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A Young Couple Sexploration Ch. 02

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The next step. Exploring public places.
9.2k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/21/2023
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This is the second chapter in a series of three.

The reader is encouraged to read the first chapter in order to learn about Ben's and Rachel's background before moving to chapter 2.


"I've read several articles on line and thought about it. The best way forward is to leave the safety of our bedroom and expand our sexual horizons."

"Do you mean to do it on the balcony?"

"No! I mean going to a place where nobody knows us and do it outside. In a pool, in a sauna, in a park... There are many options. By the way, I would like to take pictures of your exposed body outdoors. The thought of you topless or even naked in public places is very arousing."

"Ben, I don't know if your ideas make you a pervert, but you are definitely VERY naughty! We can try it, but you have to make sure that we do not end up in jail..."

"I'll be careful. Scout's honor!"

Rachel said, "The time has come to take a long vacation together. We haven't had one in awhile. Find out when we can take a week off and we'll decide on the destination together. My preference is an area near a beach."

"If this is your priority, there are many places that qualify, especially in California. A guy who works with me has mentioned that he planned to go to a resort called Laguna del Sol. It's an upscale clothing optional facility near Sacramento. It is considered one of the best."

Rachel smirked, "Honey, I know that you are already very excited about our future adventure trip, but can we afford staying in what you call 'an upscale resort'?"

"I didn't check all the details, but staying there for 3 nights we definitely can. In fact, I suggest that we fly to California for a week. We'll spend 3 days and nights near San Francisco and other 3 near Sacramento. As you said, we haven't travelled in a long time. A vacation will do us good..."

"Well, let me know as soon as possible when is the best time and I'll ask for PTO at work."

On a Monday morning in mid September we flew to San Francisco.

We took an taxi to a hotel called My Rose Garden on the north part of town.

I checked on line and the hotel got good reviews, mainly because of the great location, friendly staff and tasty breakfast.

Luck was on our side, because according to the weather channel, in the next few days the highest temperatures were supposed to be in the 80's (a rarity in San Francisco) and sunny to partly cloudy. Perfect!

We arrived in the afternoon and arranged our stuff in the closets and drawers.

"Rachel, it's hot outside and we have about 4 hours before sunset. Would you like to go to the nearest beach?"

"Sure! I wanted to get some tan, but with the blazing sun, I'll probably need suntan lotion."

I put on my Speedo and Rachel wore her new white bikini.

We 'borrowed' 2 large towels and took a short Uber drive to reach the beginning of a trail to the beach. By 4:15 pm we reached Marshall beach.

The view of the Golden Gate bridge was awesome.

However, it was too windy and there were too many screaming children around.

The solution - Continue to the north part, where the tall cliffs protect from the strong wind. Another 15 minutes and we reached a nice place.

It was less sandy, but the wind was barely felt and no noisy children.

In fact, the whole area had only 10 people. A young man/woman couple, 2 likely gay couples, a single middle age woman and 3 older men.

All of them were naked!

Yes, I knew in advance that north Marshall beach is a clothing optional area...

Rachel stared at the people for awhile and gazed at me, "Ben, is this already the beginning of our outdoor experience?..."

"Yes dear. As you can see, everyone around here is naked and nobody cares about the others. It's time to take the plunge!"

She hesitated, "Are you sure?..."

"Absolutely! And even though it's becoming late, the sun is hot. Take off your bikini and lie on your tummy. I'll spread the lotion evenly on your legs, back and shoulders."

She lied down and slipped the bikini top from under her chest in the last moment.

I started rubbing her legs with the lotion, reaching her upper thighs and stopped there.

Then I moved to her shoulders and massaged them, slowly trailing down her back.

She purred, "You are so strong... It feels good!"

I noticed some of the other guys glancing at us.

"Rachel, turn around, it's time to do your front."

She turned on her back with her perky tits fully exposed and smirked, "Ben you worked hard on my back side. Won't it be too much for you to do also the front?!..."

I chuckled, "I'll start. If I become too tired, I think that I can find enough volunteers here to finish the job..."

She blushed, "Smart ass!"

By now everybody was staring at the topless beauty.

I began with her legs and quickly moved to her tummy.

As every man knows, rubbing suntan lotion on amazing breasts is a VERY delicate affair, so one has to do it slowly, carefully and with all the appropriate attention...

My palms moved from the shoulders to the sides of her chest and then in a nice synchronous motion, light strokes of the large protruding boobs.

Her nipples hardened the first minute I touched them.

Rachel had her eyes closed and she mumbled, "Honey, are you trying to spread the lotion or make me spread my legs?... Your massage has become very erotic. My bikini bottom is already soaked..."

"Darling, I love your cunt juices, but they may destroy the swimsuit. Why don't you take it off?..."

She whispered, "In case you are not aware of it, my eyes are not COMPLETELY closed. I can see sunbathers ogling my tits. Is your intention to give them a show of my pussy too?"

"Dear girl, you and I are the only ones here with some cover. It's time to let go. They have no idea who we are, so why would we care?"

With one quick move I took off my Speedo.

Did I mention that Rachel's stunning tits awoke my prick?... By now it was at half mast.

"Ben, I feel good lying like that in the sun. If you want me wearing nothing, YOU take it off!"

"With pleasure..."

I bent down and took my time removing her bottom piece.

She didn't lie - Her snatch was very moist!

"Rachel dear, your naked body looks perfect."

She laughed out loud, "I can see that your 'buddy' thinks so too..."

"You are right and I am so sorry... But my hormones work overtime and remind me that your fantastic body was born for sex..."

She whispered, "Noticing your hard dick, my hormones feel the same way! I expected the hot sun to dry my cunt, but I feel even more wet now..."

"It's tough to dry a closed area. If you spread your legs a bit, your lower lips are more likely to dry sooner..."

She grinned and glanced at me, "So now you suggest that I expose also my inner cunt to the hungry eyes of our neighbors?..."

I faked being offended, "I just wanted you to feel dry... But if you prefer wetness, we can go to the water and swim."

She sighed, "You are so naughty! you'll do anything to get me to pose in the nude in front everybody on the beach..."

"So?... In case you forgot, everybody here is naked too."

"Ben, I know that. But if you pay more attention, the men around us peek at me for quite some time and... at least 3 of them display some degree of erection!"

"Darling, it is a compliment. They think that you are very attractive..."

Rachel sat up and blurted, "I guess you are right. Right now my skin is hot from the sun. Let's go in the water."

As she stood up, all eyes were focused on her assets. And she was right... some of the men, including an older one, had their cocks pointing up!...

Unfortunately, the water was too cold. Our plan to swim got cancelled.

I suggested to stroll along the shore and look for pretty shells.

We walked a couple of times on the water's edge and found few colorful stones.

I let Rachel walk in front of me.

I could hardly take my eyes off her swaying round butt.

Now it was even better - She was doing it while naked!

And with strangers' eyes ogling her every move!...

No wonder I found only half as many nice stones as Rachel. I was too distracted...

When we were far from other prying ears, she said with a smile, "Have you seen the young gay couple that was sitting to our left? One of them was very cute. He was hugging his boyfriend, but staring at me. I looked at him, grinned and nodded my head. He blushed and his long cock jumped up... I bet you he is a bisexual..."

"Well darling, you may be right. If you are interested, we can approach him and ask him about it..."

Rachel chortled, "Your mind works in such a deviant way! Let me guess, if you find out that he really IS bisexual, you'd invite him to join us..."

I laughed, "Not yet girl. This part of the trip is dedicated to make you feel good about your naked body. Being in the nude or topless in certain public places can be entertaining and arousing. You said it yourself during your erotic massage... sorry, I meant to say during the time I put the sunblock lotion on your marvelous body..."

"You are right about it! In fact I am still very horny. If there weren't other people around, I'd try to seduce you..."

I looked at my watch, "It's slightly after 7 pm. The sun sets at around 7:25. We can watch the beautiful sunset together and then, when it's somewhat darker, find a quiet corner and fuck like rabbits."

"I'd love to have sex on the beach, but if we wait here until it's darker, we'll have to go back on the trail in the dark. I don't think that it's such a good idea..."

"Rachel, I agree. So let's go back. We'll see the sunset from the trail's entrance and then call an Uber. After dinner I'll be a gentleman for a VERY short time, before jumping on your naked body, that has tempted me for hours already..."

She grinned, "Ben, I love you too. And YES! I want to have your heavy body on mine, making me feel like I am in paradise!"

We collected our stuff from the sand. Rachel put on her bikini and I the Speedo.

Both of us nodded our heads to the others.

Two men said 'hi', one signaled 'high five' and the handsome (bisexual?) guy had a disappointed look on his face...

As we were strolling back along the trail, I was thinking that for the first day we accomplished a lot - Rachel was naked in public for the first time and instead of resisting it or showing signs of stress, she became aroused... Excellent!

And all of the above happened without the help of alcohol!

Rachel progressed so much in such a short time... I was proud of her!

Later we went to a small seafood restaurant nearby. The food was very good!

We returned to our hotel at 9:30.

"Rachel, are you OK? This was a busy day. Are you still charged and want to continue our fun in a bar, or you are tired and want to go to sleep?"

"Honcho, bar is out of the question. Perhaps in another evening. But you promised me that you'll fuck me good. My cunt is still not dry! I feel the need to get filled if you get my drift..."

I complained, "Where did my conservative vulnerable wife go?! Now I am stuck with an insatiable horny bitch... Don't you know that men can have a heart attack during sex if they are too exhausted?!..."

"Ben honey, I really don't want to lose you because of my newly found craving to be screwed... So you can go to sleep and I'll return to the bisexual handsome guy and the three of us will dance in bed together..."

I laughed, "Rachel darling, I love you more and more everyday! The major changes that happened to us are making us so much happier... Don't you think?"

"You are so right... I know that our lackluster... I meant to say BORING marriage was 95% my fault. I am happy that you didn't give up on me..."

I kissed her, poured a glass of white wine for both of us and checked the TV.

No new disaster on the news and my football team won, so all was good on the outside world too!

Rachel just finished her wine.

She undressed and looked at me, "Do I need to dress up again and perform a sexy striptease or you are in the mood already?..."

Her voluptuous naked body was doing it's job - My cock began stirring...

I undressed.

Her sharp eyes detected my prick's reaction and she smirked, "Your cock is so predictable... Seeing my naked body, especially when I mention something related to sex... And he is hopping with joy, waiting impatiently to conquer my holes..."

"Dear, he wasn't like that before. During your prudish years he was depressed and almost forgot his main goal in life. But these days, when the slut is willing to offer herself to all his fantasies... he is happy as a clam..."

"His majesty, how do you wish to take me this evening?..."

"You ride me first. Your amazing tits tempted me all afternoon. I want to touch, tweak and pinch them! And then I'll turn you on your back with your legs on my shoulders and pound your tight pussy until you beg for mercy!..."

"Dear husband, your words arouse me even more... By the way, if I were you, I wouldn't count too much on me begging you to stop ravaging my body..."

By now Rachel was so close to reaching an orgasm...

It took less than 5 minutes of riding my engorged pole and the lady was groaning like a bitch in heat and rocking uncontrollably, keeping her balance by my expanded organ that impaled her body.

I was able to delay my own orgasm. I wished to control the rhythm and then cum!

Rachel's climax continued unabated for as long as I pounded her vagina, countering her up-and-down movements.

When I stopped, Rachel's body gradually recovered.

I turned her on her back and inserted my tumescent member deep into her used pussy.

I started shoving it rapidly and forcefully, while pinching her nipples hard.

I told her that she was a whore and needed more than one man to satisfy her cock craving cunt!

Seconds later she began shuddering and cried, "I reeeeallly am a whoooore! I neeee neeed your cooock allll the ti...timmmme!"

"Here bitch! Take it!"

I accelerated to top speed, not caring if I tear her apart.

I had one goal in mind - Fuck the slut hard, cum inside of her and seed her womb!

Moments later I ejaculated tons of whitish goo in her tunnel.

All this time her uncontrolled quivering continued with her mouth alternating between gasping for air and mumbling incoherent words.

I was done and rolled to my side. I was too fatigued to go to the bathroom.

I dozed off and woke with my deflated cock being licked and sucked by a gorgeous naked lady.

I was half awake, not sure if Rachel was up to have an encore...

But she was just trying to clean the residue from my genitals...

It was our first night there and we both slept like babies.

The next morning I woke up earlier than Rachel.

I shaved, took a long shower and came out of the bathroom.

The lazy bum was still asleep!

I sat down and arranged our schedule for the next 2 days.

I have visited San Francisco before, but my girl haven't been here, so in the morning I wanted to show her few of the city's attractions.

I woke her up with a kiss.

Her eyes barely opened and she hugged me, "Honey, are you up for a morning quickie?..."

I laughed, "HE is partially 'up', but I'll take a raincheck on that for later. Let's have breakfast and then see some nice places in town. By the way, today it will be warmer than usual too, so I suggest that you dress VERY light..."

She smirked, "And what exactly do you mean by 'light'?"

"Your flowery summer dress with sandals will suffice."

"Any particular undergarment that you like me to wear?"

"Darling, if it's up to me, NO underwear is preferable..."

"Ben the pervert! I should have known better than to ask you... But I am horny, so I'll do what you want. Remember that you owe me one!"

I kissed her, "I love you darling! And I am willing to owe you two..."

Rachel looked at least 10 years younger with this short dress.

The top part had thin straps holding it on her shoulders with her sexy cleavage on full display. The bottom part ended 5" above her knees.

To think of it, the only reason she couldn't pass as a minor was, because she looked too sexy!...

Her tits pushed the front proudly and her protruding nipples were noticeable.

When she walked, she seemed to be gliding on the street with her large breasts swaying inside her skimpy dress and her round ass cheeks so tempting...

Staring at her barely covered body, I had a deviant addition to the original plan...

I grabbed a short skirt from Rachel's carryon and placed it in my backpack.

By 10 am we were ready. The drive to Union Square took about half an hour.

We walked some and then enjoyed a ride on the famous cable car.

We saw Fisherman's wharf, Lombard street, Alamo square with the painted ladies and Chinatown.

Rachel enjoyed the city's attractions immensely!

However, it was a long exhausting stroll and her feet hurt.

I slowed down and near Powell station I saw a small shoe store.

There were no clients inside and a bored young man was sitting by the door.

"Rachel, you were a good sports so far on our trip. You deserve a reward. I've decided to buy you a new pair of shoes. But I'd appreciate if you can make the process more interesting..."

Rachel grinned and winked at me, "I didn't know what your aim was with 'you deserve a reward', but I get it now... Was the idea of no underwear part of the initial plan too?"

"There were several options to expose your assets, but at present this one looks the most realistic, provided that you do not object..."

"Honey, I would have never believed that I was capable of doing such a thing!... You turned me into a sex craving bitch and one who is willing to be pulled into your deviant schemes... And what are YOU going to do when I am inside?"

"You go first and start measuring shoes. Every now and then let him peek at your charms. I'll enter the store 10-15 minutes later and just look around for men's shoes. I hope he'll ignore me and continue 'playing' with you..."

"OK pervert. I am going in."

I moved to a better location, that allowed me clearer view inside the store.

Five minutes later the guy brought Rachel several shoe boxes.

She removed her right sandal and placed her shapely leg on the fitting stool, slightly spreading her knees.

The bottom part of her dress moved up somewhat.

The salesman used both hands to adjust the high heel shoes.

I noticed him catching a glimpse of her upper thigh.

Rachel bent, trying to push the foot slightly deeper into the shoe and the loose front of her dress slipped down, exposing a generous part of her cleavage to the salesman.

She tried harder, causing the lower part to climb higher still.

The guy slid his torso sideways to get a better look at her partially exposed breasts as well as peek at the slowly appearing very proximal parts of her creamy thighs.

Rachel sighed, "Sorry sir, but I'd rather try another pair."

He smiled at her, "Lady, it's OK. I'll be happy to show you other shoes..."

Oh yes, I bet he was happy... How often did it happen to him to see a stunning young woman who'd let him enjoy such a sexy view at work?...

It was time for me to go in. I entered the store and moved to the men's section.

The guy glanced at me nervously.

I told him that I was just looking around.

I hid behind a tall closet and continued observing them.

Rachel was helping the guy put on the second pair.

Her front part was now so low, that the guy was able to see everything - Areolas and nipples. In fact, I could see everything too...

The poor guy's eyes were focused on her ample tits and she was left to tie the straps by herself.

In order to reach the lower part of the shoes, she needed to bend her knees and spread them somewhat more.

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