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Action, Reaction and Consequences Ch. 08

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The two worlds aren't supposed to collide.
15.4k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 03/14/2024
Created 10/22/2023
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First off, a massive thanks to Tim1135 for his time on editing and offering advice on this and the remaining two chapters. Yes, the whole saga is complete and I will get the two remaining chapters up as soon as they've been edited.

I also want to extend thanks to Frank who had been a great sounding board along the way and helped with some technical aspects within the story.

Word of warning, the story is dark, but it has some twinkling of light start to show in the last two chapters. This chapter contains scenes of vanilla flavoured sex, non-consensual and forced sex, drug use, physical and mental abuse, physical harm and murder. As I said, it's still dark, I have warned you.

Remember, this isn't real life, it's not a docu-drama, nor factual so to speak. Literotica is simply a mirror reflection on fragments of real life, what happens in the mirror isn't really real, it's this side of the mirror that is real life!

If you've just jumped in, I strongly suggest you jump back into the top of Chapter seven, it has a brief synopsis up to that point if you don't want to read from the start. Rather than re-invent the wheel here is a condensed version of the last chapter to help if you need a recap. If you're familiar with the saga or are reading the whole story in a couple sittings after it's all published, just crack on past the next bit.

Lastly, I'm a Brit, so it's English, English so to speak. Any errors are mine, I did make some last minute minor changes. What is it with us fiddling authors 😊 Happy reading.

Chapter 7 recap

It backtracks into the story. It runs parallel to the event of chapter six but looks at Tanya, and not Matt's, part of the story before we synchronise back into "realtime" towards the end of the chapter.

It starts by looking slightly back in time where Mr. Smith carefully draws Tanya into his folds playing on her weakness, the need to be the best. He is also aware that she does have a personality flaw that comes with huge risk for the operation she will undertake. What she, and Mr. Jones, do not know is that the operation they are going to be embroiled in is a cover for another operation that is so secretive, only a handful of people know of it's existence and importance.

We find out about Mr. Smith's history. Where he came from and what made him the person he is.

To keep Mr. Jones at bay, he warns him off from using Tanya, but offers him a taste as they take her to Dubai where Tanya takes on the role of Tammi to seduce Mickey, a major UK gangster hiding a secret that the government dearly want to retrieve from him.

The plan works, and Tammi goes all in to become Mickey's live in partner. Mickey wants to solidify their relationship and Mr. Jones plays a hand in making sure that Tammi can become pregnant, something she thinks that cannot happen. Matt and Tanya meet unexpectedly at a stag do in Mickey's nightclub and that's where we pickup going into Chapter eight....

<<<<<Actions, Reactions and Consequences Chapter 8>>>>>

Time felt like it had stopped. Realising the gravity of the situation, Tanya suddenly tried to walk past Matt but he grabbed her wrist, stopping her. He looked at the woman that was once Tanya. Now with short blonde hair she wore her make-up very differently as when she was married to Matt. Where she just had a single earring in each ear, she now had multiple earrings. Her lips were brightly painted but now jutting out with a trout pout. Where her breasts were a nice size that made them a delight to play with and handle, they were now two lumps of flesh the size of large melons jutting from her chest. Through the semi-transparent dress, large gold nipple piercings were just visible as was a tattoo that adorned a large portion of her torso. Matt couldn't speak as Tanya glared at him wide eyed trying to break free, surreptitiously shaking her head 'no' slowly hoping only Matt would notice.

Within seconds, a figure barrelled into the side of Matt and something pointed and sharp was pressed against his side. He glanced to see a blonde guy covered in tattoos, dripping with gold jewellery.

"If you don't let go of my girlfriend's arm by time I've stopped speaking, I'll shove this blade right into your fuckin' kidney!"

Matt released Tanya and she stood frozen to the spot, fear etched on her face. Matt stared at her coldly.

"Listen cunt, I don't know what's going on here but...look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Matt turned his head slowly to look at Mickey, anger vividly burning in his eyes as Tammi moved to Mickey's side.

Mickey looked back and forth between the two of them, his gut feeling was, something wasn't right. He spoke to Tammi.

"Do you know this cunt?"

"No, it's my fault, I turned with the tray not realising he was behind me. Honestly, it's all my fault".

Mickey looked at Matt, the look was sheer anger as he now at stared at Tammi.

"What the fuck's your problem? She said sorry, why did you grab her?"

By then two large bouncers had turned up and Matt's Watch had now come down and stood behind him.

"I'm sorry, with all that broken glass, I wanted to make sure she hadn't cut herself".

", fuck off, enjoy your night. If you come within ten feet of my girlfriend you'll regret it, do you understand?"

Yeah, I get you drift, she's all yours."

Matt stared at Tanya as he spoke, he hoped she realised that his emphasis on all made it clear, he didn't want her. After their last meeting in Bournemouth, he finally turned completely against her, seeing what she had physically become only hammered further nails into the coffin. He thought she looked like a cheap hooker.

Mickey told the bar staff to replace the drinks and bring them up to their own private VIP area. To further drive home Tammi was his, he stood behind her, kissing her neck as his hands reached around to gently pull on her nipple rings through the flimsy material of the dress in front of Matt and his Watch. Matt turned to the bar to order the drinks.

Matt took the drinks back to their allocated VIP table then walked off into the club, away from the VIP area. He had a glut of feelings that overcame him. Hatred, shock, surprise, sadness...and loss. He had lost his beautiful wife forever, how the hell did this happen? How did his wife throw their relationship away to end up looking like that. It was obvious that she was in an intimate relationship with the thug back there she was with but, what had driven her to do it?

Matt tried to block it from his mind. He drank, danced and flirted until he knew he was drunk to the point, he'd likely pass out. Staggering from the club, he made it back to the hotel and into his room. He dropped on the bed with his head spinning. Snippets from his earlier meeting with Tanya played dizzily in his mind. Crawling off the bed, he just about made it to the bathroom to wrap his arms around the toilet bowl as he started to heave up the contents of his stomach. He ended up passing out on the floor.

The warm water made Matt come to. Groggy and unsure where he was, he found himself sitting fully clothed on the floor of the walk-in shower. Looking up he could see someone standing outside.

"Sorry mate but, you've puked all over yourself. I thought the best thing I could do was drag you under the shower. I'll go make a cup of coffee. If I was you, I'd get out those clothes, clean them as best you can in the shower and stick them over the radiator so they can start to dry."

It was Mark, his colleague from his Watch, who he was sharing a room with. Matt nodded and started to pull himself up from the floor to strip and get cleaned up. Ten minutes later, he emerged from the bathroom in a robe and sat on the bed. Mark passed him a cup of strong black coffee.

"Ok Matt, I'll not pry but, that was you knew that woman who bumped into you back in the club. I lived in a world where we survived by reading people's faces and actions to make sure we could stay alive so, I know there's a lot more to this than meets the eye."

Matt looked at the floor and burst into tears. He was overcome by the grief of losing his wife and seeing her, despite the fact he hated her for what she'd done to him. As he regained his composure, he spoke and ran through his whole life, from the accident as a child until today.

"Hold up Matt." Mark interrupted. "Did you say that the married guy was called Lance? Damn, I think I know of him, it's a small world. He wasn't part of my unit but, we were in the same camp. I remember him vaguely. His wife couldn't click with the other wives in the married quarters so, they moved off camp somewhere down the coast. It was the chatter amongst the wives that she'd done it to get a 'hall pass'. She was being ostracised by the other wives, if I remember correctly."

Matt continued his story until he reached the point where they were now sitting talking. Other than Tanya's former boss Graham, he had never told anybody the story.

"I'm really sorry Matt, that's one hell of a fucked-up story. My wife left me a few years back so, my heart goes out to you, it really does. Do you think she is now working on some undercover operation, believing she can come back to you afterwards? It smells wrong, she may have been coerced, or drugged maybe but, it seems fucking wrong, whatever's going on."

They sat in silence as Matt held his coffee cup looking at the floor.

"Listen, I know people that likely have access to information of ongoing operations, possibly whatever's going on with your Mrs. if that's how you see her. There are people that owe me and will willingly help, if I ask. I've tried to blank my past out of mind for reasons I don't want to discuss but, I will try and help you Matt, even if only so you understand why she has stepped down such a radical path. I think it would be useful to find out who this Mr. Smith and Jones really are as my gut feeling is, you may not have seen the last of them in your life."

Matt looked at Mark and thanked him. It was three am and he was worn out from the shock of finding Tanya, excessive drinking and tiredness so, he climbed into his bed, full of various raw emotions. Exhaustion quickly took him and he drifted off into a troubled sleep.

The next day, they left the hotel and had a last few drinks before taking the train back into London. Matt remained subdued and expected a raft of questions. He wasn't aware that Mark had asked the others to leave Matt be and that when Matt was ready, he would tell them the story. All that ran through Matt's mind was, how did this happen? What made his wife change so radically to become the thing he had seen in the club.

If Matt was asking himself questions, Mickey's mind was overflowing with them. It didn't take a mind reader to see that it wasn't simply a case of the dropped tray, he concluded Tammi dropped it through shock, as her face was trying to mask whatever was going on. He asked her several times throughout the evening what had gone on and she kept insisting it was her fault for not considering someone was behind her. As soon as they returned to their private area, after the incident, there was a noticeable change in her behaviour and body language to tell him, she was hiding something. But what? He would do some digging tomorrow by looking at the hotel security footage and identification provided by the guest when then checked in. Once he had a sniff as to who this guy was, he would get Lucas Jones to dig around, in depth.

By Sunday lunchtime, Mickey had a scan on his phone showing a London Fire Brigade identity card for Matt Andrews, the guy from Saturday night. Tammi had made a recovery but, she wasn't quite her normal self. He was tempted to push her but, decided to wait until he had more information from Lucas. They drove to Mickey's mum's for dinner and he noted that Tammi seemed to relax after five minutes in the car so, he assumed she had been expecting more questions. This only added weight to the fact that it wasn't a simple coincidence.

Meanwhile, Matt returned to his private apartment and his phone pinged with a message from Sandra. He was seeing her on a more frequent basis and she was heading towards the title of girlfriend.

He responded then she called him with a video call.

"Bloody hell Matt, you look like shit., Bit more than a good time then?"

"Yeah, I overdid it last night and feel dreadful. I'm going to get sorted and grab an early night, I start my run of day shifts tomorrow"

"Such a shame baby, I've missed you and was hoping to come over to show you how much."

"Sorry Sandra, can I meet you after work tomorrow. I'll make it up to you tomorrow and dinner will be on me tomorrow night. Is that ok?"

"Mmm, I suppose so. Guess I'll have to ring one of my other guys tonight as the batteries have gone flat in my favourite bedroom toy."

She giggled and laughed then blew Matt a kiss and he mimicked a kiss back before hanging up. A few minutes later she pinged a restaurant booking for tomorrow and he responded with a simple 'CU then xxx.'

Matt then made another call, he rang Graham.

"Hey Matt, long time no hear, how ar.."

"I've found her, Graham."

There were a few seconds silence. Graham asked the question, his tone indicated possibly his worst thoughts.

"Is she ok? Did you speak to her? Where can I find her? Mayb..."

"Slow down Graham. The Tanya we knew is gone. If she walked past you on the street, I doubt you would recognise her. She literally bumped into me. Goes by the name of Tammi and appears to be shacked up with a guy called Mickey that owns a nightclub, casino and other businesses in and around Southend. If you google 'hen and stag hotels open in Southend' the local rag has a news article and you can see her standing with Mickey, as he owns the new hotels."

"Matt, you do know who this Mickey is, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do, looked him up today. I've been on a stag weekend and literally bumped into her in the nightclub he owns. I assume it's him that they're after but I still don't understand why she threw everything away Graham. You'll see when you find the picture."

Graham had his laptop fired up and was tapping away as Matt spoke.

"Matt, you're fucking kidding. That blonde, tattooed woman is Tanya? Shit, I wouldn't have recognised her. Are those fake tits real? She used to deride women that looked anything like that. Do you think they've drugged her? Look, I'm going to come up there and get inside the club an..."

"Graham, you'd never get inside and if you did, you'd stand out like a stripper at a convent."

"We need to know that she isn't being forced into this. If she is, work out how to get her out Matt."

After a few seconds Matt spoke.

"I've got an idea Graham. I think I can get back in close enough, without being caught out, to determine if it's by choice or force that she's there. If I can do that and be happy it's her own choice then, we can leave her be. I'm past her Graham, I want to blot her from my memory once and for all."

They continued their conversation and went into some detail. Graham said he was going to do some digging into Mickey but, Matt told him it wasn't worth it - he wasn't bothered. It was her life she led now.

"Matt, I'm consumed by guilt. I let Smith and Jones get their hooks into her despite trying to stop it. It's my fault, don't you see? If I would have been more vigilant, I could have stopped all of this."

"I don't think you could have Graham. In the time I've reflected on this, I think back to the conversations regarding work and family. There was always a little hesitancy that was there whenever we spoke about it. I think we underestimated her need to reach the top and that's what Smith and Jones have preyed on. But, I told you, it's too late for us. We are dead and buried as a couple."

They finished the call and started to look at the avenues they agreed to take to find out about Tanya's life. Matt thought about using a disguise to go back in the club. After pondering it overnight, the answer was simple. He shaved all of his hair off and started to grow a beard. It should be enough for people not to recognise him, as long as he kept his distance.

Three weeks later, Matt and Sandra stepped into a nice boutique hotel, a short walk from the casino and nightclub in Southend. They were there Saturday night and Sunday, with plans to have a good meal, hit the casino, then the night club. Matt showed Sandra the VIP passes he'd purchased and she squealed with delight. Once they were in their room, Sandra said she needed a shower before they did anything else. Matt sat on the bed scrolling through his phone, looking at nearby bars and attractions to kill a few hours before the evening, when Sandra came out of the shower.

"Mmmm, I feel like sliding down a fireman's pole right now, do you have any ideas where I'd find one?"

Sandra stood leaning against the doorframe dressed in an electric blue one-piece lingerie item that was no more than multiple strips of material sewn together into a lattice pattern but, designed to hold her beautiful breasts in place so they jutted out from her body.

Her legs were clad in hold up stockings with a colourful floral pattern on the top which offset the ensemble rather well. She hadn't put any shoes on, as she had no plans to walk any further than the few steps to the bed. Walking up to Matt, she reached down and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt. She dropped sexily to her knees to undo the rest of the buttons and undoing his jeans as far as she could. Standing back up she pushed him back onto the bed and made him wiggle up so he was laying in the centre. She removed his shoes, socks, trousers and underwear. She was glad to see that his cock was hard, in anticipation.

Clambering up onto the bed, she positioned herself above his cock and reached down to stoke it a few times. Lowering her body slightly, she pulled his cockhead slowly, forward and back through the folds of her wet pussy, letting it brush over her clit on each stroke. She continued to look down at him with a coy smile, as the moving arc she was making with his cock reduced, until it was just inside her opening.

"I think it's time to put this fireman's pole to the test."

With that she let herself sink slowly down. The rigid pole of flesh glided through her warm, sticky folds of womanhood until she bottomed out. She slowly lifted herself until just the tip was inside her body before descending again, and again, upping the pace until she was crashing down into his pelvic region on every stroke. She was panting to suck every possible cubic centimetre of air into her lungs. The remainder of the afternoon kept them in bed until they fell into a late afternoon, blissful sleep.

Dressed in a black cocktail dress and heels, Sandra looked a visual treat. The dress was cut low at the top so her creamy white assets had an alluring jiggle as she walked. Their meal in 'The Yard a fantastic Mexican restaurant and bar. Towards the end of the meal, Matt excused himself and went to visit the gents. Sandra sat reflecting on Matt whilst he was gone. He had changed, it was subtle but, she could detect it. Since he had been on the stag weekend here, in Southend, he seemed as if he was on edge. Something was nagging away at him. During the meal, she had talked away to him about a longer break together and when she asked his thoughts on going to Amsterdam, he seemed to have not been listening to her for the preceding few minutes. Matt returned and sat down, she tried to do some digging.

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