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Above My Paygrade!

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An easy babysitting job turns into a real pain in the ass...
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[The following story, characters, and events are a work of fiction. All characters portrayed in this work - both directly and indirectly in both sexual and non-sexual contexts - are of the ages eighteen and above.]

- S.A. -

"Ho. Lee. Shit." The words slipped effortlessly out of my mouth.

It was massive. Huge. Gargantuan. I had never laid my eyes upon anything like it ever before in my life. I couldn't physically bring myself to lift my jaw off the floor as I gazed upon the sight in front of me in wonder and envy, "I wish mine was that big!" I expressed, suddenly feeling very self-conscious about myself.

6699 Dixon Butts Drive. Yeah, this was the right place!

Putting the car in park to quickly fumble with and unbuckle my seatbelt, I leaned over the center console to try to get a better look at the magnificent mansion that stood in front of me. While all the houses in this gated community were certainly spectacles in their own right, the Calloway Household was the crème de la crème! Beautiful and immaculate gardens colored the front of the house, complete with koi ponds and wood bridges. Bushes bursting with vibrant roses served as a divider between the lawn and the driveway. Speaking of driveway, that's where someone's prized Ferrari was parked. A freakin' Ferrari!

Checking myself in the mirror to ensure I was looking presentable before meeting some new clients for the first time, I let myself out into the chilly October night. Before I did so however, I ensured I grabbed my backpack from the backseat. In it was my laptop, a spare change of clothes, but most importantly, sweet treats to serve as bribes. I closed the car door behind me and made sure it was properly locked with a pull of the handle as I slung my backpack around my shoulder.

Truth be told, I hesitated for a moment to even take a step on the stone pathway that led to the front of the house for fear that even stepping foot on the lawn would lower the property value. At the front porch, I rang the doorbell and placed a series of hard raps on the solid oak doors that loomed ominously in front of me. As I stood waiting, rubbing my arms for warmth, I reminded myself that I would have to thank the Parkers for recommending me for this job the next time I babysat lil' Eli and Emil.

While some individuals may raise an eyebrow at the prospect of hiring a male babysitter, many families actively sought me out to deal with rambunctious boys. I couldn't complain, it was a great way to make money while I was working towards obtaining my degree in Child Psychology. And all things considered, from everything that Mrs. Calloway had told me about her "lil' Kensington", then I would definitely have my work cut out from me tonight. The lil' tyke had apparently chased away the last four of his babysitters! But I had my treats, some games and puzzles, and a boatload of patience to quell any tantrums that may erupt tonight.

I mean, sure, this isn't exactly how I was planning on spending my Friday night. What twenty-one-year-old wouldn't rather be spending the night away bar hopping with the boys? Or browsing for some good dick on Grindr? But from what the Calloways were offering to pay me to babysit for a few hours, it was too good to pass up. Especially for a broke college kid...

The sounds of tinkering with the lock and the creaking of the door drew me out of my thoughts as a young woman's head popped out. With long flowing blonde hair, her emerald-green eyes trailed up and down my body for an uncomfortably long time until I inquired, "Mrs. Calloway? I'm Mateo, we talked yesterday..."

Her eyes lit up as she stepped back and fully opened the door to reveal herself draped in a luxurious scarlet red outfit that left little to the imagination; complemented by her golden choker and bracelets around her wrists. Throwing her flowing hair behind her shoulder, "Oh pleeeeeeease!" She cooed, playing daintily with the jewels on her necklace, "Mrs. Calloway was my mother. Call me Evelyn, dear! Come in, you'll catch your death out here!"

Thanking her, trying my very best not to stare at her massive boobs, I slinked by her through the doorway to enter the house proper. She closed the entrance behind us and presented the interior with a grand wave of her hand, showcasing the gigantic diamond stone that sat elegantly on her ring finger, "Welcome!" She announced, "My casa is tu casa!"

Not having the heart to correct her, especially since she's the one signing my paycheck, I took a sweep of the house from my position. Just from the grand entryway, I could see the rest of the first floor in detail. To my right was the living room, boasting a flatscreen so big it looked better suited for an IMAX movie theatre than a home. To my left was the grand kitchen complete with every cooking gadget you could ever need covering the marble countertops. Directly in front of me was the staircase leading to the second floor.

I felt a tickle on my shoulder as Evelyn walked around me, circling me as if I were her meal for the evening, "Don't forget Kensington has a bedtime of ten o' clock sharp!" She near whispered in my ear as she took another rotation around me, "Alabaster and I should be back no later than midnight, so feel free to relax until then!" She finally stopped in front of me, pressing her breasts together.

"Well, that TV does look very tempting," I joked, "But I think I'll probably just work on my homework until then!"

"Ooooooooooh!" She crowed, firmly placing her hand on my bicep, "Brawn and brains! Your girlfriend must be. One. Lucky. Lady!"

The flashbacks of me getting railed by a daddy from the week before raced through my head as I responded with a smile. Her hand snatched away from my arm at the onset of footsteps coming from atop the staircase and echoing down the hallway. An older man, salt and pepper hair with a serious demeanor, was fixing the cuffs on his expensive tux as he joined us downstairs. That man must've been Evelyn's father.

"Good evening, sir." Was all I could muster as he acknowledged me with a simple nod of the head and proceeded to smooch Evelyn's ruby red lips. he WASN'T her father.

Fishing around inside his jacket, he handed a thick envelope to me as he wordlessly walked out through the front door. Evelyn took one more inspection of me as she continued, "That's half now and we'll pay you the rest when we get back! Now, let me think if I missed anything..."

"We'll be fine!" I assured her, "Enjoy the evening and have fun!"

She cusped her cheeks into her hands, "Oh, Mateo. I know you're right, but it's just so hard to leave my baby home alone like this! I wish I could bring him with us, but these dinners just aren't the place for a child! Plus, believe me, this kid only wants pizza and chicken nuggets, I don't think he's ever enjoyed a filet mignon in his life!"

Sharing a laugh with the overzealous mother, I assured her once more that Kensington and I would have a great night and that he would be tucked in far before she got home. She flashed her pearly whites as she pinched my cheek, "You're a doll! An absolute doll!" She tutted, "Thank you, Mateo. You put a mother's heart at ease!"

"Where is the lil' dude?" I pondered aloud, realizing that I hadn't even met the man of the hour yet.

"You're right!" She gasped. Gracefully running in her high heels to the base of the stairs, "KENSINGTON DEACON CALLOWAY! GET YOUR BUNS DOWN HERE AND MEET THE NEW BABYSITTER!" She screeched at the top of her lungs, my face involuntarily cringing at the shrill cry.

Opening her clutch for a last-minute check, the honking from the driveway cut our interaction short, "Alabaster is waiting in the car! Sorry honey, I have to go now!"

Pulling up her dress as she once again tried to move as fast as possible out the house. I rushed to the front door to hold it open as she crossed the threshold to get outside. As I was doing so, hand still on the knob, I caught a glimpse at the titan of a figure standing atop the staircase.

That must've been Kensington's older brother...

Dressed in a tight-fitting tanktop and a pair of runner's shorts, the absolute behemoth of a man stood like an action hero with his hands firmly on his waist, flexing his beefy biceps about as subtly as an earthquake. Stacked on top of those were his bowling ball sized shoulders and impressive brawny chest, looking like it was damn-near ripping at the seams begging to be broken free of its fabric prison. Trailing down to his muscular thighs, as bulky as tree trunks, both covered in a dense forest of dark leg hair, I licked my lips wondering what he was packing under those itty-bitty shorts...

He had an incredibly handsome face as well - with sharp and angular features, particularly around the nose and brow. His curly light-brown hair complimented his dark eyes and his fair skin tone. Even his lil' butt chin was kinda cute.

It had just occurred to me to stop; I was literally eye-fucking the older brother of the kid I was supposed to be babysitting...

"Kensington, behave for Mateo!" Evelyn announced as the door handle slipped away from my hand, "Have fun boys!"

"Wait, what-"

The sound of the heavy door slamming served as the question mark for my sentence. I suppose the awkward ellipsis could be that being the Ferrari peeling out the driveway and zooming down the street; besides that...


Gulping heavily, now eerily aware of the sound of my own beating heart, I tried my absolute best to maintain eye contact with the man standing atop the stairs. Fighting with my wandering eyes to not dare to look down and admire his beautifully chiseled body one more time...

But as hot as he was, if looks could kill. Neither his rockin' bod or fat pouty lips could compensate for the ugly scowl plastered across his face.

I tried my best to break the ice, "Hey, dude!" I tried to sound jovial, but the awkwardness of the situation came through in the uneasiness of my voice, "I'm Mateo. I guess I'll be your...babysitter..."


I was starting to get a kink in my neck from the uncomfortable position of me looking up the tall flight of stairs, "But you're definitely not a baby!" I tried to kid.

This...was Kensington?

Not a baby was an understatement. This kid had to be in the early twenties at the very earliest, he practically had a five o'clock shadow and was built like a Greek god carved in stone! With my lanky features and shaved face, I probably looked like a middle-schooler compared to him!

Fuck! He totally caught my eyes slipping to take a glance at those enormous thighs that those shorts were straining to wrap around. I was surprised the fabric hadn't shredded apart under the immense stress to cover themselves around those monstrous legs...

I couldn't stop the heat rushing to my face as I realized I needed to come up with something to ease the tension before my roaming eyes got me in even more trouble, "Uhhhhhh," was all I had, "your mom said we could make you a grilled cheese if you got hungry before bed."

He apparently didn't like grilled cheese, as he marched step-by-step slamming his feet down the wooden staircase and charged directly towards me. Wildly stumbling backwards to get away, palms facing him in front of me in defense, I was instantly knocked off balance as he chest-rammed me with all his weight. His barreled chest shoving against my raised hands, flailing backwards trying to grab something to prevent my fall. Crashing against the wooden front door as Kensington quickly narrowed the gap between us and got directly in my face.

"Evelyn is NOT my mom!" he sternly corrected, his hot breath dancing across my face, "She's my stepmother. Did you think she had me when she was twelve, you sick fuck?" He jammed his finger into my chest, it surprisingly hurt.

"Hey, hey!" I tried to reason, throwing my hands in the air to show no harm, "Let's be cool, man! I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry!"

The boy must've stood a solid five or six inches over me, and I was no slouch at 5'10 myself. Leaning over, his lips so close to mine I could lean in and kiss them, I could feel the heat emanating off his body and onto mine. Using all his weight behind him, he leaned forward pinning his chest against the butt of my chin, trapping me between between the door and his enormous body, "I'm having some girls over tonight in a little bit." He announced, "We're going upstairs to my room and we're going to FUCK. Don't want to hear it? Turn up the TV, but I better not come down here to watch you beating your tiny dick to us. Understand!?"

"But your mo-stepmother said not to let anyone come over!"

Kensington's face twisted as he took a step back and I took a momentary breath of relief, but he immediately snatched me by my shirt collar and, with a mighty feat of strength, lifted me up off the ground. Freaking at the realization that I was hovering several feet in the air, all of Kensington's weight pressed upon me made it feel like I was about to burst through the door, "Hey!" he barked, "Did you just fuckin' hear me? Do you got jizz in your ears or somethin'?"

With no effort he smashed me against the door, the back of my head thumping hard against the solid oak, his deep low voice revibrating inside of me, "Or do you just got shit for brains!?"

Spittle flicking across my face with every word out of his mouth, "I got things goin' pretty good for me here, and I don't need YOU or any bitch ass babysitter coming to fuck shit up!"

"Yes, sir!" Was the only thing I could think to respond with, weakly attempting to pry his iron grip.

That seemed to satisfy him, his plump lips forming a cocky smirk, as he dropped me with no finesse. Crashing to the floor directly in front of him directly onto my ass, the towering figure appeared absolutely insurmountable as he leaned over me, "I think I'll take you up on that sandwich."

Without further word, Kensington turned his back to me and began his march back up the stairs. From my place on the floor, I watched with almost a perverse fascination on how closely those running shorts hugged and wrapped themselves around his fat juicy muscled ass. Swaying back and forth in exaggerated motion with every step as he trotted up the stairs.

It wasn't until I felt the walls of the house vibrate when he slammed his bedroom door that I finally deemed it safe to get back on my own two feet. Silently making my way to the kitchen to prepare his meal, my mind was awash with the thoughts on exactly what the hell just happened...

...And why I was so horny about it.

I couldn't ignore my raging hardon that was pressing against the fabric of my jeans. Daring to rub myself through the layers of denim and underwear, I felt the steady leak of precum smearing against my upper thigh as I placed the buttered bread on the stove. One hand on the pan handle, the other massaging my aching dick, I finally managed to whip up his sandwich and neatly presented it on a plate.

Walking up to the stairs to his bedroom was harrowing but exciting all the same. The thought of Kensington physically tossing me on his bed and ruthlessly ramming me flashed in my head as I knocked on his door. No, don't even THINK about it, I scolded myself, you're his babysitter for God's sake!

The heavy reek of marijuana hit me as soon as the younger boy stuck his head out his bedroom door. Snatching the plate from my hand and slamming the door in my face without a word exchanged between us as I retreated back downstairs. My entire face was flushed with embarrassment and excitement as I finally placed my backpack on the couch and took a seat in the living room.

Should I do it? I asked myself as I sat idly in the Calloway living room. My erection still nagging me ceaselessly sitting on the couch, the thought of my tongue dancing across Kensington's muscular body and my nose sniffing his sweat-drenched jock post-workout giving me the edge to do the unthinkable...

Heart beating, slowly unbuttoning and unzipping my pants, taking one last glance behind me to the empty foyer and ensuring no one could peep in from the front window, I dared to pull out my boner through the fly of my underwear. Like a breath of fresh air, the throbbing erection sprung out of its cage and was instantly receptive to my stroking. Peeling my foreskin back and forth over the moist cockhead, the shots of pleasure rushed up my spine as I thought about getting suffocated between Kensington's gigantic thighs...

Meticulously sucking on each of Kensington's toes as I dragged my wet tongue from the heel to the very tip. Getting to pig out on that gigantic muscle ass, tongue-fucking his ripe tight straight hole for the very first time. My mind jumped between raunchy fantasies as I tweaked my nipple through my shirt, enjoying where my mind took me.

"Ah, Kensington." I dared to moan out, barely above a whisper as I threw my head back, "Fuck, this is so WRONG...What if Evelyn comes home and sees her baby boy's cock shoved in the babysitter's ass?"

The sound of footsteps marching down the stairs jump startled me out of my fantasy. Shit!

Snatching the closest thing avaliable to me, a throw pillow to my side, I immediately covered my cock as the footsteps approached me from behind. I almost didn't hear the soft, "Hey," over my own racing heart.

"H-H-Hey, dude!" I choked out, peering over my shoulder to see Kensington's striking figure standing behind the couch. Damn, were those veins always pumping out of his arms like that?

"D-Did you like your sandwich?" I asked.

Without responding, Kensington marched around the couch and plopped himself on the other end. He seemed almost apprehensive, and I was praying that he wouldn't ask why I had a pillow jammed against my crotch, "I just wanted to say," he began, still not making eye contact, " Sorry about what happened earlier..."

"Oh, that?" I asked, trying to downplay the situation in hopes he would get this over with and get out, "No problem, dude! We're cool!"

He continued, "It's's humiliating to be eighteen and your parents still get you a babysitter! They act like I can't be trusted or somethin'!"

I nodded sympathetically. Understanding his plight while also worried about my own problems: my leaking cock jammed into the throw pillow. Kensington threw his arms up in the air, "Like, I only threw a party here five times! And only two of those ended in a fight! And only one ended in an orgy!"

Well, that was a little concerning, "And there was the time I took a dump in the neighbor's mailbox!"

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