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A Young Couple Sexploration Ch. 02


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Seconds later the hem of her dress was at her groin level!

The guy's body was in the way and I couldn't see much of Rachel below her waist, but I was sure that part of her bare pussy was breathing free air already...

The guy was mesmerized and his head didn't move an inch!

Rachel asked him a question. She used a low tone and I couldn't hear her words.

The guy just sat as if hypnotized, with his eyes directed at her exposed cunt...

She lifted her eyes at him and smiled, "Sir, my eyes are here and the shoes are down there. Is there anything interesting in between, where your eyes are directed?..."

He blushed and jumped up as if hit by a lightning, "Sorry ma'am, I was distracted..."

She stared at his bulge, "I see that... Well, if you are not interested in selling me a new pair of shoes, I can go to another store..."

"No lady, please, forgive me... I'll give a 20% discount on any pair of shoes if you stay."

"Now you are talking! Please show me the third pair."

Rachel didn't bother adjusting her dress. She seemed to have fun torturing the young guy.

He sneaked a glance at Rachel's tits and open pussy every couple of seconds and his tent continued growing.

At one point he started jiggling mildly from side to side, probably hoping for his hard cock to find a more comfortable position...

Rachel put on the next pair, that looked the best so far.

She gazed at him and blurted, "I like these shoes. I'll walk around and see if this pair FEELS good too. In the meantime, you can go to the backroom and adjust your... issue... Unless you need some help..."

He stared at her face, trying to find out if she was mocking him.

She had a tiny smile.

I came closer to them behind his back. He wasn't aware of my presence.

I heard him whispering, "I can do it by myself, but if you help me, the discount will be 50%!"

She chuckled, "Let me ask my husband what he thinks about it."

She looked in my direction, "Ben, should I help this young boy with his hard problem for a 50% discount?"

I smiled, "Darling, I think that the 20% are enough for now. I suspect that he'll have a heart attack if you touch him..."

The guy's face was ruby red.

He mumbled, "Ma'am, here are the shoes. After the 20% discount the price is $120. Thank you for being patient with me..."

Once we left the store, Rachel started laughing loudly, "The poor guy... I think that he would have given us much bigger discount if we insisted! He was scared that you'd hit him or we'd tell the store owner about his voyeuristic approach to women customers..."

"Girl, as of late your brain has switched 180 degrees. Being able to pull such a successful stunt was fantastic! If you are not extremely hungry, let's have a coffee and cake and continue. I want to show you a different place. I am talking about the Haight-Ashbury district."

By 3:30 pm we arrived to Ashbury. Right on time...

I turned to Rachel, "Darling, I have a surprise for you. Do you trust me?"

"Do I really have a choice?... So far I let you plan everything..."

We entered a small dark hall and I knocked on the door.

The woman who opened was about 25 years old, blue colored hair, full of tattoos and piercings.

"Hi, I am Ben and this is my wife. As I explained to you on the phone, we want her chest and back body painted."

Rachel was surprised to say the least... but recovered quickly.

She lowered the upper part of her dress to her waist and her magnificent tits bounced free.

The woman looked with envy at those glorious mammaries. Hers were much smaller...

"It will be a pleasure. First you guys need to choose the picture you want."

Together we selected a painting of a jeans type blouse.

I pulled the skirt from my back pack and gave it to Rachel, to be worn during her sit down for the paint job instead of her dress.

The woman turned to me, "Ben, you can go outside and come back in an hour."

I looked at Rachel, "Is it OK if I walk around and be here at 4:50?"

"Go ahead. But when you come back, you better bring a strong alcoholic drink for me..."

The woman smiled, "I have good wine here. I'll let you sip it while I start working."

I left the place and strolled around. This area hosted many of the hippies, LGBTQ and other 'very liberal' people, mostly young, displaying unusual hair colors, torn gothic style clothes, huge piercings. For a 'relatively simple guy' it was mind boggling!

I couldn't wait to walk around with Rachel...

At 4:45 I was back at the store.

The woman opened the door for me and smiled, "Your wife is gorgeous. She went to the bathroom and will be out soon."

Rachel exited the bathroom, saw me and... blushed profusely!

I gazed at her chest.

Even from 5 yards away it looked like she was wearing a jeans jacket!

I came closer and the colored skin became more obvious.

The minimal sag of Rachel's boobs was seen clearly only when I was a yard away. And the nipples were expertly hidden by the darker colors of pockets and buttons.

I loved it!

"Rachel, what do you think?"

She hesitated, "I think that it's OK..."

I insisted, "Doesn't your chest look as if it is really covered by a jeans blouse?..."

She mumbled, "Yes, it does."

Rachel's lack of enthusiasm sounded strange, but I was too excited to give it too much thought.

She glanced at me, pleading, "Ben, pay her and let's get out."

I added 10% tip and said, "Thank you. You did a great job."

As we left the store, Rachel had a sigh of relief.

Outside the store the sun was still very bright and the temperature 78 degrees.

Minimal breeze welcomed us.

"Dear, are you cold without cover?"

"No. It feels good."

We went to the intersection of Haight and Ashbury and I explained to Rachel that this was the hippest part of town.

Initially she was self conscious about being topless, but within 10 minutes she felt better.

Most people around us appeared 'weird' in one way or another and her body paint did not stick out. In this place she looked like a very normal tourist wearing a jeans top.

Five minutes later Rachel forgot all about her being topless and pointed to me excitedly funny clothes in certain stores, Gothic masks and... 2 men on a leash with chains on their wrists.

We stayed in the area about an hour, absorbing the crazy atmosphere and then went to the nearby park.

Over there we saw 'more normal' people strolling, biking and walking their dogs.

We walked around, enjoying the fresh air.

A couple of young guys, I'd say around 20, came toward us.

When they were close, one of them whistled, "Lady, your body paint is amazing!"

She smiled at him, "Thank you."

"Ma'am, can we observe the art up close?"

"Yes you can, but no touching..."

They moved to within inches of her body, staring straight at her beautiful tits!

They ogled her hardened nipples, that reacted by becoming more prominent.

The other guy smiled and declared, "Lady, I live in this area for 15 years. Your body paint was done by a good artist. I have never seen around here beautiful naked breasts like yours. I am sure that your husband is a very happy man..."

I laughed, "Young man, you have no idea how right you are..."

We continued strolling in the park.

A middle age couple noticed Rachel's paint job and whispered to each other.

As they passed by us, the male showed a 'thumb up' sign.

Rachel giggled, "Thank you sir."

We walked some more and then we reached a darker part of the park.

We didn't realize it because of the artificial lighting in the area, but it was after sunset, at around 8 pm already!

"Rachel, how are you doing?"

"It's becoming cooler and my nipples harden. You know what it means?..."

"Is my bitch horny?..."

"Very much! I never thought that walking topless in public would be so... liberating... fun... and exciting!"

"Honey, on your right side you can see a large rock. It's dark enough there and I can fuck you behind it. Unfortunately, I wont be able to massage my favorite tits, because the color will melt, smear or peel... We'll make it a quickie."

"Do you think it's safe? I see few people strolling on this trail..."

"I think that it is OK. By the way, watching your orbs swaying in front of my eyes all afternoon affected me like watching a mechanical metronome nonstop. Did you know that this is a preferred tool used by hypnotists?"

Rachel smiled devilishly, "Are you insinuating that you have an urge to shove your unruly organ into my holy hole due to my hypnotizing breasts?..."

"Woman, remove your shorts, stand right here, face the rock and lean slightly forward."

My pants and underwear fell to the ground. My cock, that was partially engorged, touched her ass crack.

She whispered, "I am really wet, so put your stiffy right in and pound it fast and hard."

Rachel talking dirty, while being topless in public, was a great aphrodisiac for me!

My pole pointed skyward, ready for action.

There was a minor issue - The rock we stood behind was not very tall.

It looked bigger from the trail.

In spite of the partial darkness, Rachel's top was clearly visible from the trail if somebody looked in our direction...

Well, it was too late now.

My cock invaded her cunt. I started slow.

Rachel asked me to rush it.

I knew better - I had to let her tight cunt adjust to my large girth and it took time...

A woman & man couple was strolling on the trail in our direction.

Rachel noticed them, but was too aroused to care, "Bastard, I told you to do it harder! I need your cock DEEPER!..."

I started to increase my strokes and saw her breasts jumping sideways as well as up and down with every stroke.

The movements (and likely Rachel's moans as well) were enough to alarm the couple that something was going on here.

They stopped in their tracks and looked at us...

Both of us were so aroused and close to cumming, that we didn't bother stopping.

The couple was still there when Rachel's body jolted and a wild cry escaped her lips.

My orgasm began few seconds later with a loud groan.

We moved in synchrony for a minute or so before stopping.

Only then the couple started walking away.

We heard them talking. The man laughed and the woman scolded him...

Rachel stared at me and kissed me, "That was a nice quickie. Thank you."

As we were waiting in a lighted area for an Uber to take us back to the hotel, a young couple approached us. They were smiling and stopped in front of us.

Only then we saw that they were having body paints also.

The woman had a picture of the American flag and the guy had a flying eagle.

The woman said, "We were watching you guys for quite sometime. The jeans shirt was done with a lot of attention to details. I think I know the artist."

She turned to Rachel, "Tell me, was she 'very friendly'?"

Rachel blushed and mumbled, "Yes, she was..."

The other woman had a victory smile on her face, "But to her credit, she is a great artist!"

They left and the Uber showed up. We stayed quiet during the drive.

Once we were out of the car, I inquired Rachel, "What's the story about the woman who painted you?"

She glanced at me for a long time and then blurted. "After you left, she explained the process to me and asked me to go to the bathroom. When I came out she wanted me to take a quick shower with soft soap and dry the skin gently. She sprayed a skin barrier stuff to prevent sweating and started to work. She did the back first and it felt pleasant. Then she began with the front. The upper tummy, shoulders and hands took slightly longer. Subsequently she worked on my chest. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I didn't bother looking at her work, because I wanted to see it when it was complete. Gradually her touch over my breasts became more sensual. I felt that my cunt started oozing moisture. I spread my legs some and she moved between my knees, preventing me from closing my legs... Her hand on my boob felt more like a gentle massage than actual painting. I didn't dare open my eyes.

I think that I was squirming on the chair. Her legs pushed mine sideways further... I tried to convince myself that she made herself more comfortable for the paint job. Her hand started tweaking my nipple. You know how sensitive I am to nipple manipulation... I recall moaning. Then I felt both her hands rubbing my tits. My arousal took over me. One of her hands continued pinching my nipple and her other one opened her blouse. With my eyes still shut I didn't see her doing it, but the next thing I recall was her hand pulling my head to her bare chest. My lips touched her nipple. I kissed it and then sucked on it. Short time later she placed her hand near my groin and slowly moved to my pussy. I remember that I was so horny, that I moved forward to meet her hand... Then she whispered in my ear, that if I was nice to her, she'd make me cum. By that time I'd do anything to get my reward! She took my hand and put it on her pussy, forcing 2 fingers into her vagina. I couldn't refuse... My fingers went in and out until she came. Then she stood over me and ordered me to lick her juices. I didn't hesitate... After that she bent down, inserted 3 fingers into my cunt and stroked me hard, using her thumb to play with my clitty. I came almost immediately!... When I was back to thinking clearly, her hand was again working with paint on my tits. She said that she had less than 10 minutes to finish her job. I didn't answer, I was too embarrassed. When she finished, I entered the bathroom and that's when you showed up..."

Rachel stared at my face to see my reaction.

I laughed, "So for the same amount of money you got 2 hand jobs... A paint job and a happy-ending sex job... Not bad! Based on the conversation we had with the couple before, obviously you were not the first one she seduced. The key question is - Will you remember the interaction with the artist as a positive or a negative one?..."

Rachel thought for awhile and then said, "Immediately after it happened, I was in shock and felt very ashamed, as if I let myself getting raped. When you arrived to pick me up, I tried to run away from her. Later, walking topless on the street and recounting the encounter with her, it made me horny again... That's why I needed you to fuck me in the park... To address your direct question, whether my lesbian experience was positive or not... I am not sure yet. Ask me again when we are back at home."

At 8 am next morning the temperature was 58 degrees, but again the temperature was supposed to climb up fast, reaching 78 in the afternoon.

Rachel woke up, stretched her arms skyward, 'incidentally' showing me again what great boobs look like...

"Rachel honey, do you prefer to go to another beach today, or you rather hike in Muir woods national monument?"

"As far as I am concerned, a beach is always better. However, I know that you like hiking. More importantly, the next 3 days we'll be all the time by the water, so let's go to Muir."

Rachel went to the bathroom and I took my time to read about the park.

The most significant fact I learned was, that there was no cellphone service!

I called a taxi and arranged with the driver to take us to the woods and pick us from the same place 3 hours later.

Rachel came out having on a sleeveless blouse, short pants and sneakers. I was dressed the same.

We took with us sunblock lotion, anti mosquito spray, hats, sunglasses, my camera and 2 bottles of water.

We still had 20 minutes before the taxi arrived at the hotel. We used this time for a quick breakfast.

We were at the park's gate around 10 am. The temperature was already approaching 70 degrees.

The entrance looked beautiful. Walking in the shade sounded good.

We started strolling along one of the marked trails, but it was too crowded.

several groups of children were on the trail with their teachers pointing in all directions, likely class trips dedicated to learning about nature.

I preferred more quiet and isolated area, without enthusiastic crowd screaming all the time.

We turned into one of the side trails and soon enough we were far away from the noisy trail.

We climbed up hill and passed an area with tall trees.

Rachel asked me to stop and have a break.

After drinking and resting we continued and reached a place with a nice view of the park.

I pulled out the camera and got a couple of good shot.

I told Rachel that I wanted her photo as well.

"Ben, I don't think it's such a good idea. I am sweating and you'll be able to see it in the picture."

"In this case, and since it's only the two of us around here, why don't you take off your clothes and you'd dry up in a jiffy... Then I'll take your picture in front of this awesome background!"

She chuckled, "I am amazed how you can always find a reason to make me undress... OK, I'll do it, but look around to be sure that everything is safe..."

"Yes darling, I will."

Rachel peeled off all her clothes and remained with only her sneakers on.

"Girl, I do not want mosquitoes to harm your delicate body. Let me put some repellent on your skin."

I stood behind her, aimed the spray at her back and... began caressing her smooth back with my other hand...

"Darling, it doesn't feel like you use the spray correctly..."

"Don't worry, I am just preparing the skin to absorb the spray better."

I came closer and cupped her perky tit, "I see that a couple of mosquitoes already stung your chest. Notice these 2 bumps? This is what happens when you spray too late!..."

Rachel smirked, "Ben, I acquired these 'mosquito bumps' when I was a teenager. Now use the repellent and stop behaving like a sex maniac..."

I whined, "It's not my fault that your naked body makes my lower brain take over..."

"Well sir, if your lower brain cannot contain itself, perhaps I should dress up again..."

"No, please NO! I'll try to behave..."

"Knowing you, I doubt that your 'try' will last, but it can buy me some time to enjoy the nice breeze."

With no other hikers around, Rachel continued strolling completely in the nude in the hidden small trail.

Watching her sexy butt jiggle before my eyes was an exciting sight.

However, it sent the wrong message to my prick.

It started hardening in my pants after the first 50 steps.

As I was contemplating what to do about it, I saw a young guy strolling in our direction from a side trail.

Rachel was oblivious to this guy's presence, happily half-dancing along our trail, singing a Taylor Swift song.

Once he was about 50 yards from us, he realized that Rachel was naked.

He stopped cold.

I looked at him, smiled and nodded my head, but said nothing to him or Rachel.

I could see him more clearly now - He was about 20, I'd say around 5'8" and 170lbs.

He looked half scared and half mesmerized by the unusual scene.

Since he posed no danger, I signaled to him 'thumbs up' and continued to follow Rachel's foot steps. He stayed behind.

Two minutes later I turned my head and saw that the guy was following us.

He was walking 20 steps behind me, ogling ( just like me...) Rachel's beautiful ass!

I smiled again and showed him with my hand to join me.

He rushed to my side and now both of us followed the unsuspecting Rachel.

I tried to think what would be the best way to let Rachel know about our 'guest'.

After a long moment I realized that the simple truth be the best...

"Rachel dear, I don't want you to get alarmed, but a nice guy just joined us on our trail..."

She turned her head and instinctively used her hands to cover her mound and both breasts.

"Rachel, the young guy appeared from nowhere and I didn't have time to warn you... He seems harmless, but very curious about your marvelous naked body. Since he already got a good look, your try to cover it may be too late... I have a different suggestion. As long as he stays quiet and doesn't bother us, he will be allowed to ogle your great figure. And then, he'll take pictures of the two of us with my camera. What do you say?"

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