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Action, Reaction and Consequences Ch. 07

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You made your bed Tanya, go sleep with the devil.
33.4k words

Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 03/14/2024
Created 10/22/2023
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For those that have been following this story my apologies in the gap since the last instalment, sometimes life has to take precedence over writing. This is a big chunk of the story embedded in this chapter and at the end, all the main characters have now been shown to you. For those expecting Ann and Lance to re-appear they are a solid part of the last two chapters currently underway. I'll do my best to get they out in the shortest time I can.

For those jumping in now or needing a refresher, a quick run through how we have arrived here.

Chapter 1, Matt meets and has an affair with Ann who is married to Lance serving in the Army. Despite an agreement allowing her to meet for casual sex she breaks the rules with Matt and we end with Lance finding out with dire consequences. Ann disappears from Matt's life.

Chapter 2, Matt meets Tanya, they have both had trauma in their upbringings and connect, which ends up in getting married. Before this, Tanya had no plans to look for love, she had her mind set on becoming "the best of the best" within her work within the Police force working on high profile cases that involve undercover work. Matt's happy in his life as a fireman.

Chapter 3, Tanya goes undercover to expose a sex-abuse ring and ends up assaulted herself. She fails to tell Matt but struggles to deal with the emotions after the assault. At the same point two shadowy government figures, Mr. Smith and Jones take an interest in Tanya. As their marriage starts to get itself back on track Matt is shown stolen video clips of her performing oral sex but he is unaware at the time she is drugged, so he leaves her.

Chapter 4 They reconnect but it takes time to heal over what has happened. Matt finds Lance and travels down to apologise to him over the affair from Chapter 1. Lance and his ex-wife have moved on in life.

Chapter 5. Tanya buys Matt a new motorcycle and plans a holiday to the South of France with them riding down. Part way through she receives a phone call to pull out of the holiday and she disappears off with the mysterious Mr. Smith and Jones to Dubai. Within hours of her leaving Matt he receives news his gran has died and with no other relatives he tries to contact Tanya who he believes is on her way back to England. When she does contact him he gives her an ultimatum of work or marriage, she chooses work in the belief her marraige can be repaired on her return. As promised, she returns for the funeral but the undercover operation she has been working now needs to extend and Matt and Tanya must sign a shocking contract to allow it to proceed. Matt refuses so is drugged to sign it under duress before Tanya disappears from his life. The government also make it appear that she never existed, and was never actually married to Matt. Matt moves on, leaves Bournemouth to start work in London planning to never set eyes on Tanya again.

Chapter 6 - Slight diversion, it explores the character of Mr. Jones.

I'm a Brit, so the language is 'old fashioned English' and not the Transatlantic version. This is self-edited bar a couple of people reading through, at the moment my focus is to enjoy the writing aspect for me, if only one of you gains some enjoyment from this then that's a bonus to me. For my last couple of chapters any editors out there fancy the challenge?

It's fiction, plain simple fiction and nothing else. I try my darndest to make it seem as real as I can but with the subject matter and plot it certainly isn't a docudrama so bear that in mind! Remember, I've already said - Fiction, fiction, fiction.

It's a dark tale and includes some forced sex scenes, little bit of gay sex, gangbang, a threesome, cheating girlfriend, individual with mental health issues, and some death, including murder. If that isn't for you there's plenty of stories on Literotica that may be more to your taste.

It's long, lots of character development and leaves me with the two final chapters which should be significantly shorter than this one. This chapter starts by going back 4 weeks prior to their departure on holiday to France then looks at Tanya's side of the story before it merges back with Matt's life at the end of chapter five. I hope you enjoy.

Tanya's story.

Four weeks prior to starting her once-in-a-lifetime holiday of riding down to St. Tropez with her husband Matt on the new Kawasaki sports tourer she'd brought for his twenty-fifth birthday, she received an invitation to a clandestine meeting with the man known to her simply as, Mr. Smith, in London. The message said her time to shine was imminent.

Two figures sat dining in an upmarket restaurant in the West End of London. They sat at a table for two and rather conspicuously, none of the tables close to them seated patrons, despite the restaurant being busy. Tanya noted that people were coming in and pointing to the empty tables before the maître d'hôtel shook his head and simply directed the patrons elsewhere in the restaurant to be seated. She figured that this was the power that Mr. Smith somehow wielded.

After exchanging pleasantries, Mr Smith ordered for them both. Whilst they waited for the courses he gave a very basic outline on what would likely happen and that it would be a primary and secondary operation. The secondary was wholly dependent on the primary one being one hundred percent successful. The primary one was estimated to take up to fourteen days to complete however, the secondary would require a greater level of commitment, potentially up to a year. Mr Smith said it was in Tanya's gift to try and bring it to a close as soon as possible. He made it quite clear this was a challenge that would push her both physically, mentally and emotionally to levels that were way beyond those that would normally be accepted. But by rising up to that challenge it would set her as an individual with no equal for the reminder of her working life.

They had enjoyed a starter of Escargots de Bourgogne followed by a Souris d'agneau - a delicious lamb-based meal, although Tanya couldn't care much for the snail and garlic starter. They sat drinking another glass of the Loius Roederer Collection 243 Champagne that was quite simply, the best Tanya had ever tasted.

"Mr. Smith, I'll be eternally grateful that you are putting your faith in me but, can I ask why?"

"Of course, Tanya. You first came to our attention regarding the Webb's and the unfortunate incident of the Indian diplomat's daughter that committed suicide. We were slightly ahead of you and we wanted to pull down the other organisations of the Webb's and their associates' little growing empire. Their evil tentacles had started to spread further afield and caused pain and suffering throughout the world."

"Up top wanted us to pull your investigation out but I read your personal file and was impressed. So we sat back and shall we say, treated this as a job interview with certain challenges."

Mr. Smith, what challenges did you see?"

He brought his hand to his mouth as he coughed gently.

"Tanya, you may not want to hear this, but we had already sent in an undercover operative before you went undercover yourself. Prior to that we had quickly tracked down Sammi Mills. Do you remember her? She was the woman that ran away to Australia to try and get away from the Webbs and rebuild her life. We worked out from talking to her that she was drugged and the carefully fashioned way she was led down that path, the same path that you, yourself took Tanya."

Tanya looked at him with a hint of anger in her eyes.

"Come now, don't be angry Tanya, it made a good test to see if you were going to able to move up to a higher level. I'll be brutally honest with you, we reviewed your plans for the second visit to FashioniStar and, how can I put this, threw a bit of a spanner in the works. Do you remember there was an artic lorry blocking the way that delayed your rescue? Me, I'm afraid."

Her anger was plainly visible.

"I can't believe you set me up! You helped put me in a position that compromised my safety and ultimately almost destroyed my marriage. What kind of a man are you!"

Mr Smith stared at Tanya, expressionless with almost soulless eyes.

"I'm a man that doesn't flinch when choices have to be made that are, let's say, uncomfortable ones. My heart says you have what it takes to go all the way to the top Tanya. I see the natural heir to my throne sitting right before me now but, unlike our monarchy, you have to earn it. It won't be given to you on a silver platter."

"Tanya, do you see the what happened at FashioniStar as a bad thing? Silly me of course you currently do. Let me turn that thought on its head. It was a good thing for you, not bad."

Tanya opened her mouth to speak but Mr. Smith got there first.

"Let me explain then see how you feel afterwards. Sexually assaulted, drugged, yes that only took effect after a certain point. Up until then you were a superb undercover operative. Why even our good friend Mr. Jones found some of your poses somewhat stimulating."

"And there...there is the most important part of what you are about to undertake, Tanya. To do what you are about to undertake, you will become the world's greatest actress. Why? Because the tinsel town one's that grace cinemas and television screens carry no risk, it's over in minutes and then they return to normality.

"'Action!' A kiss, fake scene between the sheets, a small amount of drama then, 'cut'! It's all over for them. Do it wrong, they'll go over it until some pompous little director is happy. But you Tanya, you're going to be a real actress, the scenes you'll play out will be real, and you'll be pulling out all the stops to make them real twenty-four hours a day until the operation is a success."

"In the make-believe world we live in all the insignificant little cogs that sit at the bottom of the machine heap praise on the false idols that are the actors and actresses throughout the world. But the big cogs, the ones that keep the world on track. They look at people like you with the utmost respect and in awe of what you can do."

They were interrupted as the waiter arrived with dessert. Mr. Smith looked at the Fondant au chocolat noir in front of him.

"I don't usually indulge Tanya but today, hell, this is far too nice to let it get away. On that note indulge me, Tanya. Talk me through what I've done in life to be sitting here with you today. It's not a test but this little treat in front of us is making me all giddy to play a game. Don't butter me up, I want you to be honest. You're an intelligence gatherer so give this your best shot!"

"Ok Mr. Smith here we go. You were brought up on a different side of town to me. I didn't know who my father was and my mother was a druggie prostitute. You, I think, were born into an establishment family, old money and money has never been a worry for you. Probably went to a boarding school then a private school with a heavy leaning towards a military career. You attended the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst where you went into the Army, probably as a Captain - maybe SAS or Paras?"

"You're married, the ring tells me that, and I imagine that you and your wife were carefully groomed by your families to maintain the expected status quo amongst the entitled families you come from."

"After leaving the Army you went into MI5 or MI6 with some limited undercover work before taking responsibility to run a division within those entities or are part of another clandestine Government department. How does that sound."

"Very good Tanya. Right all the way up to becoming an undercover operative myself. For your information, I was in the SBS. Yes, married as described but divorced, then remarried. You said you and I are from different sides of a virtual town and, I agree, up to a point. But we now live on the same street. In fact, I think we are about to become neighbours."

"I have that much faith in you that I am going to share one of the most private parts of my life with you, a part that very few people know about and Mr. Jones isn't on that list."

"My one and only undercover operation took place in an unnamed African state. At the time the leader was pro-Western but there was a growing fraction that was leaning elsewhere and a foreign entity were surreptitiously leaking funds in to help push towards making the changes. I'll give you a clue, it wasn't the West and it wasn't Russia."

"I was set up as a mercenary ex-British SAS captain that had been dishonourably discharged due to committing alleged war crimes and had turned to providing support as a mercenary for those wanting to create fighters able to equal or beat regular armed forces of governments."

"I didn't get the job the first time around, but the American that did unfortunately met an untimely end when there was an attempt on the leader of the proposed coup. It was considered a foolhardy attempt to kill him as he was well protected but, well I'm sure you can see the silver lining here."

"Now, funnily enough, there were a few less people interested in this little number so I was suddenly the military adviser to our African friend, I even took along a partner acting as my girlfriend, whose job it was to lure him to her bed so we could get the information we needed to close the whole coup down before it even started."

"It was fine for the first month, we settled into a routine and I was almost constantly at his side as we trained his troops. But we were failing in our main objective, despite what my wife did; sexy clothes, flirting, you name it, he did not take the bait so to speak and kept her at arm's length."

"We lived in a large complex where we frequently spent the evening at his personal quarters that had a substantial outdoor area including a bar, pool and hot tubs. Sometimes there would be a large number of people present, other times just the three of us plus his two personal guards that went everywhere he went."

"One evening there were just the five of us, my wife suggested we all get in the hot tub and asked me to go and make some drinks at the bar before she entered the hot tub. She removed her bikini and got in naked, the first time she'd done so. Our employer walked over and removed his clothes and joined her, she slid around up against him and I know she tried to stimulate him below the water. When I returned, he asked me if I knew what my wife was doing and I said I had a pretty good idea. He asked if I had a problem with black men touching my wife and I shrugged my shoulders to try and appear unbothered by the unfolding events. Then he turned everything upside down."

"He instructed his two bodyguards to strip but keep their guns within easy reach. He directed my wife to get out of the hot tub and go over to the large covered sunbed that could easily hold three people. He then said to my wife have your fill here, I can bring more in if you require but I want to see you enjoy yourself first by making my bodyguards cum. Needless to say, they were overjoyed at having a hot white woman gifted to them and made full use of every orifice my wife had to offer."

"My boss moved around the hot tub to be sitting close to me, we both sat with a bird's eye view of the scene that was now unfolding before our very eyes on the bed. I watched as a guard stroked his long, fat cock to hardness then rubbed it around my wife's face, slapping her cheeks, lips and nose with it as the bubbling precum stuck to her cheeks and was hanging from the end of her nose. Positioning his cock at her lips he used his thumb to gently pry open her mouth then moved it around inside her mouth cavity so she could suck it. He pulled it out then pushed the bulbous cock head into her warm mouth."

"The other guard had dropped down, kneeling behind her on the floor. He raised his hands to pull her pussy lips apart before his mouth and shockingly long tongue slathered her opening and clit. After several minutes she was part moaning, part gagging as the two guards found their rhythm for the threesome."

"My boss asked if I was enjoying it. He felt sure from the noises my wife was making that she certainly was. He said he was enjoying the show, he liked to see large hard cocks in action, but the action taking place wasn't the kind of action that did it for him."

"He stood up and moved directly in front of me. Now, directly in front of my face was a cock that bore resemblance to a long, curved, black banana with a substantial plum for a head. He told me I was the product of the English private school system, and everybody knew how we kept ourselves entertained. He then instructed me to open my mouth and demonstrate my skills at sucking cock."

"Both myself and my wife were now stuck in a situation that we least expected. We had to fulfil our obligation to protect our Western way of life so we became altruist, putting our Country's needs over the sacrifices we were about to make."

"And we did make sacrifices."

"Looking back, I think we overplayed the need for my wife to get close to him and he rumbled what we were trying to do. He made it a game to see if he could make us crack, but also give us enough leads to believe we could attain what we were looking for."

"Over the next three months this became a daily ritual but sometimes there could be several people involved. Towards the end, the acts we were performing for him were getting more and more perverted. I finally cracked one night when he made my wife lay on the bed whilst I moved over her kneeling like a dog, the pair of us in a sixty-nine position. A steady stream of his aides and his hangers on took turns in defiling the pair of us. As each one finished inside our bodies the mouth above or below was presented with a foul cock to clean. I vowed I would kill him after this last humiliation."

"Two things happened within days that led quickly to his demise. By allowing his close aides to use my wife over the last couple of months she found the weak link. One became infatuated with her and told her he loved her and wanted to start a new life with her somewhere. She capitalised on this, nurturing his feelings for her to tell him that the Americans had contacted her via a spy in the camp. They were offering her a new life and a substantial amount of cash if she could give them all the information regarding the plans behind the coup."

"Of course, he gave her access to copy all of the files, where and how it would happen, the funding program, targets within the current government and military but also those who were actively working behind the scenes in those same organisations to bring about the downfall of the current government. We now had what we needed."

"As we planned an exit strategy our link to the outside provided us with some news. Within the next forty-eight hours I was to be handed over to the foreign power funding the coup for interrogation and ultimately elimination whilst my wife, my wife was expected to be sold into sexual slavery somewhere around the globe."

"During the day I took two combat knives and managed to carefully hide them under the mattress of the large multi person sunbed that our host liked to use as a stage whilst he would watch from the hot tub before usually joining in later during the humiliation he enjoyed putting us through. We needed some luck for the evening and, again, it was on our side as there would only be the five of us, which included his two bodyguards."

"After sitting in the hot tub for a while he snapped his fingers and the two guards beamed a massive smile as they undressed. My wife fell into the routine and got out but, instead of climbing straight onto the bed she knelt on the floor on one side of the bed. Ensuring that he placed the gun on the bed out of her reach the guard lifted her chin up so she looked at him as he fed his cock into her waiting mouth."

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