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Aliens Abduct College Girls

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A group of college girls get abducted by desperate aliens.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sexual situations.


On a hot summer night in Kansas; Samantha and four of her college girlfriends sat around a nice warm campfire, roasting marshmallows and talked about sex. This was a highly talked about banter between the girls since they were now in their sexual primes and sex was a big part of their lives. At the moment; all four girls were explaining their most recent sexual escapades, some with their boyfriends and some not.

In the group; Sam was considered the normal to the others with her average sexual life but she didn't mind heard all the stories from the others. Sam was a 22 year old woman; 5.5 feet tall, light brown hair, a slim athletic body and lovely D cup boobs. Sam talked about how she and her boyfriend had discussed about spicing their sex life up and were thinking of experimenting a little. They had been a couple since they started college and have only been through the basics of sex but not into the further experimental reaches. Sam's boyfriend thought of bringing in another girl to make it a threesome but Sam wasn't sure about sharing her man with anyone and keeping him to herself. Sam thought of bringing toys for them both to play with on each other, but her boyfriend thought that meant that he would have to take something up his ass. It was a little difficult to open up sexually but deep down, Sam thought that if she ever went far enough, she wouldn't be able to stop or go back to the norm.

Lana; whom was the queen bee of the group loved telling her sex stories to the group on a nearly daily basis. In her story she was telling now; she told the girls that she had recently lost her anal virginity to her boyfriend and how it felt. She said that it was uncomfortable at first, but then it got better after her ass adjusted to his cock and how lube was also a helpful tool to have for anal play. Lana was the tallest in the group; standing almost a few inches over Samantha, she had a beautiful body too with her DD cup boobs and an ass that drew the eyes of every guy around. Lana had curves in all the right places and a very athletic build as she had been part of the swim team since high school. Sam had always seen Lana as a girl's girl, beautiful, sexy and very flirtatious. Sam hadn't told her but she had the smallest crush on Lana but never had the nerve to say anything. And Sam wasn't exactly sure if she was into girls but she was curious.

Beside Lana; there was Sarah, whom was the blonde of the group and she talked of how she loved the feeling of her boyfriend's cock throbbing inside of her as he creamed her womb with his massive loads. She told him to never wear a condom so that she could feel his load flood her pussy and then leak out of her afterwards. She was lucky she had so many pills so she couldn't get pregnant or she would have had dozens of kids by now. Sarah said that the feeling of being cream-pied felt utterly amazing and that everyone in the group should try it. Sarah was even caressing her c-cup boobs as she thought back to her most recent experience with being cream-pied. But none of the other girls felt comfortable with it since they could actually get pregnant if they weren't safe.

Then there was Rose; the luscious red head that all the guys were after. She had the most boyfriends since she ended up either cheating on them or leaving them so that she could be with another guy that was better in bed. She had the biggest pair of boob's and ass within the group and she loved to show them off whenever she could. Even coming out earlier today; as the girls were passing two dudes in a car, she flashed them her tits and their jaws dropped. Rose's story was one that the girls had actually all seen in person but she couldn't help telling them the inner details. It started as a dare at first and the dare was for Rose to seduce a teacher from their college and sleep with him or her. And sure enough; she did that exact thing with little difficulty and they all saw it as they were in the teacher's closet watching it. Rose was the most daring of the group and wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted.

Last but not least; the new girl of the group, she was their precious little Dani girl and she was the innocent virgin among them. Dani was a little worried about having sex for the first time, as every girl was but her friends were all very supportive. Dani was no prude though; other than fucking her boyfriend, she did do other things. Dani's boyfriend got plenty of hand-jobs, blowjobs and even the occasional lap grind when Dani was thinking that this may be the time she would lose her virginity. She was getting close but she just needed that little push to send her into the deep end and let loose. Dani had short golden brown hair; a nice small and thin body but had a nice rack and bubble butt for someone so small.

All in all; these girls were poster girls of sexual perfection and desire.

But as the night went on and they told their stories; something strange occurred around them. First; there was a little breeze that started to turn into a pushing wind that circled around them. Then; from above them came a booming sound that broke through the air. The girls all stood up then and looked around to try and see what exactly was happening but they couldn't see anything. And just when they were about to get into their little van and leave; four immensely bright lights from the sky appeared. All five girls looked up but couldn't see passed the lights to see what they were coming from. The lights hitting the corn around them spun around the girls in a large circle and so they started to get scared as it came closer and center on them. The girls clung to one another and tried to keep themselves calm but as the lights had gotten closer; it seemed to not work as well as they thought. Then; the lights centered on them all and they suddenly felt weightless. Almost like they were in a pool and being held up by the water. Sam and the girls looked down to see that they were no longer standing on the ground but almost three feet off of it and continuing to slowly rise. Sam tried to go for the car just a few feet away but she couldn't move from the beam of light that seemed to be pulling her and her friends upwards. The last thing that Sam remembered was being rushed up the beam of light and seeing the ground below her. And that's when everything went dark.

After some time asleep; Sam stirred awake from her sleep and as she did, she felt completely comfortable and relaxed as if she had had the best nap ever. Sam was expecting to wake up next to her boyfriend lying next to her but then she opened her eyes to see a strange room with none-reflecting silver walls. Sam then remembered what had happened to her and the girls in the cornfield. They were sucked up by a beam of light and then her blacking out. Sam looked around to find that she was completely naked in a strange seat which warped and morphed to her comfort but she was also bound to it. Sam's hands and feet were bound and no matter how hard she pushed or pulled, her hands could not be frees. A strange thing about her binds though was that they were not hurting her; they were somehow causing her to be unharmed no matter how hard she fought. And even if Sam tried to roll off of the strange jelly-like seat, it would simply warp her in a little so that she couldn't get out. Whatever the seat was; it wasn't going to let her go anytime soon.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Sam called out but nobody responded to her calls.

Sam stopped fighting her seat and looked around the large silvery room and she saw her friends in their own individual seats just like her and they too were completely naked. Sam couldn't help but look at their bodies as they sat there in this strange place. Sam had never really seen her friends naked before and as she looked at them, she couldn't help but feel slightly aroused by them, her bi curiousness getting to her and at the worst of times.

"Lana, wake up." Sam called out as she tried to wake her sleeping friend.

"Rose; Sarah, Dani..." She waited and after a moment, her friends started to stir from their sleep. Sam let out a relieved gasp to see that her friends were alright but they were all still strapped to their seats.

A large unseen door to the left of the room then opened and Sam was shocked and very worried about what came in next. Sam thought that they had been kidnapped and were being sold into sex-slavery but what sex slavers had such good rooms and strange seats? That's when Sam saw them and her eyes went wide with disbelief in seeing what was right in front of her. There were five of them and they were around 7 feet tall, incredibly skinny and pale skinned with white cloths that acted as clothing on their chests and around their waist but not covering much at all. Sam almost couldn't believe it, but these people, these women, where clearly aliens from another planet.

"What the fuck." Sam said sheepishly as one of the alien women came towards her.

Sam and the other girls that were awake all started to get extremely scared as the aliens came close to them. Each one split up to go to a different girl and take a seat next to them with an odd floating blob of silver near their shoulders. Sam pulled against her restraints too try and release herself but she couldn't because of the seat warped itself to keep her completely trapped inside.

"Let me go." Sam said, worried that she was this alien woman's food.

Sam looked around to the other girls and saw that they were equally as scared as her, but they hadn't been hurt yet and Sam hoped they wouldn't be. The only girl that had not woken up yet was Sarah; somehow she was still asleep and hadn't even stirred a little like the other girls yet.

"Sarah, wake up." Sam said.

"Do not worry, young one. You're safe here. I am Envoy-bot-1 and I am here to help." The alien woman sitting next to Sam said in perfect English. Sam wasn't expecting that when it sat down next to her. She wasn't expecting her to talk at all; she thought that they had been chosen to be lunch for these aliens.

"You speak English?" Sam asked, clearly amazed but still scared.

"Of course; my creators gave me the ability to communicate with all species so that there would not be a communication barrier between our peoples." She explained as she placed her hand upon Sam's inner thigh.

"Okay; what's going on? Why are we here?" Sam asked and she really hoped that they weren't going to be told that they were their food or that they were going to be experimented on. Being probed by her boyfriend was one thing, but being probed by an actual alien was very different.

"Well; you see, you five girls are here to help save an alien race from going extinct." The alien said simply.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Sam asked.

"You see; my master's people were once strong and of many but their planet recently died and only a few made it off of the planet in time. So afterwards; they searched many planets to find compatible partners to breed with and your race is perfect for them because of how closely you genetically match." The alien explained but even that was enough to get Sam worried; she couldn't help them give children, she wouldn't be any alien-baby-mamma.

"Um... I don't think so." Sam said; whatever the aliens were offering, she didn't want any part of it.

"You don't have a choice in the matter young one. And don't be worried; our synthetic male organ will only fill you up with his eggs and then you will give birth to them within moments or so. You will not have to hold a single child in yourself for months as you humans normally do; only minutes as the eggs collect some genetic information. It will be quick and painless. Quite pleasing actually; we've made it so it is enjoyable for your species and will not damage you in any way." The alien woman said as she grabbed the silver blob from her side and pulled out an object that looked as if it were a syringe with three needle points.

Sam hated needles ever since she was little and she felt very afraid of being impregnated by an alien. Sam was very worried because she had just recently seen the first 'Alien' film with Sigourney Weaver and that didn't turn out well for John Hurt's character in the movie after he has an alien grow inside of him. And Sam wasn't sure if these aliens were telling the truth either.

"Now just relax okay; this will not even hurt a little. This is a strong aphrodisiac my master's people once had on their planet and it should make the process easier." The alien woman said before she injected Sam in her thigh. She was right; it didn't hurt even a little, Sam didn't even feel it as it punctured her skin and no blood or needle mark was even evident on her body afterwards.

Sam looked around the room and saw that the other girls had also been injected with the powerful aphrodisiacs. Sarah was also somehow still asleep in her seat as all of this went on and her alien woman sitting next to her seemed rather confused by Sarah still being in her sleeping state.

Then; Sam felt it hit her and the overwhelming feeling of sudden arousal came over her like a wave and took her fear away entirely.

"Oh my..." Sam said as her body ran hot; her blood pumped and her pussy begun to become wet with her juices.

"It's taking affect rather nicely, time for step two." The alien woman said as she observed Sam's pussy become wet and ready for what was next.

"What's step two?" Sam asked. She almost didn't care at the moment; she just wanted to fuck something or be fucked by something. She glanced around the room to even see the other girls writhing in the seats to either try and please themselves or try and escape so that they could fuck something just as much as Sam wanted.

"Step two is this." The alien woman pulled yet another item from the silver blob and it looked like a diaper of some sort.

Sam looked confused and the alien woman could see that and so she explained. "It's a powerful vibrating device that can be used to further stimulate you and your female species. It's to help for the entry for the synthetic male organs after they release a serum directly into your body through you womanhood." The alien woman said as she guided the alien-diaper like device to Sam's crotch. Without warning; it shot on to her dripping wet crotch and wrapped its strange tentacle like legs around her legs and waist and pulled itself in so that it was up against Sam's pussy and ass hole.

Sam felt the anticipation run over her as the device settled itself on her and awaited further command. When the device seemed to be in its final position, the alien woman ran a finger over a small button but stopped to look at Sam before she pressed the button. "Ready?" She asked.

Sam couldn't help but heave as the aphrodisiac had its way with her body. But; she found the power to nod and then the alien woman pressed the button in. Sam was instantly in a sea of bliss as the vibrations ran through her from her pussy to her midsection. They were so powerful and pleasing that it had her writhing in her seat. Her hips went up and down as if she were fucking in missionary and meeting her lovers thrust. Sam gripped the jelly seat which allowed her to and her eyes went back into her head as she tried to handle the strong vibrations of the alien device playing with her.

"Ohhh... yeah... go deep..." Sam said as she felt the device send a thin like member to explore her insides; she felt in wriggle around her pussy before it went up, passed her cervix and into her womb.

"Oh..." Sam noised, shocked as she felt the member inside of her release a warm substance inside of her womb and slowly pull out of her. Was this what it felt like to be cream-pied?

Sam let out moans and groans as her pussy was pleased in ways that she couldn't believe. As she moaned and groaned; she heard her noises of pleasure echo from the walls but they sounded odd. She looked to the side and saw that they were not her echoes of pleasure but of the other four girls in the room with her. They were all being pleased by their own diaper like alien vibrators. Lana had a big smile on her face as her vibrator pleased her and so did Sarah even though she was still sleeping. Rose was like Sam and actively fucked her vibrator against the jelly seat. As for Dani; she was just having hers placed on. She was trying not to let the aphrodisiac take hold and was trying to stop the alien woman from continuing.

"Please no; I'm a virgin. I can't lose my virginity to a synthetic alien cock. I've never even used dildos or vibrators before, please." Dani pleaded but her cries were silenced when the alien vibrating device shot to her pussy and started its immense pleasing bliss on her pussy. Dani's pleas quickly turned into squeals of pleasure as the vibrating device had its way with her like the other girls.

Sam couldn't help but get even wetter from seeing Dani, an innocent virgin getting her first sexual pleasure from the alien device. Of course it wasn't fucking her and so it wouldn't break her hymen, it was only a powerful vibrating alien thing. Although; maybe the probing member would break her hymen and take her virginity. In no time; Dani, like the others had fallen in love with the vibrations and wanted more.

Sam relaxed from the fear of impregnation and rather looked forward to it. She saw that if the vibrating device on her pussy was this great than the impregnation would be even better. After a few moments; the vibrations had gotten stronger due to the device feeding on her pussy juice like a plant does with water. Sam was moments away from orgasm when the alien women did something very unpleasing. They took them away from each girls they were about to have orgasms. Sam became angry and wanted to escape so that she could get it back but the jelly seat was still too much for her and the other girls to try and escape from.

"Why did you do that? I was about to have an orgasm." Sam wined to the alien woman; she was very disappointed as the vibrations had left her pussy along with the probing member. It was almost like they were being sexually teased and denied orgasm when they were so close to orgasm.

"Step three will now be in effect." The alien woman said. And just after that; a hole in the ceiling opened up, but for what?

Sam's unspoken question was then answered as number of slimy grey tentacles descended from the ceiling to come close in front of her, just a foot away from her legs. Sam could see that these were not tentacles belonging to an actual alien creature but rather a machine she could see through the ceiling. This was an alien sex machine that was going to impregnate Sam and the girls. That's when Sam remembered the alien woman saying something about synthetic organs, she meant synthetic tentacle cocks.

"Oh my." Sam said as she looked to all the tentacles. In the middle; there was a larger tentacle that looked to be for her pussy; another behind it for her ass but what were all the other tentacles for?

"Yes, it is very overwhelming isn't it? But do not worry, they will be gentle and pleasure you all over your body." The alien woman said.

"And look up there; do you see the large sack at the top?" The alien woman gestured to above the tentacles. Sam looked up and saw the sack; it seemed to be filled to almost bursting point with small round marble sized balls that glowed green.

"What is it?" Sam asked.

"Inside are the eggs." The alien woman said simply.

"How will they all fit inside of me?" Sam asked as she looked up to the massive sack. The amount of eggs it was going to fill her with was going to make her stomach explode. Sam couldn't hide a little fear as she looked at it, but lust was slightly overwhelming her fear. She was also wondering about the length and thickness of the tentacles and if they would be too much for her and her friends. The largest tentacle was twice the size of her boyfriend's cock in length and thickness and he was very filling enough as it was.

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