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Agents of Pleasure Ch. 06

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More secrets; more fun!
6.6k words

Part 6 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/06/2024
Created 08/26/2017
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by George "Derek" Spencer!

When the two women got back in the car, Paige looked at Marie and said, "Now THAT was completely amazing!"

"No kidding," Marie replied, "I had no idea!"

"What are you gonna do?"

Marie flashed an impish look at her friend, "What am I going to do? What are WE going to do?"

"We?" Paige laughed, "I am going to get that house sold; we are not doing anything until then! But I'm a little concerned about you. Your boss put you in a sensitive spot; or was it his wife? Well, whoever it was, we were propositioned; is your job in jeopardy now?"

Marie smiled, "I don't think it's in any danger. I think the McCullers are smart people; do you think he will try to force me to attend his parties?"

"Probably not, no."

"Neither do I; I like Jason, and having met Sara, I like her too... but just in case, I have a trump card."

"You do? What is that?"

Marie's smile turned into a grin; she took her cell phone out of her shirt pocket and punched in her code, "I recorded the whole conversation!"


Marie laughed, "I recorded the whole thing!"

"Holy shit, Marie!"

"The moment I figured out what the deal was, I turned on the recorder. You didn't even notice, right? I'm sure they didn't either. It's just for safe-keeping; I'm not the kind to use stuff like that against anyone."

Paige giggled, "No, YOU'RE the kind who might love to go to one of their parties; I saw how you reacted to Sara kissing you!"

"I think the whole thing is pretty sexy; I might like to go at least once, just to check it out. Wouldn't you?"

"Uhh, well... There's no way to even try it unless Chad goes with me; and how would I explain it to him?"

"I would think swingers are quite good at keeping secrets."

Paige opened the security gate and pulled out onto the street, "Right now I have enough to do to keep the one secret I have...much less another one as big as a swing-party!"

"I agree, what say we keep this all hush-hush until the closing is over; then reassess."

"For sure," the light ahead turned red and she reached over and took Marie by the hand, "at the moment, I have two very sexy people in my life; expanding my horizons isn't a thought I need in my head!"

Marie burst out laughing, "Damn...and here I was thinking you might be interested in another kind of adventure!"

"Nope, the swing thing sounds fun, but again... there's no way I can work that into my life now."

"I wasn't referring to the 'swing-thing.'"

"What do you mean then?"

"Ohhh...well... if you're not interested in 'expanding your horizons' maybe I shouldn't have brought it up!"

Paige pulled over to the curb, put the car in park and said, "What the hell are you talking about? What have you done?"

"I haven't done anything yet, I was just thinking of something that might be entertaining."

"What? Tell me."

"Yeah, we kinda mentioned one time about you watching me with Robert; didn't we?" Paige blushed and covered her face with her hands. Marie threw her head back and laughed, "Haahahahah...I know how to get you every single time!"

Peeking at her friend from between her fingers, Paige moaned, "How is that any different than the swing thing? It's just one more secret I'd have to keep from Chad."

"Okay then, if you don't want to do it then I'll just..."

"I didn't say I didn't WANT to do it, I said it makes things too complicated."

"I think it's more the case of you don't want to tell your future husband what you're really thinking; but you're also a little scared of getting old and never really exploring life like you want; isn't that it?" Of course Marie nailed it, but Paige didn't want to admit that out loud. "And on top of that, what's holding Chad back from marrying you? Shouldn't you be married already? Maybe he's too comfortable with the status quo?"

Paige put the car in gear; she had a pained look on her face so Marie let that sink in and stayed quiet while her BFF thought. They drove for several minutes without a word, and it wasn't until Paige turned into the entrance to the zoo that Marie noticed her frown had turned into a smile. "Smiling huh? THAT'S a good sign!"

"Yes, uhh, if I'm going to keep secrets, I may as well have some fun doing it!"

"That's the spirit! You know I'm right, huh?"

Paige slapped her on the thigh, "You don't have to be right here, all I know is it would be fun to watch Robert teach your naughty, little pussy some manners!"

"Awesome! I'll set it up! How does Saturday night look?"

"That might work, but Sunday afternoon might be better; I'll let you know later tonight after I check a few things."

Marie reached over and let her fingers trail down Paige's cheek, then her neck, then her shoulder, and then over her right breast. She leaned over and whispered, "My horny self can't wait!" Paige shivered and Marie continued, "Maybe you and I can have a little fun before Sunday; maybe?"

Paige looked at Marie, "You are sooo bad!"


That afternoon Paige drew up the paperwork for the offer. The owners were asking $495,000; she briefly considered asking $475,000, but then she thought about how this was an opportunity upgrade into a more lucrative network. If she could somehow score a great deal for the McCullers, there was no telling what doors it might open. So she crossed her fingers and sent the offer in at $450,000.

That night there was so much to think about, it almost gave her a headache. Just to break up the train of thoughts, she took Jimmy and Jamie to the park and let them wear themselves out for a bit. When she got home, she spent extra time reading to them; and once they were in bed, she sat down with the girls and tried to help them with their homework. That didn't last long though, they were doing math; and Sophia's pre-algebra was stirring up her sorta headache again. She called Chad and discovered he was working late, and her mother was busy watching her favorite shows on TV.

So at 9:30 she poured herself a glass of wine and went to her room. She needed a good, hot bath and her legs needed shaving anyway. After starting the water she took off her shorts and just as she unhooked her bra, her cell phone pinged with a text; it was Marie, and all it said was "Sunday, 3:00pm." Paige shivered and her nipples hardened! She was smiling though as she touched the reply, "You are SOOO BAD!" A minute later she was settling down in the tub; the hot water began to work its magic on her outsides while the alcohol did its thing on her insides. Shaving and loofah-ing her legs felt great and she took extra time to trim her pussy. It all felt so sensual that she almost masturbated in the tub; but didn't. Sleep came quickly then.

The next day was Friday and getting everyone ready was busier than usual; Olivia had to get to school early to serve a detention, and that was perturbing; this was the first Paige heard of it. But after the necessary "responsibility" lecture (and many eye-rolls,) she finally got everyone where they needed to be and walked into the office at 9:15.

Cousin Jimmy greeted her with a high five! "Hey, Congrats, Partner! Your first try at a property over $250,000. Good luck!"

"Yes, thanks! I've been very lucky to this point; let's hope my luck holds out!"

"I took a look at it; did you know that house has been vacant for three months? It's a miracle it hasn't gone before this; it's prime!"

Paige paused, "Five bedrooms is a lot; it sure narrows down the field of possible buyers."

Jimmy just plunged ahead, "Well, maybe your clients have a lot of grandkids; who knows?"

"And who cares?" Paige added.

Jimmy laughed, "Very true! It will be nice to see more 'Hannigan Realty' signs in that neighborhood someday."

"Always thinking ahead, eh boss?"

"It's my job; YOU sell, I'll think ahead."

Walking to her desk Paige declared, "That's a deal!" As she opened up her inbox, she was pleased to see one of the first emails was from the sellers. Not surprisingly they were countering her offer with $480,000, and after debating for a moment, she countered again with $470,000.

Three hours later, after she had shown two condominiums to an elderly couple who wanted to downsize, she was back in the office checking the mail. One minute after that she was excitedly calling Marie, "Oh my God, Sweetie! The sellers accepted Jason and Sara's offer. I'm in the money!"

"Awesome Sauce, Babe! This calls for a celebration!"

"Are you talking about Sunday afternoon?" Paige teased.

"Hell no, I'm talking about a banquet; our families, Chad...maybe Robert too! Wanna?"

"Yes! Let's set something up after the closing!"

"Great, now I have to go, there's a lion cub here who's about to be born...laters!"

Paige drove over to the zoo to tell Jason about the deal, and he was ecstatic, and when he found out that the deal went for $25,000 less, he immediately pulled out his wallet and tried to hand Paige two $100 bills. "Here, take your fiance out to dinner tonight; my treat!"

"Jason, that's not necessary."

Jason reached for her hand and leaned toward her ear; giving her the money, he whispered, "Have some fun with it, Beautiful! Let that boyfriend fuck your sweet pussy all night long too!"

Paige burst out laughing, "That's a good idea, and I'm sure Chad will appreciate your kind gesture!"

Now it was Jason's turn to laugh, "Yep, my plans always succeed; you can tell me all about it later! Maybe you and Marie could have lunch with Sara and me?"

Paige looked at Jason carefully; his eyes were sparkling and the corners of his mouth were almost smiling, "Are you trying to put together a different kind of plan here?"

"Maybe, but it's more Sara's plan than mine!"

"Oh really!"

"Yep, but I'm pretty busy now; I have an appointment in five minutes. Talk it over with Marie; you two don't want to turn down a free lunch, do you?"

They shook hands and Paige headed back to the office; on the way she called Chad to break the news. Chad was effusive, "Ohhh Man, Babe, that's great news! Jimmy should give you a bonus!"

"I already got one bonus; Jason McCullers gave me $200! We should do dinner tonight."

"200? Wow! Yes, let's do that!"

"I'll check with my mother and call you back. By-the-way, what does your weekend look like?"

As fate would have it, Chad said, "Oh yes, just this morning Charlie Blackburn offered me his wife's ticket to the Cubs double-header on Sunday. Julie can't make it; she's got a baby-shower to attend."

A surge of hormones swept through Paige's center; Sunday afternoon looked promising now, but she faked some disappointment, "Aww, there goes our day! But...you can't turn that down. Who are the Cubs playing?"

"The Brewers, and if they can sweep both games they could be in first place by Sunday night!"

"Well, I guess I'll let you go, but only on one condition."

"And what is that?"

"That you kiss me and then shove your big, hard dick in my pussy after dinner tonight!"

Chad busted a gut, "Yeah, how can I turn THAT deal down! See you tonight...call me back."

Even though they could have gone somewhere nicer, Paige met Chad at Manino's and they splurged on lobster and shrimp scampi. When they got back to Chad's place, they put on some soft music and cuddled a good long while sipping two glasses of chablis. Right about then Paige considered telling Chad everything that was going on, but something stopped her. Later on she realized that she was just chicken-shit. The truth was she had no idea how he would react, and putting it off just felt easier than confronting it. And of course, just as she she was chickening out, Chad started kissing her and that was good because it drove the scary idea back into the far recesses of her mind. When he began fucking her (no BANGING her was more accurate,) she couldn't think of anything else anyway! She had three really good orgasms, and then Chad shot a beautiful load all over her face and tits. Oh yes, this was much better than honesty!

Saturday morning she told her mother about having plans with Marie on Sunday afternoon, and her mother (always going above and beyond the call-of-duty) asked if Marie had someone to watch Michelle; if not, Michelle could come over also. "Mom, you are just the best mother ever; did you know that?" So Paige spent the whole day with the kids and encouraged her mother to go out for some "alone-time." She had $50 left from Jason's $200 and she gave that to Mom saying it was an advance on the forthcoming commission. "Buy yourself something nice!"

At 2:30 on Sunday she knocked on Marie's door hoping she had gotten there before Robert. Nope, he answered the door, "Oh, Hi Paige! How are ya?" There was a slight grimace playing at the corners of his mouth, and Paige giggled a bit; "Hi Robert! How are things? I came to get Michelle."

As quickly as the grimace appeared, it disappeared and was replaced with a grin, "You did? Wow, okay...c'mon in!"

Michelle came running up and jumped into her arms, "Where Jamie?"

"Let's go see her, Michelle, okay?"

Marie came walking into the room about then, "Hi Sweetie, here's Michelle's diaper bag, just in case. She's been pretty good about the potty lately, but there have been one or two accidents." Paige looked at Marie with THE question all over her face. "Uh, no...I'm planning a surprise, SURPRISE!"

Paige gave her the biggest eye-roll in history, took Michelle by the hand and said, "Ooooh kay then!"

Marie laughed and whispered in her ear, "Come back at exactly 3:00; when you get here, just walk in, don't knock. I have a plan and it'll be gooood!"

She sounded so completely excited Paige didn't comment further; all the way down to her house she talked to herself, "God, what am I doing? I must be crazy to let this situation get away from me! Maybe I just need to rein the whole thing in and go back to my same ol' life?" But in her gut, she knew it would never happen; her body was in control now; the erotic intensity was accelerating and at the moment she was helpless to stop it. Glancing at her watch it was 2:55; she would have to hurry.

On the dot of 3:00 she quietly opened Marie's front door and stepped inside. Robert was totally naked on the sofa and Marie was fully clothed, kneeling between his legs. He was somewhat bouncing his ass on the cushions fucking her mouth, and Marie was sucking him off while her left hand jacked his shaft. Robert didn't notice Paige at first; his eyes were closed and he was moaning non-stop, "Holyyy Shit...Oh my Goddd...Mmm...Fuuccckkkk yesss!"

With her free hand Marie motioned Paige over to the easy chair across from the couch. Just as she sat down, Robert reached both hands behind Marie's head and pushed his dick deeper down her throat. Maybe twenty seconds later he opened his eyes and saw Paige. With a yelp of, "Holy FUCK!" he almost literally flipped backward over the top of the sofa! It looked so funny Paige couldn't help laughing; but even as she did, she shrank back into the corner of the chair from embarrassment. Robert was practically sitting on the back of the couch (his eyes wide as saucers,) while Marie wiped her mouth and grinned. "What the FUCK are you doing here, Paige?"

Before she could say anything (and not that she wanted to,) Marie interrupted, "I asked her to come back; I told her we were going to fuck, and when she said she would love to watch...I said, 'Sure, c'mon back and watch!' Is there a problem?"

Robert's eyes were darting back and forth between the two women, "Well, you never asked me now, did you?"

Marie laughed, "Would you just listen to yourself here? You and I have an understanding; our relationship is strictly for fun, right? Well, I'm happy with that; haven't we had fun?"

"I guess...But..."

Marie interrupted him, "So what's the problem then? I asked my best friend to watch; is the fun over?"

Paige could see the wheels spinning furiously in Robert's head, "Yes, BUT...this is MY friend's girl; what am I gonna say to him?"

"Nothing," Marie pointed at Paige, "that's her job if she wants to say something, isn't it?"

"Well I'm not fucking her without Chad's permission!"

"I said...she's going to watch!"

Robert sat there for a moment; his cock wilting by about half, and Marie noticed it. She reached for it and began stroking it like it was her pet cat or something. Robert looked down at his dick, then he looked over at Paige.

She shrugged, still embarrassed, "Like she said, Rob, this is just for fun. Chad went to the game and Marie and I were going to hang out today. But here you are and I've never done anything like this before...and Marie and I both like to explore, and..." Marie froze! Robert's eyes were bugging right out of his head! She looked at Marie and mouthed the word, "Oops!"

"What the hell does that mean? What have you two been doing?"

Marie kept right on stroking him, "What? We're friends...friends talk, ya know!"

"No, I'm not stupid; she said you're exploring...she did not mean talking!" Robert's eyes moved back and forth between the two women, and like a ton of bricks the truth slammed into his brain! "Ohhh Myyy Godddd; you two have been fucking each other!"

Paige absolutely felt like disappearing into the chair; she covered her face with her hands and felt like she could die! Nothing was said for several long seconds, but she peeked from between her fingers at Marie who was now using two hands on Robert's cock and balls. She seemed totally unfazed by Robert's revelation; in fact, even as he said it, she said back to him, "I would think you'd love that idea, Robbie! Two hot women, certainly bi-sexual, who want to share some fun with their guy friend, Hmmm? Isn't this beautiful dick of yours in love with this idea?"

Robert's cock was almost completely hard again; Marie ran her tongue up and down on it, and he stifled a moan, "Uhh, Mmm... well..." Marie sucked him in again, "FUCKKKK...Mmm...uhhh...Oh my Goddd, Uhhh!"

Marie pulled off, stroked him, and giggled, "You like that, don't you? You don't want to spoil a good thing now, do you?" And she sucked him in again!

Robert's eyes rolled into the back of his head, "Ohhh Godddddd, you two bitches...Holy Fucckkkk...Mmmm!"

Marie pulled off again, "Just remember one thing, Robbie...you don't say a word to Chad; Paige will tell him everything when she's ready...understood?" And she sucked him in again!

Robert could only nod and then he kinda gurgled, "Yeahh, Mmmm...okay...I...Oh my Godd, Ungghhh!" Sliding back down off the back of the couch, Robert began flicking at one of his own nipples with one hand, and reaching for Marie's left tit with the other; Marie was fondling his balls and her mouth was really REALLY working over the cut head of his dick!

Then Marie pulled off him again; a string of saliva clung to her lower lip as she said to Paige, "Relax now, Sweetie! Just enjoy it, he's not going to say anything!"

Paige almost didn't hear her! Robert was being very vocal, which she loved; and since she was aware of what Marie's tongue was capable of doing, when Robert started going, "Ungg, ungg, Unggg...UNGGG!" she knew Marie was flicking his number one sensitive spot!

For sure he was going to explode any second, and that bitch Marie must have felt his balls tightening because she stopped him, "Oh no you're not! You're not getting off THAT easy! I'm gonna make you suffer some more so Paige gets a good, long look!" Marie climbed up into his lap, and leaned into his face for what soon became a torrid kiss! Robert was holding onto her ass as she straddled him, and Paige was rapidly overheating while watching Marie's tongue plunge over and over into Robert's mouth! He almost looked like he was having trouble keeping up!

At this point she couldn't keep quiet anymore; "Oh my Godd!" Paige breathed, "That kissing is sooo HOT! I love it!"


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