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Allen story Ch. 01

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I find out about my power and try it.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/08/2023
Created 09/04/2023
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I still remember the episodes that led me to believe in my unique power.

I was 11. I was sitting near a girl who was an excellent student, but for some reason, she didn't like me. My brain went blank on our crucial math exam day, and I could not answer many questions. The girl's examination form was far from me, and I couldn't see it. I wished she'd turn in my direction and place the paper so I could copy her answers. Within 10 seconds, she changed her body position. Now, the answers page was set between us two, and I could copy all the answers I didn't know. It was my first A ever...

One afternoon at 13, I went to a mall with a friend. We ate at the food court when we noticed a person sitting five feet away with his back to us. He had long hair and multiple tattoos. We were curious to see his face, but he never turned around, and we didn't want to lose our seats to check it out. I tried to 'send a message' to the guy to turn around and let us see his front. A short time later, his chair swiveled toward us. He gazed straight at us, and a few seconds later, he turned his back on us again.

When I was 16, I played soccer with a group of guys during a break. We were behind by one goal. Toward the end, I had a chance to score but missed. After the game, the most vocal guy on the team came to me and started hitting me in front of others in the group for losing the game. I was hurt and cursed him silently, hoping that somebody would break the arm that struck me. I watched one of the other players trying to grab his hand and heard him scream. I ran away. The following day, the boy showed up to school with a cast on his right arm, telling everybody it was broken.

The last case happened when I was 17 years old. Sitting in a park, I watched a young guy riding a bike. Then he left them on the ground near me and went to buy ice cream about 30 feet away. As he stood in line, an older guy lifted the bike and started riding out. I looked at him and whispered, 'Hit the wall, you a....le!'. To my surprise, the thief approached the nearest house, and instead of driving on the road, he hit the wall and fell off the bike. He limped away as fast as he could.

These four episodes occurred years apart, but I became suspicious about my ability to impose my will on people. I went home and found my father watching TV. I sat with him and told him about the four separate episodes.

He listened intently and was quiet momentarily. Then he looked at me, "Allen, I believe you. I think you inherited this power from me. I realized I could influence people's thoughts when I was older than you. I was 25 years old at the time. I used it only three times in my life. Son, please think carefully before applying it. It may serve good causes, but in other instances, it may cause harm."

As he was talking to me, Mom entered the main door, said hi, and went to the bathroom. Dad looked at me, "Let's talk about the subject some other time. In the meantime, keep it to yourself and don't tell anybody about it." I became curious and planned to talk to Dad again over the weekend.

Unfortunately, two days later, my father was involved in a fatal car accident and died hours later. We were devastated. Dad was a good person, and we loved him dearly. I didn't go to school and sat with Mom and my older sister at home, leaving the house only to go to the supermarket or urgent errands. I was too distracted to think about my powers, and even my 18th birthday passed without a proper celebration.


The week passed, and Mom told me to go back to school. In the following days, I completed the study assignments I had missed.

I had no plans for the weekend. My sister Sarah was supposed to spend the two days with her best friend. Mom asked me if I wanted to join her in visiting Uncle Mike, but I wasn't in the mood. She went by herself.

I stayed at home and recalled my last talk with Dad. What were the three times he used his telepathic ability? My hunch was that one of these times was to be with Lynn, my mother. My dad looked 'very average' - 5'7", 180 lbs, not particularly handsome, strong, or rich. Mom, on the other hand, was a real beauty. She was 5'6", 120 lbs, pretty face, long blonde hair, and fantastic figure. Did Dad use his power to control Mom to date and marry him?

While Sarah was a younger copy of Mom, I looked like my father, without any distinguished physical or mental attributes, except for the newly discovered telepathic power.

Despite his unique powers, Dad could not prevent his death at a young age. Maybe I should use this advantage to improve my life? I decided first to assess the strength and range of my ability to influence other people.

During the weekend, I went to 3 places to check it out - A busy supermarket, a crowded food court, and a bar. My telepathic instructions were simple, 'turn in my direction and look at me for 5 seconds, then look the other way.' I tested it on 100 people of all ages and races in both genders.

I found out that my sphere of influence depended on several parameters. The distance was the most important but wasn't an absolute number. It extended farther if I was looking and focusing on the person and when I repeated the instruction in my head three times. By the end of the weekend, I was ready to test my power.

The following day, I went to school as usual. During the first break, I watched the hottest girl and her hunk boyfriend walking hand in hand and chatting. I stayed behind but close to them and instructed the girl to run away from him. I repeated it three times. I watched her staring at her guy, crying, and then running away. Her boyfriend stood in his place and had a puzzled look. I moved in the opposite direction without trying to determine whether they made up later.

During the next break, I saw one of my least favorite teachers, whom I was having the following class with, walking by. I instructed her to approach me and ask how my day was. She came to me, smiled, and asked me if I liked the weather. I answered politely, and then she left. In class, she ignored me as if we didn't talk minutes earlier...

After school, I went home and started thinking about how to utilize my power.


I was in my room, masturbating. Usually, when I played with myself, I thought about having sex with a famous actress or reading stories in Literotica. This time, I stared out the window. Jean, the neighbor across the street, was working in her garden. She was a petite woman, about 35 years old. Her body was unimpressive, but her face was pretty, with large eyes and full lips. I met her several times on the street. Except for hello, we never talked.

While noticing her, I was still masturbating, and the stiffy controlled my next move.

After cumming, I walked outside and crossed to the other side of the road. When I was a few steps from her, I sent her a thought message, 'Jean, my name is Allen. I am here for you. Stop me and ask for help in the garden.'

From the corner of my eye, I saw her standing up, "Young man, would you come here, please."

I looked back at her, "Hello, Jean, nice to see you. Did you call me?"

"Yes. Do you have 15 minutes to spare? I'd appreciate your help here."

"Sure, I'll be happy to help even though I am not dressed for working in the garden."

She smiled, "I finished here. I need your help carrying my tools back to the garage."

It took us three minutes to hang all the tools in the right place.

"Allen, I have a cold drink in my fridge. We can drink it, and then I need to go to Walmart to buy new towels and produce."

"Yes, thank you."

As I was drinking, I instructed her to ask me for help carrying the stuff from her car to the kitchen when she returned from the store.

She looked at me pleadingly, "Allen, I hate to bother you again. When I return, can you help me carry several bags into the kitchen?"

"Of course." I gave her my phone number, and before I left, I sent her a message to delay calling me until she took a shower and was dressed in a robe.

My phone rang two hours later, "Allen, it took me longer because the air conditioner was malfunctioning at Walmart. I sweated in the store and needed to shower before calling you."

"Don't worry. I'll be at your door in five."

Her garage door was open. I grabbed four bags and entered the house. She welcomed me wearing a short robe. Her short hair was still wet. The robe hid her body. I could not detect signs of her breasts, but her legs were shapely. The luscious lips were the most notable feature on her face. I felt an urge to kiss her. I gave up, not wanting to push my luck too early.

Before leaving, my brain ordered Jean to ask me for similar help in the coming days.


Three days later, I received another call from Jean to help her carry bags from her car. I said I'd be available in the evening. "That will be great. Thank you."

I timed crossing her yard exactly when her automatic sprinkler began working. I stood under the pouring water for a few minutes and then knocked on the door.

She saw my wet clothes, "Oh, Allen, I apologize. My sprinkler was set for this time, and I forgot to notify you..."

"Jean, that's OK, but I am soaked. It's not a good idea to wet your carpets." As I was saying it, I sent her an order to offer me to shower in her bathroom while she'd put my wet clothes in the dryer.

"Allen, I have an idea. Go to the bathroom. It's here on the right. Take off your clothes, and I'll put them in the dryer. In 40 minutes, they'll be ready for you."

"Are you sure? I can go home and shower there?"

"No, please. I feel terrible. It was my fault."

I entered her bathroom. It was nicely arranged with multiple mirrors, a large tub, and a modern showerhead. I undressed and handed her my clothes through a crack. I didn't lock it and decided to push things to the next level. Three consecutive times, I commanded her to offer to help me in the shower and soap me.

I heard her footsteps by the door and then quiet. She seemed hesitant, and I sent a repeat order, 'Ask me if you could enter the bathroom and soap my body!'

Jean mumbled, "Allen, I still feel bad you got drenched outside. Can I make it up to you and help you in the shower?"

"Yes, Jean. Come on in." And my mind transmitted, 'You'd see me naked and think I am the hottest guy you ever saw."

I opened the hot water. A short time later, she entered the steamy room. I was naked watching her. She gasped, "Allen, you are a stud! I had no idea..."

I smiled, "Jean, that's OK. However, I do not think it will be smart of you to help me while you wear your robe. It will get wet, too. It's better to take it off and join me under the pouring water."

She grinned, "Allen, you are very wise. She removed her robe and had nothing underneath. I glanced at her tiny body. Her tummy was flat, and her tits barely noticed, except for her dark nipples that protruded forward. Her bush hair was nicely trimmed.

"Jean, you better start with my backside."

She moved behind me, grasped the loofa, and began doing my upper back, gradually moving down. She reached my ass cheeks, and I heard her breathing increase. Then she knelt and did my legs. Thinking about her being naked and rubbing my body was arousing. I have never had a woman touch me like that before. When I turned around, my 6.5" cock was directed at the ceiling. Jean gazed at it, and her eyes widened.

I whispered, "Jean, you should start with my chest and move south."

She soaped my chest and followed to my tummy; all that time, her eyes were focused on my erect pole. Then she did my lower abdomen and looked at me.

I didn't talk but lowered my eyes to my tumescent cock and then back to her face.

She knelt before me, carefully placed her palms around my cock, and soaped it gently. Then she did the same with my hairy sac. I let the warm water remove the soap and instructed her, 'Put your lips around it and use it as your lollypop. You would suck me, swallow my seed and love the taste.'

Jean's face moved slowly toward my prick. Then her lips spread wide and engulfed the head. Her tongue licked my underside, and her mouth gradually pulled more of my cock inside. Once half the shaft penetrated her hot mouth, she began bobbing.

'You are doing it well! Now increase your pace and be ready. I am about to cum any moment.'

Jean intensified her sucking. Her luscious lips milked my pecker continuously. I held the back of her head and ejaculated down her throat with a loud groan. I felt her swallow like a good girl, jet after jet that hit her palate. Not a drop was spilled!

I almost fainted when I was done - I was too excited, doing it in the shower standing up...

'You did good! Now thank me for allowing you to suck me dry and tell me how much you liked it!'

Jean licked her lips and smiled at me, "Allen, this was fantastic! The last time I performed orally on my then-boyfriend was three years ago, and I wouldn't say I liked it very much. But your seed is delicious... I don't know if you agree, but I would love to do it again whenever you are free."

"Jean, your oral skills are amazing. From now on, when I have free time, I'll call you. You'll keep cold beer and cookies for me, and I'll let you suck me. Are you interested?"

She grinned, "Oh, YES! I like this arrangement. I'll ensure you have the drink you like, and you'll let me drink your nectar..."

"Jean, do you think my clothes have dried by now?"

She stood up and rushed to the laundry room. She came back with my pants, shirt, and underwear. The warm clothes suggested the dryer just finished. I dressed up.

I gazed at her at the door, "Jean, I like you. I'll call you in a couple of days."

"I'll wait for your call."


Two days later, I phoned Jean after school, "Jean, are you all right?"

"Yes, I am. I was afraid you'd forget about me. Can you come now?"

"I am on my way." I knocked on the door minutes later.

She opened the door with a smile. She wore a nice dress, and red glossy lipstick decorated her luscious lips.

She said shyly, "I thought if I put red lipstick, you'll be more inclined to let my lips suck you..."

"Nice thought. I'll sit on this couch, and you bring me the beer. So when I have my drink, you kneel before me and have your energy drink, too."

"Allen, it sounds perfect."

She went to the kitchen and returned with a Heineken and a large piece of chocolate cake.

"Jean, I like Heineken beer, and combining it with chocolate cake is a great idea. I am just concerned that crumbs will drop on the floor..."

"In this case, you should sit at the table."

"And what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry. I'll crawl under the table, unzip your pants, and have the time of my life with your penis..."

"We can try."

The mere thought of the older woman bending under her table to blow me was mind-boggling! She offered to be my Monica Lewinski...

I sipped my beer slowly, feeling her soft lips enveloping my cock, moving up and down slowly, gradually increasing the pace. I was horny like hell thinking about her sexy mouth in action. I tried to delay my climax as much as I could. I flooded her mouth with my spunk when I sipped the last drop of my beer.

Jean kept my deflating pecker in her mouth for a while. When she let go, she announced, "It feels so good in my mouth. It's like a pacifier for grown-ups. If I had an option to suck on it at night, I would sleep better."

"Jean, I am busy during weekdays, but I can be at your house on Saturday, sleep with you, and leave on Sunday. Would you like that?"

"Allen, you are awesome. YES! I love it. Keeping it between my lips for hours sounds like a dream come true. Please do it for me."


Saturday afternoon, I told Mom I was going to a friend and staying the night with him. I'd be back sometime on Sunday. Mom had no issues, "Son, you are over 18. You can do whatever you want if you don't get into trouble..."

I went to Jean, and she opened the door dressed in sexy lingerie and, again, red-hot lipstick, "I wanted you to like me, so when I milk you, if you wish, you can play with my body."

I caressed her hair, "Jean, you have fantastic ideas. Touching your body sounds like fun. I suggest you remove your lingerie and stay naked. You'll have your favorite drink, and I'll massage your small perky tits."

She undressed, and again, I was privy to her tiny body with the barely-there breasts. As her mouth latched on my growing rod, I touched her buds. She shivered. Her nipples were very sensitive! I caressed, rubbed, and kneaded, alternating between them when her mouth applied magic to my cock. When I was about to cum I pinched her nipple hard, and her body shuddered. We climaxed at the same time. I was surprised she swallowed my goo efficiently without spilling when she orgasmed...

Then she smiled at me, "You are so good to me..."

"Girl, let's go out to eat dinner, and then we'll be back to watch TV."

"OK, but you are a student, and I have more money. Let me pay for dinner."

"Jean, if you insist..."

I chose an Italian restaurant two blocks away. We both had salad, and pasta and finished with a delicious Tiramisu.

We returned to her house, and I turned on the TV, "Jean, do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure. Find a romantic one, but if you would rather watch something else, be my guest."

"The options are 'The Choice', 'A Beautiful Life,' and 'Persuasion.' Anything sounds interesting?"

"I am not familiar with any of them. You select."

I chose 'A Beautiful Life'. I sat on the loveseat, and Jean leaned her head on my shoulder. We started watching the movie. Jean was immersed in the film within minutes. I didn't find it interesting and just leaned backward and closed my eyes.

I woke up feeling her mouth wrapped around my shriveled dick.

She kept it in her mouth and mumbled, "You were bored, so I turned off the TV and wanted to use the opportunity to have your wonderful tool in my mouth again."

"Jean, I like to feel your lips around my member, but it will be better in bed. Let's undress, get into bed, and you can have your pacifier for as long as you want. Don't be surprised if I get aroused by your expert mouth, become hard, and ejaculate."

She chuckled, "Even better. Drinking a love potion twice a day is terrific!"

Jean fell asleep within ten minutes. I was scared to sleep - What if she had a bad dream and bit my prick?

I stayed awake for about half an hour, and Jean had two dreams. Her lips were moving, applying suction but never biting. Eventually, I fell asleep too.

I woke up smelling fresh coffee.

Jean saw me from the kitchen and came to me carrying a tray with toast, two different kinds of cheese, tomato, orange juice, and fresh coffee. She smirked before putting it on my lap, "Allen, you better cover your treasure. Otherwise, I may be tempted to munch on it when you have breakfast..."

I looked down and saw my cock exposed above the waist of my briefs. Jean never bothered to cover it up after her night of sucking on it.

"Girl, you used it last; you cover it!"

She grinned, "Yes, sir!"

With her face down, she pulled the briefs up with her teeth and covered my penis.

I took the tray, Jean, you are very naughty!"

"I am sorry, but whenever I see your pecker, I can't resist the urge to have it in my mouth..."


For the next two months, Jean's mouth served as my cum bucket. We both enjoyed the arrangement. And then I decided it was time to move on. The next time I was in her home, I let her suck me to completion, and when I was ready to leave, I sent her a telepathic message, 'Jean, you were a fantastic cock-sucker. It's time to end your assignment. From now on, you'll return to how you were before I controlled your brain. I'll call you tomorrow.'

The following day after school, I phoned Jean, "Hi Jean, how are you doing today?"


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