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A Whore and a Thief


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I'd told our principal, Mr. Woodman that I had a dentist's appointment that afternoon and after the deal I got from Ambrose he was afraid to anger me. I later found out that Ambrose was using the school as a tax deduction so we would get a large donation from him every year. But Ambrose had arranged it so that I had to be the one signing the form for the donation. I had an idea that Ambrose was using that part of the agreement to keep on touch with me. I hated to tell him but this would be a one-time thing. I was only interested in getting that million to financially protect my husband and myself. I had no interest in Ambrose in any other way.

So that Thursday afternoon I was shaking like a leaf as I left the school to head to Ambrose's hotel. The thing that terrified me the most was the thought that Ray might somehow catch me.

I wasn't worried about any type of fraud because Ambrose had me set up a bank account the day before and he had wired my money into the account. I had already been paid, the only thing I had to do was deliver the services and put my marriage back together. That was important because Ray's anger was growing with every day that the situation continued.

Once inside the hotel room and alone with Ambrose, my nervousness went away. It was strange when you considered it, but it made sense to me. Ambrose was a large, famous man. He had been with a lot of famous women around the world. He was associated with actresses, models and female sports figures, but I had nothing to be nervous about. In fact he was the one who needed to be nervous.

I think that I was more nervous about having sex with Ray the first time than I was then. Ray, meant something to me. Ray mattered. So I worried that if he didn't like it, our relationship would end.

Ambrose was the one with everything to lose here. And no matter what happened, it was only sex. It was only going to happen once. And if it was awful for him who would care? I was an unknown forty year old teacher. He was the world famous sex god. He was the one who had paid a million dollars to fuck me. And all he was getting was a fuck. If he was good, it would be great. I'd fuck him back so he got his money's worth. But it would mean nothing more than if I had bought a new vibrator and had enjoyed trying it out. I laughed at that thought.

Ambrose thought that I was laughing about something else. For a man of his size he wasn't very impressive undressed.

"I guess you're used to someone with a nine inch dick who can keep it up all night," he said. His words chilled me to the bone. I knew I had heard that somewhere, but I couldn't remember where.

Ambrose put me down on the bed and undressed me. He didn't say anything but his eyes betrayed his emotions when he saw how small my breasts are. I smiled right back at him. My husband loves my small titties, I thought. And Ray is the only one that mattered.

Ambrose started kissing me. He tried really hard. I opened my mouth so he could stick his tongue inside but that was it. I couldn't return his passion because I didn't feel it. In fact I felt nothing at all. I didn't resist him in any way. I did everything he wanted, including literally sucking his dick. But it was nowhere near as good as the blowjobs I gave Ray.

Ambrose also leaned down and licked my pussy. Looking down at him, it was the funniest thing in the world to see this billionaire with his head between my legs and his tongue working feverishly. He kept looking up at me to see if I was ready to cum so I started moaning just as a reward for his efforts. But truthfully I felt nothing except humor and shame.

Finally I got the bottle of lube off of the table next to the bed and smeared it over my vagina and his dick. "Marcus please fuck me," I said.

"Claire, I want you to enjoy this," he said. "I know that it takes some women a while to warm up."

"Marcus, I'm forty," I said. "Women my age don't get wet without a lot of working up to it and sometimes, we don't. Where do you think the idea of the headache came from. There are a lot of times when we're just not in the mood. Even with our husbands. And I want you to enjoy this too. Right now I'm really hot and I want you, but I'm also scared and nervous about being with a man as famous and rich as you are."

He smiled and nodded. My flattery had played to his ego. I know that he was thinking that I wanted him. Marcus' dick wasn't very long but it was definitely thicker than Ray's. Fortunately I had the lube. Once he got inside of me and started pumping away, I moved my hips in response, but inside I was laughing.

I was laughing because that idiot on top of me had wasted a million dollars. If I had ever been afraid of what would happen then I was as big a fool as I thought Ray was. I think that deep down inside I had this fear that if Ambrose fucked me, I would enjoy it more than I did when I had sex with Ray. I thought that maybe the rest of my life with Ray would be spent thinking about the wonderful night of passion I spent with Ambrose.

Nothing could have been further from the truth. As Ambrose fucked me, I wiggled my hips in response, but truthfully I felt nothing. In fact, once I got used to his girth, I missed Ray's length and ability to get much deeper into my pussy. It was almost like having an itch inside of me that Ambrose just couldn't scratch. He started trying to massage my asshole. And I moved his hand. "Only Ray goes back there," I said. He nodded and kept pumping me, while I smiled and moaned and thought about what I was going to make for Ray's dinner. I also tried to figure out what I could do to get Ray to talk to me again. Ambrose looked like he was about to cum. His orgasm face was so ridiculous that I had to moan and scream to cover my laugh.

After Ambrose shot his load of sperm inside of my useless cavity. He rolled over and had the biggest smile on his face.

I grabbed my clothes and started to get dressed. "Thank you so much," he said. "This is worth every penny I spent. And I'm sure that you won't mind..."

"Stop right there," I said. "We're done. You got to try my pussy. I got a million dollars for my husband and I to retire on. This was a one-time thing, that won't be repeated for any amount of money."

He burst out laughing. "You really need to get over yourself, Claire. You really have no idea of what just happened here or what I just gained. The million is chicken feed. And the few paltry hundred thousand I'll be giving your school every year is less than I pay my staff in bonuses. But it will make me look good.

"The best part about having sex with you was when it ended. It was like trying to remember how to jack off. Watching you pretend to enjoy it when neither one of us did was priceless," he said.

I was shocked. My mouth dropped open.

"Come on Claire," he laughed. "I know when you were young you were really considered hot shit in college, but this is the grown up league. There's also the fact that you're uhm ... under equipped in some areas. The women in Vegas start accessorizing when they get to be your age. They go for bigger boobs and in your case maybe you need a little extra padding in the booty area too. You do have pretty hair. It's long and thick, but you need a dye job. While you were giving me that enthusiastic but less than skillful blowjob I noticed that although that beautiful shade of blond is probably natural, you've got some gray mixed in there too.

"So let's see, we have a pretty but aging face. A beautiful head of long thick hair. And a skinny body with no tits and no ass. So what you really are is a really nice mop.

"I'm sure your little hubby loves you more than life itself. And to be truthful the two of you have lasted a lot longer than a week. Kudos on that. But I'm not going to bow and scrape or kiss your non-existent ass because truthfully, you don't turn me on at all. You're really not even that pretty. I've paid for common street walkers who were more enthusiastic and prettier. So get over yourself."

In all of my life, I had never been spoken to like that. "Then why?" I asked "Why risk destroying my marriage? Why me?"

"The oldest and most important reasons on the world," he said. "Money and power."

"I have neither," I said. "Unless you want your million back."

"A million dollars isn't money," he laughed. "That's pocket change."

"You already know who I am," he said. "But I've been hearing about you for years too. You went to college with my cousin Rudy. You froze him out over your hubby. That was a wise move though, Rudy went through more women in college than McDonald's goes through cows. But he always saw you as kind of his Moby Dick. You're the one that got away. The one that broke his confidence. Right now Rudy and I are competing to see who takes over our family's company. The salary for the job is more than fifty million dollars a year and the incentives and bonuses are more than that."

"Rudy and I are probably equally qualified for the job. So I needed an edge. I need something to make him realize that I'm better, more ruthless, and more fit to lead. So when I show him the video of me fucking Moby Chick ... Cousin Rudy will settle for being second best."

"What video?" I asked. "I never agreed to..."

"Relax Claire," he said. "Only Rudy and I will ever see it. I'll tell you what. I'll give you a copy of it too. If you ever slip, or your husband ever finds out what happened, maybe you can use it as proof of why you did it and of how shitty the sex was. I'll even leave our conversation on your copy, although it will be deleted from mine. I want Rudy to think that you fucked me for my charming personality."

"Jerry!" he screamed. One of his bodyguards, a gigantic black guy in a well fitted business suit opened the door and entered the room. He looked at me and shook his head.

"Disappointed," I asked him. I refused to cover myself. I wouldn't give one of Ambrose's flunkies the satisfaction of cowering in front of him.

"Extremely," he said in a very cultured voice. "From the first day that we saw you. I told Marcus that you had too much class to fall victim to his scheme. You and your husband were so much in love that I never expected him to bribe you. And especially not for so small an amount. Marcus was willing to pay you much more, but you jumped at his first offer. So, yes ma'am, I am disappointed."

His words and the way he looked only at my eyes as he delivered them hurt me as much or more than Ambrose had. Where Ambrose had been bellicose and arrogant, insulting me, and proclaiming how far above me he was. The black man's quiet yet precise words had cut me far more deeply. He hadn't called me any names or degraded me at all. But his statement that he'd expected more from me. His assertion that I'd been bribed, or seduced to betray my marriage for as he called it a small amount shamed me.

If he had been a posturing fool like his boss, leering at my body because he wanted me but couldn't have me it wouldn't have hurt as bad. But the man's quiet dignity while avoiding staring at my body in an attempt to let me retain my own lost dignity hurt me. He reminded me so much of Ray that I started to cry. Like Ray, he believed so much, at least his words seemed to convey, that love was far more important than any amount of money.

He stepped briefly out of the room then returned and handed me one of those plush hotel robes. He also slipped a flash drive into my hands.

"Learn from this," he said quietly. "Never again risk the most important thing you have for something that doesn't matter to the person buying it. Always remember if a thing is dear to you, either never trade it, or only trade it for something even more dear to the person you're trading with." And then he left.

Once I got my head out of my ass, I realized that Ambrose was laughing.

"Jerry is my conscience," he said. "I originally hired him as a lawyer. But he was too God damned ethical. So now he's my chief personal assistant. Whenever I have to consider something, I listen to what he has to say and do exactly the opposite. See you around grandma." Then he left me sitting there.

I drove home. I got there within five minutes of my normal time to arrive home. I was there before Ray as usual. Although I had showered at the hotel, I showered again with my own soaps that Ray loved the smell of. I started making his favorite dinner. I got ready to do something that I never imagined doing. I got ready to lie to the man I loved.

I had to appear to be something that I wasn't. I needed to forget that I had been played for a fool and humiliated. I had to forget that I had been insulted and treated like a prostitute. But when you look at it in real world terms that was what I was. A prostitute sells her body for money. Hadn't I just done that?

When you put all of the facts on the table, I was worse than a prostitute. Most of them did it for the money to survive or to live on. The desperate ones did it for drugs or to avoid being beaten. I had a good job and a man who loves me more than anything else in the world. So basically, I'd done it for nothing. The more I thought about Jerry's words the more I realized that I could never tell Ray about the money.

Why the fuck was I soooooo God damned stupid? It was a wonder that anyone allowed me to teach their children. Ray loved me. Ray really loved me. I was the man's heart and soul. He would NEVER be okay with me having sex with another man. Ray was too old fashioned to forgive infidelity. I had as Jerry claimed traded something very, very dear to me, for something I could never use.

My only chance was to pretend that it had never happened. I had to look into my husband's eyes and lie my ass off. After thirteen years together, I knew that I could never live without Ray.

I made his favorite dinner and dressed in my sexiest Victoria's Secret lingerie. I waited for Ray to come home and listen to my lie. I was ready to tell him that he was right and that I wouldn't go to Ambrose. I waited to tell him that I still belonged only to him and always would. I waited to tell him that I loved him more than anything else in the world. When his normal time to get home passed I was still waiting. After an hour I called him. Ray didn't answer. After two hours I got more nervous.

When it became apparent that Ray wasn't coming home, I freaked out. I started screaming and crying. I couldn't believe that after all I had gone through in an attempt to make our future better, Ray wasn't coming home to me.

Betty and Archie showed up, knocking on the door a short time later. They only knew that Ray and I were having problems. They didn't know why. Betty made me tea and comforted me. She told me that she had never in her life seen a man who loved a woman more than Ray loved me. She was sure that he would come back. She said that he probably just needed to blow off some steam.

The stress of everything I had gone through and my terror that Ray had left me for good took their toll. Either that or Betty had drugged my fucking tea, because I was out like a light. I didn't wake up until my alarm went off. I called in to work. I was in no shape to face a bunch of sniveling, screaming, snot nosed, shitty little kids.

I spent the entire day crying. Betty told me that Archie had gone to see Ray and that he would try to convince him to come home. Archie had spoken to Ray the day before because the two of them had missed hanging out with the two of us. Ray had talked about moving out and possibly moving on, but Archie had thought that Ray was just blowing off steam.

While Archie was out, time seemed to pass at a far slower rate. I needed my husband back with an intensity that had to be felt to be believed. If anyone could talk Ray into coming back it was Archie though. Betty got me to try to grade some papers as a way to take my mind off of things. I had almost finished grading them when I heard it. I heard the sound of that too loud motor that powered Ray's other lover. When that Mustang pulled into the driveway it was all I could do not to leap up and run to him. I had to try to remain calm until he was inside.

As soon as he was in the house, I couldn't help it. I launched myself at him and refused to let go of him.

I was surprised and terrified to hear that Ray had actually been ready to divorce me. I knew that as hard as it was, I had to lie to Ray. I was sure that if he ever found out, we were done.

I was ready to fuck Ray like never before. I couldn't wait for Betty and Archie to leave. Unfortunately, I ended up waiting for a lot longer than I thought. It was nearly a month before Ray even kissed me. I was sure that he had found out somehow. I was even more sure he would never want to touch me again.

But with the amount of guilt I was carrying, I felt blessed just to be around Ray. The worst part was once he came back to bed with me. He would often give me a very gentle good night kiss that left me wanting so much more and then turning away from me and go to sleep.

I remember wondering if he was getting sex from another woman. I got so pissed that I asked him about it. He threw my own words back at me.

"You don't really even like sex," he said.

"My exact words were, before I met you I didn't think it was anything special," I said calmly. "Ray if you want me to beg, I will, " I said.

"Claire, it's going to take some time," he said. "Right now, I just don't feel like us. We didn't have sex that night. But as we lay there on our bed he wrapped his arms around me and it was almost as good. Us lying there together was the first gasp of our old intimacy returning and I craved it. There were all kinds of questions running through my mind.

He doesn't know I did it and things are this bad between us. What if he ever found out that I did? That was one question. Another was whenever we did have sex, would he be able to tell? Ray kept telling me that something was different between us but he couldn't figure out what it was. He really thought it was our argument over this. We had never argued before. Both of us had always given in because nothing was more important to us than each other.

But as they say, time heals all wounds and a few months down the line, Ray and I were back to being as close as we ever had been. Closer in fact, because I knew how close I had come to losing him. I also knew that at any second something stupid, some freak chain of events might happen that would cause the truth to come out.

We were having a relaxing dinner with Betty and Archie when I noticed it. We usually played Scrabble or some other game after it. Sometimes we all played games on the Wii. I never noticed it, but a commercial came on the television. Ray tensed up immediately and let a string of curse words out under his breath. That was when I noticed that the commercial was one of those campaign ads. I glanced at the TV and saw the smiling confident face of Marcus Ambrose. He was balding now and ten years older but it was him.

Ray's hatred was palpable. Betty and Archie couldn't understand it, but I did and it terrified me. I hadn't laid eyes on Ambrose in ten years but Ray's hatred was as fresh and sharp as if it had only been yesterday.

Over the next few days I did my best to reassure Ray that we had nothing to do with Ambrose. I reminded him that neither of us had seen the man in ten years. Ambrose was married now and as many successful and rich men with egos the size of a small country did, he wanted to run for public office. Neither of us would vote for him and that was the end of it.

It took a couple of days but eventually it died down and things went back to normal. I prepared for the worst though. Most of the politicians campaigned for up to a year before an election, so I knew that as the election drew closer, we would hear more and more about Ambrose.


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