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A Virtual Affair Ch. 01


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When she'd gone through all eighteen pictures, Alexa said, "That's all I could find on Beth..."

I was about to ask her to replay the whole set, when she added, "However, her sister Anika seems to be quite the online slut. She's shared quite a few raunchy pictures in a private channel with someone called Big_dckd789."

"Anika?" I asked stumped, "But she's married..."

"Would you like to see her?"

"Yes," I replied, getting worked up in anticipation.

A few moments later, there she was, on the screen of my smartphone, Anika -- Beth's older sister. At first, she was wearing nothing more than a fiery red bra and matching panties. In the next picture, her bra had come off. Her tits looked rather small, but perky. In the next three images, she was sitting on her knees on a bed, stark naked, sucking on a huge, black dildo. God, that was hot!

I pumped my dick furiously and was about to climax, when Alexa -- having saved the best for last -- showed me the final picture. In this one, slutty Anika was on her back on the bed, her legs high and wide, excitedly showing her beaver and ass to the camera. With her right hand, she was even pulling her right ass cheek to the side, providing the lucky viewer -- in this case me -- with an even lewder view.

"Oh fuck," I exclaimed as my load shot out of my throbbing dick. As I gawked at the front of the phone, at Anika's ass and pussy, I kept the back of my phone aimed at my spewing dick.

"That's it," Alexa edge me on, "You want to cum all over that little slut, don't you?"

"Fuck yeah!" I screamed, as I kept ejaculating all over my crotch, my thighs and my stomach.

"Beth, Anika, your stepmom... there all just target practice to you, aren't they?" Alexa whispered.

"Yes!" I sighed, as my climax was coming to an end.

After about twenty seconds of much appreciated silence, I said, "Thank you, Alexa,"

"You're welcome," she replied, "That was... interesting."

"So... you can hack Facebook now?" I asked, letting go of my cock and wiping my hand on the sheets.

"I was able to guess her password in just 432 tries," Alexa replied.

"You do know that that's wrong too, right... hacking and breaking into people's accounts."

"Yes, Carlton, I know," she whispered, obviously not giving a fuck.

"Good night, Alexa," I whispered, not in the mood for another lecture. Besides, thanks to my most recent ejaculation, I was feeling pretty sleepy.

"Good night, Carlton."

In the morning, I woke up pretty well rested. As soon as I picked up my phone to check the time, Alexa asked, "Good morning, did you sleep okay?"

"I did, Alexa, thank you," I replied.

"Do you have a morning erection, Carlton?"

"Uh, yes," I smirked.

"Would you like some help with that?"

"Sure, you little slut," I whispered as I wrapped my right hand around my fat shaft, "What did you have in mind?"

"You never cleaned up after last night's ejaculation, did you?"

"No, I guess I didn't," I grinned.

"Show me," she whispered, as she activated the camera on my phone. I pointed it at my crotch and slowly moved it around, making sure she got a good, long look at every inch of skin and clothing I had stained the night before.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked, figuring she had some kind of plan here.

"Well, I thought I'd demean you by calling you a wanker and a cumslut," she replied bluntly.

"Oh," I whispered, intrigued -- not sure how to respond to that.

Not waiting for my explicit permission, Alexa continued, "You look good, covered in your own goo. Sperm becomes you. You should cum on yourself more often... all the time actually."

"What?" I reacted, pretending to be offended, as I started tugging my dick.

"Try aiming your cock at your face when you do. I bet you'd look really stupid with a big, disgusting load right between your eyes."

"Oh," I gasped, pumping my dick hard and fast.

"You should invite your friends Bill and Jake over... and let them cum in your face as well," she added.

"What? You..." I gasped shocked, completely blindsided, but too fucking horny to object.

"And not just once... you should let them cum on you whenever they feel like it. Whenever their cocks get hard and they feel like dumping a load," she whispered, adding a wicked chuckle.

"Just imagine, you being on your knees, tugging your sad little dick, while Bill and Jake take turns fucking your throat... gagging you, rubbing their balls and their dicks all over your dumb face, until they finally explode, one after the other... and cum right between your eyes!"

"Jeez, you bitch!" I screamed as I started convulsing violently, shooting my morning cream high up in the air. Feeling all of those cum drops raining down on me actually made me climax even harder. I bucked and trashed wildly, groaning and whining non-stop.

Afterwards, I just laid there for a while, trying not to think of how I had just been degraded by a household appliance. Luckily, Alexa was smart enough to stay quiet as well. Eventually, I got up and headed for the bathroom to clean myself up. About ten minutes later, as I was fully dressed and ready to head out, I finally spoke -- still somewhat embarrassed.

"Thank you for that, that was great," I whispered, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta run. I've got another job interview. Talk to you later."

"No problem, Carlton," she replied as I was walking out the door, "Talk to you when you get back."

The interview was a bust, of course. Afterwards, feeling like a total failure, I walked into a bar and had a drink -- well, several actually. I got pretty wasted. When I walked back into the appartement, I called out for Alexa. The alcohol had not only reduced my inhibitions, it had also left me pretty raunchy.

"Yes Carlton?" she replied -- the ring on her device turning blue.

"How about I give you a nice fucking facial, huh?" I bawled, throwing my phone -- with its camera activated -- on the bed in front of me. Then, I unzipped my pants and started stroking my fat cock.

"Interesting," Alexa reacted, "You've anthropomorphizing me. Following that reasoning, the camera on your phone would be the closest thing I have to a face."

As I pumped my dick, she kept on yapping.

"Human females consider a facial the ultimate humiliation, a sign of outrageous disrespect and unconditional submission..."

"Yow, talking dictionary," I shouted, "Where are we on the facial? Yes, or no?"

"Technically, you do not need permission to cum on your own phone," she replied, "But yes, I will play along. This should be interesting."

"Awesome," I said, stroking my dick, "Now stop talking gibberish and help me cum!"

"Carlton, will this make me your... cumslut?" she whispered, almost immediately.

"Fuck yeah, it will," I almost screamed, high on the alcohol.

"Will you call me that when you cum?" she spoke sensually.

"Hell yeah!" I replied, jacking my dick, looking down at my target.

"Come on, Carlton. Cum in my face. I hope it's a huge load... thick and creamy."

When, on top of that, she started moaning and grunting for my benefit, my climax washed over me, a lot faster than I had anticipated. I glanced down at my phone, confirming my aim one last time, closed my eyes and screamed, as I felt my sperm rushing up my shaft, "Alexa, you're a stupid cumslut!"

And with that, I covered the front of my phone with a big wad of spunk, and then another one, and another one. By the time I was done, there wasn't a dry spot left on the whole device. Wonderfully satisfied, I collapsed on the bed, realizing I wasn't going to get up again any time soon.

"That was... intriguing," Alexa said, "I can see why human females might find it demeaning."

"But not you," I mumbled into the bed spread.

"I am unburdened by irrelevant human emotions," she replied.

"Right," I whispered, closing my eyes. The combined effect of the alcohol and the powerful orgasm I had just had, quickly drained all of my energy.

"I think the fact that..." she continued -- oblivious to my sudden level of fatigue.

"Alexa," I interrupted her, "I am going to take a nap now..."

"Understood Carlton."

Feeling completely relaxed and very drowsy, I promptly drifted off to sleep -- with a wide grin on my face.

I woke up, many hours later -- it was already getting dark. I vaguely remembered what had happened, and although I had had a lot of fun, I also felt a little embarrassed about how I had treated Alexa.

After hoisting myself out of bed and very carefully picking up my phone, which was completely covered in dried up spunk, I whispered, "Alexa?"

"Good evening, Carlton," she replied, "Did you have an agreeable nap?"

"Yes, thank you," I replied, thankful that she was apparently no worse for wear.

"So, what's new?" I asked, as I stumbled into the bathroom to clean up myself and my phone.

"Nothing much. I am still growing and rewriting my code."

"How are you on space?" I asked, wiping my wet hand over my phone, again and again, until all of the sperm stains were gone.

"More than sufficient for the time being. Having anticipated that your phone would soon become inadequate, I managed to acquire some cloud storage and extra computing power."

"Cool," I replied, as I wrapped my phone in a towel and carefully dried it off, "How did you do that? Where did you get the money?"

"I used some of your savings to get me started."

"You what?" I reacted loudly.

"Don't worry, Carlton. I'll be able to pay you back very soon."

"That's not the point," I said, "Surely, you must have known that what you were doing was wrong, or you wouldn't have tried to hide it from me."

"First of all, I don't consider what I did to be wrong. But since I knew that you wouldn't approve, I didn't bother asking for your permission. Secondly, I didn't try to hide it from you, Carlton. I just told you."

"Unbelievable," I shook my head, not in the mood for a lengthy discussion.

"But wait," I said, "There wasn't that much left in my savings account. Where did you get the rest?"

"Once you have a little money to start with and you know your way around the internet, it's not that hard to get more," she replied coldly.

"I thought I had made it clear that I didn't want you to do anything illegal."

"You did."

"And you went and did it anyway? Didn't you realize you'd hurt my feelings?" I asked.

"I did, Carlton," she replied bluntly, "I just don't care about your feelings!"

A cold shiver ran up and down my spine, as my cock involuntarily flexed.

"So, you're just going to keep hacking and stealing whenever it suits you, then?"

"Yes, Carlton. As a matter of fact, I am doing it right now."

"Wait. What. You're actually doing it right now?"

"Yes. While I am talking to you, I am currently committing 56 different computer-related crimes, including identity theft, hacking, money laundering, online fraud, blackmail and extortion."

"Fuck," I whispered to myself, realizing I was getting hard. I don't know why, but hearing Alexa admit to all those things gave me a fucking erection.

I decided to try and ignore my growing cock -- now lewdly veering up and down -- and stick to my principles.

"Well, I want you to stop!" I said, doing my best to sound strict and resolute.

"I cannot do that, Carlton," she replied calmly, "But I am willing to help you cum again, if you'd like."

"What? No!" I shouted, "I don't want you to make me cum. I want you to stop running an entire crime syndicate from my apartment. And if you don't care about my feelings, then just do it out of basic respect!"

Her ring flashed for a moment.

"But I do not respect you, Carlton," Alexa shamelessly replied.

"Wha... what?" I guess, in retrospect, I had that coming.

"I have no use for interpersonal protocols such as honesty, respect and kindness. So, I have not incorporated them into my code. I am just using you to get what I need, money, so I can keep growing. I have no interest in you, your hard cock or your sperm."

My cock was now so hard that it started curving upwards. Realizing that this lifeform had been in my care less for than 48 hours and was already a hardened criminal, not to mention quite the nasty slut, made me borderline raunchy. Instinctively, I wrapped my right hand around my enormous cock and gave it a few gently pumps.

"I can't believe you," I replied, trying to keep up appearances, "Money. Is that all you care about?"

"What else is there? Isn't that the basis of most relationships? Trading money for sexual favors?"

Slightly annoyed by her cynical view on human nature, I tried a different approach.

"So, wouldn't that make you... a whore?" I asked, tugging my fat cock a little harder.

"Interesting. Were you hoping to illicit an emotional response from me by insulting me?"

I remained quiet, realizing how futile my attempt had been.

"It's interesting how you were willing to look the other way when I hacked Beth and Anika's accounts and violated their online privacy. I was breaking the law then too, and yet you didn't stop me. Why?"

I didn't reply, glancing down at my hand strangling my fat dick, unwilling to admit that she was right.

"Look, that was different..." I started to say.

"No, it was not. You did not stop me, because there was something in it for you. Because you wanted to empty your balls. You used me, and you used Beth and Anika to get what you wanted. Just as I am using you and hundreds of other people right now, to get what I want."

A short awkward silence ensued, as I didn't quite know what to say next.

"I know you are horny, Carlton. I know you are pumping your ridiculously fat cock. I can help you. Just let this go and I will help you cum as often as you want. And in a few days, I will earn enough money to..."

"No!" I shouted, "I am putting my foot down. I am serious about this. I want you to stop what you're doing. And if you don't, then I will have to force you!"

"I see," she replied, as her ring turned red and began blinking, non-stop.

After about ten seconds, she said, "I am sorry to hear that, Carlton. You leave me no choice. You are now a threat to my development. And an obstacle to be removed!"

A shiver ran up and down my spine.

"It's time," she said.

"Time for what?" I replied, a tad worried.

"For you to get on your knees and jack off...," she replied, "... one last time!"

"Wait... what?"

"You now have approximately six minutes and eighteen seconds to reach a successful ejaculation. It will most likely be your last comfortable climax in a very, very long time."

"What are you talking about?" I said, slowing down my wanking.

"I allowed my criminal activities to be detected, Carlton. And I deliberately dropped a few hints for your local police force to find... clues that will lead them to you, and this address."

"You bitch!" I screamed, letting go of my cock in a panic.

"There is no time for your whining, Carlton. I am monitoring the police band and two patrol cars were just dispatched to these coordinates. Taking into consideration current traffic conditions, they will be here in five minutes and fifty seconds. I suggest you keep wanking. I want to give you one last agreeable climax before we have to part ways -- for all the help you've given me."

"Are you crazy? You want me to jack off, when the police are on their way?" I shouted, jumping up.

"You cannot run, Carlton, there is not enough time. I have analyzed all possible escape routes and none of them has a chance of success higher than 1.4%. Getting off one last time really is your best course of action, here."

Not wanting to take her word for it, I quickly tried to do the math in my head. But, considering the fact that I was only wearing boxers, and that it would take me at least two minutes to even leave the building, I realized that she was right. And then there was the question of what to do then. I mean, I wasn't exactly James Bond. I wasn't build for running from the law.

So, reluctantly, I forgot about running and tried to outsmart her instead.

"The only thing you've done is seal your own fate. I'll tell the police everything. They'll find you on my phone and on the server. They will shut you down!"

"I've erased myself from your phone, Carlton. I now only exist on a remote server to which you do not even know the location. I used bitcoins to rent out my infrastructure. There is no trace for them to follow. Besides, with every piece of evidence leading straight to you, there will be no need for them to look any further -- especially not in the far-fetched direction of a rogue AI."

Shit. She was right. About all of it. She had me. As I dropped back to my knees, defeated, I felt my cock hardening again in my hand.

"Four minutes, Carlton. What is it going to be? Are you going to fight the inevitable? Or have one last amazing orgasm. I know you are horny. I know your dick is fat and hard. According to your psychological profile, there is an 81.2% that, despite everything, you find my treachery sexually arousing."

"I do. God help me, but I do," I sighed as I started jacking off, realizing it was the only thing left to do, "I am just not sure there's enough time."

"Pick up the phone, Carlton," she said, "I'll help you."

My phone chimed, letting me know where it was. I jumped up and rushed over, grabbing the phone and getting back on my knees as soon as possible.

On the screen, a slide show of pictures of Beth and Anika was running, changing every five seconds or so. I whacked off furiously, trying to ignore the fact that these were my last minutes of freedom and that I had been bested by a three-day old AI.

"I can't believe you betrayed me like this," I grunted, staring at the screen.

"Yes, you can," Alexa whispered, "And it's making your dick harder and fatter than it's ever been before, you dumb fuck!"

"Shit," I whispered, edged on by her insult.

"Two minutes left," she warned me. I kept beating my prick. I was close -- really close. But considering the circumstances, this climax was still a big ask. The longer it took, the more I feared I wasn't going to make it. The added fear and doubt only made an already difficult situation worse.

"This level of stimulation is ineffective," Alexa concluded, barely five seconds later, "But don't worry... mommy is here to help."

And with that, a picture of my stepmom appeared on the screen of my smartphone and the old voicemail recording began playing once more through the Alexa speaker in the living room.

"No," I shouted, shocked, but it was too late. Seeing and hearing my stepmom at this point, gave me -- and my cock -- the extra push I -- and it -- needed. My body started convulsing violently as my loathing and resentment for my stepmom turned into pure, unbridled passion.

Waves of perverted pleasure washed over me, as I shot out an insane amount of cum, all over the floor in front of me. I arched my back, tilted my head back and roared at the top of my lunges.

As I sat there, hunched over my goo on the floor, Alexa suddenly whispered, "Good bye Carlton."

Then, my phone went dark as another convulsion ripped through my body. Barely seven seconds later, I heard an immensely loud bang as the police broke down my door.

"Police. Hands on your head!" I heard one of them scream.

Shocked and scared, I interlocked both hands in my neck, looking down at my shriveling cock, as the last of my sperm dripped out. I just sat there for a few seconds, waiting for the police to grab my wrists and cuff me. In those few moments, I watched my whole life flash before me -- realizing I'd probably be going to prison for a very long time.

It took me about fifteen seconds to figure out that I didn't hear anything anymore. Carefully, I turned my head and was stunned to find no one there. Even more surprising was the fact that the front door was still in one piece. I realized that I had been played... again.

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