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Agents of Pleasure Ch. 13

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Paige and Chad both agree priorities are important!
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Part 13 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/06/2024
Created 08/26/2017
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When Paige walked through the back door, her watch said she'd been gone almost two hours and the kitchen was empty. She could hear the TV was on in the living room. As always her mother had put her dinner in the microwave, and while it was warming, she poured herself a glass of lemonade.

As she was setting the food down on a TV table, her mother said, "Goodness, that took a while!"

"Yes, I got into a back and forth with a client, but in the end we reached an agreement."

"Honestly Honey, I've not seen you this busy since we moved here. Working this hard could end up affecting your health!"

The memory of what happened with Charlie Green in her office flashed before her eyes; she smiled, "I don't think that will happen, Mom. But anyway, you do realize the busier I am, the more successful too, right?"

"By successful you mean wealthy?"

"That would be number one, yes!"

"I never argue with fat bank accounts, but for me my family's health is priority one! Just be sure you're taking care of yourself!"

"Mom, I love you; you are amazing, but I do want to repeat myself from this morning. I want YOU to take care of YOURSELF also, deal?"

Trudy turned and faced her daughter more directly, "I am very happy right now!"

"Okay, just don't think your future is settled, you're not so old that you can't dream anymore!"

"I think we'll see what the future holds, but thank you for the insight!"

"Final Jeopardy" was just ending as Paige finished her plate. After looking in on the sleeping little ones and checking in with the girls, she stripped and put on a nightshirt, picked up her phone, and stepped out onto the front porch for some "alone" time. Sitting on the swing and thinking through the last several days, she murmured to herself "God, what's gonna happen next?" That made her giggle to herself, but it also knocked over the domino thought, "Oh yes, Chad and I just said Saturday, no more secrets!"

She lifted the phone and tapped out a text, "Long long day, my Love! How was yours?"

A minute later the response was, "Great! Nice conversation with Virginia Steadman. I hear you're meeting her tomorrow?"

"Yes, 9:00 am in River Oaks."

"She likes you; she flat out said so. You haven't even met her yet."

"She's friends with Sara McCullers, connect the dots!"

"You've just officially moved from 'hot little momma' to 'scorching sexy MILF!'"

Paige laughed and called him, "You silly doofus! I was ALWAYS scorching!"

"No shit! I like yanking your chain!"

"I'm calling you because I wouldn't mind some time together, but it was such a long day I'm going to bed early. Can we make a date for tomorrow night?"

"I think I can clear my schedule!"

"You're such a DOOFUS!"

"Yeah, but you love me; c'mon over when you're ready!"

"I do love you!"

"I Love you too! See ya tomorrow night! Shall I have my love-making equipment ready?"

"You better!"

She had considered telling him about Charlie Green right then, but decided face-to-face would be better. The next thought made her smile, "I'll get naked...THEN tell him!"

Thirty minutes later she crawled into bed, and as she did Charlie's words came flooding back to her, "When you lay your head down on the pillow tonight, you'll start thinking about whether or not your pussy will be able to take the fucking that my cock can deliver!" The words were so clear that for a moment, she actually thought he was in the room speaking them.

"Oh my God!" she whispered to herself, "That mother-fucker is right, dammit!" Under the sheet she reached for her titties and squeezed them. The familiar erotic shiver lit her up, and of course her pussy responded to it! What WOULD it feel like to have that fucking monster dick slide into her hole? THAT thought made shudder!

When she awoke the next morning, it wasn't even a minute and the same thought was still hanging there! Charlie had said, "Don't obsess, you'll get another chance!" She sat up on the edge of the bed; her mother was up already, so she wouldn't hear when Paige said out loud, "No obsessing, you hear me, Brain?"

The shower felt great and she washed her hair. Blow-drying, make-up, check! What to wear for Ginny Steadman? She briefly considered going all in on business attire, but ultimately settled for her "Italian/Tuscany look" with slacks, stylish blouse, and best sandals.

The first house on the docket did not not have a security gate, Ginny Steadman didn't specify. It was, however, two minutes from the McCullers and four minutes from the State Bank where Jack Steadman worked. When Paige pulled up in the driveway on the dot of 9:00, Ginny was already there.

"Hi there! You must be Ginny; I'm Paige!"

"Paige, so nice to meet you! It's a beautiful day isn't it?"

"It certainly is; I'm not sure it could be better! Thank you so much for choosing Hannigan Realty, I hope we can meet your expectations!"

"We're off to a good start, Paige; I like the look of this house already! Right off the top, what are they asking for it?"

"$310,000. I was here late last week and it seems like it's in great shape; very well-maintained, and the landscaping is perfect! How do you like the location?"

"It's in a great spot, that's for sure! I like the curb appeal and I REALLY like the access. This driveway is perfect! We love to entertain and one could easily fit ten cars on this drive, if our two are in the garage!"

Because Ginny chose the word "entertain," Paige's mind flashed ahead to the swinger group that the Steadmans were certainly a part of. She took that moment to make an assessment of Ginny Steadman's appearance. First off, the agent would have guessed her new client's age somewhere in the late 40's. She wasn't dressed sharp like Sara McCullers always was, but she did look cute in her capri pants and collared but sleeveless blouse. Her shoulder length hair was black and it had dark blue highlights; vaguely reminding Paige of Marie's hair; but today, Ginny had hers pulled back in a ponytail. Her eyes were dark brown and her figure was very nice. A closer look showed a pooch in her belly indicating childbirth, and her boobs were well-proportioned to her body, perhaps a "C" cup.

"Let's take a walk around the outside of this house," said Ginny, "I want to see the yard before we even go inside." When they got there, she was a bit surprised, "Oh this is a great Patio, but there's no pool!"

"Paige's heart jumped into her throat, "Uh, Ginny, I don't believe a swimming pool was on your list."

"I'm pretty sure it was, Hmm..."

The redheaded agent set her briefcase on the patio wall and looked for the printed copy of the email, "No, I'm looking...a swimming pool isn't mentioned," she handed the paper to her client, "but, if it's that important, we can go to my car and pull up some more listings?"

Ginny scanned the letter, "Oh bother, I plainly made a mistake! I really like this place too!"

"Let's go inside and see what you think; then we can make a decision."

Inside, the kitchen was fabulous, but the living room was smaller than she would have liked and the fireplace was dated. The master bedroom was fine, and its bathroom was very good; but the second bathroom was small and she didn't like the tub/shower combination.

"How unfortunate; but let's go see the other house, no sense getting too worked up over the first one we look at, right?"

The second house was four minutes farther down on the same road. The front of the house was basically the same as the other one. When Paige got out of her car she said, "Okay then, this house DOES have a pool! There's a picture and it's kidney shaped!"

They walked around back, the pool was a good size, but the patio was smaller as a result. "How do you like this yard, Ginny?"

"Not bad, I think it would be easier to expand the patio rather than build a pool. This one looks very nice!"

"Let's go inside!"

Indoors, this house had been upgraded. But despite that, they couldn't or didn't change the second bathroom; and again, the second and third bedrooms were small.

"Are you making notations, Paige?"

"I am, and I'm getting the feel of what you're looking for. Pardon me for saying it, but these two houses aren't it! Is that good grammar?"

Ginny laughed, "No one can expect the perfect place to fall into our laps right out of the box! I remember you said there was a third house?"

"I don't think we should even try it. The square footage is less than these first two."

"Then I agree, let's skip it and you go back to work and see what you can find. I'm kind of thirsty, Paige; what would you think if we go get a drink, go over these ideas together, then we try for another day this week?"

"That sounds wonderful! There's a Chile's about a mile from here on Main Street. We can sit at the bar and talk about the details."

"I'll meet you there!"

Being that it was 11:00 o'clock and they had just opened, Chile's wasn't crowded. Paige got a club soda and Ginny ordered a daiquiri. It didn't take more than five minutes to edit the details of what the Steadmans wanted, and Paige put the paperwork back in her briefcase.

"I don't have to be anywhere until after lunch; what about you?" her new client asked.

"Same, I thought we'd be busy looking at the third house; but this is nice, maybe I'll get some lunch here 'to go.'"

Ginny took another sip of her drink and swiveled her chair to face Paige more directly. "Now that we have the business side of things settled for the moment, may I ask you a personal question?" She put her drink down and folded her hands in front of her chin.

The redhead blushed; her pulse quickened; "Uh, sure! What is it?"

Her brunette client smiled at her above her hands, "I deliberately told you that we spent Sunday at the McCullers. Does that raise any questions in your mind?"

Paige blushed even redder, "Actually it does; Sara said that in her lifestyle, discretion was one of the first rules!"

Ginny Steadman laughed; it was genuine and warm. She had one of those laughs that Paige would have classified as "cute!" "I've known Sara for several years, and I can tell you she is totally committed to discreet. But, within our small circle of friends, she DOES love to tell stories!"

Paige giggled (but she was still blushing,) So I'm guessing she told you a story from Friday afternoon?"

"Oh yes! She told quite a 'tale!'"

The redhead nodded, "And how detailed was this 'tale?'"

"Let me put it this way, she was very explicit! You and your friend Marie were exceptional lovers as I understand it!"

That made Paige shiver, "I'm guessing that sharing adventures like that is one form of entertainment in the swing lifestyle?"

"It definitely is! If you like, I can share a story about a get-together we had six months ago."

"Go ahead, I like stories!"

Ginny picked up her drink again, "Our group had rented a ski lodge up in Wisconsin for a weekend. One of those days it was snowing heavily; so late in the afternoon, we built a fire in the main room, mixed some drinks, and Connie Landon came up with the idea of sharing experiences. In this case it had to be a story about a group sex encounter each of us had before we ever thought about swinging."

"Oh my! That sounds like it could make for a fun night!"

She laughed again, "For sure! I wouldn't be telling you about it if that night turned out to be dull!"

"So, what happened?"

"That was one of those times where everyone was in the same room when the fun started! Those stories were such a turn-on, I was fanning myself right from the start!"

Paige shivered again, "Wow, I can imagine! Maybe Sara will use our Friday lunch date for one of those story times!"

"THAT was what I told her!" laughed Ginny, "at the very least, she could tell it at one of our 'ladies only' get-togethers!"

"You have 'ladies only' parties?"

"Once or twice a year, yes! The last one was a weekend get-away we had last year."

"Oh my God, I bet a few good stories came out of that one too!"

Ginny's eyes flashed at her, "Oh yes, quite often I'll tell one of them to my husband when we're alone. He goes crazy when I do!"

"My fiance probably would too! He's already very accepting of my relationship with Marie."

"Sara told me they invited you and Marie to one of our parties. Do you plan to attend?"

"I'm undecided at this point; I can't see it happening very soon. Chad and I are getting married next month and there's a lot of planning to do."

"Understandable, does Chad know about our group?"

"Yes, we don't keep secrets any more; we used to, but that was creating a lot of problems."

Ginny nodded, "I get that for sure; I had an affair early in our marriage...with an ex-boyfriend. It almost split us up, but when we decided to share things honestly, that affair was the catalyst that led us into swinging. Our group is not huge; we rarely go to swing-clubs (although it has happened,) but this is small-town-America...we don't advertise and we're very selective on who joins the group. It's been over a year since Adam and Jane Polecki joined us."

"Adam and Jane? Really? Don't they own the bakery just down the street from here?"

"That's them! But remember, what we say here, stays here. At some point, your names will get around to them; but let THEM bring up the subject to you first, okay?"

"I don't know the Poleckis very well, but we are on a first-name basis when I go into their store." Paige looked at her watch, "Ginny, we could talk all afternoon, but I do need to go."

"I do too. You do your thing with our new search parameters and give me a call when you're ready."

"Twenty-four to forty-eight hours should do it; I'll make it priority one!"

The women got up to leave, "This is on me, Paige! Give my regards to your fiance, and I might add I'm looking forward to meeting him!"

Paige smiled, "You ladies are too much! I love it!"

When she got home at 4:30, she poked her head in the girls' room to say hi, "Okay, this is a mess; let's take twenty minutes together and get it cleaned up." It took thirty! After that (out in the back yard,) Jimmy and Jamie were petting the neighbor's dog through the fence. Paige spent ten minutes chatting with (older than Trudy) Gloria so the kids could play with her dog. Of course, THEN she had to fend off five more minutes of Jimmy bugging her to get a dog!

Back in the house, all four girls helped in the final preparations for supper; for some reason her mother had gone all out on this meal, pot roast! "What's the occasion, Mom?"

"No occasion, I was feeling ambitious!"

"You're going to spoil us!"

"Call the kids in from the yard, and wait til you see what's for dessert!"

"Oh my God!"

When the incredible meal was over, Trudy took over the little ones, and Paige had some "mom/daughter time" with the girls. Actually, she wanted to grill Olivia on how she was doing with the "boys thing," but she hoped she could be subtle about it. No such luck! During that conversation she must have heard "Oh Mom!" at least four times!

After reading to the two youngest for fifteen minutes, they got ready for bed and she finally headed out to the porch. Her mom was in the rocker. "So how did your day go? Bank account get any fatter?"

Paige snorted, "It wasn't the best," and she told her how expectations were not clearly communicated. While relating that story, her phone binged.

When she opened the message, her mom said, "Is that from Chad?"

Fibbing just a small white one, her daughter said, "Yes, he wants me to come over and discuss some options for the addition."

Her mother looked at her over the top of her glasses, "Why doesn't HE come over HERE?"

"It's quieter over there."

Trudy burst out laughing, "What do you take me for? A dingbat?"

Paige got up and kissed her on the cheek, "Never!"

Her mom said, "Oh, go on with you and have your fun!"

Walking up to the front door, it opened before she could knock. "I saw your car pull up, Babe; c'mon in. I'm gonna have a lime margarita, want one?"

"I'd love one!"

"Be right back."

She went in and sat down on the sofa. The thought flashed across her mind that maybe it would surprise him if she stripped naked. "No," she said to herself, "unwinding with a drink sounds better right now." There had been a running dialog in her head all day about how to tell him about Charlie Green, but she had not settled on anything specific. "This shouldn't be that hard," she said to the empty room, "We've confessed three or four things already this month!"

Chad came back carrying the drinks and handed her one, "Did you say something?"

She switched into "fibbing mode," "Yeah, I was thinking that it was a beautiful night. and it would be great to have these drinks on my porch!"

He smiled at her, "That WOULD be great; it won't be long now!"

"I can't wait!" Paige took a sip of her drink, "Mmm, this tastes awesome!"

"I got a new blender; it has an attachment for crushing ice," he sipped his, "perfect!" They briefly went over the business parts of their day, and Paige told him about the bedroom set she found. "Why don't you send me the link to that?" he asked, "but I'm sure your choice will be just fine!"

"Will do, but hey, I did have a conversation with Virginia Steadman today; she's the one who was referred to me by the McCullers. We saw two houses (which didn't work out,) but then we had drinks just before lunch. We got into a discussion about their swing group; very enlightening!"

"Who started it?"

"She did, they were with Jason and Sara on Sunday, and Sara told her about Marie and me."

"What was her reaction to that?"

Paige looked at him like, "Duhh!" and she giggled, "How do you THINK she reacted?"

Chad chuckled, "Yeah, everyone would like to have been a fly-on-the-wall at that encounter!"

The redhead snuggled up closer to him, "Know what, Chad?"


"I really REALLY love turning you on sometimes!"

"You do huh?"

"Yes, when you get aroused, this little look creeps into your eyes and I'm like 'Whoops, there it is!' Know what else?"

"No, what?"

"I'm guessing your big cock is stirring in your pants!"

He took another hit from his margarita and put the glass down, "Good guess!" then he leaned over and kissed her. It was a great "first kiss of the night!" Paige had to hold her glass away from them or it would have spilled for sure!

Thirty seconds later he leaned back, Paige said, "God, you really know how to make a girl feel wanted, my Love!"

"That was my 'I'll love you forever' kiss,' good, right?"

She put her drink down, "Exceptional, may I have another?" They made out for two more minutes. Paige's pussy was creaming and she brushed her hand over Chad's bulge and giggled into his mouth, "Mmm, yeah, I'm gonna want that big dick fucking me tonight; seems like it's good to go!"

His eyes flashed at her, "I'm in a big-time pussy eating mood too; like maybe some face-sitting is in order!"

"You REALLY DO know just what to say!" He was about to kiss her again when she put her hand on his chest and stopped him. "But...before we do this, there is something I want to talk about."


"Yeah, something else happened that you need to know; no secrets, right?"

Chad looked at her quizzically, "Right, Uhh...what is it?"

"I've been trying to think how to tell you all day; do you want me to beat around the bush first, or just tell you straight out?"

Chad chuckled, "What kind of question is that? Yeah, Paige, beat around the bush first...that's what I want!"

Paige laughed, "Yeah, that does sound dumb, it is; I kinds/sorta had sex with a client yesterday!"

"You what?"

"You heard me," she smiled, "he didn't fuck me, but we did just about everything else!"

As best she could, Paige put a soft-pleading type expression on her face; it looked so 'puppy-dog' that Chad couldn't help but smile. "This is pretty unreal," he finally said, "Our lives were SO predictable two months ago, but NOW?"


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