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Ace of Hearts Ch. 08

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He promises to be by his side. And under him. On top, too.
7.1k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/13/2022
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I lay on the floor of my sister's bedroom looking at the ceiling. She's laying next to me, head beside mine but feet pointed in the opposite direction. We pass a joint between us.

We don't say anything. These are our Sundays now. She's not speaking to me, but I bring her weed and we sit quietly. In the beginning it was harder because she would just cry.

I spent Valentine's Day with Vivi. I brought her flowers and chocolates and weed and let her scream, cry, and beat my ass. The bruise the size of her fist on my right bicep is now a glorious shade of green and yellow. That's nothing. She whooped my ass proper in January, I was black and blue all over and Asa was horrified.

I gave her permission to do it. And honestly that was nothing compared to the way we would brawl as kids. She broke my nose once. I chipped her tooth. Dad was still home then, though. Things are different now. Calmer.

During the summer she loosened up a lot, though she was still not talking to me.

Now that November has rolled around again, I think about our relationship for the past year. She's always here when I come over, and I'm here the same time every week. She could avoid me, but she doesn't. So, that's something.

She passes me the joint. "I hate you," she mutters.

FUCK YES. I grin wildly because she just said words at me. I don't want to fuck it up though so I don't say shit.

"You're stupid and ugly and smelly," she grumbles. I laugh, she's in a better mood than I thought.

I turn and look at her. She looks at me. I give her a half smile. She gives me one back. I open my mouth.

"You'd better not open your mouth and say you're sorry. If I hear that word again I'm punching you in the dick," she warns.

"I was actually going to say that yelling at me is funnier right now because you're upside down and now your chin is your nose and I can't unsee it," I grin. She knows exactly what I'm talking about because she busts up laughing.

I start laughing, too, because as I said, her mouth looks like it's inverted, so it's like she's laughing and frowning at the same time with really tiny top teeth.

She is now looking at my chin grinning. I begin to contort my mouth to make it weirder looking. She responds by intentionally frowning deeply so that I see a fucked up smile from my vantage point. I lose it.

We are fuckin' blitted. We are blitted and I'm laughing hard enough that tears are coming out of my eyes, wetting my earlobes, and she's fallen into a terrible snort/laugh cycle.

When we catch our breaths and absolve not to look at each other while talking, we watch the glow in the dark stars and planets that have been on her ceiling since she was six slowly brighten as the sun sets.

"I like that you kept them," I remark.

"You know I actually took them down when we redid my room but it looked so weird I put them back up," she passes me the joint.

"When are you gonna get your own place? You could do it, you could move in with Janessa or Mia or what's her name," I snap my fingers trying to bring her name to mind. "Box blonde, loves alligator print, maybe Italian?"

"Giuliana Russo?" she cracks up. "She moved to, like, Staten Island or some shit I think senior year? What the hell made you think of her?"

"I thought you guys hung out, didn't she come to Gina's baby shower?" Gina's our cousin. One of many.

"No, you're thinking of Kara, the blonde coworker from when I worked at the bank," she coughs and waves the smoke out of her face. Mom is going to kill us.

"Oh shit, yeah, didn't it get weird with you two?" I look at Veronica and her chin-nose. Veronica turns an uncharacteristic shade of pink.

"It got super weird, yes," she presses her lips together trying to keep whatever she's feeling inside but she loses the battle and busts up laughing anyway. "You could put it that way."

"Um, excuse me, that's fucking interesting, what does that mean?" Her upside down eyes look like alien eyes and when she laughs it looks so ridiculous. I can't handle it, my stomach still hurts from laughing but before I can look away Vivi glances up at me and she is beet red to her hairline and her face screwed up like she's trying to prevent an expression.

"Ohhhhhhhh, you fucked her didn't you!" I gasp and sit up.

"Fo, Jonny! No!" She covers her face and the riotous stoner giggles start again.

"Fo? 'Fo' what? It's not gross! Don't be that guy. Nobody likes that guy." I nudge her head with my elbow. Dick.

"No, ew TÚ. YOU are gross, talking to YOU about my sex life is gross," she's rolling onto her side away from me wheezing with laughter.

"Okay, okay," I concede, palms up in surrender. I pause, "Pero like..was that a yes or no? Your reaction has me torn here, like on the one hand I'm like--."

She's wiping her face and holding her gut and she's barely got her shit together. She holds out her hand. "Shhh, no talking," she gasps.

I make sure I'm staring at her with a grin. When she lifts her head she squeals and almost loses control and starts laughing again, but she quickly hides her face. "Jonny! DO NOT!"

I can't help but smile but I make sure that I am looking away. Hearing her laugh feels really good. It's relieving.

She pulls herself up into a sitting position, wiping her red tear streaked face and it's really fucking nice to see silly tears instead. If you can get Veronica going she will laugh until she cries and it's so infectious.

"No," she clears her throat. There's still the shadow of a giggle behind her words. "We didn't get that far--do NOT look at me, Jonathan, I will laugh and my face hurts."

I cover my face with my hands, because I know my grin makes her laugh and I can't stop grinning because her fucking laugh makes me grin. I am in danger of catching this giggle fit and my face fucking hurts.

"What I'm hearing is that you almost went down to coochie town," I say, muffled by my hands on my face, but she goes, "Shhhh---hhhh-hhhh," struggling to hold back the laugh. "Don't you dare," she wheezes.

After a solid thirty seconds of silence and steady breathing I ask into my hands, "can I look up now?"

She leans into me. I drop my hands and wrap an arm around her.

"You going with Asa to visit the farm for New Years?" she asks quietly, but without venom. She purses her lips to the side.

"Vivi," I start, nervous.

"No, no, it's okay. I don't know. You look so happy. Like actually happy. And you've chilled out a lot, también, as hard as it is to admit. I think he grounds you, and you bring out his silly side. I can't be mad at that. I mean I am but," she shrugs and sighs. "I think I'm more angry at the fact que I can't have anything without you being in it. Like anything. Even our fuckin' birthdays, tu sabes?"

I nod and look down at my hands. Our birthdays are close, so Mom only ever threw one joint party. Cashflow.

"Mami very obviously likes him better than us, though, so I guess I gotta get used to it."

"You're not wrong," I nod. I don't think Mom gave a shit who was with Asa as long as she could keep him. "I think she would take food out our mouths to feed him."

She laughs, nodding enthusiastically.

"You obviously love him to death, and he loves the shit out of you. He's always lookin' at you," she smiles faintly.

I blush. I still get all mushy when I think of him. I know I'm smiling like an idiot.

"See, thats what I'm talking about," she smiles. She opens her mouth and closes it, like she's trying to decide whether or not she wants to say what she's thinking.

"We...didn't spark like that," she says eventually. "Y'all were in it at the start. Whenever I asked Asa what he was up to, it was always class, work, or hanging out with you. To be honest we were stupid." She shakes her head.

"Your face should have told me on day one. You wear all your thoughts on your dumb face, it's why you suck at cards and shit. You were looking at him like this," She very subtly rounds her eyes in mild surprise. "Instead of like this," she changes to an almost microscopic squint.

I look at her with my jaw slack, trying to come up with a response.

She laughs. "This is why you never win games; you're a comemierda."

"YOU'RE the comemierda," I sputter. "Look, you're full of shit right now," I sniff her and she laughs.

I grin. We're quiet again, Vivi is picking at her socks with her long nails.

"Why didn't you tell me about Tara?" I ask gently.

She animates immediately, which I did not at all expect, "Oh, because we didn't fuckin' know! All that shit had only just come out when Mia had found-" she covers her mouth and cringes apologetically.

"Thanks for not finishing that sentence," I grimace.

"Look, I was pushing her to tell you, like why the fuck would you wanna hear that shit from me? Y'all have been together for a hot minute. But then you were talking about a ring, and I was not about to have that entonces..." she shrugs.

"So you snitch like a bitch," I grin.

"CABRÓN! I will never help you again!" She shoves me and I cackle wildly, sling my arm around her neck and pull her over. She rests her head on my shoulder. I kiss the top of her head.

"At least she knew better not to come to me, even though I was mad at you, too. Bitch knows I would have punched her right en la crica for saying boo."

I cough, choking on my spit. She rubs my back, lips pursed, presumably imagining cunt punching Tara. I shake my head. "Girl, you be sayin' some shit."

She sticks out her tongue with a grin.

"Thanks," I laugh. She squeezes me around the waist.

"I missed you, dummy," I tell her.

"I missed you too, buttface," she sighs.

"We good?" I ask, hopeful.

"No," she peers up at me. I swallow hard. "We gettin' there, though."

I laugh in spite of the lump in my throat, and my eyes itch with tears. She squeezes me.

I'll take getting there. Getting there is good.


I open my eyes to find Asa staring directly at me. Not sexy. Not sweet. Just, ah, there.

"Um, hello," I croak, nervous.

"You're sleeping," he states firmly.

"Well, no, right now I'm looking at my boyfriend who is trying to bore a hole into my head with his eyes," I rub my right eye with the heel of my palm.

"It's Christmas," he whispers. I look at him with one eye.

"So, it is," I give him a half smile. I don't have a lot of good Christmas memories, but I know it's his favorite holiday. I rub my other eye. Shit that feels good. I blink and look at him before I become trapped in the wonderful/terrible cycle of rubbing my eyes.

He's in pajamas. His hair is splayed behind him as he lays on the pillow looking at me. He's laying on his belly, but his arms are tucked tight under him with his cheek resting, smushed, on the back of his hand. He looks like a little kid in his expression and posture and it makes me laugh because he's also so fucking swole his biceps look ripped in this position.

"Did you get dressed in pajamas?" I raise an eyebrow. Cuz I can tell you for damn sure he wasn't wearing anything but my cum when we fell asleep.

"Yes, of course," he nods solemnly, and I laugh again. I roll onto my back and push on my morning wood to stretch out the tension.

"What time is it even?" I feel for my phone. It probably somewhere stupid, I always forget to put it on the charger.

"Christmas Time, Jonathan," he explains very seriously.

I stop and look at him expecting to find his teasing face, but he's wide eyed and stoic; he's not fucking around. I hide a smile. It's so fucking endearing. He's gonna be one hell of a Dad.

Nope, gonna throw that thought right into the Repress For Later box.

"How long have you been up?" I yawn.

"6 AM!" He booms and pops up into a kneeling position sitting back on his feet. He ticks off his fingers, "I have showered, eaten, cooked breakfast for us because I was hungry again, and I have let you sleep and I can't wait anymore."

I find my phone. It's only 7:50 AM, and I laugh, "Asa, baby, it hasn't even been two hours. We went to sleep at like three in the morning. I don't think I've ever seen you this hyper like..ever."

Asa tosses the blanket off of me and I yelp, curling up from the sudden onslaught of cold air. He pounces on me which is mildly terrifying, until he rubs up on my body which is nice.

He slides down my body, his shirt riding up and I feel the blood that was leaving my dick come rushing back, I roll my hips and stretch beneath him.

I feel his mouth on me, hot and wet and my hips jerk from surprise and pleasure. I tilt my head back and groan. "Ah, fuck."

I run my fingers through his silky hair and look down. His eyes glitter with adoration and lust, and for the millionth time I marvel at how he makes me feel so fucking thirsty and full of love at the same time. Fucking crazy.

The soft thoughts fly out of my head quickly when I feel him take me down his throat. My god I'm so hard I could scratch a diamond with my dick.

"Fu-uck," I shiver.

He works my cock excruciatingly slowly and thoroughly, and it feels so good he has me thrusting into his mouth in feverish desire in moments.

"Baby," I whine. I need more of him. I dig my fingers into his scalp. I peer down into the sexy, hungry look in his eyes. I lick my lips. He sucks on my balls and my eyes roll back into my head. He plays with my nipple rings and I'm gasping. He knows every inch of me.

"Fuck, I love you," I pant. I feel him smile around my cock. He pushes my legs up and back, and I immediately comply, drawing my knees to my chest and spreading my ass cheeks for him. My dick is leaking precum all over my belly.

He spits on my asshole and rubs finger over it, shooting tingles straight through me.

He gets so nasty.

"Mm, baby please," I gasp.

"Please what?" he murmurs, looking at me with hooded eyes.

I close my eyes as he works a finger in just a little bit.

"I don't give a shit," I grit and pant. "Just as long as you please please do it."

I gasp because his mouth is there replacing his finger, and he's tonguing my ass like a lollipop. It's so intense i writhe and thrash. Fuck, my god. My cock is aching. "Fuck me," I pant. " Please, please, my god, fuck."

I babble incoherently as he spears my ass with his tongue, working me with his fingers. It feels so good as he stretches and massages my hole.

"Fuck me, Asa, now please I need it. Please," I beg.

"Even though it's Christmas?" his eyes are glittering with mischief.

"Especially because it's--" I start, but then his mouth starts doing crazy shit to my balls. "..Christmas," I gasp.

"Hmmmm," he runs the flat of his tongue up my shaft and a shudder rips through me. He dips his head and takes all of me and it feels so fucking good. He's so fucking good to me.

"So, even though I have been so patient," he comes up and then places suckling kisses down the underside, along the vein. "I should wait longer and give you what you want first."

"Uh," I am breathing heavily. "You, ah, started--fuck Asa!" He swallows my cock again. This feels like when the dentist asks you questions during a cleaning, but, um, better.

He laughs deep in his chest and I can feel it reverberate on my cock. I lick my lips. I literally cannot answer any questions while having my dick sucked. Not when it's in Asa's mouth.

"You don't," I strain and I push his forehead away, which takes every single ounce of willpower I have. "Have to wait."

He chuckles and pulls off my cock. He crawls up my body and gives me a brain numbing kiss. I literally curl my toes, I want him so bad. I can feel him hard against me.

"You are so sexy," I murmur. I kiss his full lips. "So beautiful. I don't care at all about Christmas, I just want you." I tuck a lock of hair behind his ear and he smiles.

"In fact," a grin spreads slowly across my face and he instantly laughs and I see him lift his chin almost defensively. He's preparing himself for my bullshit. It makes me laugh. "You know-- I think I could sing about it."

Immediately he starts laughing and kisses my neck. At this point he's just laying on me, both of us having calmed down. I begin to sing softly and sweetly, and somewhat in tune. I feel his chuckle and it delights me.

But we're in this for glory, so I ramp up, until I am belting out Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas at top volume.

Asa laughs and rolls away to save his ears, but instead of covering my face with a pillow, or squealing 'stop' or any other perfectly reasonable and hilarious response, Asa just sings along, lacing his fingers with mine.

When we're done he gives me his big crooked smile. Fuck. He makes me so fucking sappy, It's bananas.

I raise his hand and kiss his knuckles. He leans over, gives me a sweet kiss, and gently tugs on my hand to pull me out of bed.

"It's french toast casserole," he grins, and twirls me. I almost fall from the surprise of never having been twirled before, but I catch myself, roll into him and he smoothly transitions to wrapping me in a hug from behind. I'm facing the mirror again, but it's the floor length mirror on the door of our bedroom, versus the dresser mirror from my old place.

I look ridiculous. I have a violent case of bed head, I'm butt naked, scruffy as hell and a beautiful man is wrapped around me somehow looking like an absolute snack in reindeer Christmas pajamas. I can't help but laugh.

"Look," he murmurs in my ear. "I unwrapped my first present."

I watch my face redden and my cock twitch in the mirror. With one arm high across my chest, pinning me to him, he uses his other hand to run his fingers down the length of my torso, from right between my nipples down to my cock. I reflexively flex my core at the sensation, defining my abs, which I know was his actual goal as it elicits a lustful hum of approval from him and a grin. He palms my cock which instantly begins plumping up under his grasp. I blow out a breath.

"I was very good," he tightens his hold on me, and my breath quickens. "So, I got exactly what I wanted." He strokes back up the length of my body, and then gently grasps my chin and turns my face to kiss me with such tenderness my knees weaken.

I open my eyes looking at the only person who regularly renders me speechless. He gives me a peck on the lips, and hands me my sweats, noticing the goosebumps all over me.

"I'm going to to warm up breakfast," he says. He kisses me behind my ear and leaves me to dress. I'm still at half mast.

The food is delicious. But perhaps what's even better is the fact that we have two full stockings, our handful of gifts for each other, and even though Asa was the elf that filled the stockings he looks like...

Well, he looks like a kid on Christmas.

I flop down on our couch in my sweats and hoodie with the hood pulled up to try and control my hair. I watch him pull down the stockings. He makes his way over to me.

"Okay, is there a system you have, like some kind of method in which we handle the opening of gifts or..." I look up at him. He's just gazing at me, holding my stocking. He has a goofy faraway look on his face.

"Oye pero hello," I laugh and before I know it his mouth is on mine again and I pull him on to me by his shirt until we're horizontal. Despite his size he melds his body to mine and wraps around me sliding a hand under my hood to the back of my neck.

I draw him in deeper, searching for his tongue, tasting his mouth that has the faint trace of coffee and sweetness. I grind my newly hardened cock into his hip, drunk on the feeling of him thickening against me.

He breaks the kiss. "You keep distracting me," he says with a huff. I laugh as he scrambles up and adjusts his pants. I sit up again. He hands me the stocking. I want to throw it across the room and plunder his ass. I behave, though.

While I spill the contents of my stocking on the floor, he's collecting tree gifts and bringing them to the couch.


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