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Abduction, Breeding, and Adoption

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Just Technology, No Magic.
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Abduction, Breeding and Adoption

Just Technology, No Magic

Arthur Clarke: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

If of all the women in North America, my wife wasn't the one who reminded the alien of his girlfriend, favorite actress, or mother, I would not have been cuckolded.

The aliens from the planet Chuch had traveled forty light years to Earth, yet nothing about their technology seemed magical. The ch is pronounced closest to the Hebrew letter chaf. Though no Chuchan elementary school teacher would find any human pronunciation of the word acceptable. They had developed computer technology 5000 years ago. Everything since has been improving that science. They took 50 years to go the forty light years. They had an average life span of 170 earth years. They were not necessarily longer lived than humans. They had developed medicines and vaccines that had increased a life span similar to humans. As a spacefaring species, they had many ships exploring their section of the galaxy, and many missions. The leaders of the alien civilization recognized that the last 5000 years had been a time of incremental improvements, but devoid of inspirational breakthroughs. This ship's job; find an intelligent species with which you can breed, and hope for hybrid vigor.

The reason for this mission was that the Chuchan version of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) had picked up our electromagnetic signals, i.e. radio and television. It was the third intelligent species they received, but the first that was biologically similar. A Chuchan would need less time in makeup to pass for human than Judy Garland needed to play Dorothy. Their SETI had better receivers, and computer translation programs, but with two weeks training, our SETI scientists would fit comfortably into their work environment. When our TV programs were dubbed into Chuch's languages, Chuchan's loved Lucy even more than the Americans.

The Chuchan ship could not warp space. It was simply the fastest conventional ship they could design. It reached 90% of the speed of light. That however meant a one hundred year round trip to Earth. So it was designed as a world ship. That is a ship that was self-sustaining. Most of the fruits and vegetables were grown hydroponically, but there were several square miles of soil. Enough animals were brought on board to preserve the species in space. The Chuchans also bred. By the time they approached the Sol solar system, one third of the crew was born on the ship. While one of the Chuchan crew member's name was close to Scotty, there was nothing like a transporter. Crew got to a planet by shuttle. The ship was not cloaked. It was painted "black hole" black. It was a simple way to avoid detection. There was no Chuchan slut ray. The Chuchans wanted to breed with both women and men. They knew that humans had to be studied if it were to be successful on a large scale. Thus, the need for abductions.

Roswell was unfortunate. Chuchan error is a lot like human error. A piece wasn't bolted well on the shuttle. There are good metallurgists on an Air Force base used for testing experimental aircraft. They knew immediately the alloy was more advanced than theirs. They didn't know whether it was foreign, alien, or an experiment from a US factory. They didn't want Congress to know that they didn't know. So there was the cover up. There were no little green men, or alien corpses. The alien abductions however were real.

Chuchans had access to most of Earth literature through the internet. They read Niven's "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex", and considered his argument that Lois Lane would have a better chance of breeding with an ear of corn than an anthropoid from another solar system. They understood this mission had a limited chance of success. They considered the goal so important, however, that it was worth the expense.

For more than 50 years, the Chuchans have been abducting humans for experimentation. Their best hope had been that they could extract genes to enhance Chuchan breeding. What they found was beyond their wildest expectations. Mammalian reproduction was constant on a universal level. Chuchans and humans could reproduce and birth fertile offspring. Not even artificial insemnation was needed. The sexual reproduction was the same for both species. They had inseminated the eggs of female abductees, both in incubators, and using Chuchan women as surrogates. They had used human sperm to impregnate Chuchans, both artificially and naturally.

The first abductions were people they could isolate. One or two people driving on empty rural roads were the ideal target. A shuttle would land ahead of the car. A road block would be set. Tranquilizer darts would disable the people and they would be taken to the ship. DNA would be sampled. Sperm and eggs would be taken, and live actions of the people would be observed. Most subjects were returned to the vehicles they left. However, the Chuchans first injected them with a high level of alcohol. If the subjects told an embarrassing story, they would not be believed.

Within the first five years, they had enough confidence of their knowledge to plant Chuchans as undercover agents. By this time, Chuchans had successfully grown hybrid babies. They found that 97% of babies developed from human sperm and Chuchan eggs could pass for human under any but the most intrusive examination. The statistics were the same regardless whether the babies were developed in artificial wombs or Chuchan females. 67% of zygotes developed from Chuchan sperm and human eggs could similarly pass for human.

Chuchans were advanced enough to conquer Earth. They had a better plan. They wanted a partnership. But they wanted it on the most favorable terms for them. They would plant Chuchans in large cities to live like humans in order to understand society.

While the Chuchans could forge any human currency without detection, they felt that temptations from easy money would lead to trouble. They developed businesses. One of the first businesses they developed was adoption. Since they could make perfect forgeries of any country's documents, it was easy to place the hybrid babies with couples who found it hard to adopt. It was the perfect win-win. They could study how the hybrids adapted to Earth societies and get great quantities of cash.

Jordu was born on the ship thirty years into the voyage. As with most born-in crew, his career was determined from conception. He was a breeder. This career is not as easy as you might think. His study of female anatomy and psychology was extensive, and required passing a series of examinations. Failing would result in a menial career. Chuchan female breeders studied human males in the same way, but surprise surprise the curriculum was considered much simpler. When the Chuchans first approached Earth, the breeders took whichever abductees were assigned to them. After the Chuchans became more confident of their understanding of humans, breeders were allowed to select who would be abducted. I don't see it, but somehow my wife, Julie, reminded Jordu of his mother.

My wife of eight years, Julie, is completely feminine. She would not be interested in an Annie Oakley, "Anything you can do I can do better." And yes, she can bake a cherry pie. She won't touch a computer. She however wants to know what google knows. But she has me to do the work. She is not thrilled with cleaning bathrooms, but considers it her job. I won't do it, but I have offered to pay someone to do it. She thinks presently it'll be more inconvenient than doing it herself, but says her opinion might change. We know our marriage is not perfect, but we both agree that it is damn good.

Our abduction was a home invasion. Our locks were no problem for the Chuchans. They picked the locks leaving no sign of their work. A couple of tranquilizer darts and the next thing we knew was that we were on the alien ship. We were told that we would be studied. We were not given a choice. However, we would be rewarded for our cooperation. We would become very lucky. We would win a moderate sized lottery, and a couple of free cruises. If we wanted to make trouble, there would be an infusion of alcohol to ruin our credit, and shortly after a fatal heart attack that was somewhat surprising, but not that remarkable for one so young. With that choice, we submitted.

We were introduced to Jordu as Julie's masseuse. Mine was a comely Chuchan female called Bollie. The massage was to ameliorate any unfortunate effects of the testing.

The next year was wonderful. There is a great difference between living paycheck to paycheck, and being comfortably upper middle class. The Rhine cruise had sights you remember for a lifetime. Sharing the cruise with Julie made it the best week of my life.

About once a season, we were called for more testing. The massages after testing became gradually more intimate. We were told that what they learned from the tests allowed them to tailor the massages for our well being. The music and aromas during the massages put us increasingly into a state of total relaxation. On the fifth test, the massage ended in intercourse. Jordu learned his lessons well. With the benefit of Chuchan science, Jordu understood women better than any human of either gender. It was by far the best sex of Julie's life. The sex I had with Bollie was wonderful. But the worst sex I ever had was really good. When Julie came crying to me and begged my forgiveness. I told her what happened to me, and said it wasn't either of our faults. We were controlled by a higher (or lower) power. What we didn't know was how well the Chuchans understood fertility, and both Julie and Bollie were pregnant. Julie loved me. Of course she didn't tell me that it was the best sex of her life. Bollie did.

By the third week back Julie was late. She bought a test at the drug store, and we knew she was pregnant. One month later we were called back to the ship for more testing. We both had intercourse with our masseuses after the tests. What was new was an interview with the ship captain. We had choices, or at least Julie did. The test showed that the fetus was Jordu's child. Then the captain stated three possibilities. First, we could raise the child on Earth as our own. Second, the baby would be taken from Julie and grown in an artificial womb, and be either raised by Jordu, or put up for adoption. Third, Julie would stay on the ship with Jordu and raise the child. We had two weeks to decide.

Back in our house, we had the toughest discussion of our marriage. Julie wanted option one. I vetoed it. I wouldn't raise Jordu's child. I desperately wanted option two. However, with option one eliminated, it was Julie's choice. She tried to get me to reconsider option one. On that

I was unmovable. She told me she would not give up her child. She had to take living on the ship with Jordu. I knew but didn't say, she was also opting for fantastic sex. We both cried that night.

The Chuchans understood how hard the decision was, and that our marriage was over. Julie would never return to Earth. It was really the choice they preferred. They wanted to ameliorate the obvious hard feelings. My bribe was one million dollars in stock from a brokerage they controlled. I tried to make it one million euros, but they would have none of it. They didn't think Julie needed a bribe.

I took a quarter of my portfolio in each of the following: Apple, a solar energy fund, a blockchain fund, and a biotechnology fund. I then had my portfolio moved to Schwab. I was placated until their brokerage started advertising their "Future Fund." It consisted of Apple, Blockchain, Solar and Biotechnology. I asked for a commission on sales. They said I got my million. That was for selling my wife. I should get the commission for financial consultation. It got me nowhere.

I know what you think of me. I am the unfeeling bastard who sold my wife. I would never have sold the Julie I married in sickness and health, forsaking all others. I sold the Julie who wanted me to raise another "man's?" bastard.

How am I? I am financially solid. My portfolio is now worth 1.8 million. I still have a second free cruise for two. I believe I will be able to find someone to share it with.

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HighBrowHighBrow4 months ago

Alien Femdom agitprop, what’s next?!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Your stories are all well written but rather cold

ElPoncho413ElPoncho413over 1 year ago

Great when do we read the next

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Maybe a part 2 where the OC marries Bollie and they live as a breeding couple

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