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Action, Reaction and Consequences Ch. 03

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How far do you go to get ahead?
28.8k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 03/14/2024
Created 10/22/2023
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For those that have been following this story welcome back, for those jumping in I have tried to encompass enough detail in the beginning for you to gain enough of the background not to have to read the first two parts. This is a fairly long section of the whole story and it has an abrupt ending as such if you wish to treat it as a standalone tale. For those following I'll be releasing a smaller bridging piece that will lead us to towards the final curtains of this story.

I'm a Brit, so it's English, English so to speak. It's been checked for errors as per last chapter if it transpires the path I've taken hasn't worked regarding editing I'll be back begging for a Literotica member or two to undertake that work. With regards to the story it covers some uncomfortable topics centred around abuse. If this isn't for you that's fine by me. As for the types of jobs that are referenced I don't work in those professions and apologise if it's too far from reality viewed by a professional but this is fiction?

Please remember that like Star Wars, Harry Potter or the James Bond franchises most of the content is extremely unlikely to occur in real life, but the aim is to try and make it seem as believable as we can through story writing. I'm hoping this goes some way to achieve that. In the meantime, let the show go commence!

˂˂˂˂˂˂˂Action, Reaction and Consequences Chapter III˃˃˃˃˃˃˃˃˃˃

"Grandad, when did you know where your life was going to go? Did you know when you were going to meet gran, buy a house, have a son? When will I know how my life is going to turn out?"

Seventeen-year-old Matt Andrews threw the question out of the blue at his grandad as they worked in the garage rebuilding Matt's Honda CBR125 engine for the third time in a year. Within a minute they had finished torqueing down the cylinder head nuts. Matt's grandad walked to the bench where he put down the wrench. Above the bench were two shelves containing manuals and other useful documents he had amassed over the years.

He hummed to himself as he scanned the shelves before the old man found an old brown wallet folder. He retrieved it and carefully pulled out several newspaper cuttings placing them on the bench.

"Have a look at this, be careful mind they are getting on a bit - rather like me."

His grandad picked up his cup of tea leaving Matt to look at the yellowy brown cuttings. The first one had the headline 'Bournemouth Bomb Devastates National Line-up.' There was a grainy picture of a young man in black leathers with slicked back hair holding a large trophy and a winner's garland around his neck. Matt noticed that the man looking back at him bore more than a passing resemblance to himself.

"Crap grandad that's you!"

The old man smiled as he nodded.

He scanned through the article, it appeared that his grandad had ridden at a big national motorcycle race and won, in fact he had won four races over the weekend. He scanned quickly through the other articles and they were full of praise for 'The Bournemouth Bomber' and how he was tipped for racing stardom as a rare natural born racer.

"I've never seen these, nobody has ever talked about them - What happened grandad?"

"Each person is a jigsaw puzzle son and this is one of the pieces in my life's puzzle. We all start with the same corner piece, born into this world and over time we add more pieces. Learning to walk, first words, attachment to our parents, family and friends form the outer part of our puzzle then we fill the inner pieces as life goes on."

"When I first started work it was for a small bike shop and it ran a racing team - it was good advertising, all the small motorcycle dealers done it. Win on Sunday you'd be selling more on Mondays. Unfortunately, that chap that raced for us had an accident that meant he couldn't race so they let me race that weekend, just to make sure we were out on track."

"Transpired I was good; in fact I was bloody good! Being young I had no fear and took to the track like a duck to water. My first race that weekend I was third, next race second and the last two I came first. They said I was a natural."

"After that first weekend I became the first choice rider to race up and down the Country. I kept winning or came in a very close second. Within six months the big factory teams were banging on the shop door offering me the chance to go big as a factory backed racer. But I didn't."

Matt stared wide-eyed looking at his grandad. He didn't understand so he asked the inevitable question.

"Why didn't you take an offer, you could have ended up being world famous, it doesn't make sense."

"I told you - life is a puzzle and up to a point my next few pieces were formed and ready to drop into place but the bits were discarded and new ones took their place."

" I met your gran at a Butlins holiday camp and fell in love with her the moment I saw her. Everybody around her was dull and lifeless but, to me, she brought a colour and vibrancy to my life, something I knew I never wanted to give up whatever the cost."

"She doesn't know - and you must never tell her- I walked away from possible fame and fortune because they did not compare to her. So a new piece was introduced into my puzzle and from there all of the other pieces were formed and dropped into place over time."

Within a year Herbert Anthony Andrews suffered a heart attack thus creating the last piece of his life jigsaw making it complete. Had he remained racing he would have become a motorcycle world champion but to him that would have paled into insignificance with the life he had shared with his beloved wife.

A few years later Matt Andrews sat thinking about that conversation in a small Italian restaurant in the suburbs of Bournemouth waiting for his wife Tanya to arrive. They referred to the restaurant as our place. It was where they had gone on the first night they met - brought together by a terrible traffic accident that they had dealt with. The accident echoed his own childhood; a cruel twist of fate on a wintery morning made him an orphan losing his parents and brother. He had visited the hospital to enquire about the child he had hoped survived the accident he attended as a fireman. Tanya was at the hospital as the police representative which is how their lives became entwined leading to their marriage.

Today was their first anniversary and Matt had thought back to the conversation with his grandad whilst waiting for her arrival and realised how his grandad was right, Matt's own life pieces were quickly dropping into place with clear vision of what the next pieces were likely to be.

The phone buzzed with a message breaking his thoughts.

'Sorry Catch (the pet name Tanya called Matt) I'm going to be about 30 mins late lots gone on today. CU around 8 xxxx'

Matt replied with a couple of XXs and then beckoned the waiter for another beer.

"Shit! I need to go Graham, Matt'll be sitting waiting for me. Dam it! doesn't look good for a first wedding anniversary to be late!"

Tanya's boss Graham chuckled. "Matts a good man Tanya, he'll understand why once you tell him. Now get the taxi sorted and get your arse out of here!"

Ten minutes later she was in the taxi, her original plan was to go home and change into something sexy befitting a first anniversary dinner but the news and meeting with Graham had put a spanner in the works of that plan.

As the taxi made its way to the restaurant she pondered on her life to date. Until eighteen months ago her focus was simply work. She had few romantic encounters keeping men at arm's length, not wanting to form any meaningful relationships. She enjoyed sex, what young adult doesn't, but the majority of time her fingers and a few personal toys had given her the sexual release to iron out those urges. That was until Matt literally stepped into her life via that twist of fate.

She thought back to the first meeting; how the man had broken down within minutes of meeting her. His own trauma from his childhood sprang like a jack-in-the box into his adult life when he dealt with a mirror image of his own trauma. After this she felt a connection, a deep connection, she knew at the time it was crazy. With this man it truly felt like cupid had sat waiting for that day to throw two similar souls together.

Until Matt came along her own childhood loss had driven her to want to make people pay for her loss. Her mother was a junkie who had used prostitution to feed her habits until her life ended before she had reached twenty-one years of age. Joining the Police had allowed her to become a tool to find and punish the type of people that robbed her of a happy childhood and loving mother.

A whole year, she thought, a whole goddam year had passed since she had tied the knot. In a conversation before they married they had spoken about their future together and the prospect of children. Her aim was to get to the top, be known as the best of the best by destroying as many criminal and their empires as she could which could only come about by deft intelligence gathering and this is where she excelled. The fly in the ointment is that she had committed to Matt that after five years she would start to raise a family with him, irrespective of how far she'd climbed her personal mountain.

Back when this was discussed her mouth had uttered words of commitment but she knew in a corner of her brain, the part that had always driven her life. would be ready to light the match to burn that agreement if required. By then their love for each other would be able to overcome this obstacle she reasoned.

"Here you go luv, that's eight pounds fifty."

The taxi driver broke her train of thought, she handed him a ten pound note before hastily exiting the taxi and stepping into the restaurant.

The restaurant staff had become accustomed to Matt and Tanya treating it as their special place they reciprocated by treating them as if they were local royalty. Every time they booked they were always sat them in the same place as when had their first meal together whilst the staff fussed over them.

Matt watched her come in, he wanted to pinch himself to be sure it wasn't some dream. Even being married a year his heart beat a little harder every time he saw her. Tanya was the epitome of the classic English rose as she walked gracefully towards him. Dressed in tight jeans, figure hugging sweater with hair tied in a ponytail her lithe body could be considered athletic - he knew from personal experience that was particularly relevant in bedroom where she'd earned a virtual gold medal every time they exercised so to speak.

She walked over and kissed him as a waiter scurried over to pull the chair back to seat her opposite Matt.

"Shit I'm so sorry Catch, it's been a crazy day. All the rumours regarding a reorganisation have officially been released today and the rumours weren't far off. They're amalgamating the South Coast Special Ops into a larger units. Kent and Sussex become one, as do Devon and Cornwall and we join up with Hampshire."

"Is your job safe Tan, what about all the others?"

"There's a cut at Graham's level but his opposite number has already called him to tell him he was planning or retiring soon so he'll get the bonus of a golden handshake. Everyone maps across to new roles although a couple of post stay with the relevant local force, but on the plus side they are creating 'Tactical Operations Teams' and basically there will be an additional team over the numbers we have. Graham thinks there's a fair chance I'll be able to pick-up the new team lead role."

Matt beamed - "Fuck Tan, that's brilliant news I know you've been patiently waiting for that break, well done."

"I'm not there yet Catch, but Graham seems to think the case I'm working should prove that I have what it takes - that's assuming I can crack it swiftly."

"Which case is that Tan?"

Do you remember there was a suicide of a young Indian woman in the papers a few months back?"

"Vaguely, was that the one on the local news, her dad's some high flying Indian diplomat based at the Embassy in London?"

Tanya looked around before lowering her voice.

"That's the one, yes it was a suicide but they think she was being blackmailed and her parents are pushing our Government to act and get to the bottom of it."

Matt blew out some air.

"Wooo, that's big stuff if you're working on it, wouldn't want that kind of pressure myself. Have you got anywhere with it yet?"

Tanya hesitated momentarily as if deciding if she was going to answer the question before replying. Matt picked up on it and mentally noted it was the first time she had pulled back before discussing work with him.

"Yep, we've finally made some inroads, I don't want to discuss it yet but I'll tell you as it starts to unfold. I think it's big Catch."

Matt looked at Tanya with a straight face and directly into her eyes. "Tan be careful, don't take any silly risk, no job is worth it".

She looked at him with an expression of irritation at the the last comment but before she could speak the waiter walked up to the table diffusing the situation with a bottle of Champagne and glasses.

"We didn't order this Lorenzo" said Matt.

Lorenzo smiled and pointed at the restaurant owner Antonio who blew a kiss in their direction. They nodded in thanks but would thank him personally later in the evening for his kind gesture.Th ey ordered their meals and picked up the champagne flutes and Matt made a toast:

"To us Tan and the many more years we've yet to share together."

They clinked glasses and drank the champagne.

After finishing the starters they both opted for a fish based main. Matt chose the Pesce Spada; a simple dish of swordfish, olive oil & lemon and Tanya's dish of Sogliola was a more complex dish with Dover sole, white wine oil, lemon and parsley.

They sat chatting about life in general as they enjoyed the meal then the table was cleared. They both ordered the Italian ice cream selection for a dessert.

Once the waiter disappeared Mat put a small box on the table with a ribbon and bow. He slid it across to Tanya. "Happy first anniversary my one and only love".

Tanya beamed at Matt, took the gift and removed the ribbon to open the box. Inside were a pair of earrings. Each earing was around an inch-long consisting of two ornate letters. One had a gold letter M and behind it was a silver letter T joined by two small spacers for a three diversional look. The other was the inverse design - a gold letter T at the front and a silver letter M to the rear.

"Oh my god, they're beautiful Catch!" She stood up and leant across the table giving Matt a sensual kiss. "I have a gift for you Catch but I can't give it to you here, well I can, but I don't think Antonio would ever allow us back in here".

They both chuckled. The comment had dripped with overt sexual intent.

Tanya replaced the earrings she was wearing with new ones before admiring them in her compact mirror. Desert was served, they paid the bill and started to leave. Antonio came across to them and put his arms out drawing them both in for a hug.

"I didn't inherit much from my mother's side of the family but I did inherit her ability to see people who belonged together and you, my friends, I saw that the first time you stepped into my restaurant. I said to myself Antonio, they are destined to live to a ripe old age together surrounded by a sea of children and grandchildren!"

Matt laughed with the jolly Italian and Tanya went a shade of crimson.

Matt responded "Well we have four years before we start with the children so plenty of practice beforehand." Antonia slapped Matt's back and pulled them both in tighter for a moment.

Pulling back he looked at Tanya; "You looking forward to being a Mamma one day eh? You'll make a fine Mamma I can tell you that now!"

She smiled weakly and nodded, Matt knew that despite her verbal commitment it was still a touchy subject. The moment was interrupted by the beeping of a taxi horn, Matt and Tanya thanked Antonio then left to go home in the taxi.

"Tan, you seemed hesitant with your answer regarding kids back there. Are you still ok with the path we want to take together?"

"I made that promise to you and I want to make our babies with you when it's time, but you know I have a goal I want to reach. Please Catch, not tonight, four years is a long way off still."

They sat in the taxi in silence each with their own thoughts. It dropped them at their apartment block and they called the lift. Tanya stepped in front of Matt placing her arms around his neck bringing her lips to his. Soft lips pressed against his mouth as her tongue passed into his mouth across his teeth and started the familiar dance with his tongue as the moisture passed between their mouths. As the lift pinged announcing its arrival they pulled apart.

"I love you Catch, always have, always will. Antonio was right with everything he said."

They entered the apartment, Tanya instructed Matt to go and get a bottle of wine whilst she changed into something more comfortable. He went and picked a bottle of wine from the Toplou Monastery in Crete. The wine was significant not because of what it was but the fact it represented a countdown to their future plans. Nine bottles returned with them from their honeymoon. Five for each year they were to be married then one for each of the four children they planned to have beyond those five years whilst Tanya sought to fulfil of her major life goals.

Five minutes later Tanya came into the living room causing Matt to take a sharp intake of breath and a smile to creep across his face.

"Tan, I promise you I'll never, ever, ever not want to see you dressed like that!"

She stood in black patent high heels, black holdups and a black baby doll outfit. Her erect nipples poked against the mesh material and her shaved pussy lay waiting below the flimsy material.

"Is that my anniversary gift?"

She looked at him with a lubricous grin; "No Catch it's not, well maybe in part."

With a provocative sway in her hips she walked over to stand directly in front of him where he sat on the sofa.

"looks like there's something about to pop here."

Her hand reached down and a fingertip trailed across his hardening cock through his trousers. She stood back up, walked to the table to retrieve the bottle of wine, two glasses and a cork-screw then walked back to where she was standing in front of Matt. She handed him the bottle and cork-screw.

"Told you there's something about to pop in here, can you do the honours?" Matt inserted the corkscrew ready to extract it and paused.

"Tan, this bottle represents the best year of my life ever and to look forward to a life with you."

He pulled the cork from the bottle and poured two glasses of wine. He stood up allowing his arm to intertwine with hers and they drank from the glass the other held.

"So if this outfit is part of my anniversary gift where's the rest then Tan?"

"Take me into the bedroom and you'll find out."

Matt tapped her playfully on her arse shooing her towards the bedroom. Standing at the end of the bed she undressed him slowly, planting delicate kisses that grazed his face and lips before kissing down his upper torso . Once she slid his boxers to the floor she grabbed his cock and used it as a lever to push him back on the bed making him shuffle up until he lay in the centre. She removed his socks so he was laying naked and admired her husband's hard body and rigid cock.

Kneeling at the bottom of the bed she began slowly crawling up towards his torso, keeping her eyes locked on his with an expression of pure lust. "You're the hottest man on the planet and I'm glad you're mine Catch, now lay back and enjoy the performance."


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