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A Whore for the King Pt. 05

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Sarah is taught the French ways of love.
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This story is categorized as science fiction/fantasy, but there are no ray guns or robots. No wizards. No orcs. It is a 10-part tale of fictional people living in a fictional kingdom in England a long time ago. There's a lot of sex, but there's also a lot of words devoted to plot and characters. Isn't sex more exciting when it involves people we care about? It's my hope that King Harold, Princess Alana, Queen Mother Eunice, Sir Robert, and (especially) Sarah the Whore capture your attention. All characters are adults over 18.


One morning Sarah became very ill after smelling the aroma of bacon served with her breakfast. Her servant Emma knew immediately that this meant Sarah must be in a family way. Her time of the month was late, but the doctor had hoped there was a chance it would come eventually. Her sudden morning sickness ended that hope.

They knew what they had to do. The doctor gave Sarah the herbal tea that never failed to start the monthly cycle. Everything about the experience was unpleasant. The tea tasted foul. It upset her stomach and caused painful cramps. Sarah became feverish and had to stay in bed. Things became worse when her bleed finally began. It was the most painful thing Sarah had ever endured.

King Harold never left her side. He was next to her all day and night. He felt guilty - both of them did - because of a concern that they hadn't adhered closely enough to the doctor's instructions on how best to avoid pregnancy. The doctor reassured them. It simply isn't possible to eliminate all chances of pregnancy by timing sexual relations. Nature worked against them. There was nothing more they could have done.

As the crisis passed, Harold couldn't avoid thinking about having a baby with Sarah. Ending the pregnancy felt like slicing off one hand. He was too smart to ignore the dangers of having an out-of-wedlock child with a commoner, but he was unable to resist imagining how much he'd rather raise a child with Sarah than his betrothed, Princess Alana.

"I wish I could just marry Sarah," Harold told his mother after it was over.

"It's useless to think like that," Queen Mother Eunice said. "It's like wishing you could flap your arms and fly to the moon. I've imagined many times that I would rather have Sarah as a daughter-in-law. The prospect of welcoming that bitch from Catacan into this family makes me bilious. But you have no choice. You'll never be as fond of Princess Alana as you are of Sarah.

"But you don't have to like Alana. All you have to do is fuck her. That's where your duty starts and ends."

A procession of visitors came to Sarah's bedside. There were the expected callers, like Queen Mother Eunice and Sir Robert, but they were joined by aristocrats Sarah barely knew, and she was touched that they were sincerely concerned for her well-being. And a surprising number of servants asked for permission to tell Sarah how sorry they were for her troubles.

There were several reasons Sarah was particularly popular among the commoners who worked in the palace.

When Sarah moved in, her first weeks were spent being awed by comforts and luxuries she'd never known before. Her clothing. Her bathtub and chamber pots. Her scented soaps. But the most impressive luxury was the food. Fresh, abundant and prepared by experts, Sarah could scarcely believe the meals spread before her each day. She was particularly awed by the cakes, pies, muffins, pastries, cookies, candies and other confections from the kitchen.

She enjoyed the sweets at first, but it didn't take long for them to lose their appeal. They were simply too rich to be a sensible part of a daily diet. During a conversation with the Queen Mother, Sarah mentioned that she planned to ask the cooks to stop sending these sweets to her chamber.

"Oh no, dear," Eunice said. "Don't do that. There's a much better way to handle the problem."

The Queen Mother said she had the same feeling about the sweets, which she seldom ate. But instead of asking the kitchen to stop sending them, Eunice collected the desserts and gave them to the people who worked for her.

"Give some to Emma," Eunice said. "Give some to the guards who stand outside your door. Give some to the boy who cares for your horse. The person teaching you to read and write. The person giving you music lessons.

"These people never get to eat such delights. Remember how you felt when you moved into the palace? They are all just as you were then. If you give your sweets to them, it will be a real kindness, and they will be very grateful. Things like that are important. Most of the aristocrats here treat servants like domesticated animals. I know you are not an aristocrat, but you live like one, and the people who take care of you will notice if you treat them like you care about them."

"But I do care about them," Sarah said.

"My point exactly," Eunice said. "This is one way to let them know."

As Sarah was recovering, Eunice introduced her to Lady Hanna, the duchess of Olba. Like Sarah, Hanna was a beautiful young woman who enjoyed sex. Hanna's parents arranged for her to be educated in France, where she spent two years as a member of the French king's court. She learned Latin, Greek, history and natural philosophy, but her favorite subject was one studied by most of the aristocratic women in France. She learned all kinds of ways to pleasure (and be pleasured) by men.

"The French understand that healthy young people can't be expected to be virginal until marriage, then remain faithful to one spouse for the rest of their lives," Hanna said. "It goes against our character. Rather than expect us to meet an impossible standard, most educated people in France prefer to make sure their youth are told ways to minimize the risk of pregnancy and disease. I can teach you things that will make life more pleasant for you and the king, and make it less likely you become pregnant again."

Hanna reached into a silk bag and withdrew a long, slender piece of white porcelain with colorful decorations. "This was a gift from Princess Noemi," Hanna said. "It is the work of a craftsman who provides many delightful things to the court. Be careful not to drop it! I'm told it is very sturdy, but it would be a shame if it broke."

Sarah realized the object was an especially pretty dildo. The tip was narrow, then grew thicker in the middle, and ended with a flared base. It was easy to imagine how the smooth object would feel inside. But Hanna did not intend to use it that way.

"I want to show you how I was taught to pleasure a man in a way that could not result in a pregnancy," Hanna said. "Please imagine you are the king. I want you to hold this here." Hanna put the dildo in Sarah's hands, then guided them until she held the dildo in the same position as a man's erect penis. "Keep it steady while I show you how this is done," Hanna said.

With that, Hanna lowered her face until it was hovering over the dildo in Sarah's lap. Hanna opened her mouth and sucked the tip between her lips. She bobbed her head up and down.

"See?" she said. "Men love the way that feels."

Hanna continued the lesson by demonstrating how to make eye contact while sucking a cock. "Men like it when you smile and wink," Hanna said. "They love an enthusiastic cocksucker." She demonstrated how to use one hand to jack the shaft of the cock while sucking the head.

"The most important part is to suck a bit harder when the king begins to climax," Hanna said. "Men love it when you suck their seed down to your belly. Some women refuse to swallow their men's seed. Spitters are quitters. Do it right."

At length, Hanna felt she'd taught Sarah how to suck a cock. "You try it," Hanna said, taking the dildo. "Pretend I'm the king, and you wish to pleasure me."

Hanna held the dildo between her legs, and Sarah took it between her lips and tried to pretend it was the king's cock. The dildo was cold and hard, so it was difficult to imagine. But Hanna was encouraging, giving Sarah little suggestions about the finer points of cocksucking.

"Pretend I'm beginning to cum!" Hanna said. "Suck a little harder!" Hanna began moaning the way a man might as he climaxed.

Sarah kept sucking on the dildo, knowing that it always took a bit of time for Harold's climax to conclude. At length Hanna was satisfied with Sarah's performance. "That was excellent. First rate," Hanna said. "You should have no difficulty satisfying the king without risking pregnancy."

The whole session left Sarah excited. Thinking so much about the king's cock aroused her, and Hanna noticed Sarah's cheeks were flushed and her breathing was labored. "Oh dear. I've gotten you all worked up, haven't I?" Hanna asked.

"I should have known that would happen. It always happened when the women of France taught these lessons to me. They had a way to give me relief. I think I should do the same for you."

With that, Hanna lifted Sarah's skirt all the way to her waist, exposing her pussy. "Hanna! What are you doing?!" Sarah asked.

"I'll show you," Hanna said. "Just relax. You'll like it. This is something you should ask the king to do after you've sucked his cock. I'm sure he'll be happy to indulge you."

Hanna spread Sarah's legs and got between them. She began to kiss, suck and nibble the tender flesh of Sarah's inner thighs, moving closer and closer to her pussy. She kissed around and around the lips, and finally stuck out her tongue and licked the length of Sarah's crease. Feeling the soft, wet, warm tongue lick her clit caused Sarah to jump in aroused surprise. "Ohhhhhh..." she said as Hanna found all manner of ways to stimulate her pussy.

Things took a wonderful turn when Hanna inserted a finger into Sarah's passage. A second finger joined the first. Hanna turned her hand so she could stroke the rough patch of flesh that would someday be called the "g-spot."

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!" Sarah said. A wave of pleasure started in her pussy and spread from her head to her toes.

"You like that, do you?" Hanna asked. "Some women like it more than others." Hanna redoubled her efforts to stroke the g-spot at the same time she sucked and licked Sarah's clit.

Seconds later Sarah climaxed in a way she'd never experienced before. It was so intense it almost hurt. The orgasm wasn't as pleasant and satisfying as she experienced with the king's cock inside her, but it had much to recommend it.

"Ohh... ohh... ohh... ohh," she said as the climax ran its course. The muscles in her abdomen clenched, unclenched, then clenched again. Her hands made tight little fists, and she squeezed her eyes together.

The first thing Sarah heard when it was over was the sound of Hanna giggling. "You must have been very aroused!" she said. "Either that, or you are one of those women who climax very easily." Sarah opened her eyes and saw Hanna's face was covered with wetness.

Hanna laid next to Sarah and held her hand. "I enjoyed that more than I expected," Hanna said. "It brought back warm memories of the time I spent in the French court. The men and women there had more ways to pleasure each other than I'd ever imagined possible. I suppose I miss it more than I thought."

Sarah realized that Hanna's hands were wandering over her body, lingering over Sarah's breasts. After all that had happened, Sarah was not capable of objecting to this uninvited attention.

"Sarah, you've got me excited now," Hanna said. "Would you do for me what I just did for you?"

Hanna got out of bed, untied the laces of her dress, then pulled it over her head. She removed her undergarments then climbed back into bed completely nude. She unlaced Sarah's dress and helped remove it. Sarah had never imagined that it would feel so good to embrace a woman the way she embraced the king. Hanna's skin was so soft. Her flesh was so yielding. Sarah couldn't resist the urge to run her hands all over Hanna's warm body.

At length Hanna spread her legs and guided Sarah down between them. Sarah detected the scent of Hanna's arousal and inhaled deeply. It was different from Sarah's own feminine fragrance. The taste was unexpectedly intoxicating. Sarah knew instinctively how to stimulate Hanna's pussy; she just did the things she imagined would feel good if done to her. Hanna writhed on the bed, gripping the sheets in her hands and shaking her head back and forth. She climaxed, but Sarah didn't stop, forcing Hanna to climax a second time.

"Enough... enough," Hanna said at last.

Sarah climbed up and laid on top of Hanna. The two women embraced, and Sarah kissed Hanna passionately. They kissed again and again. Sarah was surprised she could be so aroused by another woman, and Hanna was surprised she could feel such passion for Sarah so quickly.

They lingered in bed for long moments, then Hanna said she needed to leave before her absence attracted unwanted attention. "But I could come back tomorrow," Hanna said. "Would you like that? Would you like me to show you more of the things I learned in France? I'm sure we could do many things the king would enjoy."

"I'd like that," Sarah said.

On most afternoons for the next several weeks Hanna made her way to Sarah's room. They would bar the door carefully, remove each other's clothes, climb into bed, and explore the endless ways two women can please each other. Although Hanna delivered on her promise to show Sarah new ways to make love to the king, most of their time was spent arousing and satisfying each other's desires as only women can do.

At length, Hanna had to return home. Her father concluded negotiations for Hanna's marriage to the son of a powerful aristocrat who owned a particularly fine estate and accompanying lands.. She had never met any of her future in-laws or the groom. They would be waiting at her father's castle when she returned home. The young people would have a time to get acquainted, there would be a wedding, and the pair would begin their lives as a couple.

"I will miss you," Hanna said as she and Sarah lay next to each other on their last day together.

"Your fiance is a lucky man," Sarah said.

"Yes. Yes he is," Hanna said. "He'll find out on our wedding night."


A very strange thing began to happen. It started in Middlebury, then spread to the most distant parts of the kingdom.

Inside the castle, it was widely believed that good luck followed Sarah wherever she went. There had been many examples of fortuitous developments that coincided with her presence. Everyone knew of the way her arrival dispelled the bad humor of King Harold. Some told stories about her astonishing performance at her very first hunt. Other positive developments were attributed to Sarah.

The men and women who worked in the castle discussed these events with friends and relatives, and they told people in the village, and the magnitude of Sarah's supposed powers grew with each telling. One story that got around involved a stable boy who fell ill after eating tainted meat. The story claimed that Sarah gave the poor boy a pastry, and that he recovered soon after he ate it.

Inevitably, the king's subjects began thinking that Sarah possessed the power of divine healing. Families began showing up at the castle gates to beg for Sarah to heal a child or aged relative. The requests grew more frequent, and eventually Sir Robert was informed of what was happening.

"Your highness, we have a situation," Sir Robert said to King Harold.

He explained what was happening. Neither one of the men believed in the idea that Sarah was actually a healer, but they understood why desperate people might ask for her help. It seemed cruel to just send them away, so Sir Robert suggested a solution.

"We could let it be known that once a week people seeking divine intervention would be welcome to gather in the front courtyard," he said. "We could have each supplicant tell Sarah the nature of their affliction. Then Sarah could lead a prayer asking the Lord to smile upon His people. It does nothing but give hope to people who need it."

Sarah thought the plan was absurd. "I can't heal anybody!" she told Sir Robert.

"No dear, of course you can't," he said. "But our Lord Jesus Christ can heal any affliction. There's no reason you can't lead a simple prayer asking Him to extend His mercy to the faithful. It does no harm, Sarah. It would soothe the fears of troubled people desperate for a reason to feel hopeful."

And so it came to pass that on every Wednesday afflicted people made the pilgrimage to King Harold's castle. It wasn't long before dozens of families came each week to seek help from Sarah. She would come out of the castle and be introduced to each one.

"My name is Timothy, My Lady," said a young man with a club foot. "My leg needs to be healed." A scribe stood next to Sarah, writing down the name and affliction of each person.

After Sarah met them all, she would take the list and ask the crowd to join her in prayer.

"Lord, we are gathered together today to seek your grace and mercy," she said. "If it be your will, we ask that you consider the hopes of the people who pray to you today.

"We pray for Timothy, who could do more to be your faithful servant if his leg was restored.

"We pray for Helen, who could be a better wife and mother if she was not so crippled by stiff, painful knees.

"We pray for Albert, who could sleep peacefully through the night if You gave him relief from a constant cough that stems from consumption.

"We pray for...."

Sarah stood there, reading from the list in front of her, naming every supplicant asking for her help. Seeing her read the parchment had an unexpected effect on the crowd. How did she learn to read? Very few people were literate in the kingdom, and almost all of them were rich aristocrats. It was known that Sarah was a commoner with no formal education. This - and the fact that she seemed to possess an unearthly beauty - reinforced the notion that she was blessed in some mysterious and undefined way.

Not even Sir Robert foresaw the inevitable effect these "healings" would have. If one of the afflicted got better, they were quick to say the credit was Sarah's. But if someone worsened, Sarah never got any blame. Inevitably, word of the seemingly endless series of miraculous healings attributed to Sarah reached every part of the kingdom, and sometimes even beyond. One day a prince from a neighboring realm came to ask Sarah to pray that he be healed of leprosy. On that day Sarah was so overwhelmed with emotion that she began to cry during her prayer, and was only able to finish by summoning every bit of her strength. Witnesses were moved by such a sincere display of her sorrow and concern.

"I am such a fraud!" Sarah complained to Sir Robert. "These poor people think I'm something I'm not! This is a cruelty!"

"No dear, it is a kindness," Sir Robert said. "You always give credit for any healing to Our Lord Jesus Christ, and never imply you are anything you are not. You do no harm and do a lot of good.

"There is something else you should consider," he said. "All the king's subjects now believe that Harold deserves credit for recognizing that you are not an ordinary commoner. He is the one who decided that a former farm girl had a place in his palace - and in his heart. This has elevated the king's reputation. His decision to grant his favor toward you looks like more evidence of his wisdom. Some are saying it shows God in Heaven has blessed Harold and his divine right to rule. Sarah, you are helping Harold be a stronger king.

"I didn't expect anything like this to happen," Sir Robert said. "I am willing to consider the possibility that the best explanation is that this is part of your destiny. If so, it's intriguing to imagine where destiny will take you in the future."


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