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"How about going to our favorite sushi place?"

She smiled. "Cool! I'm down for that."

The restaurant was on Solano Avenue, and they sat at a table by the window, watching the cars and pedestrians pass by. She munched on a California roll and washed it down with sake. "Yummy!"

Peter beamed. "I remember the first time I took you here. You were in heaven. So, you're doing yoga, working out, getting back into camping and hiking. What about the environmental volunteering you were doing?"

"That's sort of on hold while I wrap up all this stuff at work. Deadlines," she replied, shaking her head. "But I want to get back to the eco-stuff soon. Yeah, last summer I helped this nonprofit build and install solar panels on houses. It was cool. We also put together composts at various farms and homes and did a lot of recycling. In fact, I was the lead coordinator of the outreach team. We canvassed a lot of cities and concentrated especially on low-income communities of color. We educated them about the importance of recycling. I contributed on a documentary on global warming but work sucked me up halfway through and I had to bail out. I felt bad but donated some money for the film to be made."

"That was nice of you."

"Thanks. It was the least I could do, I thought. I'll send you a link to this organization. They're doing great things for the earth. Oh, did I tell you I had job interviews at Habitat for Humanity and Greenpeace?"

"No. How'd it go?"

She ate another California roll. "Well, they both went good but Habitat decided to rehire an ex-employee with more experience and Greenpeace also found someone more qualified." She sighed. "It's real competitive out there."

"Sorry to hear that. Keep trying, Alex."

She drank some more sake. "I will. How's your family?"

"Good. They miss you and miss your fabulous lumpia and pancid."

She smiled. "Thanks. Did your mom use that recipe I gave her?"

"She did but she says the way you make it is better."

Alejandra chuckled. "Well, I'll have to make some more for them."

"I'm going to hold you to that."

"Oh, shoot! An unwritten contract here. Sure, why not!"

"In fact, we're having a birthday party for my sister in a few weeks. You can make it then."

"Okay. Did you like that Brazilian restaurant I took you to for your birthday?"

"Yes! That sausage was excellent."

"My uncle's owner of that place now."

"Does that mean I can get a free lunch there?"

She laughed, drinking sake. "I'll ask. So how's your love life?"

Peter ate an eel roll. "How blunt!"

"Just curious! Haven't seen you in ages."

He shot her a mischievous smile. "Well, it's for you to find out."

They strolled down Solano, doing a little window shopping here and there. "Wanna go for a drink?" he asked.

They passed by a loud biker bar. An AC/DC song blared from the speakers. After taking a peek inside, she shook her head. "How about something a little more chill?"

They walked past a few more bars but none piqued their interest. So finally, they bought a six-pack of Guinness from a grocery store and headed for her place. They sat on the couch, drank beer, and relaxed. She was dressed in a dark tank top, tight blue shorts, and her Birkenstocks. The windows were open but the apartment was still warm and stuffy.

She drank some beer. "How you feelin'?"

"Good." His head was resting on a cushion and he turned to look at her. "What about you?"

"This heat's making me sleepy. . .you know, Peter, we had some good times together. Fun times. . .but it went by so fast."

He drank some beer, reflecting. "Yeah, it did. I think we rushed into a relationship too quick, we were young. Looking back, it would've been nice if we had slowed the pace a little and enjoyed the moment more, you know?"

She nodded. "But overall it was still fun. I don't regret it." She looked at him. "Do you?"

He shook his head. "Nope. You were my coolest girlfriend, the most fun, the most adventurous. And not just sexually, I might add."

She laughed. "Adventurous! I think I'm adventurous when it comes to traveling and doing crazy things. I've gone to different countries by myself and did wild things, like bungee jumping, sky diving, attended raves, rode a wild horse."

"Did you experiment sexually when you were traveling alone?" he asked curiously.

She laughed again. "That's private stuff, buddy!"

"C'mon, I'm a close friend!" he said, joining in on the laughter. "You can confide in me."

"Can I?" she asked, continuing to laugh. "I don't know. . .actually, I think I did the most experimental stuff with you. Those books helped. . .but sexually adventurous? How did we ever get on this topic anyway? Why do guys always think about sex?"

"We do not always think of sex!" he protested jokingly.

"You do, too! Horny bastards!" she said, chuckling. "My parents really liked you. They thought you were the model son-in-law: responsible, organized, confident, goal-oriented, and traditional. You made a good impression. To this day, they still ask about you."

"I still get Christmas cards from them."

"My siblings all liked you, too. They got along great with you."

Peter looked into her big brown eyes. "Could it work again, Alejandra?" he asked seriously.

She returned a steady gaze, smiling. "Maybe. . .what do you think?"

"Let's find out," he whispered and sat closer to her and kissed her passionately on her full lips. Soon, they embraced tightly and the kissing turned into deep French kissing. He kept sticking his tongue into her mouth. He kissed her nose and forehead. She was about to take her black, horn-rimmed glasses off but he stopped her.

"Leave those sexy glasses on," he whispered devilishly.

She sat in his lap and they continued French kissing. Soon, he ripped off her tank top and shorts and fondled her medium-sized breasts with their large, dark nipples. He leaned closer and sucked on them like a baby. Then he worshipped her thick body, playing with her big booty, slapping it. After she helped undress him, she stroked his long, giant dick with her hand before sucking it. As she went down faster and faster, he closed his eyes and moaned. Alejandra licked his balls sensually and he kept saying, "Oooooooooh, Alex, Ooooooooooh, Alex!"

She led him to her room where they jumped onto the bed together, causing it to shake violently. "Whoa!" she said, laughing. She sat in his lap again and they French kissed passionately. Their bodies were both warm and sweaty. Her body smelled like Coppertone. He ran his fingers through her thick black hair. Shortly, those same fingers made their way down to her big brown ass cheeks and fondled them. He split her cheeks open repeatedly and she chuckled.

She smiled at him and asked, "You like that, don't you, you horny boy?"

"You really perfected that butt at the gym. I bet all the guys want to grab it."

They knelt down on the bed, with him behind her. He rubbed his big cock against her ass before sliding it smoothly into her wet and ready pussy. The faster and harder he pumped she moaned loudly, clutching onto his thighs. Her glasses started to fog up.

He went even faster and said, "I'm gonna cum, baby!"

"Okay." They climaxed shortly and her feverish moans got even louder.

When she woke up in the morning she found Peter still sleeping next to her. She leaned up on one elbow and watched him for a while, smiling. It was beautiful to see him sleeping. He seemed so calm and at peace. His chest slowly rose up and down with each breath, his lips sealed perfectly. When his closed eyelids flitted she watched in fascination, wondering what he was dreaming about.

Moments later, he awakened, surprised to see her watching. "Did I snore?" he asked, chuckling.

She laughed. "You know, you're the only guy I slept with that doesn't snore."

"So obviously I score bonus points with you."

"Definitely!" The laughter continued.

He looked up at her big brown eyes and said, "So I guess it's gonna work out after all, huh?"

"Unless you had someone else in mind."

He whispered sexily into her ear, "I only want you."

After they showered, they stood before one of the bedroom windows and hugged each other tightly. She towered over him just a little, her smooth, bare feet touching his. His hands caressed her wide, long back, and then grabbed her butt, fondling it. When his fingers probed deeper between her big cheeks, they French kissed each other again. Her full lips smothered him with kisses. There was so much tongue thrusting back and forth! She looked down and saw his giant, erect manhood. They soul kissed for a while longer before the open window. Then he sat in a chair and she knelt before him and sucked his dick hungrily. She licked his large balls.

Looking out the window Peter saw a man watching them from an apartment across the street. Before he could get a good look at the gentleman he disappeared.

Alejandra's big lips clamped around his penis like a vise. The faster she went he moaned, caressing her head and running his fingers through her short black hair. Her warm, wet mouth felt so good!

"Can I be on top?" he asked.


She lied down on the bed and spread her legs. After mounting her, Peter pumped his cock inside her big vagina faster and faster. She moaned loud and deep, straddling her huge, muscular legs around him tightly.

"No escape, sweetie," she whispered, shooting him a naughty grin.

As she kept moaning, he fondled and licked her breasts and large nipples. Moments later, they experienced the most fantastic orgasm, both smiling widely.

She kissed him like a hungry animal and said, "That was fucking awesome!!"

* * *

Alejandra and Joel went to another open mic at an Irish pub in North Oakland. After the show, they grabbed dinner at a German restaurant down the street.

"That was fun," he said, drinking some beer.

"Yeah, that was." She raised her eyebrows at him. "You're a great guitarist! You should put an album together. You've got enough songs."

"Only if you collaborated with me."

She ate some sausage. "I'm not very good, Joel."

"You are good. Don't under estimate yourself. You've got a solid voice, good rhythm. You're a lot better than some people I've jammed with. And you're a killer harmonica player!"

She blushed. "Thanks. . .well, let me think about it. I wouldn't want to mess up a CD for you."

"You won't," he said confidently, touching her hand. He stroked it gently and abruptly stopped. "Sorry."

"It's okay."

They looked at each awkwardly. Later, the two called it a night. Before they went separate ways, she handed him a plastic bag at his SUV. "Here's my world famous lumpia," she said, laughing. "Let me know what you think."

He hugged her and replied, "I sure will."

Several weeks passed. After returning from the backpacking trip, she hit the grind at the laboratory again. More testing, experiments, analysis, and data entry. Fun, fun, fun, she thought. She longed for another hiking and camping trip, to get out of this concrete and steel jungle and to be with nature once more. To see the lush, green forests, waterfalls, tranquil lakes, and raging rivers. Cell phones, computers, and cars were really getting to her.

"So where do you want to go next, sexy scientist?" Dan asked.

She put some corn on a Petri dish, examining it under a microscope. "Backpacking in Peru. Scuba diving in the Caribbean sounds fun, too."

"How about camping up by Eureka? We're planning a trip for that."

"The redwoods?"

"Yep. You game?"

"I'm down." She studied another dish.

"It was nice meeting Peter. He's a really cool guy."

She looked up, smiling. "Yeah, he is. And he's mine!"

Dan chuckled and said, "I'll tell my brother you're not available anymore."

She stayed longer at the gym this time, pushing herself through a brutal work out. After doing some cardio, she focused on her butt, thighs, and calves again. She worked on her upper body yesterday. Wearing a sleeveless Sierra Club shirt and tight shorts she finished a set on the leg press machine. Next, it was the leg curl machine. When she was done working on her calves, she helped spot a guy bench pressing. Another fellow, knowing that she was a regular, asked her for workout tips.

After showering, she rode her bike home.

On Friday afternoon after work, Alejandra shopped at the local grocery store that specialized in natural and organic foods. She even bought a new yoga mat and a book on meditation. There was a section on health and sexuality, and when no one was looking, she peeked through a book on different sexual positions. She kept looking around her as she flipped through it. She slipped it into her basket. She felt a little embarrassed when the cashier picked up the book and scanned it at the register.

After dropping off the groceries at her apartment, she biked to a political and environmental bookstore in Berkeley to attend a lecture on cleaning up San Francisco Bay. She saw some familiar faces from work, the gym, and places she had volunteered at at the event. When the speakers were finished she wrote her name and contact information on a clipboard that was circulating around the room.

"So you're going to help cleanup the Bay, too, huh?" Joel asked sarcastically.

She turned around in her chair and saw him sitting two rows behind her.

"Hey," she said, smiling. "I didn't even see you! Yes, I'm going to do my part to fight the evil oil companies."

"Isn't it tragic what happened? All that oil going into the Bay," he said, shaking his head.

"Yep. Did you enlist?"

"Yes. Hey, you wanna go over to my house and jam a little? I'm still trying to convince you to work on this album with me."

Alejandra glanced at her watch, thinking. "Uhh, okay. It won't take too long, right? 'Cause I'm meeting a friend later tonight."

"We can make it a short session. How's that sound?"

"Okay. How did you like my lumpia?"

He smiled. "Delicious!"

* * *

Joel owned a house just off of Telegraph Avenue in the Temescal area of Oakland. The basement had been converted into a music studio, complete with various instruments, speakers and amplifiers, and the latest technological equipment. She petted his pit as he set things up. When the dog started growling, however, she backed off immediately.

"Uhh, does he bite?" she asked quickly.

"Never had a problem with him." He looked at the pit. "Owen, come over here." The dog trotted over to him and he patted its large head. "Sorry about that. I'll go lock him up."

When Joel returned downstairs, he locked the door to the basement. When he did that a strange feeling hit Alejandra. Something didn't feel right. She was getting weird vibes about being locked down in the cellar with him. Just the two of them. With no one to hear her screams or cries for help. . .maybe it was nothing, maybe she was just thinking too much. Was it all in her head? He said the basement was soundproof.

They sat down and played their guitars. She was wearing a dark sweatshirt, tight blue shorts, and Birkenstocks. That strange feeling shot through her again when she caught Joel looking at her humungous, muscular thighs. They looked like tree trunks. Alejandra told herself to just get up and leave. Right now. But something held her back. Her ego told her she was overreacting and imagining things. Relax, be calm, stop worrying! He's a friend.

As she sang and played, she turned her head to him a few minutes later and caught him staring at her legs once more. Suddenly, she stopped playing, got up, and headed for the stairs.

"Hey, where you going?" he asked, going after her.

"I gotta go."

"But we just got here. What's the matter?"

"I have to go."

When she unlocked the door he asked, "What's wrong? Please tell me."

As she opened the door he touched her brawny arm. "Don't touch me!" she said.

He grabbed her arm, trying to drag her back into the basement. "What? I'm not good enough for you? I'm not cute enough?" he asked angrily. "Well, I'm gonna teach you a lesson!"

He managed to pull her back to the studio, locking her arms behind back. Before he could handcuff her wrists she broke free, spun around, and punched him hard in the face. When he tried to jump her she stepped aside and he landed on the ground. He quickly grabbed her muscular calf, pulled hard, and she fell on her ass. Joel leaped on top of her chest, pinning her arms to the floor. She tried to get up but he held her down pretty good.

His blue eyes glared at her. "I'm gonna teach you a lesson!" He shot her a naughty grin.

Alejandra tried to get up again, tried to fight back but his weight anchored her down. With one hand he tried to rip off her sweatshirt. Mustering all her strength, she finally broke free from his grip and punched him in the face. He fell backwards. Pushing her black, horn-rimmed glasses up her nose, she kicked him twice in the balls, causing him to scream in pain.

As he crawled into a corner of the basement she followed him slowly, glaring at him. He was trapped now as she stood towering over him, her fists clenched tightly at her side. She saw him shaking in fear as he looked at her thick, muscular body.

Peter came to her apartment for dinner that night. She made him grilled salmon and a nice, healthy salad. For desert, she baked him a cherry pie. His favorite.

"Thanks for an excellent meal," he said.

"You're very welcome."

He thought for a moment, the expression on his face turning grave. "I'm so sorry about what happened. . .what a complete loser. . .pathetic. I hope the law locks him up for a long time."

Alejandra drank some wine. "Me, too. Apparently, he has a history of doing this to women. . .he'd meet them online and did terrible things. Stalk them, etc."

Peter shook his head in disgust. He looked into her big brown eyes. "Are you sure you're okay, babe?"

She nodded. "Now, let's talk about something else."

"Like what?"

She smiled at him mischievously. "Let's chat about sex."


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