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Adventures of Gina Ch. 11

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Gina makes a new friend and takes a Boat Ride on the ICW.
4.1k words

Part 11 of the 21 part series

Updated 04/19/2024
Created 08/27/2021
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Chapter 11 - Gina Makes a New Friend and Takes a Boat Ride

Introduction: I received some negative feed back and changed up the direction of my stories, I realized that was a bad idea and I have gone back to the real Gina. This is the continued story of Gina who has reverted to her younger days of being quite an uninhibited exhibition. If you haven't read the earlier installments, you might want to catch up before you proceed. Parts of the stories are based on actual events and memories, some are things I wished we had more time together to do for our enjoyment. Feel free to comment!

Gina had kept her flashing and exposure limited to around the house after her experience at Walmart where she was the somewhat unwilling victim of her own making, what was worst is Brian had forwarded her a copy of the video that was floating around the college staring her and Tarence behind Walmart.

She had secretly watched the video quite a number of times, remembering how large Tarence was deep inside her and how it made her feel, almost considering a return trip to her new favorite toy store to see if they had anything to match his girth.

She was slowly returning to her renewed self, wanting to be seen in public by strangers, wearing her revealing tops and extremely short miniskirts.

Paul, who was leaving Kevin's house next doors, saw Gina arriving in her car with the top down coming back from the gym.

"Afternoon Gina, damn you're still looking fine!" he tells her as she is getting out of her car wearing rather small low cut booty shorts and a hefty sports bra.

She gives him a hug, "I hope ya'll keep what happened at the party and that Walmart thing to yourself, I like showing off, but things went a lot overboard, Brian showed me the two videos he put together as well as what that Tarence guy did, I am so embarrassed, I can't let my husband find out about anything that has happened recently."

"Oh no Ma'am, we would never do anything to ruin a good thing!"

"Well, I like to show, but like I said, I need it to stay our secret, and thank Brian for only posting one of the video's." She giggles a bit as she tells him.

Paul just smiles, "Oh yes I know what you're talking about, but you did put on a show at the party!" Knowing he had already posted a bit more explicit video to the internet, not to mention pictures and video's that were floating around campus.

"Speaking of showing, we are throwing a party for my Uncle Henry's 70th birthday the weekend after next. He is a widower and has not seen a woman up close and naked in quite some time. I was kind of wondering if maybe you and your husband can make it and you do a little showing for him at some point during the party, you know just topless maybe. We can pay you for your time."

She laughs, "So you want a stripper for his party?"

"Well, I didn't want to say it that way, but yes and you are the prettiest lady I know who understands what men truly like." Listening to him, she smiles.

"So where is this birthday party at, someone's house?" she asks.

He explains to her, "We will be at Elbo Room down at Lauderdale by the Sea; the owner is a family friend, so we will be able to have a fun time. We have already got the okay for a stripped, so you can do whatever you want."

She laughs, "Have you now? I haven't been in there in a long time; I hung out there in my college days a few times."

"Oh, you did, you ever do the wet t-shirt contests?"

She laughs, "I have won a few there, their used to be a few pictures of me in the DJ booth. I need to get inside the house and start dinner; but I'll think about it and let you know." Gina turned and walked away, leaving Paul staring at her tight ass peeking out the bottom of her booty shorts hanging a bit on her hips, her firm butt cheeks wiggling away.

When Tuesday came around Gina kept thinking of Paul's request and figured it would be a good time to take a trip to the beach to check out some of her old stomping grounds, maybe hang out with some old friends if they still go there, and just some sun and self-exposure next to the ocean.

Wanting to check out the bars she hadn't visited in a while and of course do a little exposing in public, something she and not done in a few weeks now, she thought about who she could get to go with her, not wanting to go alone to that area barely dressed.

Gina's husband was out of town for the weekend, so Gina sends her hippie friend Rischa, the one she had met at the flea market, a text asking if she was free to ride down to the beach to check out a few places.

Rischa calls her back asking if she is going to show off like at the market.

Gina tells her, "Of course and you are too if you're willing."

"Well, I think it would be fun to hang out with you for the evening, what should I wear?"

Gina asks her, "Do you have anything short and buttons up the front, maybe a little sundress?"

She laughs, "I have one I can borrow from my little sister, I think you would like it!"

"Well, I will be at the beach for a few hours in the afternoon, text me when you get there, and we will do a little bar hopping this evening."

Gina had hoped to go for a little boat ride that morning with her girlfriend Samantha and her husband, something Brian and she had done many times in the past. Unlike Gina, Sam barely filled out her bikini tops, but had no problems being topless on the boat as they cruised the ICW.

However, like Gina's husband, Sam and her husband were also out of town up in the Hamptons for a few weeks, but she gave Gina the pass code for the parking lot and told her she could lay out on the boat if she wanted.

Arriving around 10:00, she parked and went down to the boat with her tiny white bikini under a white button up shirt and very cut away jean shorts that had been made into a wide thong like look in the back.

She knew where the hide a key was and found a cold bottle of Tequila in the refrigerator, that she decided to partake in while laying out. It was a bit secluded other than the lawn maintenance guys across the way, other boats cruising the ICW, and people parking in the garage across from the small marina. She took off the shirt and her tiny shorts leaving them on the deck at the back of the boat.

She made her way to the bow with her towel in-hand wearing her micro white bikini that did little to cover her nipples and nothing to conceal her huge mounds.

Laying out her towel on the warm cushion, she untied her top, pulled it over her head and dropped it near where she was going to be laying in the sun.

She had been laying out on the bow about an hour, when one of the guys she knew from previous visits was walking down the dock, having been unnoticed until now. "Hay there young lady, your Joe's friend Tina, right?"

She got up, leaving her top behind and walked down the side of the forty-foot boat to talk to him wearing just the micro sheer bottoms. Her arm and a hand across her nipples making the illusion of being a little modest, in a careless way, he was an older harmless guy, so she figured she would give him a thrill.

She extended her hand, "Yes I'm Gina, not Tina, but you were close. I do remember you, Harry, right?"

"Oh yes ma'am, I must have made an impression on you." They both laughed, his eyes glued to her big exposed boobs, a hint of her left nipple showing. "I need to run my boat down the ICW to use up some old fuel if you would like to join me for a boat ride?"

"Sure, I can get sun while riding just as well as laying out here on this boat and I'd love some company!" she tells him, "We're not going to be gone long, are we?"

"Oh no ma'am, hour or two tops."

"Let me grab my top and I'll meet you at your boat. And please call me Gina, you are almost old enough to be my dad." She turns to walk away, he watches her firm bare ass in the tiny G-string bottoms as she walks back up to the bow, a bit disappoint she was going to get her top.

As he is untying lines, he sees her walking down the dock parallel to the road turning heads, her Minnie Mouse beach towel held in place over her boobs with one hand, her top in her other hand.

She left her shirt and shorts on Sam's boat. He just smiles big knowing this ride maybe better than he dreamed. She steps over into his 28-foot Mako center console boat, letting go of the two ends of the towel letting it fall away from her body, then wrapping her towel around the handhold behind the captain's seat.

"You ok with me leaving this off?" holding her top out, the stings dandling down.

"Young lady you can go as naked as you want." As he cranks the boat and walks to the side to let the last line go. She leans back into the standing seat behind the wheel looking up at Harry, stuffing her top into a compartment in the console. He slowly maneuvers the boat out into the ICW and heads south towards Port Lauderdale, continuously looking down at Gina's big bare tanned bouncing boobs as the boat passes over small waves.

As he passes under the 7th Street Bridge he asks her, "You ok like this, or should I head offshore a bit, I mean I don't mind letting others see ya if it's what you want!"

She laughs, "We can stay in the ICW, and I have to tell you, I enjoy being seen, my husband keeps telling me I am an exhibitionist. I should add he loves it too!"

He smiles at her, "Well don't be shy then." He looks down at her bottoms. She just smiles knowing what he is referring too.

She is waving to people gawking at her toplessness as she is standing against the front of the cushion at the console.

After passing the Port and the Coast Guard base, she reaches down and hooks her thumbs into the sides of her bottom, pushing them down over her hips. She looks over at Harry and winks at him as they drop to her bare feet, she lifts the bottoms with her right foot placing them in the compartment with her top.

"How is that?" She giggles at the old man.

He looks her up and down as the small wakes make her tits bounce. She moves and stands more to the side of the console hanging on, a bit more on display, showing off her smooth bare pussy and bouncing boobs to other boaters and Harry.

Harry points his phone towards her, snapping a few pictures of her; she poses and smiles for him eating up the attention. Harry about drops his phone when she turns facing him placing her foot up on the side of the boat giving him a view of her spread lips.

I sure wish we had these phones when I wife was alive, but she only went topless out here back when we were young and careless.

Gina just laughs at him, taking his phone from him, wrapping her arm around him and snapping a few selfies of the two of them.

Just before Miami, she asks Harry "Is there some place they can stop for a drink maybe?"

He smiles telling her, "Yes, but you might have to put that bikini of yours on, what there is of it. We will stop up here at Sea Isle Marina, I know several guys that hang out there, old geezers like me and I don't think they will have issue with you having a drink or two with them."

About fifteen minutes later they are pulling into a rather large Marina, three slim looking young women in small bikinis on a large yacht are pointing at Gina still naked. She just waves at them as they smile and wave back, one of them giving her a "Woo Baby."

There is a slip halfway down the floating dock where Harry ties up the boat; Gina is stepping into her bottoms trying to stay out of his way. Then pulling the top over her head, the neck strings still tied, she pulls her hair free from under the strings of the top.

Harry realizes the material of the top is just as is minimal as her bottoms, it almost covers her nipples and so sheer he can see them poking through. "Oh, they are going to love you!" She wraps the towel around her waist, using a seashell towel holder to keep it in place for the walk up the dock to the bar.

He helps her from the boat as they walk down the dock to the outside bar as people gawk at her large almost bare tanned breasts jiggling as she walks.

Once inside they are offered a few bar stools on the deck overlooking the marina among several of the older retired guys, Harry's age. As the old men shift stools around to put Gina in the middle of them. The men are all smiles seeing Gina's choice in bikini tops, she pauses to adjust her top, more of an excuse to flash her hard nipples, as she pulls the top away trying to cover them up a bit more.

Sitting on the stool the towel falls away opening up over her right thigh, showing off her tanned legs and upper thigh.

Harry introduces Gina to the guys he knows, bragging about her traveling down the ICW wearing nothing but a smile. He then finally gets to order them each a Guinness. One of them asks, "No top or bottoms?"

Gina just giggles as Harry tells him, "There ain't much too any part of her bikini! There is less material to the bottoms; it is more like a handful of white strings, but yeah, wasn't no need for the bikini on this child's body, she's got the body of a teenage goddess." Smiling proudly telling the story of the trip to the marina

"Well, I'd love to see that, cuz that's not no child sittin' right there, she's a full-grown woman!" One of the old guys says.

Harry laughs, "Oh, she is not shy I am telling you, take that towel off sweat heart and show them those bottoms, if you wanta call them bottoms."

Gina giggles and reaches over and pulls the ends of the towel from the shell holder allowing it to drape down over the top of the stool she is sitting on. There is nothing but stings high on her hips that can be seen now, with her thighs together the tiny patch of material is hidden between her legs. The strings coming up her butt crack and around her waist. The bartender paying more attention than it appears, watching Gina's tits as well as they giggle and sway with her ever move.

"Oh damn stand up, let's see ya!" Another of the old guys says in a thick Tennessee mountain accent.

She giggles and is more than happy to model, tease and show off for the old guys, sliding off her stool stepping away from the bar, she is drawing attention from others in the bar now seeing her round bare ass and almost completely bare tits topped with the thin strips of the bright white bikini top. She keeps flirting with her admirers and slips back up on the stool.

After starting on their second round of Guinness, Gina reminds Harry she needs to get back. "Yeah, your right, sorry guys I got to get this cutie back to the dock." They both grab their beers; Harry grabs her towel before she can reach for it, and they head towards the door to the outside bar that leads to the floating dock. She is turning heads again as they head down the steps to the floating dock toward the boat.


Unbeknownst to Gina, or her husband John, he had arrived just minutes before her in the hotel restaurant with James Watson from his firm, to meet with Terri, the girl he had met at the contest his wife danced naked at in the bare as you dare contest.

Terri not realizing it, already had a job if she chooses to accept it, John for some reason saw something sincere and special in her the minute they chatted after the contest.

Most of the luncheon was spent with John and James talking to her about her background, her interests in animal sciences and what drew her to that specialty and her experiences in marine sciences and marine wildlife studies.

She spoke to them extensively about her desires and future plans with a professional demeanor, really impressing Mr. Watson and John even more, he just couldn't help but imagine her from the night of the contest and her lack of any clothing which kept distracting him.

Towards the end of the meeting, James asked her if she would entertain an offer from the firm to come work as an intern for them under his department. Her mouth fell open unable to reply.

"But there are a few requirements of you I need you to consider as well." She immediately thought back to the same contest, as John sat across from her smiling at her.

"Yes sir?" she waited.

"You will be required to finish your college, and I would like for you to lean a bit harder into the Marine Sciences next semester."

"Ok, I can do that."

John went on to tell her, "Of course once you are with the firm, we will support your schooling making sure you have time off to attend your classes, we will also be paying for your classes and books as well."

Terri just sat there, tears rolling down her face, not believing what she is hearing.

John looked up at her, "Would you like to think about our offer for a day or two?"

"Oh no sir, I want to come work for you, when can I start?"

Both John and James started laughing, "You haven't even asked what we are going to pay you!" John laughed.

"It has to be more than I am making now and if you are paying for my college, I know I can make it work."

John reached into his inside coat pocket and pulled out an envelope sliding it across the table to her, "If this works, give your two weeks notice to your part-time jobs."

Her shaking finger pulled the flap from inside the envelop, there was a note inside and some cash. 'We are offering you a salary of 75K to start with, upon finishing your college and receiving your degree it will be raised to 100K. Enclosed in $500 to get you through your next two weeks should either part time job let you go. Please call our HR Specialist Vivian Pollock she is waiting for your phone call if you will accept our offer.'

She looked up tears streaming again, getting up and walking to John hugging him around his neck. "Thank you, Thank you, Oh my God Thank you! Yes, yes I do accept your offer."

John stood up receiving another hug from Terri, "Welcome aboard Terri, see a little embarrassment has paid off, I hope to see you again soon maybe with Gina of course, now we need to get going."

James just looked on a bit confused, but after hearing about chatted in the building concerning Gina, he didn't want to know.

Terri headed to the back of the restaurant to go talk to her manager.

John had stopped at the cashier to pay their lunch bill when he happened to look up, James had already noticed, seeing a short lady in nothing but a G-string bikini headed out the lounge door, with an incredible exposed ass and big boobs that were jiggling flashing a good amount of side boobs. Thinking to himself, 'Damn her ass is as nice as my wife's and she appears to be much younger.'


"Were you afraid I am going to cover up or something?" Gina giggles walking down the aluminum gang way to the dock. Gina looks back to make sure they are watching her as they get about a quarter of the way to the boat.

She smiles at Harry, "Go ahead and untie my top if you want." He just smiles and reaches over behind her back, pulling the knot loose on her top, Gina grabs the now loose top hanging between her boobs and pulls it up over her head, continuing down the dock, Harry behind her can see the sides of her heavy boobs swaying as she walks.

Arriving at the boat, she steps in taking her towel from Harry slipping it through the handle again. She walks to the front and leans over to untie the bow line. As Harry cranks the boat, she walks to the back and releases the stern line, Gina looks back towards the bar waving good-bye to her new friends.

They both laugh as they slowly leave the marina with her standing to the side of the center console wearing only her skimpy bottoms. Shortly after passing under the I-195 Bridge and getting back into the ICW, Gina grins, "I know you don't mind, and I hate tan lines and I actually have to wear these on the beach later or I will get in trouble." She pushes her bottoms over her hips again letting them drop to the deck.


James asks John, "Did you see that little blonde on the dock, damn she was hot and pulled her top off walking down the dock to her boat."


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