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All in The Family Ch. 01: Breeding Rose

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Incest family in Early Tennessee.
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All the characters in this story are over 18 years of age. the youngest is Daisy Mae who has just turned 19 Lee, Earl and Rose are all on their 20's. Katy is 20 and brothers Will and Ranl are in their 40s. The babies are not named and do not participate or witness any activities.

Your comments and suggestions for improvements and the next chapters are appreciated.


Young Daisy Mae was excited as she ran down the path. She had seen them in the distance and wanted to get back to the farm quickly and fix up. She ran as fast as her short legs could carry her. She knew Lee would be with his younger brother Earl. She started feeling the heat inside. Rose had told her this summer it was her turn for breeding.

Daisy felt she had waited long enough. She was 19 now. Rose had a baby, Katy had two. It was time she should start having some too. Of course they were older but why should she have to wait any longer. Lee and Earl would start breeding her a baby this summer. It was her turn.

It had been a long winter up in the cabin. Just her alone with dad, his wife Rose and the baby. Rose was Lee's older sister who had gotten pregnant a couple years back. Ranl, Rose's father had sent her off to live with Uncle Will and Daisy.

Daisy headed for her little room and the small mirror she owned. She brushed her long straight dark brown hair and decided to change out of her dirty shirt. Looking down at her nice newly grown tits she was excited. They had really blossomed in this year and she knew Lee and Earl would like them.

Daisy rubbed her cunny, it itched so bad now. She rubbed it harder trying to get a quick cum. It didn't happen. It never happened anymore. Not since she felt that hot sperm of Lee's land on her cervix last year. She needed a man's hot load now to get off. Hand play wouldn't work for her anymore.

In 1822 it was a two day journey across the mountains between farms. These mountains were deserted. The family made the trip once or twice each year to be together. Daisy came out and her dad and Rose were standing there with the baby to greet his brother, Rose's dad. They were all laughing and hugging.

Lee and Earl dropped down from the horse drawn wagon. They both feasted their eyes on Daisy Mae. Daisy was a beauty. Only about 5 ft tall she had a slender little body. Her beautiful brown eyes made her sexy smile light up. Daisy even had all her front teeth still unlike the other members of the family.

Ran'l jumped off the wagon and gave brother Will a big hug. "Good to see ya brother," he said.

"Good to see you too Ran'l."

"See your taking good care of young Rose here," Ranl said, looking over his daughter.

"Yeah and the young one too," Will added.

"Thought we'd come by for a few weeks now that snow's gone," Ranl said

"Glad to have you, brother, cmon in, let's lift the jug."

Ranl looked over at his niece Daisy. She looked nice. He knew Lee and Earl would have a lot of fun the next few weeks. He kinda thought he would get a turn with Daisy himself. After all Will was fucking his daughter Rose now. Seemed only right he could join in on the breeding of young Daisy. He knew his seeds weren't potent at his age but he wanted to join the fun. Breedings were supposed to be a family affair.

The brothers headed inside where Will had a jug of home brew and some cups on the table, Rose followed. She liked it here with Will but she really missed her own family too.

Outside both Lee and Earl went up to Daisy and smiled. They were big corn fed mountain boys in their early 20's. Earl was a couple years younger than Lee but both were over six foot and all that farming and tree chopping had provided them both with a muscular build. Like all the members of the family they were sun tanned with chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. They were both rugged looking and handsome. They towered over little Daisy.

"Hi Daisy," they both said. Trying to warm up to her.

Katy looked over. Daisy was short and small next to them. Katy knew they'd be breeding Daisy this summer. She could hear the boys talking about it on the trip. She was kinda happy. She liked these big rough mountain men. They were dumb but they could sure fuck well. Still, Katy felt she needed a break after servicing them two all winter.

"You look good, it's been a long time." said Lee looking Daisy over like a hungry wolf.

Lee had broke Daisy in late last year just before the family left for home. Being the oldest boy Lee was expected to help breed every woman in the family. He particularly favored his older sister Rose but right now young cousin Daisy was looking mighty appealing.


Last year Will had come to their farm to pick up his pregnant wife Rose. He of course knew the baby wasn't his. He brought Daisy with him for a couple days stay. Daisy hadn't seen another man since her brothers had been killed two years earlier by a band of native. Now that they were the only two fertile males in the family they were obligated to breed all the females. An obligation they were only too glad to meet.

A lot of family had died the last 20 years. Ranl and Will were the only ones left of six brothers and sisters. Smallpox had killed most of the family years ago. The two brothers knew they had to keep the clan going. Keeping all the lady folk pregnant was their solution to rebuilding the family.

On the last trip Will and Daisy had traveled to Ranls farm. Rose and Katy had taken Daisy out to set up the quarters in the shed for her and dad Will. Earl was infatuated with his big sister Rose but Lee took more than a little notice of young Daisy. He snuck out one night and went to see her while the guys drank.

"You look so nice Daisy. I'll bet you'll look even prettier when your tits grow in," he said.

"What do you mean," she said, "they're already grown in, I'm a woman now. Here let me show you," as she revealed her pretty young titties.

"Yeah." said Lee, "they look pretty big but if you got no hair on your cunny you ain't a woman yet."

"I got plenty hair," she said, and she finished stripping to show him her dark patch of cunny hair sparsely covering the top of her V.

"Well I guess you is a woman then," said Lee. "If you was a man you'd have one of these," and he pulled his trousers to show her his hard cock.

Daisy was amazed. Lee had a cucumber size stick of flesh in his pants. Daisy had never seen a hard one on a man before. His cock had a big red cap on top that had grown out from the foreskin just like the farm animals. All around it was hair and Daisy quickly went to grab it.

Daisy pulled it and lifted it and felt the two large eggs in the sack under it. The sack with the two balls was all covered with thick dark hair. Daisy couldn't let go. Something about it made her feel all warm inside.

"Careful," he said as she started to fondle it.

"I need to give this to Katy later," he said.

"What do you mean give it to her, how you gonna give it to her?"

"I put it in her cunny," he said.

"You mean like the horses do?" she asked.

"Yeah, let me show you," he said as her laid her down over the hay bail.

"Oh no, thats awful big, its not gonna fit in my little cunny."

Lee moved forward, he wasn't going to take no from any woman.

"I'll make it fit," he said "and you'll like it too."

It took a long time and Daisy did a bit of screaming. Lee got most of it in and after he started moving it in her she realized she actually liked it. She liked it when he came too. He had stretched her something awful but for some reason she still liked it.

Lee was happy to stretch her out a couple more times that week before they left. He never told Earl until later. Earl had kept himself busy fucking Katy.


Snow kept them apart all winter. Now they were all together and Lee had told brother Earl how nice it had been to fuck young Daisy. They were both eager to get on her as soon as they could.

Daisy was the only young one left except for the new babies. Daisy's mom had been killed by a bear and Will had started fucking the only other woman within a days ride, his brothers only daughter Rose a couple years back. When she got pregnant she became his second wife. The baby was most likely fathered by Lee or Earl.

It was expected that Daisy would be paired up with Lee but she might also pick Earl. By mountain tradition, she'd get a choice once she was knocked up which everyone expected would be this summer.

Daisy smiled and decided to help Ranl's wife Katy down from the wagon, she had two babies to take care of.

Katy, about 15 years younger than Ranl was left behind many years ago by a family headed west. Ranl had traded his best mule for her. Lee and Earl kept Katy well fucked. She liked it too. The two babies were theirs.

Ranl was thinking it was time one of the boys got hitched to Daisy. Getting hitched was just a formality. The family tradition was everyone fucked whomever was in heat. The fertile ones were expected to be kept pregnant often. Just like the wild animals they lived around the females in the family let the males know when they are in heat. The males of course rush to breed them.

Daisy only understood it was her turn. Yet she decided she would play and tease the boys a little, she knew they were both itchin to fuck her and she wanted that too. She just thought she'd have some fun first, make them work for it.

Daisy knew the score. Ranl was old, like 40s and the moonshine was getting the better of him. He wouldn't make 50. Both boys would soon be running a farm each in the mountains just like her father and his brother did. One would be hitched to Daisy and the other would be with Katy or Rose. Daisy knew she would get to decide. These were just the living arrangements, the boys would try to fuck which ever woman was in heat, hitched or not.

A petite little french brunette, Katy was almost in 20. She spoke mostly her native French. She was talented though with both her pussy and her lips and she kept all of them McCoys happy. Now the baby had been born and the boys were expected to start breeding Katy again. This trip however, they really wanted to breed cousin Daisy.

Katy and the babies were sleeping while the old guys finished off the jug and passed out in the shed. Rose took the time to walk down to the river. It was so nice and she took off her gown. She looked at her reflection in the water. She still had nice young body. It was so wasted on her uncle Will who was himself wasted all the time on moonshine. She was glad the boys were here. She'd be more glad when one was living at each farm.

Earl and Lee went to look for Daisy who left to hide from them. Lee spotted sister Rose on her way to the river. It had been almost a year since she left to live with Uncle Will. Rose missed getting fucked by them. The boys and Rose had learned to fuck watching horses many years ago.

"Hi Rose," said Lee as he spotted her naked. "Been a long time."

"So good to see you Lee," said Rose feeling a hot flash in her cunny.

Lee's eyes feasted on her slender figure. She still had the same nice titties covered a little by her long brown hair. He looked down to see she now even had a nice womanly patch of brown hair covering her cunny. Lee felt his cock stir. He missed Rose.

"We missed you," said Earl who was considerably older now. "You look real nice," he said as he kissed her. His cock jumped when he did.

"Yeah," said Lee, "let's all sit down on the blanket and you can tell us what you been doing in these here woods."

Rose looked at Lee and Earl. They had grown now into big guys. She felt a real fire starting in her midsection. It had been too long since she had the seemingly endless fuck sessions in the barn imitating the horses. She had been stuck nursing Uncle Will and suckling his semi hard cock. She longed to be opened and bred again by their rock hard cocks.

Rose had been in heat all week with no strong male around. She needed some young Alpha cock badly and she walked over toward the blanket. Before she sat down she lifted her hands back and played with her long hair. She wanted to give them a good view of her tits. They were big now and she was real proud of them.

Then Rose stretched, spread her legs a little more and got close to Lee who had sat down. Her pussy was inches from his face. He could smell she was on heat. Rose was getting wet and flashing fuck me signs all over. She liked teasing the boys. It would make them fuck her harder.

Earl was staring at her young body. Damn she was pretty. Her young tits were so upright and she had such a slender waist. Earl couldn't keep his eyes off her bushy pussy. When Rose turned and sat down to talk to Lee, Earl had already stripped naked. She fell on her blanket just in time to watch his semihard cock pop out of his pants. Rose felt the hot flash. They would talk later right now they all wanted a good fuck.

Rose saw Earl's hard cock and she laid back and opened her legs. She pretended like she hadn't noticed and just wanted to relax. Earl stood over her and looked at her sweet body. He stroked his cock. He missed his sister. She had taught him how to fuck.

Rose had also taught them to spot when she was in heat. Rose flaunted it. Rose took early control of the boys. She might object when they wanted a fuck but they better respond when she summoned them. They might try to interrupt her cooking or cleaning and fuck her. If she was in the mood she might let them. That's also why Rose never wore any undergarments. She wanted to be quickly available if she was in the mood and decided to let one of the boys fuck her.

However, when Rose was in heat and ready for breeding she'd head out and do chores in the barn, bottomless. They boys knew when they saw her around the barn feeding the chickens or gathering eggs and her bare ass was showing under her shirt top that it was breeding time and they had been summoned. Of course when Rose was available for use the boys were there like bears to honey.

"I know one thing that ain't happening out here," said Earl. "I know you ain't getting a lot of hard fucking when you itch for it."

Rose smiled, He was right. Now though, Her brothers were back. There was no foreplay. No one would waste time on petting and licking. The guys knew it was breeding time. Earl was on top before Lee was even able to shed his pants.

Rose lay on her back with Earl on top. Katy had shown them this way. Before Katy showed up they only fucked like the horses and other farm animals did. Katy had been rented out for parties and such before Ranl traded a mule for her. She knew a lot she taught the boys.

Earl liked this way and Rose had always preferred young Earl who at a younger age had a constant hardon. His balls were always full and Rose was always willing to help him empty them. She liked him, he was always happy and laughing.

"Oh sis, I missed you so much," he said as he held up on his elbows between her legs and moved his cock toward her tight hole. Like always Rose took his cock and placed in her cunny for him. Earl like pretending helpless. He then fell on top and entered her. She like to make Earl cum, he was always fun. Not very bright but he knew how to fuck. She liked to think he was the one who got her pregnant.

"Yeah," said Lee, sitting nearby and watching Earl work off his load in sis Rose. "We miss the old days when we got to have fun with you before you ran off with Uncle Will."

Rose wasn't really listening. She had a hard cock between her legs and she pulled her knees back to let him in deep. Earl loved it. He pushed in and out for a short time while Rose took her time to squeeze his hard cock. She hadn't had a real hard one in a long time. Not from Uncle Will who's cock was always full of moonshine.

Earl worked in and out. She was real tight. She hadn't been fucked as much as she needed. Good thing she creamed so much now. He loved her tight slippery cunny and he looked into her pretty eyes trying to slam home his load inside Roses tender hot cunny.

Rose responded by wrapping her bare legs around his back and holding him in tight.

"Earl, you ain't bred me since I became a mom," she said. "Does it feel any different?"

"No Rose, your cunny's just as nice and tight as before. I do like them bigger tits though," he smiled as he felt his tension building.

Rose smiled, "Lee, rub my tits".

Lee reached over and grabbed them.

"Harder Lee, squeeze them hard while he cums in me."

Rose felt the heat surge as Lee, over her head now, played with both her large tits, squeezing them real hard like he did for the cows.

"Oh, thats so nice, oh I missed this so much."she purred. Then Rose started to lick Lees cock as he crushed and squeezed her big tits.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," Earl yelled as he reached under her ass and grabbed it unloading his hot cum in his sister Rose.

Rose shook and came as his hot cum splashed deep inside her young belly. Oh she missed this so much. it was so nice to feel that hot cum burn inside her.

"Nice boys, thank you," she said, Rose always liked to thank them when they bred her. She liked having that warm cum in her. She missed her brothers so much lately.

"Well c'mon Lee, don't just stand there, come say hello to your sis proper now." Rose taunted him laying in her back with her arms out.

Lee dropped on his knees and looked at her. Lee liked to doggy her. He was so much bigger and stronger he just picked her up and flipped her to her knees.

Rose stretched her knees wider and her mouth opened as he mounted her like a horse pushing and shoving his cock into young Rose.

This is what Rose missed most, being bred like a farm animal. Lee was real good at that. He learned from watching the horses and seeing how the mares respond. he mounted her and placed his hands flat on her shoulders just like a stallion. he then continuously thrust hard inside her working hard to relieve himself in her tight cunny.

"It had been too long up in these hills without a strong hard cock," she whispered. Uncle Will just didn't make her happy. She missed these guys.

"Oh yeah, that's still a tight cunny," he said as he began the hard doggy pounding Rose liked so much. Lee loved Rose's tight cunny. Lee enjoyed feeling like a big man with sister Rose. They had learned together watching the horses fuck and since then Lee always liked fucking Rose doggy style. He held her tight and pushed deep. He wanted her to think of him as a stallion.

Lee kept both hands on her thin little waist while he watched his cock go in and out. Her cunny lips held it tight and moved in and out with him.

"Rose you got such a tight pussy," he said, "me and Earl been getting nothing but suck jobs from Katy. We said were gonna be breeding you as much as we can while were here. We know your gonna be lonely up here with Will all winter so I wanna make sure you have another baby."

Lee took his time breeding his sister and to enjoying the tight cunny he had missed all winter.

Still, he didn't last long either and he held her tight while he rid himself of his hot cum deep inside her. Rose shook this time as she came hard when his scalding hot cum landed on her cervix. She was always glad to take a hot load from him.

Then all three laid back and rested, panting hard. They were always a close family.

Daisy watched from bushes and her cunny was dripping. She was hot but she was mad. This would definitely screw up her plans. She would need to get them away from Rose.

The boys followed Rose back toward the cabin. It was getting dark now and Lee grabbed her hand and pulled Rose into the barn. They all three laughed and giggled.

"Later," said Rose, "I have to get supper started. "

"Cmon Rose," said Lee. "Them guys is drunk. We need to work that cunny a lot this trip if you're gonna have another baby."


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