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All That Glitters Ch. 44


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"Well done, little one!" Marla told the child. Ikekia heard her name, coming from the sweet voice of her mother. She turned to see her mother on the edge of the blanket and literally ran into her mother's embrace, crashing into her at the end.

"Good girl, Ikekia," Hanalei told her. "You have started walking on your own!"

"I recorded it," Meela said, holding up her wrist. That got a massive smile from Hanalei.

"Oh you are welcome to our next dinner then, Meela," Hanalei informed her. That brought laughter from all.

"Humgry," Ikekia said.

"Bottle?" Hanalei asked.

Ikekia shook her head. Hanalei was trying to ween her off of breastfeeding by expressing and using a bottle, but Ikekia still needed the warmth of her mother from time to time. She picked the child up and sat in her favorite rocking chair, an Anuuran style rocker that had been made for her by Fayad's father. Ikekia was content and soon closed her eyes as she suckled, Hanaya making a crooning noise now from Hanalei's shoulder.

"Now that I'm fed, should we begin our practice?" Guinevere asked.

"We should," Augraf agreed. Erht spread his tentacles out and lowered his head until he was almost at Guinevere's eye level, who was sitting in her original position on the couch. Erht reached out a tentacle to her and Junelliya, who was also back on the couch with Zarrenia. Maya brought a chair over and took a third tentacle.

"I want you to look at me and see the strength of my telepathy, what you called the brightness and clarity of my mind," Augraf told her. "Then, I want you to compare what you see in me to Maya and to Junelliya. We hope that you do not mind that we have brought Dr. Maya along. It is often good to have another telepath who is near to or at your same level to practice with. This will allow you to compare the differences between the three of us and yourself."

Guinevere opened her mind and was confronted with the clear mind of a senior telepath. It was amazing to see it and always surprised her with it's clarity and strength. She turned to look at Maya and saw that her mind was bright, much brighter than her Mother's, though not as clear as Augraf's.

She turned her mind to that of Junelliya and was again surprised at how bright Junelliya's was, though there was something else there, most likely her empathic ability. The other two, could feel the confusion in Guinevere's mind as she touched Junelliya's. Then another mind intruded.

At first, Guinevere thought that the new mind was her Mother's, as it was bright but with significantly less power than even Maya was showing. Then she was coming from the baby!

Her infant mind, not yet formed for true thoughts, was connecting to the foursome. The others could see and feel (thanks to the two empaths) what Guinevere was feeling, who was trying not to upset the delicate mind of the child.

"Urano," Junelliya called out. "Would you contact Mind-Ur and ask her or one of her House to come over here, quickly, please?"

Being right next door, Mind-Ur and Dr. Kayl-Ur were in the apartment in less than thirty seconds.

"Hello..." they began, only to be stopped by a hand from Hanalei.

"Mind-Ur, Kayl-Ur, please tell us what you see with your vision?" Hanalei asked, pointed at the four on or around the couch. Mind and Kayl both gasped at what they saw.

"Junelliya, you are glowing like when you use your powers," Kayl stated. "So are Maya and Guinevere, though Guinevere's glow is different and not as strong. The Toolend is glowing as well, though his glow is also of a distinctive colour and almost as strong as yours, Junelliya.

"And...Junelliya!" Kayl whispered. "The baby is glowing! The baby has your powers!"

"Guinevere, I am going to show you how to disconnect your mind from the child's so as not to hurt her," Augraf said, giving a demonstration to Guinevere in her mind which the others saw and understood.

Guinevere broke the connection and looked at the group, happy surprise showing in her eyes.

"Maya?" Junelliya asked.

"It is not unusual for a child to connect to a group. It is unusual for a child this young to do so," Maya informed her. "The younger a child begins using her empathy, the more powerful they will eventually be. But I have never heard of a child so young who showed her powers like that."

"Junelliya, I could feel the child's happiness at connecting with this group," Augraf said. "That means her power have already been forming before this.

"She has felt this feeling before. The first time such a feeling enters a child's mind is often a little unnerving for the young one. That she accepted us so easily means this is not her first connection. That first connection was likely with you Junelliya, though you might not have noticed it. She did show surprise to feel other people in her mind, but she did not rebel at our presence.

"Guinevere noticed her presence because she was looking for other minds as per my instructions," Augraf finished.

"What about Ikekia?" Hanalei asked.

"I do not know, Hanalei," Junelliya replied.

"Don't be surprised if she develops empathy," Maya answered for them. "She is around the most powerful empath in the known universe and has a Pod of Cats as well. Look at what the Pod has done for you," Maya reminded Hanalei of the fact that though they were not empathic, they had developed a sense of belonging to the family that bordered on empathy.

"Do not worry about Ikekia," Urano told the group. "She is one of the most intelligent infants that I have ever encountered. There is no comparison between her and Zarrenia. The two are developing in different ways. I suspect that they will become thick as thieves as they grow, taking on the universe as a pair."

"That would be interesting to see," Guinevere quipped. "But how does one plan for a future like that?"

"If you look forward, you will see the future," Augraf stated. "If you look rearward, you see the past. Your past is filled with the memories of your life. When you look at your memories, you see stories. But you need that past to make steppingstones to the future. The stories from your past that you choose to make steppingstones, will decide the fate of your future."

"Huh," Guinevere answered. "When you say it like that, it makes sense. You need to adventure some as a child to find your way to your own future. That is why I felt stifled under my father. As a girl in the Alliance, we weren't really allowed to adventure. Now that I am here, I am already seeing and doing things that I could never have seen or participated in as a female of the Alliance," Guinevere spoke.

That surprised Mayute. "You are remarkably concise in your reasoning. What Augraf has expressed is a Toolend euphemism that many Toolend simply do not nor ever can understand. Those that do, will progress far as members of the Toolend. I have never heard of one so young who has understood this concept so readily."

"Humans are different in their thinking, Mayute," Augraf stated. "It wasn't until I met my first human," and here erht pointed to Junelliya, "that I understood just how different our peoples are. Their ways of thinking far outstrips the thought processes of our kind, which are plodding by comparison."

"Each has its place, Augraf," Junelliya replied. "Your thought processes are as foreign to me as mine are to yours, yet we are able to work off of each other and form new ideas. That is the essence of the Greater Community."

The Toolend both blinked in surprise. This was an idea that had been forming in their minds for some time now, but they could never have expressed it quite like Junelliya had. In that single statement, Mayute suddenly understood what Augraf was trying to explain to erht about the differences in thinking between humans and Toolend but more importantly, how the shared thinking of not just humans and Toolend but all member races of the Greater Community, helped the whole.

"The joining of our peoples will lead to a bright future, I think," Mayute expressed, getting nods all around the room.

Offices of The Council of Empaths, Hollander's World, Sullivan System, Sixty Light Years from Terra

Petronellaya, received a call from Liramor-23 and sighed once before opening the link. She noted several people in the Piscium family living room with Junelliya, Hanalei, and their children, including several new faces, both human and non-human.

"Hello, Junelliya, to what do I owe this unwanted surprise?" Petronellaya asked, a fake smile on her face.

That brought a giggle from the young girl sitting beside Junelliya on the couch.

"Councillor Petronellaya, how could you put such thoughts in the mind of our newest charge?" Junelliya quipped, feigning outrage.

"Stow it. Something has happened, I would like to know what," Petronellaya replied. "Especially when you refer to me as Councillor when you are in a group of friends."

Dr. Maya chimed in. "Councillor, we have a unique situation here," she began. That immediately put Petronellaya on edge as 'unique situations' and Junelliya usually meant headaches for her office.

"This young lady is Guinevere Soulange, the person behind her is her mother Elizabeth Soulange. Both are human telepaths, though Guinevere is more prominent than her mother according to the Toolend," Maya explained.

"Today, Guinevere was working with Augraf, Junelliya, and myself to help her assess her, and our, telepathic levels. While she did so, baby Zarrenia connected to the group..." Maya trailed off.

"What do you mean connected?" Petronellaya asked, suddenly very nervous.

"I mean just that, she connected between the four of us. Guinevere noticed because she was engaged in an exercise to see the difference in power levels between the four of us, only no one expected the baby to be able to link in," Maya explained.

"Petronellaya, it's Mind-Ur from next door," Mind entered the conversation. "You remember that the Pod-Drran can see the auras of empaths actively using their powers? Well we can also see the auras of telepaths using theirs, which appear as different colours to us.

"Dr. Kayl and I came to the apartment when Urano called us. We saw the four around the couch. Their auras were there for us to see. Junelliya's and Maya's auras were different from the other two, we now understand why. The others are telepathic, while Junelliya and Maya are mostly empathic with some telepathic abilities.

"We were looking at the four of them marvelling at their auras when Kayl noted that the baby was glowing as well. Her glow is more like Junelliya's though a little different, and it was quite weak, probably because her mind is not fully formed yet. Maya tells us that it is unusual for a child this young to display empathic powers," Mind finished.

"The youngest I have ever heard of was five years of age, that child is now Councillor Shylmiya, one of the most powerful empaths on the Council. How old is Zarrenia?" Petronellaya asked, dreading the response.

"She is just over five and a half months now," Junelliya answered.

Petronellaya's heart seemed to skip a beat. She noted that the people on the screen were being guarded. "There is more isn't there?" she surmised.

"Augraf seems to believe that this is not the first time Zarrenia has connected with someone, most likely her mother. I found that her mind just did not seem to register any fear or surprise about the connection," Guinevere told the Councillor.

"If this had been the child's first time, there would have been fear and considerable confusion in her mind, there was neither," Augraf explained.

"Junelliya, was the child with you when you put all of the nervous rescued to sleep in the fleet at Planet Varus?" Petronellaya asked.

"She was, as was Ikekia," Junelliya stated. "That was two months ago."

Shit, that young? Petronellaya thought.

"Then the child sees this as something normal in her mind. You may not have noticed it before, but you will likely notice from now on, now that you are aware of her. Congratulations, Junelliya, you likely have a child that will be even more powerful than you are." Petronellaya let that sink in for a moment.

"Dr. Maya, we may need to form a special group for this child when she is old enough to start talking. It will, of course, include her three parents and Juneya's Pod. We will need someone adept at teaching children that form their powers early, I suggest Clarrisiya. I will ask her to be available to travel in six months or so. Please keep me informed of any unusual occurrences with Zarrenia. To be honest, her potential scares me to death."

Petronellaya nodded and closed the link. Her head sank to her desk and she closed her eyes. Her secretary found her like that.


"Not to worry, at least for now," Petronellaya reassured her. "Please make a copy of that last call and note the time. We may have just discovered the most powerful Empath ever.

"I need you to contact GME Clarrisiya and forward that vid to her. Ask her to keep it to herself for now," Petronellaya ordered.

The Imperial Palace, Capital City, Pod-Saar, The Sharanas System, 109 Light Years from Terra

Kumaraie Na-Maj Se-Lam Pod-Raie received a request for an official conference with her from Ambs. Nar-Tre Sai-Rai. She called her mate in and some of her officials and opened a link. The face of Nar-Tre in her office with her aide, Har-Ret Rai, came up on the monitor. The pair knelt to the Kumar-Pair.

"Nar-Tre, you usually do not ask for an official conference. I am curious," the Kumaraie began.

"My Kumaraie, I have two pieces of news that I deem you should receive immediately," Nar-Tre answered.

"First, the humans have completed the codex of the Maha-Rrin language, meaning that we may start contact procedures with our cousins. Because of prophecy, the humans have asked that we be in the lead of this new contact.

"Second, the Asoc >Catal Mutt Herrtt, supreme ruler of the Asocan people, will be here on Liramor-23 in ten days. She is coming to inspect her new embassy; however, she intends to bring all of her senior ministers with her including the Minster for Interspecies Affairs, and the Minister for Interspecies Trade," Nar-Tre finished.

The Kumar-Pair both responded to this bit of news. After a brief discussion, they made their pronouncement:

"WE shall have you coordinate the activities of the Maha-Rrin contact with the humans, who are more skilled at new contact than our people are. However, WE shall always have a member of our people involved with all contacts," the Kumaraie ordered.

"Contact Dir. Marsh about the arrival of the Asoc. WE will need to have some of OUR senior people at the embassy for trade talks and other negotiations. WE might even consider OUR personal intervention as the Kumar-Pair.

"I would consider this a personal favour from the Director," the Kumaraie said.

"I will investigate the options for you, My Kumaraie. We have a bi-weekly Interspecies Embassy Meeting in two days. In the meantime, I will talk to our counterpart in the Asocan Embassy to see if they would like to have bilateral talks at your level, My Kumaraie," Nar-Tree replied.

"However, when the Asoc comes to visit, it will be near your time to enter your Rakhan (period of maternal isolation lasting up to five years), My Kumaraie."

"WE do not intend to enter the Rakhan, Nar-Tre," the Kumaraie told her. "The last time WE did so, it gave my previous mate the opportunity to almost overthrow US.

"WE intend to emulate the example of Jurte Sha-Ret Sai-Rai and keep OUR brood near US and under the watchful eye of MY Kumir-Rai/Ro and all of the Pod-Drran. WE wish to set the example for the future of our race.

"The Goddess, Poda-La, through the voice of the Atohan, has ordered the Pod-Drran not to kill the innocent or face the destruction of OUR people. If anyone dares to hurt this brood, or any other brood, WE will ensure they will be publicly executed in the slowest, most painful manner available, so as to deter future acts of infanticide," the Kumaraie growled.

All those around her shuddered hearing her pronouncement. To attack the Kumar-Pair was difficult enough, to attack a Kumaraie who was with her would take someone of immense courage or immense stupidity to do so. Unfortunately, there were many Pod-Drran who displayed both characteristics...

"The historical deaths of so many Pod-Drran broods has driven the Pod-Drran near to its extinction," the Kumaraie continued. "An end that now can only be driven away with the support of our cousins the Maha-Rrin and only if WE can convince them to abandon their isolation from the Pod-Drran."

"I understand. May the light of the Goddess ever shine on your rein, My Kumaraie," Nar-Tree and Har-Ret Rai bowed to the Kumar-Pair as the link was closed.

"What do you think, my mate?" the Kumaraie asked of the Kumaroe.

"I think that this is an excellent opportunity to conduct trade and personally get to know another supreme ruler of her people," the Kumaroe answered.

"I agree and if Dir. Marsh does not give us permission to have an official reason to be on Liramor-23, I can always invoke Godparent duties," the Kumaraie smiled.

The Kumaroe noted the pleasant nature of his mate's face and the reflexive motion of her hand over her distended belly. Her pregnancy hormones were doing strange things to his mate. Most times, the hormones made females want to run and hide but his mate wanted to show all the beauty of her pregnancy and not conform to the requirements of the Rakhan. He wasn't sure if he liked it but they had the example of the Jurte-Pair from the Fleet Shem to emulate. He was sure they could get through this.

His only worry was the prophecy of the second female dying not long after birth. He worried what that might do to his mate...

Females had lost infants before, some had lost entire broods, however, it always had an effect on their wellbeing.

>Clot< (Imperial Palace), Asoc Shall (The Asoc's City), Asocar, 364 Light Years from Terra

The Asoc, >Catal Mutt Herrtt, was sitting in her office in the Imperial Palace of the Asoc Shall. She had just finished a celebration of her fiftieth year of Ascension to the title of Asoc. The Asoc had just entered her 120th year of life and, while the Asocan's did not celebrate birthdays, was not even considered to be in the prime of her life (normally between 175 years to 250 years). Young to be the Asoc, she was nonetheless, a fierce warrior and, like many monarchs, service to her people filled her life and her time.

Her latest clutch was now in the Waters of the Imperial Swamp (a crèche for the young of those who live in the >Clot<). They would be cared for by members of the household staff specializing in childcare (a group of young females under the supervision of an experienced female). She would see her clutch as often as she could as they grew. Normally, the female would stay with her clutch until it entered school, around age two, however, the Asoc could not stop being the servant of her people. Ruling was a tough business, tough on those who ruled, and even tougher on their immediate families. She sighed.

Her mate, Asost <Korme Mutt Goult, came into her office.

"Good morning, Asoc," he said with a formal bow, he always bowed once in the morning when he greeted the Asoc, and once in the evening, when he departed for his sleeping quarters (Asocans normally slept alone as they are not built for recreational sex and the females will only go into heat once every three to five years). It was a concession of sorts on her part as all other Asocans had to bow every time they came into her presence.

"How are the preparations for our trip to the Liramor Embassy proceeding?" she asked.


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