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After the Second Fall Pt. 02.1


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"I want to make you a proposition, and I expect absolute candor. Are we clear?" Lilith nodded, steeling herself for whatever was about to come. Cassidy took her own steadying breath, then said, "I want you to become Executive Director of the Complex."

Lilith's face didn't show surprise, because she was sure she had misheard. She played the statement back in her mind, then did it again. It still didn't make sense. Lilith lifted her hand and made half a gesture, but didn't actually manage to form words.

After the uncomfortable silence had lingered, Cassidy repeated herself, this time with more warmth in her voice. "Lilith, I want you to take over for me as the Executive Director here at the Complex."

"You're leaving? Are you... sick? Did something happen?"

Cassidy's smile returned and she shook her head. "No, nothing bad happened, and I'm not sick. I'm offering to step down so that you can take my place. Not Jacobs or Baker or Humbolt: just you. If you don't feel you are ready yet, then today's conversation was about broadcast metrics and my succession never came up. Clear?"

"Crystal," replied Lilith automatically before sitting back in her chair. Her quick mind had always worked well under pressure, and while she organized her thoughts, she started with the easy question: "Why me?"

Cassidy folded her arms together and leaned onto the table, still smiling, but with the addition of her characteristically intense stare. "You tell me."

Taking a deep breath, Lilith closed her eyes and started speaking, doing her best to reason out the unexpected offer on-the-fly. "If you aren't being forced to step down, and I am the only choice, then it doesn't have anything to do with the other directors. This is somehow about me. Or you." She steepled her fingers and leaned forward, placing her chin on top, squeezing her eyes tighter so that she saw bursts of white against black. "No, this is about me and you.

"We're not friends, and we don't owe each other favors, so it isn't anything like cronyism. This is just coming up now, which means it probably has to do with either the executions or an upcoming fight. I haven't heard that we've scheduled a match, so it's probably the executions.

"The concept behind the executions was mine; so was the implementation plan, but I've done more impactful things in the past, which means this isn't a reward. The executions showed that I can be cold and calculating, but Jacobs is even worse, so that can't be all of it.

"But I know Pip, and he doesn't. I was there when Pip figured out the Effect, and at the ballsport match, and when we talked with the widows. Pip trusts me, which means I'm positioned to have him do whatever the city needs done." Lilith's eyes opened and she paused for a moment to let her vision clear. "Ma'am, I won't manipulate Pip; that's a promise I made to John at the beginning of all this, and I won't go back on it, now or ever.

"I don't think I'm the right person to succeed you," finished Lilith uncomfortably. "I'm sorry."

Cassidy was still smiling. "I'm not. Your logic is sound, but you didn't have all of the relevant information. I'm glad you were true to yourself and your values: it makes me feel like I made the right choice."

"I don't understand."

"You will soon." Cassidy stood, towering over the still sitting Lilith, then began to slowly pace back and forth lengthwise in the room. "Do you know how difficult it would be for me to make myself de facto Queen of Rieckenburg?" Lilith shook her head cautiously. "Not difficult at all."

Cassidy let the statement hang in the air.

"Lilith, everything I do, I do for Rieckenburg. I love this city with my entire self, and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for its people. Anything. Do you believe me?"

Lilith nodded gravely. "Yes, Cassidy, I do."

"Can you understand why that is so, so dangerous?"

Thinking back to the meeting where Cassidy was brought into Pip's full confidence, Lilith considered their emotional debate. Cassidy was clearly an expansionist at heart, and it had been the arguments of Lilith, Rachel, and John together that had eventually led to the agreement with Northumberland, rather than continuation of the war.

Realization came to Lilith suddenly. "You want me to be your conscience."

Cassidy stopped pacing, then she started laughing softly. "I hadn't thought about it like that, but yes, something along those lines." She pulled her oversized chair right in front of Lilith and sat down again, taking both of Lilith's hands in her own and looking down into the smaller woman's eyes. "You and John are the only ones who have stood up to me in a long time. I'm so scared that I will lose perspective and take the city down a path that leads to a terrible outcome. I need a partner that will tell me 'No' when I need to slow down, and 'Yes' when I need to speed up. Rieckenburg needs someone that is brilliant, and hard, and honest; you are all of those things and more, and I need you to protect my city from me."

"Couldn't you just... talk with me, like we're doing now?"

"That would work exactly as long as it took us to reach our first significant disagreement."

Entirely lost for words, Lilith's mouth moved silently. She was eventually able to nod, at which point Cassidy smiled broadly and nodded back, even as a tear formed at the corner of her eye. She wiped it with her thumb, then sat back in her chair. "I will take care of the details. Can you be ready in two weeks?"

"I would rather have a month," Lilith replied uncertainly.

"Okay," Cassidy responded, "but I want to start meeting with you daily, beginning tomorrow."

Lilith nodded. "Cassidy, may I ask a question?"


"Why not John?"

Smiling fondly, Cassidy replied, "John could probably do the job. He has the knowledge and the experience, and the head for strategy, but Pip needs him and we need Pip. Besides, I'm sure you two will talk, so it will be like having both of you in the role anyway."

"Should he come to our daily meeting?"

"Good Lord, no!" replied Cassidy, louder than she intended. "He's the most infuriating person I've ever met, and I can only take him in small doses. If we had to see each other every day, I think we'd eventually come to blows."

Lilith was surprised and the emotion showed on her face. Cassidy quickly patted her hand and grinned. "He's like my little brother. I care for him deeply -- probably love him -- but he drives me absolutely crazy, and I'm certain that he does it on purpose, the big shit."

Lilith couldn't help but smile back. "Some day, you'll have to tell me stories about him growing up."

"Gladly," Cassidy responded, "and in return, I want to hear your stories about Pip."

Chapter 2

"I don't like it, John," said Pip as they walked through the Courtyard.

"Of course you don't, and I wouldn't either, but it is what it is. The order came from the Council -- from Cassidy herself, if I understood Geo right -- so you can go talk to Her Majesty if you like, but short of that, you're stuck here."

They walked in silence for a while before Pip spoke again. "Do you really think another assassination attempt is likely?"

John shrugged. "It's possible. You're now the most famous fighter in the entire world. The video of the executions went everywhere, which makes you a target; call it an unfortunate consequence of Lilith's deterrence campaign.

"I can tell you that a guy named Cates from the Meister's Office has feelers out. If he hears something, I'll let you know."

"Okay," Pip acquiesced, "but I still don't like it."

"And you shouldn't," said John understandingly. "You should be out raising hell like a typical teenager, but that was never really on the table anyway, was it?"

Pip shrugged. "So what should I do now? Practicing with Loren is good, but I train him more than he trains me, and there's nobody with Max's Arena experience to go to."

"Actually, that's not entirely true, although I didn't think about it before.

"Have you ever talked with, or even heard of, Casper Carson?" Pip shook his head. "He was a handler a bit before my time, but was well respected; I guess he probably still is. A lot has changed, but I bet you would find him interesting to talk with."

"Huh," exhaled Pip. "That... doesn't sound so bad. He's still here at the Complex?" John nodded. "Alright, I'll ask Rachel to look him up."

"Glad to hear it." The bell chimed and John's eyes widened in surprise. "Gotta run, Pip, but I'll come see you this afternoon."

The Adam waved him off and John trotted quickly across the Courtyard, probably to go see Lilith.

John was actually on his way to Geoff Humbolt, the Director of Personnel, who was the other person recently added to Pip's inner circle. Like Lilith, Geo wanted to know how Pip was doing, but from there the conversations diverged.

"I'm glad he's okay, John. Do you have a plan for what happens now?"

John laughed. "You're the director, Geo -- I just work here."

"Sure, that'll be the day," the older man said with a smile. "You always have some scheme cooking, so what is it this time?"

John looked suddenly serious. "Not a thing. Since the assassination attempt, it was all reactionary, just going with the next logical step."

"And now?"

John held his arms open. "That's up to the Council." John saw his friend's disbelieving look. "Really. My preference would be to step back from the world stage as much as possible, at least for a while, but I also know that might not make sense."

"And why is that?"

John shrugged. "Because there were plans in motion before Pip became the Lead Adam, and I expect they will continue, independent of the agreement with Northumberland."

"For instance?"

"Well..." John hedged, but Geo stared up at him, obviously unimpressed. "Like Theiss."

The director was shocked. "How the hell do you know about that? No, never mind, I probably don't want to know." John held up his hands defensively, so Geo gave him a look that would fit with a mother scolding her four year old. "Knock it off -- I know you better than you think." He shook his head and sighed. "Okay, so you're partially right about Theiss, and of course there are other things we've considered. Plus, we've had some very interesting conversations with our new friends from Northumberland."

John's eyebrows raised in surprise. "The ones that were executed?"

"Well, having that hanging over your head does tend to loosen one's tongue, but the more useful information came from some of the folks in their Gladiator program, as well as a few of the underlings in their city council office."

"Hey, that's a really good idea." Geo's eyebrows raised questioningly. "Oh, sorry -- it's just that Pip was expressing frustration earlier about not having somebody he could learn from with Max gone. I pointed him to Casper Carson --"

"The ghost?" interrupted Geo. "Why?"

John shrugged. "Why not? If he can find him, maybe he'll learn something."

'Whatever,' said Geo's expression, so John shrugged and continued.

"Anyway, I would be willing to bet that there are some top notch trainers in Northumberland. Has a decision been made on what we should do with the people that were in their program?"

"That's a bit of a hot topic, actually. You know how many of the people from the Brock-Loren program are still with us?"

John thought for a moment about the smaller city that had been assimilated. "None of their fighters, unless you count Loren. A few?"

Geo shook his head seriously. "Nope, just him."

"Really? Their entire program, and he's the only one that could cut it here?"

"Uh huh," confirmed Geo. "So Jacobs thinks we should just turn them all loose and not worry about any sort of integration."

John sat back on his chair heavily, causing it to creak ominously. After a hundred beats, he sat forward again. "Can I go through the personnel files of their trainers and see if I can find anyone that might fit? Pip talked highly about their top two Gladiators, and I have to believe that those two didn't get that good by themselves."

"Sure, I'll round them up."

"That easy?"

"Sure," grinned Geo back, "I'm the Director of Personnel: I don't need anyone else's say-so when it comes to how we utilize our people."

"And the same applies to the Northumberland folks?"

"I won't ask if you don't -- deal?"

"Of course," replied John, standing up with a smile. "Thanks, Geo."

"Yeah, yeah -- now get out of here before you cause me some other problem."

With a wave, John headed off to his next appointment, this time with Loren.

John found the man in the Courtyard, as agreed. The two shook hands firmly; John always enjoyed the minor contest of strength, especially since he could look directly into Loren's eyes while they struggled. While John's forearm bulged with effort, Loren's corded wrist rippled. After a couple dozen beats, John eased off and smiled good-naturedly. "I don't know how you do that -- I've gotta be almost twenty percent heavier than you."

Loren shrugged in his characteristic, grumpy way. "I do more than talk all day." John laughed aloud and slapped the slimmer man on the back.

"Come on, let's take a walk." The pair strolled casually around the perimeter of the large greenspace, discussing Pip's training. Like Pip, Loren seemed equally frustrated that he couldn't do more to actually improve the Lead Adam's fighting ability. John gave him a quick update about trying to find more mentors, or trainers, and Loren seemed honestly relieved. The former fighter had clearly been putting a lot of pressure on himself regarding Pip's readiness.

"What about you, Loren -- how are you doing?"

Loren stopped unexpectedly and John had to back up a step. "Fine."

"Of course, just like always." John looked into Loren's eyes, challenging him.

This time, it was Loren that capitulated. "I don't know. I like working with Pip, and the people here in the Complex have treated me better than I ever was in Brock-Loren."

John narrowed his eyes. "Something to do with Irena?"

Loren sighed. "Yeah, I guess. How'd you know?"

"Call it a lucky guess." Loren shot him a questioning look and John relented. "Any time something is up with Pip, it's woman-related. What's the problem?"

Loren shrugged and took a breath. "Nothing. She's wonderful, and she seems to like me. I just struggle with knowing she's still doing her rounds with the Adams."

"Why is that?" asked John with a frown. "Because you want her all to yourself, or because you feel insecure about being compared to the other Adams?"

Loren shook his head and looked up to the sky, then started walking again. "Both, probably," he said quietly. "Brock-Loren didn't have anything like the PET department, so the whole concept is new. Plus, what happens when she gets tired of me?

"I'm a pain in the ass -- we both know that. I'm irritable or outright angry almost all of the time, and I don't want to be. It's like I'm fucking broken. Why would Irena want to stay with me when she could have her pick of Adams, or anyone else, for that matter?"

The pair walked along slowly. When Loren's shoulders finally relaxed, John said, "I don't think you're broken." Loren looked over him and John grinned. "Damaged, definitely, but not really broken."

Loren's hand came up so fast that John didn't have time to react, punching John's shoulder with the flat of his fist. "Smartass," said Loren.

"Fuck!" exclaimed John, rubbing the targeted muscle. "Did you just use the Effect on me?" Loren shrugged and refused to make eye contact, but his mouth did turn up at the corner. "This is exactly what I need: somebody else to beat on me." The pair walked in silence for another hundred beats. "You know, this place isn't so good for my confidence."

"What do you mean?"

John theatrically rubbed his arm again. "Out there," he replied, indicating the city with his chin, "I would be a badass. I'm half again taller than most people and am probably double their weight. In here," he said, extending his arms with a grimace, "even the twelve year olds could beat me to a pulp."

After another pause, Loren said softly, "Thanks, John, I see what you mean: I guess we all have our place in the world."

John nodded. "Have you talked with Irena about becoming your First?"

"I thought that was only for the Adams," said Loren, confused.

"Well," John responded, once again grinning, "you remember when I registered you as Pip's trainer?" Loren nodded. "I also had you added to the Adam Pool. You're currently number fourteen."

Loren was clearly surprised and stopped again. "Out of how many?"

"Fourteen, but technically you're ahead of the dozen or so that are retired, although I don't know if you should actually put that to a test."

Loren's face took on a disapproving look, but John was still smiling. "It wasn't so you could fight in the Arena, Loren, it was so you'd have access to the same services that Adams do. Do you think the ladies in blue visit non-Adams like me on their rounds?"

Loren's expression softened and his posture relaxed. He smiled warmly -- for him, anyway -- and held out his hand. "Thanks, John." The two shook without competing. "Sorry about the shoulder."

John waved it off. "Pip gives me love taps like that for fun -- he likes to see me rubbing it a couple days later -- thinks it's funny."

"Well, it is kinda funny."

"Yeah, maybe, but don't tell him that or he'll do it more."

When John met Lilith later in her office to walk together to the Courtyard for lunch, he knew immediately that something dramatic had happened in the morning while he had flitted from one discussion to the next. She had her head in her hands, body slumped forward, and even more significantly, didn't acknowledge him when he stepped inside. He eased into one of the almost-big-enough chairs and gave her a hundred beats to say something; when she didn't, he ventured cautiously, "Bad news?"

She shook her head, but didn't otherwise reply, so John didn't know if she was answering his question or declining to answer at all.

Walking slowly around her desk, he slid her chair back and picked her up into an embrace. She immediately pulled herself tight to his chest, her feet hanging well above the floor, and laid her head against his shoulder, eyes closed. They stood like that until the quarter bell tolled, at which point Lilith lifted her head and looked into his eyes. "Thanks, John. I was a bit overwhelmed after my meeting with Cassidy this morning."

"Better now?"

"Not so much," she replied, "but I'll be okay."

"Want to talk about it?"

She shook her head. "Tonight, once I've had some time to put my mind in order."

He nodded, gave her a squeeze, and set her down. "Lunch?"

She nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good. Hey, John?" He arched an eyebrow. "Please keep this to yourself -- I don't want anybody asking questions yet."

"Sure, Lilith. I don't even know what's going on, so it shouldn't be a problem. Would you like to hear about my morning while we walk?"

Lilith smiled, glad for both his understanding and the offered distraction, and off they went.

That night, they were sitting together in John's suite, on opposite ends of the large sofa that took up most of the free space. As Lilith explained her pending promotion, John was uncharacteristically quiet, something that seemed to be happening to him quite frequently. She talked about Cassidy's rationale and especially the woman's fears.

As she finished, he still hadn't said much, and his face was neutral, like when he was angry. Anxious as she was, Lilith decided to wait him out and sat back against the sofa arm, tensely clasping and unclasping her hands. Her mind was somewhere else when he finally spoke.

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