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A wolf, a Bear and a Mouse

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A mousy sister falls hard for big brother.
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All participants in sexual activities are at least 18 years old. Completely fictional adult content.

I've always loved my brother. So, what? Alas, that's not completely accurate. I've always been in love with my brother. From the time I knew what love meant - grade school, maybe? He's two years older and I was forever his shadow growing up. He never once resented that.

When we role played animals as young children, he was a grizzly bear and I was a wolf. Being short and slight I could move like a ghost, hence he said I was a gray ghost. He started calling me Gray. He was big and, of course, became Griz. The names stuck. Nobody else used them. Of course, our parents just assumed it was short for Grace, because to the rest of the world we were Grace and Vince Walker.

He was always the big brother that I could go to with a skinned knee from falling off my new bike. The one I could go to with a split lip from fighting. The one I could go to when my teen-world went up in flames. He was my protector throughout my entire public school career. While I always imagined myself as a wolf, the reality is that I was closer to a mouse. I was always short and skinny as a rail. Light brown hair and soft brown eyes added to the appearance.

I hated it when other kids called me a mouse, though. I wasn't afraid to show my resentment. Got into lots of fights. Although, I was small, I didn't know when to quit, so just kept coming and coming after them. Got my ass kicked a few times. I also resented when girls or guys said anything derogatory about my brother. That also got me into many fights. I even went after one of the lineman on his football team when he said something about Griz that I didn't appreciate. Really got hammered there but he did take it easy because I'm pretty sure he didn't want Griz getting mad. Griz just supplied sympathy and let me fight my own battles. When they ganged up on me, though, Griz was there. He was always big, growing up much quicker than most boys. I stopped growing in junior high, maxing out, on a good day, at 5'0". He graduated high school at 6'1" and 180 pounds.

My meager 90 pounds barely register on the scale. Tits? What tits? Ass? What ass? Straight as a ruler up and down.

Griz is a gift to women. A face I could only describe as beautiful, beyond handsome. Muscular body, a bright smile and with a personality that says "I'm your dream come true." To say that women are attracted to him...Well, think of a streetlight and moths.

Neither of us was stupid. Neither of us was going to be going to Yale on full scholarship, either. We were destined for the local college. He majored in partying and minored in criminal justice. When my turn came, I majored in economics.

Here's the past:

During my senior year after I had turned 18, I was severely depressed. I've never been described as beautiful, pretty or the like. At best, I'd rate a cute if I made a concerted effort to dress up, use some makeup and the light was bad. Thus, my social life was insubstantial. I don't think I went out on more than three dates my entire senior year. Coming up on prom, I was anticipating skipping it. Griz was way busy partying. So I got a very big surprise when he asked me if I wanted to go with him! Holy shit! I was on top of the world.

This presented me with a big dilemma. I was so in love with him and had been for so long that it didn't seem real. I knew that he only thought of me as his baby sister. Could I go to the prom without becoming helpless? Did I want to just jump into his arms and tell him how I felt? Of course. Could I ever do that? Not a fucking chance. He was my world and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that.

The day of the prom finally arrived. I know I spent hours fixing my hair - for what it was worth. Worked on putting enough makeup on to get my eyes to stand out. Alas, putting my skinny 18 year-old body into a prom dress did nothing but put me into a major depression. No tits. No ass. Why did I have to look like a boy pretending to be a girl? I almost said fuck it and want to lock myself into my room. Almost. Couldn't. This was, perhaps, the one chance to dress up for my brother. I so wanted him to see me a woman that I was ready to endure the jibs and taunts from the schoolmates when they saw me.

When I came into the living room to see Griz and my parents, I almost backed out. Griz jumped up with a big smile on his face. Mom and Dad also looked proud. Couldn't quite understand. Griz said "You're beautiful."

Nobody had ever said that to me before, not even Mom and Dad. If I hadn't seen the sincerity in his eyes, the pride, I would have burst out in tears.

Think his hand was a bit unsteady when he pinned the corsage on my flat little chest. He told our parents that we'd be late, attending after-prom parties. I whispered to him: "I don't know of any after-prom parties."

"I do. So, don't worry about it."

If he was nervous, I was simply a giant ball of twitching fibers. I had loved him so long that something that looked like a date was beyond my wildest dreams. He opened the car door and held my hand as I melted into the seat. Shit, I thought, I didn't bring another pair of panties and these are getting soaked. Hope he doesn't smell me - or maybe I do!

We didn't say much in the drive to the hotel where the prom was being held. I was afraid to break the spell or maybe just realize this was only a dream.

He parked the car in the garage and opened the door for me, helping me out by taking my hand. Then he kept ahold of it! "You're beautiful, Gray. I'm lucky to be able to take you here."

I was blushing furiously. "Thhhhhaa...Thannnnn...Thank you." I finally got out.

We got a few strange looks. Those that knew me (our class was 900 kids) had trouble imagining me all dressed up and being there with this incredible hunk. Others just looked like they were trying to figure out a way to separate me from him. Not a fucking chance!

It was an odd experience, sitting at a table with the man I've been in love with for all my life. What was I going to say? It turned out to be easier than I imagined. We just carried on as if were at home on the patio. Then the music started. "Dance with me, Gray?"

I simply stood up and he took my hand. It was easy for the first two dances, then we had a slow one. I put my arms around his neck and pushed into him. He responded by pulling me in tight. It felt like one of his big hands could hold all of my skinny little butt. I felt his dick start to get hard. He tried to pull away but I just simply pushed my pussy and every part of me into him. He gave me a look as if to say what are you doing?

I smiled and surprised him by kissing his cheek. I think at that point he knew he was going to fuck me.

After we sat back down, I was sure this was the end. My panties were so wet that I thought I'd be glued to the seat! "Excuse me, Griz. Need to go to the little girl's room."

I ducked into the first stall, pulled down my panties, touched my pussy and came hard. Unfortunately, I hadn't pulled them off, so when I came a river of juice ran into them, not that they weren't already soaked. Now, they were completely saturated. Tried wiping them but it wasn't any use, so just stuck them in my purse. Shit, now everyone was going to be following my scent!

When I got back to the table, there were two of my classmates trying to get him to dance. Pretty sure I saw red. One step away from punching one of them out. Vince look pleased with attention but made no attempt to get up. Ice cold "Excuse me."

"Oh, Grace, we didn't know you wanted to ask him to dance, too."

"As if you didn't know he's my date for the evening..."

That was the end of that. The next was a slow dance, so we continued where we left off. Vince kept very close to me as we returned to the table, looking a little embarrassed. "Gray, you've got me so hard."

"I hope so." What's gotten into me? Did I really say what I so desperately wanted?

He gave me a smile and said "Do you want to go to a party now?"


He held up a hotel room key. "831"

Did I have the courage? Maybe my one chance. "Let's go."

We snuck out and went down to the garage where we could take the elevator unnoticed by the chaperones. We were fortunate nobody else got on as I was filling the elevator with the aroma pouring out of my pussy. I could see his nose almost twitching. Sweat was also running out from my armpits, onto my dress below. I would have normally died of embarrassment but at the moment I didn't give a shit.

As soon as we closed the door of 831 behind us, he pulled me in and kissed me. What a kiss! All the candy in the world couldn't have been as sweet. He wasted no time in unzipping me. Where was this supposed reluctance from a brother about to have sex with his sister? I had no reluctance about having sex with my beloved brother. Never in a million years. I had yearned for this forever.

My dress puddled at my feet, no bra needed, and wet panties in my purse. I stood naked in front of my brother who was frantically undressing. I kept the rug over my pussy so I don't look like I'm ten years old. It's also the only thing that keeps the bottom of my bikini from falling down. It was saturated and tendrils of moist hair were hanging like a curtain in front of my labia and vulva.

Ten seconds later he was also standing in front of me, naked. His cock was pointed at the ceiling and a small spot of precum on the tip. I wanted to drop to my knees and lick it off but he scooped me up and carried me to the bed. A quick yank on the covers and we fell in. Even though he weighted a hundred pounds more than me, I didn't feel anything but excitement as he landed on me.

He returned to kissing me and started to pinch my nipples. There wasn't much tit to fondle but he found enough to raise my temperature to the boiling point! When he moved his head down to suck on them...

God, my whole tit fit into his mouth! Before he even got to the other one, I came. I didn't have the breath so say anything more than "Oh!" Nothing I had ever experience could compare to this.

He sucked on my tits before starting to lick between them and continuing his way down. I was dying from anticipation when he hit my pubes. When he actually licked my pussy, I was in heaven! He licked from top to bottom and then reversed. When he got up to my clit, he gently ran his tongue around it. I came again..."Oh, shit! Oh,oh,oh,oh..."

As small as I am, he couldn't suck only my clit into his mouth so had to be content to sucking the whole area around it. That was more than all right.

He looked up at my face. "You're a virgin, right?"

"Hopefully, not for much longer..."

He moved up and I felt the head of his cock brush through my pubes. "Wait a sec till I put on a condom."

"No, no, no. I'm on the pill to ease the pain from my periods."

"Ah, Gray, that will make it so much better."

As he started easing in, he said "This will hurt some. I hope not too much."

"Go ahead. I'm ready."

He gave a strong push and went straight through, all the way to the bottom! There wasn't much pain - maybe I was too excited? He stopped at the end. "Are you OK?"

"Yes, yes. It just hurt for a moment." I said as I kiss him again and again.

I'm running my fingers through his hair, both on his head and his back. I love the feel of it (forever will), slightly wet with perspiration. He smells wonderful. I know everyone says women smell great but so does he. A forest animal.

He started to move and it felt great. He seemed to like it, too. Understatement! He was vocalizing "Gray, Gray, you're so tight. You feel so good..."

Then he came in me! I felt it. Didn't need to hear him groaning it out.

Kissing me "Sorry I was so quick. You're just too exciting."

He stopped moving for, at most, a few minutes. He never got soft. He started again. Wow!

"I'll last longer this time, I swear."

"Griz, I don't care if you only last another 10 seconds. It feels so good!"

I came again. And again. Then he came and we stopped moving.

I looked into his eyes and with every cell in my body, tell him "Griz, I love you so much. I can't believe how you make me feel."

He hesitated a split second before replying. "Love you, too, Gray."

My world collapsed! I knew then that he loved me only as a sister with benefits - not the way I loved him. I silently died inside without giving any indication of what I actually felt. I made sure he didn't notice.

We enjoyed each other the rest of the night. I tried to put aside my hurt and simply accept what we have. That isn't too hard because he was really good and very enthusiastic. I was determined to get as much of him as I can. The night spent in 831 was one of the best nights I've ever had in my short life.

Continue to now:

Since we both lived at home, getting time for sex wasn't easy. We did, however, manage it. It was always: He fucks me and I make love to him. I deceive him by acting like I'm only fucking him but my heart knows.

He continues to date. I continue to not date. He continues to fuck other women. I don't even date anyone else, much less fuck them.

Time continues on. I graduate from high school and start my studies at the local college. He buckles down enough to graduate while I muddled through my first two years. He's still the high point in my life. I continue to make love to him whenever we can be together but even then I have to share him with several other women. Before he graduates, he settles down to a single long-term girlfriend, Cathy. He also becomes a deputy sheriff.

Cathy is nice enough but, of course, I hate her guts. I also think she's very shallow and not completely mature

After one of our sessions, I ask him. "How do you feel about cheating on Cathy with your sister?"

He thinks for a second. "I'd feel bad if it wasn't you. You're family and it just feels different. It doesn't feel like cheating, somehow...I hate cheaters but I don't feel like I'm cheating with you."

"How would she feel about that? Not sure she would appreciate it."

"You're probably right...Does this mean you don't want me any longer?"

"Griz, no, it doesn't mean that. I realize that you will want to get married and have kids and that isn't in the cards for us. I'm willing to take whatever you can give me." You have to know this lie is killing me. I wanted nothing more than to be his wife, to live the rest of my life with him, to give him a houseful of kids...I know, as I've always known since I knew what love was, that we will never share this. I love him so much that I can't give him up, regardless of a wife or a thousand girlfriends.

"Gray, you know I love my sister and always will. You're the only one who really understands me. And we have great sex!"

"Well, you could marry me..."

He chooses to take it as a joke. "Ha-ha. Gray, I really enjoy being with you."

There's that hurt again but the joy of still being together always wins out.

Vince did marry Cathy. She divorces him a few years later. No, not because she discovers that he and I still continued our affair, but because she can't take being a cop's wife. No kids, thanks be.

That is followed by marriage to Marge. Followed by another divorce for essentially the same reasons. He continues to fuck me and I continue to make love to him.

I still never date.

Shelly is the next to walk down the aisle with Griz. This lasted eight years before they split. This time she cheats on him, too, and gets caught. Again, fortunately, no kids.

In all of these years, we never get caught. We are brother and sister, so there aren't a lot of questions about why we're together. In addition, I'm simply a mousey woman, a CPA. Nobody ever looks twice at me.

I still never date.

Nobody loves a cheater. Normally, I'd turn away in disgust from such a serial cheater but I can't. He's my world and I'll take every tiny bit of him I can get. I don't think he cheats with other women when he's married - other than with me. Something in the way he acts with me tells me it's only wife and me. His rationalization about me being his sister so it doesn't count is OK with me, since I'm the beneficiary.

Now gray started to suit me as that's now appearing in my hair. After all these years, I'm still skinny as a rail and just as flat. Alas, gray starts appearing also in my pubic hair. Gets too painful to keep pulling them out. Griz has never asked me to shave or seriously trim my pubes. I know a couple of his wives shaved and he seems to like that but apparently not in me. Guess he didn't want to have me any closer to a little girl in any appearance. Even as line appear on my face.

I can never tire of making love to him. He fucked me on a semi-regular basis over all these years and all the other women, wives or girlfriends. We are never exclusive. Well, I am but he isn't.

He is currently between girlfriends and wives. Maybe he was extra horny. We are laying in my bed after our usual hot session. Sweat pouring off both of us. Cum pouring out of my pussy. We're just there, side by side. I'm, as usual, gently running my hands over his hard and sweaty body. I pause briefly on the long scar on his upper arm. The result of responding to a domestic dispute where the pair suddenly focused on a common enemy: him. Sixty stiches from her knife. I almost died when they called me from the hospital.

He's gently rubbing my rock-hard nipples, sending renewed feeling straight to my pussy. Pretty soon my squirming causes his cock to get hard. Guess he's extra horny tonight. I'm always horny near him, so no change there.

He rolls over on his back, pulling me on top. I quickly climb up and sit down on his cock. God, how I love this position! I can watch his beautiful face and muscular chest the whole time. Even though we made love less than an hour ago, it's off to the races. The feeling of his hardness in me never gets old. We've done this hundreds of times and I hope for hundreds more. I'm so athletic - right - my tiny body bounces and slams into him. He cups my small ass and adds to the downward momentum. Neither of us lasts long.

We usually don't talk much after sex but this time he wants to. "Gray, I've been married three times. They just don't last. We have lasted decades. Why can't I find one like you?"

I silently responded "You have. You always have."

A puzzled look and he continues. "Why haven't you gotten married?"

"Haven't met the right one yet." I replied, repeating the lie I've said so many times that it's become so easy.

"But why do you still have sex with me? Not that I'm complaining, though. Maybe if we stop, you're make the effort to find somebody. Maybe I'm just too convenient."

I couldn't reply for a few seconds. "Is this ending? You don't want me any longer?"

He shakes his head no. "That's not what I meant."

Then made up my mind. "Griz, I lied. I have met the one I love but I can't have him."

Before he could say anything, I put my finger on his lips to silence him. "Listen to me before you say anything. OK?"

He nodded.

"We have loved each other, as sister and brother. Always. We have taken that into sex. There's more. I've been in love with you since grade school. Not as a sister but with my whole heart and soul. You keep asking why I don't date. I only love you and will never love anyone else..."

I stopped for a second as tears gather in my eyes, then continued. "I know that you love me as a sister - a sister with benefits. I've pretended to love you the same way. I knew from room 831 that you didn't feel the same way as I do. Now, at the risk of never being together like this again, I'm telling you my true feelings. While you fuck me, I'm making love to you. There will never, never be anyone else that I make love to.

You don't know how many times I've wanted to tell you...I'm a coward. I couldn't stand the thought that you might stop having sex with me, or, much worse, cut me from your life. I don't want to lose any part of you. I'll take anything, anything at all, even if it's just a hug in passing. Just don't walk out of my life. I don't think I can stand that"


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