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All That Glitters Ch. 44


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"Our only issue is the request for transportation from the Djinaëte," her mate replied. "They are uncertain if they can make our timeline."

"Do not the Humans have ships?" the Asoc demanded. "Perhaps WE should ask for their assistance?"

"We do not know the Humans, my mate," <Korme replied. "We do not know how much trust we should impart to them," he warned.

The Asoc called up her embassy on Liramor-23.

The Asocan Interspecies Embassy, Liramor-23, the Piscium System

Dragon Ambassador Alvoie opened the link in his personal office, after having Utan< place his cloak of office over his shoulder and turn on the privacy screening in the office windows, preventing others from seeing into the office. He bowed low to the Asoc.

"Asoc, how can I be of service?" Alvoie asked.

"We seem to be having a problem with transportation timings again," an irritated Asoc answered. "I no longer wish to be tied to the whim of the Djinaëte.

"The Humans have ships; do they have a ship that is suitable to transport US from Asocar to the embassy?" she demanded.

"They do, Asoc," Alvoie assured her. "I also have news in reference to ship building technology. One of the Union shipbuilders, Pallanders Shipyards, is building a new orbital shipyard with jump-grid technology. They plan to relocate it here in the Piscium System with the expressed purpose of teaching the members of the Greater Community how to build their human ships.

"They are looking for technicians from the Greater Community to go to where they are building what is now called Pallanders Six. Those technicians will learn the Human techniques for ship building and apply it when Pallanders Six arrives in this system. I will be sending an e-mail with all the pertinent data to War Dragon Minister Kloä>, later this morning my time, Asoc.

"I will also ask Dir. Marsh if we can arrange for transportation for you and your delegation from Asocar to Liramor-23. I am sure a ship can be provided. Do you wish me to direct the answer to your office or that of Minister Kloä>?" Alvoie asked.

"Send the information to both of us. He will need to be aware of it," the Asoc ordered.

Movement out of the corner of his eye brought Alvoie's head around. "Utan<, the Director and Junelliya just passed our office, ask them to come in," Alvoie ordered. "Your indulgence, Asoc, I may be able to give you your answer on transportation in a moment."

"Ambassador Alvoie, you asked for our assistance?" Fiona asked as she entered the office.

"Director Commodore Dr. Fiona Marsh, Junelliya Atohan Harlen, the person on the monitor is the Asoc >Catal Mutt Herrtt, the supreme ruler of the Asocan people," Alvoie informed them with a bow.

Both Fiona and Junelliya bowed to the Asoc.

"ME!!" said a little voice from Junelliya's arms, bringing a smile from her mother.

"Yes, Ikekia," Junelliya said. "I apologize Asoc, however, my daughter demands that we introduce her as well. This is Ikekia Fatima Tema Se-Lam Poda-Rai-Dosri Piscium, the First Daughter of the Piscium family."

"<Kurtin Clott, Ikeki," the little girl said in her tiny voice, surprising the three Asocans. Though she did not quite getting the '<' inflection, they could easily understand her intended greeting.

"That is correct, Ikekia!" Utan< exclaimed. "You are getting much better in Asocan."

The little girl smiled and clapped her hands to show her pleasure in being praised by the larger female. Junelliya placed her down on the table and pulled some Asocan alphabet blocks from her tote bag that Kurr had given Ikekia. The child began to amuse herself with the blocks while Juneya jumped down on the table to be with her, chittering to the child while they played.

"Ikeki? I thought you said her name is Ikekia?" the Asoc asked, delighted in the antics of the child and surprised to see her playing with Asocan alphabet blocks.

"Ikekia is only ten months old, still very young for a human child. She is only just beginning to learn to speak. Unfortunately, we are surrounded by members of the Greater Community, who insist on helping Ikekia learn to their own languages," Junelliya explained. "So far, she has Pod-Drran Godparents and neighbours, Asocans who love to eat our home cooking, Byandi who adore little humans, Toolend, who are more than happy to help her play, Harradi, who bring her flowers, and Paacon, who love to cuddle up to her. They all insist on teaching her their languages.

"On top of that, we are originally from Anuura, and speak the Anuuran Language plus High Andanii, we also speak Union Standard, and we speak French, as Liramor-23 is administered from Liramor Prime, a French colony world.

"Ikekia is still unable to say her name correctly, though she is learning new words in over a dozen languages each day," a proud Junelliya told her.

"Impressive. I know nothing of human growth so have nothing as a reference, but she does appear to be an intelligent child," the Asoc stated.

"Ultar," Alvoie informed the Asoc. The Asoc blinked several times, trying to gain an insight into the situation. An Ultar is a small Asocan who has just come out of the crèche for the first time. They may know a few words but are basically unable to function properly in society due to their lack of speaking ability and unformed thought processes.

"You are positive of this, Ambassador?" the Asoc demanded.

"It is the closest approximation, Asoc. By all standards, human or not, Ikekia is a remarkable child. IF rumors are true, her little sister, Zarrenia, will be even more formidable," Alvoie said.

"Why have you asked us here, Ambassador," Fiona interrupted the little family hour.

"Our apologies, Dir. Marsh. We are having an issue with guaranteeing the transportation from the Djinaëte for the Asoc and her retinue on the dates that she desires," Alvoie explained. "Also, Lady Junelliya is the owner of The Trine, and the Asoc will be interested in the vessel. I could not help to pull you both in as I saw you pass my office."

"I see. How many will be in your retinue, Asoc?" Fiona asked.

"I, and my mate, and twenty retainers. WE shall bring fourteen of OUR sixteen ministers, half of which will bring their mates, and all of which will have their attendants. That should add up to fifty-eight in number. So a total of eighty, though there may be more.

"A Djinaëte vessel can take us all, what of your vessels, Director?" the Asoc asked.

"We have ships that can manage those numbers fairly easily, Asoc. I will see if they are available. The issue is the length of jumps they can accomplish. We have just started upgrading our ships to Jump-grid technology, so we have only a few large ships available with this capability. I will make inquiries and let your Ambassador know within forty-eight hours," Fiona advised.

"And what of your ship, Lady Junelliya?" the Asoc asked. "Why would I be interested in it?"

Junelliya called up the schematics of The Trine on her comp and pushed them to the monitor. "My ship has decks 3.3 meters in height. That will allow for a comfortable feeling for most of the taller members of the Greater Community.

"The ship is a private yacht," Junelliya explained. "That means it is set up for the comfort of the owner. We have eleven crew, the three members of my family group, the two children, and three attendants. The eight of us live in the cabins on the second deck. The crew live in the cabins on the lower deck.

"The Trine has Jump-grid technology so can jump 190 light years in a bound. It can recharge and jump again in one hour after a full jump. I understand that Asocar is 364 light years from Terra, making it 258 light years from here, or two jumps one-way. We can leave Asocar and be here at Liramor-23 in a little over one-and-a-half hours.

"The Wanderer is currently having Jump-grid technology installed on her. She is only slightly smaller than The Dewfall, which means she will have something close to the same range. The Dewfall can jump 260 light years, so the Wanderer should have near the same capability, perhaps ten or twenty light years difference," Junelliya speculated.

"She, too, is a private vessel and very opulent. She would be the ideal vessel to bring the Asoc and her party to and from Liramor-23," Junelliya finished, looking at Fiona.

"I am expecting The Wanderer in the next two days," Fiona said. "Either her or the Dewfall can make the trip very comfortable for you and your group, as well as providing an appropriate level of accommodation for you and your entourage while here, Asoc, unless you prefer to be billeted on Liramor-23.

"I will know in two days which vessel will be the one to provide your transport," Fiona bowed to the Asoc.

Seeing Fiona bow, Ikekia stood up and tried to bow, too, but toppled over, to be caught by her mother before she fell to the table.

"Still need some work on your motor skills, eh?" Junelliya said, giving tickles to her daughter who laughed in a manner that only a human baby could. That brought smiles all around, even from the Asoc, who was hearing a human child laugh for the first time. It was a delightfully amusing sound.

Conference Room One, Central Command, Delta Deck, Liramor-23, The Piscium System

Raymond walked into the conference room two days later, just before Fiona closed it for the morning brief.

"Welcome back, Raymond," Fiona said with a smile. "It is good to see you only a little worse for wear after your ordeal."

"I am pleased to be back, Fiona. I have heard that there are a couple of things going on?" Raymond responded.

"I have a major task for you, if you will consider it. The Asoc, the supreme ruler of the Asocans, wants to visit her embassy but is having issues arranging transport with the Djinaëte," Fiona stated.

"And you want me to provide taxi service?" Raymond asked.

"That and a sales pitch for Pallanders, who would love to sell something of the Wanderer's size to the Asoc as an Imperial Yacht. Can you do that?" Fiona wanted to know.

"How far is the Asocan home world?" he asked.

"It is 364 light years from Terra, and approximately 258 light years from here," Fiona informed him. "There will be something on the order of eighty Asocan's in the party, perhaps more, you know how such groups can grow." Fiona mused, thinking of the Denders affair. "You will have to provide rooms for all of them, though only twenty-three are senior officials, the remainder are aides and attendants.

"Also, the Asoc is interested in The Trine, can you bring her aboard and carry her along for the Asoc to see?" Fiona queried.

"That is easily within our capability. We have staterooms available on the VIP decks and plenty of cabins on the crew decks," Raymond explained.

"The Asoc wishes to come in six days time. Please co-ordinate with Ambassador Alvoie after this meeting. You will also have to talk to Capt. Bellany about The Trine. You should visit the Piscium family apartments while you are here," Fiona told Raymond.


Raymond moved down to Lima Deck and the Piscium apartments as soon as he left the morning brief. The door was opened by Violletiya who jumped into his arms.

"Welcome back, Raymond. Come in please," she said, pulling him along.

"WAIMON!! Cried a little voice as Ikekia ran at Raymond until she crashed into his leg.

"Oh, my! When did you learn to walk Ikekia?" Raymond asked as he picked her up. She reached out with her hands and hugged his face, giving him a kiss.

"Waimond need hug," she stated firmly, squeezing him hard.

Raymond closed his eyes and enjoyed the hug from the small child. He felt a presence and a soft hand caress his face. He opened his eyes to the smiling face of Hanalei.

"My daughter gives good hugs," she told him, simply. Raymond just nodded his head, holding on to the tyke as he walked further into the apartment. Junelliya came out of another room, holding Zarrenia, both of whom smiled at Raymond.

Raymond reached a handout and Zarrenia took hold of his finger, giving it a squeeze. A smile crossed the little girl's face. Then the door sounded.

This time, Sylvie was closest and she opened the door and jumped back as Rikki stepped into the apartment.

His clicks and whistles were translated as: "I have heard there is a little girl here who likes language blocks?" He presented a bag that Ikekia immediately stuck her hand into and pulled out a block with odd writing on it.

"Yeah! Wikki play?" Ikekia asked Rikki, still having problems with her Rs.

"I am sorry, little one, Rikki must see some important people today. But I will return and show you my written language," he told her.

"Ikeki wait," she said, and reached out her hands. Rikki pulled her from Raymond's arms and held her close, then gave her back to Raymond. He quickly turned and was out the door as Raymond sat on the blanket with the two children.

"No fuss with that lot," said a new voice as Riley came into the apartment, along with Kim, Liea, and Capt. Degault, the captain of The Wanderer.

"We heard that Raymond was here, er...where?" Liea asked.

"On the floor with the children," Hanalei giggled, pointing them out.

The ladies looked to where she was pointing and saw Raymond, with Ikekia, Zarrenia, and the Cats crawling all over him. They seemed to be having fun.

"I'm not sure if I want to scold him or join him," Kim teased, getting a bark of a laugh from Riley.

"Let him be for the moment," Junelliya suggested. "It will be good for him and the children. I have some Anuuran tea steeping, would you like some?"

"Yes, please," Riley replied instantly, bringing laughter from the others. Riley had a fixation with tea.

"So what brings you here searching for Raymond?" Hanalei asked after she had placed cups, a pot of hot water, and a selection of teas on the table. She poured a cup of tea for herself and Junelliya from another pot steeping on the table.

Riley waved a hand over Junelliya's cup, wafting the scent to her nose. She smiled and selected the steeped tea.

"We heard that Fiona had a job for us and were curious to what it might be," Liea admitted.

"Two, I suspect," Junelliya confirmed. "The codex for the Maha-Rrin is now as complete as we can make it. We should begin contact soon. So Fiona will likely want to go over strategies with you.

"The Asoc, the supreme ruler of the Asocans, is coming to Liramor-23 in a few days. We don't have a ship suitable to act as a taxi. Fiona has likely asked Raymond to assist," Junelliya stated.

"Correct on both counts, Junelliya," Raymond said from the floor, as two giggling little girls bounced on his stomach.

"The Asoc is coming to inspect her embassy here on Liramor-23. She is bringing some serious firepower from her administration. We will likely see a number of other delegations wanting a taxi service for senior Ministers from their respective home worlds.

"I will suggest that if it is not the ruler of the people coming, that any of the Navy vessels in Fiona's group can go to those planets to retrieve them. It will mean multiple jumps for those ships, but they can collect the delegates and bring them here in a day of travel versus a few hours by The Wanderer.

"However, Fiona should be looking over her shoulder. The President of the Union will likely just 'pop in', once he learns of the Asoc's visit," Raymond finished.

"Yes, he would do something like that," Hanalei said. "And he will likely bring Grace with him. That will be nice for Guinevere."

"Grace is fifteen?" Junelliya asked.

"If I remember correctly," Hanalei replied.

"Two years difference at that age is a world of difference," Urano remarked.

"It is, but two years difference on this platform will just make them better friends," Liea said, smiling.

"So, we need to conduct contact strategies. Are we going to follow the same model as last time?" Kim asked.

"No. Last time, we did not have ICS, so no one was worried about a day's time delay," Raymond said. "This time, we do have that ability. We can go in one of the Princess Class vessels or in a Valour Class."

"Makes sense to me," Liea agreed. "Who is in the strategy sessions?"

"Fayad or Fiona, whichever is not involved with the preparations for the big visit," Raymond began. "Mind-Ur or Caye-Ur as both of them participated in translating the codex as well as at least one of the translators from the Scientific Investigation Team. Kayl-Ur or Hend-Ur as either of them can explain the medical terms for what both halves of the species are now being subjected to.

"The captains of The Wanderer, The Laureli, and The Trine as any of those vessels could be involved in transporting the contact team(s). If Fiona is not available, then we will need to have Capt. Whatt in the group as he is now designated as the 2 I/C of the Piscium Defence Force, now that his ship is no longer the designated ship for the Science Team. Anyone else we might need?" Raymond asked.

"Ambs. Demoiné, and his sidekick, Ambs. Renders," Hanalei suggested, remembering the makeup of the team from before.

"Liea, if we can have Lissette contact the principals and coordinate a time for our first strategy session, that would be useful. We will also need her there as a secretary for the meetings," Raymond asked.

"I'll let her know and get her started on it right away," Liea agreed. "Now, are you going to hog all the fun of those two little girls?"

Raymond laughed. "You are welcome to roll around on the floor with me anytime, Liea."

That brought laughter from the others in the room as Liea blushed.

Main Conference Room, Interspecies Embassy, Liramor-23, The Piscium System

Fiona walked into the bi-weekly embassy meeting with some good news for the Asocan's, however, Nar-Tre relayed the message from the Kumar-Pair about meeting with the Asoc.

"What do you say, Dragon Ambassador Alvoie?" Fiona asked.

"I do not see an issue with that, Director," Alvoie returned. "The Asoc might be interested in meeting with another ruler. It has never happened before."

"Very well then, you have your answer, Nar-Tre. We will have to set up timings for bringing the Kumar-Pair and their entourage here. We will not have The Trine as it will be with The Wanderer, however, we can probably send out one of our Navy ships. It is only a short jump from Pos-Saar to Liramor-23. We can coordinate specifics after this meeting," Fiona indicated, getting an enthusiastic nod from Nar-Tre.

Conference Room Two, Central Command, Delta Deck, Liramor-23, The Piscium System

The first of the strategy sessions for the Maha-Rrin was held two days later. Both Fayad and Fiona sat in on this initial session of the First Contact Group. In future, one or the other would attend.

The session included, Raymond, Liea, Kim, Gillaya, representing PV The Wanderer, Junelliya and Hanalei (along with Fayad), representing PV The Trine, Ambs. Charles Demoiné and Ambs. Michael Renders, representing the UDC and the TGA, Ambs. Nar-Tre Sai-Rai, representing the Pod-Drran people, Heyya, representative the Liramor Hospital, Kayl-Ur and Hend-Ur, as Subject Matter Experts on Pod-Drran (and Maha-Rrin) physiology, Dr. Silvia Hitron, in charge of the Scientific Investigation Team, Dr. Hillary Litton, Language Specialist, Mind-Ur and Caye-Ur, Language Specialists. Captains: Capt. Hellene Degault, commanding PV The Wanderer, Capt. Corine Lenard, commanding the NFT Roger Dancer, Capt. Abigail Moore, commanding PV The Valour -- Fiona Marsh, as Director of Liramor-23 and commanding the Piscium Defence Force, Capt. Bouyé Whatt, as 2 I/C of the Defence Force, Capt. Marisa Bellany, commanding PV The Trine, all the Lieutenants that were commanding the Valour Class ships attached to The Wanderer, the Navy Supply Officer attached to Liramor-23, and Lissette, acting as the secretary and coordinator to the meeting.


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