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Above My Paygrade!


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That too, "And the time that I mooned the cops and they kicked down the front door..."

I opened my mouth to respond, but quickly got cut off, "And the time I hopped over the neighbor's fence butt naked because their bangin' daughter was out there. How was I supposed to know her eighty-two-year-old grandmother was out there with her!?"

Okay, he just admitted to - like - ten misdemeanors, but I silently nodded and smiled along, "Well Kensington," I finally spoke up, "I'll make you a deal! Let's just be cool for the rest of the night and I'll tell your parents I think you're responsible enough to be without a babysitter from now on!"

It was scummy, sure. But I needed to get out of this situation fast. Did precum wash out of linen?

His big eyes lit up as a smile flashed across his face, "Would you really do that for me, dude? That'd be so awesome! Hell, I wouldn't even mind having a babysitter if they were as chill as you, Mateo! Best! Babysitter! Ever!"

My heart skipped a beat at the sight of his bright white smile and the innocent glare in his eyes as he made full eye contact with me. Kensington's pearly whites and adolescent charms showed another side to him, one that was much more desirable than his testosterone-fueled rage, "Well thank you, Kensington!" I accepted his compliment, "You're very kind!"

"Ken!" He insisted, " Kensington makes me sound like a douche. Which I'm sure you already think I am after I made an ass of myself earlier."

I shrugged, somewhat irritated that this conversation was retreading old waters when I wanted to get this wrapped up as soon as possible, "Don't mention it anymore!"

Ken flashed a cheeky grin, pushing himself up from his position on the couch. I thanked God as I was sure he was going to go back upstairs, but rather he reached for the remote sitting on the coffee table and switched on the television. Skipping through the hundreds of offerings avaliable, I loudly coughed, "So what time are those girls coming over tonight?"

"What girls?" He questioned, raising a bushy eyebrow, "O-Oh! THOSE girls. Yeah, like, uhhh...their dog totally got sick and they had to cancel. Which like, NEVER happens to me!"

I nodded silently, not buying his story but still distracted with my thoughts on how to get out of this predicament. Eventually Ken settled on a show to watch, getting comfy by kicking off his socks and resting his big hairy feet on the coffee table. Cursing myself for getting into this mess, I kept trying to come up with nonsuspicious ways how to get my hardon back into my pants.

Though my thoughts were preoccupied, I did manage to get a grasp on what was happening on this television show: Apparently, this FBI agent's partner was kidnapped by the cartel. In order to find the whereabouts of her partner, she had to go undercover as a stripper and get him to sleep with her. At least I thought that's what was happening. It seemed the plotline was a poor excuse to show as many tits, ass, and sex on camera as possible. I get that it was cable, but this was basically just porn with plot.

I almost forgot that Ken was even in the room with me until I caught him near-drooling on himself over the sight of a woman's ass shaking on screen. Cutting in awkwardly, "I don't think this is appropriate to watch."

"Don't be a pussy, dude!" He shot back, recoiling at the sound of his own deep voice. Sheepishly adding, "I-I mean, it's cool! I watch this show all the time!"

I'm sure he did.

The undercover FBI agent was on stage in front of the entire club now, stripping and swinging around on a pole completely topless and nude except for a skimpy G-string. Kensington's eyes were glued to the screen as I took this opportunity to risk shoving my bothersome boner away. Sliding my hands under the pillow, I gripped the base of my cock and attempted to shove it back under the elastic band of my underwear when I caught something in the corner of my eye...

Ken was openly playing with the enormous tent forming out of his shorts. Almost like I wasn't even there, his eyes were laser-focused on the topless dancer as he clearly rubbed and stroked himself through the fabric of his shorts. Watching what was taking place right in front of me, my hands spontaneously began fondling up and down my own shaft as I gazed at the display.

Ken's head spun as his eyes met mine. His eyes trailing down my body, bulging as he stared at my waist. I peered down...

The pillow that had been on my lap was now laying on the floor.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Ken hollered as he threw himself over the back of the couch, crashing dramatically on the floor.

Quickly shoving my cock away as my shaking hands tried to zip myself up, "I'm so sorry!" I cried out, fumbling with the button to my pants, "L-Let me grab my stuff and go!"

Snatching my backpack on the couch, I quickly hopped up and began rapidly making my way out of the living room and back into the entrance hall. But Ken's hulking body blocked my path as he physically extended himself to cover the archway. I stopped in my tracks at the sight, frantically looking for another way to get out of this situation, "Yo, are you fuckin' gay!?" Ken prodded with zero finesse.

"N-No!" I shouted the first thing that came to me, but my shaking voice wasn't that convincing, "K-Kinda. Maybe just a little..."

There! At the other side of the room was the entryway that led to the kitchen and the backdoor! I sprinted towards the other exit, but Ken was too fast and shot over to block the other pathway, "Then why were you jerking off to me like that?" He demanded to know, "What? You think I'm hot or somethin'?"

"M-Maybe a little?" My voice came out as a whine of embarrassment as I was damn-near positive I was about to get the shit beat out of me.

Ken physically recoiled as his lips pouted, "For real?"

There was no other way out. My back was towards the TV and Ken was firmly placed between the only two exits out of the room. The only thing separating myself from a 6'4, 230-pound ass beating was the couch and the coffee table. The only other option I could manifest was physically tossing myself through the front window onto the lawn, but I wasn't that desperate...yet.

One last idea popped into my head, a final Hail Mary. In one swift motion, sliding the backpack off my shoulder and down my arm to where I wildly swung it towards the barbarian. Raising his hands to protect his face, I made a last mad sprint towards the exit. Almost like lightning, Ken dashed towards me head on, keeping his head low and his chin tucked towards his chest, I prepared myself for what was about to happen as I felt his burly arms wrap around my midsection and send me plunging towards the floor.

Slamming against the wooden floor with full force, the air was instantly knocked out of my stomach as the heavier boy quickly used his body weight to pin me down. Firmly wrapping his legs around my waist and his superior upper-body strength to pin down my wrists to the ground, "Hey!" He snarled, "I asked you a fuckin' question!"

"Ken, please!" I begged once I was finally able to take a breath, "I'm sorry!"

I strained and struggled to push him off of me, but it was absolutely no use. Embarrassingly, praying he didn't notice, I could feel the heat and weight of Ken's mammoth ass pressing down on my hardon. Every squirm and attempt to get loose resulted in me grinding and rubbing my dick against the younger man's butt.

He weighed like a ton of bricks sitting on me, unmoving and unyielding. Using only one hand to hold my wrists down, he wrapped the other tightly around my throat, "That's not what I asked you." He growled while bringing his face down to mine, our noses touching as the beads of sweat dripped from his face onto mine, "Mateo, do you think I'm hot?"

Still trying to wildly buck my hips to get him off me to no success, my throbbing cock feeling like I was about to cum any second, "YES!" I finally cried, "I think you're FUCKING HOT, Ken! You look like a GOD, I want you to FUCK THE SHIT OUTTA ME, okay!? Happy!?"

Ken was silent for a moment, hand still wrapped firmly around my throat. His eyes darted around frantically, as though he were deep in thought and was still digesting what I had just heard, "Ken?" I squeaked.

He finally let go of me. Hands releasing from my neck and wrists, his great weight was lifted off me as he fully stood up and extended an open hand to me. Hesitating for a split moment, I took it as he pulled me up onto my own feet. Standing directly in front of him really cemented the height difference between us, "Thanks." He smiled, "I really appreciate it!"

I thought I had misheard him, "Y-You're not mad?" I hesitantly followed-up.

"Well..." He began, scratching the back of his head exposing his hairy pit, "Jerking off in my living room was kinda weird," He conceded, "But I've done dumb shit while thinking with the wrong head before too, I guess it's something every guy has done!"

He seemed totally nonchalant about what just happened, "To be honest though, you've been the chillest babysitter I've had so far, and I don't wanna lose you. So as long as we're on the same page that I'm straight," he emphasized, "We can be cool!"

A great relief came off my chest as my anxiety dissipated, I finally felt that I could relax, "I'm...really sorry, Ken." I repeated, "I guess we both showed a bad side of ourselves this night."

I extended my open palm, Ken's massive bear claw gripping it with an ironman-like strength as I attempted not to wince at the crushing pain, "Am I still the best babysitter ever?" I teased.

"Hell yeah!" He responded with no hesitation.

Happily, Ken plopped himself back in front of the TV, "Aw, shit!" He cried, "We missed the sex scene!"

Rewinding back to watch what he had missed, I grabbed my backpack off the floor and sat back on the couch, now fully clothed and my bothersome boner shoved away for good. From what I was able to gather, the cartel leader had some kinky BDSM fetish, and now the undercover FBI agent was tied up and chained to the post of the bed while she was getting whipped and slapped around. Ken couldn't wipe the pervy smile off his face if he had tried, but he quickly caught my awkward glare as he guiltily offered, "Erm, sorry. I forgot. I-I think RuPaul is on if you'd rather watch that!"

"No!" I quickly responded, "I-It's fine!"

Not that I was a prude when it came to sex but sitting and watching an explicit sex scene with a stranger to who I had just admitted to wanting to get my guts rearranged by was uncomfortable. Ken tried his best to get through the discomfort, "So... being gay. What's that like?"

He had failed. Spectacularly.

I coughed up a response, "It's alright...I guess..."

"... You like to suck dick?"

For what must've been about the third time of the evening, my face began to flush with heat as I tried to quell my nerves, "'Cuz like, some of the guys in the lockerroom were debating whether it was gay or not to suck your own dick," he explained, "And one of my friends said it felt more like sucking dick than actually getting sucked."

"I-I-I'm not-" My words got jumbled in my throat, "I-I'm not that flexible."

"No, I'm not either!" The mighty brute elaborated, "But then I was kinda thinking - like, EVERY dude jacks off, right? Even if it's their own, straight guys still enjoy touching and playing with dicks. Isn't THAT gay?"

"I-I really couldn't-"

"But then that would mean EVERY dude on Earth is gay, right?"

"I guess..."

"But if EVERYONE is gay, then nobody is! Right?"

I was speechless at this point, "I don't know, man." Ken concluded, "But it keeps me up at night..."

"Thinking about whether all men are actually gay?"

"No dude, my dick! " He pointed at his crotch in exaggerated fashion, "Speaking of which..."

Ken pushed himself off the couch and back on his two feet, with a mighty stretch he announced, "I think I've got a date night with Mia Malkova, if you catch my drift!" He socked my arm, his remarkable bulge meeting me at eye-level.

"You're going to bed?" I inquired, "It's barely ten!"

"Yeah, it's my bedtime. If Evelyn sees me out of my room, she's gonna flip!"

My heart skipped a beat at the sight of Ken's stretch to the ceiling, exposing both his hairy pits and raising his tank top just enough to show off his thick happy trail that led directly into his shorts. I knew I was about to regret the next words out of my mouth, "Hey, since it's just you and me, how's about you get to stay up as long as you don't leave my sight?"

"Whaddya mean?" He pouted his lips, he seemed to do that whenever he was deep in thought.

"I mean if you just wanna chill in here and relax, that'd be cool. It's a Friday night, you can stay up a lil' late if you want!"

He shrugged, seemingly not interested, "I really wanted to rub one out though..." He admitted frankly, openly cupping his junk in front of me, "It's been like six hours since I jerked off and I'm getting a lil' antsy."

"'Six hours'?" I repeated, making sure I had heard him right.

"Well, yeah!" He shot back nonchalantly, "I woke up with some morning wood and decided to take care of it. Then after I got home, I decided to go for it again. And I was looking for somethin' good to jerk it to when Evelyn called me down earlier."

I unzipped my backpack and pulled out my laptop, handing it to the younger man, "You can look for something good here..."

Ken's eyes stared at the laptop, then me, then back at the laptop. A smile spread across his face as he silently accepted my offer and sat back down on the couch, "I always love an audience." He playfully teased, his voice husky and low.

Laptop open and sitting on his lap, Ken immediately brought up the black-and-orange homepage that even I was familiar with. Scrolling through the vast collection of videos, from time to time checking to make sure I was still watching, he finally selected one. Putting the video in fullscreen, he put the laptop on the coffee table and leaned back in the couch as he began enjoying himself to the video onscreen.

This was exhilarating. I had never had an interaction like this before, my heart racing as I silently enjoyed watching the younger man play with himself to hardcore porn. Ken didn't even seem to mind that I was watching him, in fact taking several glances my way to ensure he still had my attention. Making sure I was still watching, he pulled down his tiny runners' shorts in one swoop. Under those shorts were his designer underwear that showed even more skin than was visible before.

The clear outline of his boner visible to me, Ken carefully teased and caressed himself through the silky layers of his underwear as the wet spot at the very tip of his cock slowly grew. The mighty tent erected even further, as though the silky layers were struggling to contain it. Ken leaned into it, moaning loudly at the top of his lungs, seemingly enjoying the private audience sitting on the couch beside him. I enjoyed it too.

"Wanna see it?" He asked provocatively, "No backin' down once it's out in the open..."

"Fuck yeah!" I responded with no hesitation, chomping at the bit.

Smiling, he leapt off the couch as he took a few steps directly in front of my position, standing directly between my legs and the coffee table. Thumbs hooking the elastic bands of his underwear, in one grand swoosh he pulled his underwear down to his ankles and kicked them off towards my direction. Laughing as I pulled the undies off my head; my heart skipped a beat at the first glance of Ken's rock-hard boner in all its glory.

Evidently freshy shaved, as drawn from the razer burns across his pubic area, Ken proudly boasted his thick six-incher as though it were his pride and joy with a rapid series of swings and thrusts. It's elegant curve upwards capped with a bright pink cockhead, a prominent circumcision scar acting as a crown of sorts circling the girthy shaft. I watched with a pervy glee as he gave his dick a rough slap, whacking it back and forth.

Bringing his hand to his mouth, the brunette spat a fat wad directly into his open palm and swiftly got to work in lubing himself up. Working with some efficiency now, Ken reached behind him to pull the coffee table a few feet closer as he sat down on the elegant wood. Covering my eyes in embarrassment (but still peeking through my fingers) as Kensington stretched out his muscular legs and placed both feet to my sides. The sight of those deep moans coming out of Ken's fat lips, to his sweat-soaked tank top that clinging to his mighty bod, to his spit-soaked cock glistening, to those huge heavy nuts bouncing with every tug, and that delicious mouthwatering hairy taint that tempted me to go tongue-first into his furry hole...

It was orgasmic.

Ken was clearly as flushed as I was, his entire face was a bright pink as he made eye contact with me, "I've never done this in front of another dude before," he confessed blushingly.

"You're doing a good job at it," I assured him.

"Well, I have a lot of experience." He laughed.

Rubbing his thumb across his leaking slit, precum dripping down his impressive shaft like a waterfall along his ballsack. Our eyes locked. Both our dark eyes having a silent meeting of the minds, an unspoken conversation in the span of a second.

I knew exactly what he wanted me to do.

Wordlessly and obediently, I moved from my position on the couch to my knees directly in front of the bigger boy. Spreading his hairy legs to make more room for me, I rested my arms on his beastly thighs as I eagerly accepted him into my mouth.

A shout of pleasure from the big barbarian as my tongue made first contact with his exposed and sensitive head. Wrapping my wet tongue around his sizable girth as I instantly went for the deepthroat, accepting all six inches of cock down the back of my throat and pressing my nose shoved against his pubic area. Another roar of pleasure coming from the burly beast as his meaty hands instructed me to pull off of him.

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