day, naked under her clothes, her pussy as smooth as a baby's and her lips swollen by injections at the beauty parlor. Even her hair had acquired a trendy wavy appearance. Swaroop was filled with enthousiasm when he discovered the change she had made to her appearance. He congratulated her for her taste. She just mentioned that her boss wanted her to be very attractive!

Mister Jenkins was very interested by most sports. He had told her he would initiate her to windsurfing on the next noon pause. A swimming pool had arranged a big fan to produce wind and attract customers during off peak hours. She had tried to resist as the effect of the alcohol was diminishing but he pulled her into another shop that sell swimming suits. It wasn't a common sport in New Delhi and Neelam rarely practiced swimming but Mister Jenkins refused to hear anything and he bought her a white bikini, by far the skimpiest she had ever worn or seen. She was grateful that her pubic hair had disappeared as it would have been visible everywhere : the bikini was nowhere wider than an inch and often reduced to a tiny thread. It was her very first G string! The part covering her breasts was almost as small: just a tiny piece of fabric covering her nipples and nearly nothing more!

Curiously, it didn't bother her as much as she would have expected. Her boss had started her training : he wanted her to shed away any trace of prudishness. His very first instructions had been not to wear a bra for the next day. She had obeyed without protest : her husband had encouraged her many times to do so but she had resisted him fiercely. It was strange that she had followed her moss' instructions so sheepishly. He had not stopped with this first victory. She had put on a panty and he had noticed it immediately :

- Look! it makes a very ugly crease on your skirt!

She was completely overwhelmed and she allowed him to pull down her panty once more.

- I'm afraid you should dispense with panties with such sexy outfits. I want you to promise to come to work without any from now on!

- Could... Could I keep it on and take it away when I arrive to the office?

- Certainly not! Walking with your bare buttocks under a short skirt or dress will make you more sensible to your visitor's desires. Just try to be aware of it today as I give you my instructions! Next time we go shopping, you'll try a VERY short skirt, one that barely covers your crotch or your ass. If you bend down or just sit on a chair without extreme precautions, you'll show all your intimate treasures to the public!

They climbed together on the board with Neelam cuddling into her boss' arms.

When she had discovered his half naked figure, she had thought he really looked like Bras Pitt with his sportsman's stature. Her colleagues had discreetly told her that he was a womanizer for the female staff, and was said to have sired several babies among them. He looked really attractive, as he stood just behind her. His hair was thick and wavy, jet black, and his chest and stomach were covered by bulging muscles, rolling with each move. He kissed her hand, telling her she could lean against him.

- I was right, you really look superb!

Neelam had blushed beet root. Self-conscious and very embarrassed, she had walked around the room. He had told her to walk more seductively, placing her feet on a line and wiggling her bottom wantonly. When she had mastered the knack of it, he wanted her to rock slightly her breasts when she walked, advertising to all the male assistance that she didn't wear a bra under her body fitting blouse or dress. When he declared himself satisfied after three hours of intensive training, he made her walk in front of a large mirror. She didn't realize at once that the lascivious girl walking so lewdly in the mirror was herself. Sensually walking had become soon quite natural for her, even when she was alone at home. Swaroop had even complimented her about it! He suddenly became more interested to go shopping with her and he booked more frequently a table in some night club...

This new idea of teaching her how to stay on top of a windsurf board was certainly just a pretext to rub against her body. Could she have declined the offer when her boss had himself pulled down her panties and forced her to wear microskirts and low cut blouses at work with no undies underneath?

The water was rather cold and her nipples poked instantly through the skimpy material. She blushed with shame. It was an habit she should try to shed. Everyone could see when she was embarrassed and Mister Jenkins hadn't missed it!

- Am I the reason of your sudden excitation?

She blushed even deeper when she realized he was pretending her engorged nipples had been caused by sexual desire rather than by cold water! He laughed, as he raised his eyebrows inquiringly. She grinned and stuck out her tongue at him as he seemed quite pleased with his joke.

Of course, having never used a windsurf, she kept falling into the water when she didn't lean on his muscular chest. It was rather pleasant and she stopped being uneasy with it. You could feel so cozy in such a powerful embrace! Neelam wasn't accustomed so such tiring exercise. She pleaded with Mister Jenkins to stop now, promising to come back with him until she could practice alone. It seemed satisfied with this promise but he chided her for being unfit!

- How do you intend to cope with our Clients if you are a couch potato!

- I'm not a couch potato! I practice jogging half an hour a day!

- Hhmm! Not long enough : make it one hour a day or start new sports and exercises : aerobics should help you to become more resilient. There are plenty of other possibilities!

- OK, boss! Could you be my coach as you seem to love that role?

- It's a deal!

Mister Jenkins took her indoors, still with her bikini on. At least, it was warm there! He made her practice abs exercises for half an hour. He tormented her all the time about her flabby stomach, tickling her sides. His comments were so blatantly obnoxious that it made her laugh continuously. At the end, he proposed her to relax in the Jacuzzi. She was so tired that she agreed immediately. He started the bubbling and slid into the water. When she placed her right foot in the water, Mister Jenkins stopped her :


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