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Alpha Protection Ch. 03

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Getting to know each other better.
3.1k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/14/2022
Created 03/27/2009
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Thank you all for your support and comments. I am working hard to get the chapters up as fast as I can for you. Please be patient though because sometimes life doesn't always let me write.


***** ***** ***** ***** *****

The large wolf gave a yawn as he stretched out on the bed beside the sleeping woman. It had been a very long day all around. There had been meeting after meeting, Christmas shopping, Julia's homework, and a pack meeting as well. The daily routine seem to comfort him though, the night bringing the most pleasure. Just laying beside Tempest seemed to soothe both parts of him. Every night after all his work was done he'd come into his room to find her asleep. Careful not to wake her he would shift and clean her back. Nightly he would torment himself with her scent, with the taste of her skin.

Though her back was better it wasn't healed and wouldn't be for some time. Beau didn't come by daily to check on her anymore which Maddox was grateful for. She would be ready to leave in a couple of more months if she wanted to. Thinking about that made him feel guilty, he had lied to her. The two months she had spent here he had lied nearly every time he saw here. They all had lied to her, but would she care it was for her safety? When the time came for the truth would she forgive or leave hating them? Would she accept him or turn him away? The questions continued on and on through his head.

Forcing him mind on something else he watched her sleep deeply. She still had to take pain medicine at night to sleep comfortably. It kept her from waking when he cleaned her back as well, and that he was grateful for. Leaning towards her he licked her again, this time simply for the taste of her. Slowly his tongue moved over her back tasting the sweetness of her skin, causing his cock to unsheathe. The large wolf jerked back as if he'd been bitten when a soft moan escaped her lips. His nose wrinkled when her legs shifted under the sheet, she smelled...she smelled aroused.

Shaking his large head the wolf grabbed the sheet in his teeth and pulled it down quickly. Without consulting the man the wolf pushed his nose between her legs. When the cold wet tip of his nose touched her hot flesh she whimpered and shifted again. Restless she wiggled on the bed slightly before spreading her legs wider giving him more room. His tongue reached out at the same time his mind did, touching her at the same time. His tongue lapped at her careful not to part her or he would be lost. Maddox had only wanted to see what she was dreaming about, he hadn't expected the images. Both man and wolf growled together seeing her dream of them in the middle of mutual orgasm.

The long tongue parted her wet swollen lips seeking her tiny clit. He nearly howled when he found it swollen and pulsing with need. Flicking the tip of his tongue over the small little bud he was quickly losing control. The wolf dipped his long tongue into her, his head snapping back instantly. She was in heat, he had to get out of here...they thought together looking shocked. Beau had said that her body was in shock it could be up to a year before her cycles were normal again. The wolf leaned into her again taking another taste causing him to growl deeply.

Wrong...Wrong...this is wrong, he thought. Both man and wolf could not have been more shocked though when her lovely ass lifted off the bed. Tilting his head the wolf watched as she somehow managed to pull her knees under her, lifting her ass higher off the bed. Neither had to think twice about the invitation. Instantly the wolf mounted her brushing his cock against her opening. Man and wolf struggled both knowing they should have left. Both lost the battle when the tip of their cock slipped into her, the instinct to mate taking over.

Maddox thrust deep changing without thinking about doing so. His whole body went rigid at her soft cry, the look on his face was one of shock. Slowly he began to pull out of her feeling like a monster at what he had just done. Never once in his life had he ever done anything so disgusting to a woman, much less to a virgin. Her soft moan of pleasure stopped his withdrawal. Surely he was wrong about what that moan had meant, she could find any form of pleasure in this. Pushing back into her he withdrew again making sure not to hurt her more.

Under him her lips parted letting out a whimper as her hands curled into the bottom sheet. Hearing the sound Maddox lost control and his will to leave her alone. He pumped in and out of her forcefully thrilled at how she clenched around him. He had never felt anything as good as being inside her. She was so small and tight, gripping him like a fist that refused to let go. Very carefully he pushed deep into her determined now to fit his knot in before it grew too big. The huge knot at the base of his cock brushed her clit as he worked at getting it into her.

Never taking his eyes off of her he couldn't help but be proud when she screamed. Her whole body shuddered under his as her pussy milked his cock. With a feral grin he pushed sliding the knot into her spasming sex. Throwing his head back he growled as he came deep inside her. He didn't stop thrusting into her until he was empty, until she was filled with his seed. He helped her collapse back onto the bed making sure not to injure her back.

Still locked to her he shifted so that he was not laying on top of her. There was nothing else to do but rest until they came apart. Over an hour later he slipped from her biting back a groan she her inner muscles quivered at his withdrawal. He took time to watch her up and make her comfortable. Dressing he stalked out of the room cursing himself for doing something so stupid.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Tempest woke only wincing a little from the pain in her back. She smiled into her pillow thinking of the wonderful dream she had. Maddox was in bed with her, behind her, inside her. She felt the blush just thinking of it. In her dream he had been so big, stretching her so wide. Turning onto her side she sat up with a gasp clutching the sheet over her breasts, she was now fully awake. Looking over her shoulder she notice Maddox fully clothed beside her looking confused. Somehow she managed to hold the sheet to her front while she buried her face in her hands.

Maddox sat up next to her his only thought to calm her before she hurt herself. Carefully he pushed her long hair back, he wanted to see her face. He knew that there would be a look of disgust there at what he had done to her. Honestly though he couldn't remember climbing back in bed with her, or why her scent wouldn't be bothering him. There was no doubt in his mind that she would demand going home, though she was free to go any time she chose.

"Tempest honey look at me," he whispered gently tugging her hands down.

Shaking her head she let him take her hands but refused to look at him. Not looking at him had much to do with her embarrassment as well as hiding her eyes. Normally she would have had contacts in to cover the color of her eyes, and since being here she seldom looked at anyone directly. It was a defense to cover the fact she wasn't quite human. She shook her head again ashamed with herself.

"Awww come on Tempest show me those beautiful eyes. I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken advantage that way, but please can we talk about it?" Soothing her hair back again he talked softly, almost lovingly.

Her head snapped up with a gasp, her face a mixture of shock and horror. Maddox looked into those eyes that haunted him and nearly came undone. Blinking at him her expression continued to grow even more horrified, "Advantage....?"

She wailed suddenly as if she was in pain scrambling back away from him. Her face was a bright shade of red clashing with her hair. Her hands were still held captive by him making her tug at them in frantic need to get away. Struggling to get away she lost her grip on the sheet, but she barely noticed as it pooled in her lap. The slight chill in the air caused her nipples to pucker, and her struggles sent them bouncing.

Maddox could tell by the look on her face that she wanted nothing to do with him now. Reaching up he cupped her cheek, stroking lightly with his thumb. "It wasn't your fault honey. You were asleep and well I.....," he stopped suddenly at the cry of humiliation.

"Oh God," she groaned. "Please don't say any more. I..I...ummm want to explain something, but you have to promise not to talk at all while I explain." She waited until he nodded in agreement before continuing.

"It's really not that easy to explain, and most people don't know. I didn't...no wait..you didn't take advantage of me. I was dreaming you see and well..," she paused taking a deep breath. "You see there are times when I dream, and if I'm close to the person I can feel what they feel." Sighing she shook her head, "Wait I'm not explaining this right."

Tempest chewed on her bottom lip for several seconds while thinking. She took another deep breath before starting again, "I can feel what others feel, those that I am closer with. Some would call me empathic but it's more then that. You and I have became close because of the situation. When we are asleep I can feel the emotions more. I begin to dream, and if the feelings of both of us are similar I can make you dream the same thing. In our case we both want each other, and my dreams acted on that. I drew you into the dream as well feeding on your feeling of need." Looking at her lap she whispered the last, "I'm sorry."

Maddox blinked looking at her with a shocked expression. He listened to her while scanning her thoughts to make sure she wasn't trying to make him feel better. He smiled slightly, "I believe you Tempest I really do, but I can't be for sure it was all a dream. I think that I should have Beau check you to make sure."

Her head snapped up again with another horror expression. "No, no, he can't," she looked terrified now.

"In this dream you were a virgin honey. If your dream was really a dream then it will be easy to check," he explained. There was no doubt in his mind that dream or not she was or had been a virgin.

Biting her lip she whispered, "Can't you check?"

He growled low as if he was in pain. He gaze dropped to her breasts while he thought about her question. He wondered if he could control himself if he touched her. He thought back to what she claimed was a dream. Thinking on it he knew that what she was saying was likely true. The memories of what they wanted weren't very detailed. "Are you sure?" he asked.

Nodding she pulled away from him turning onto her stomach. This was the first time she was grateful that she could not lay on her back, she didn't think she could look at him. Slowly she moved onto her hands and knees as the sheet slipped down to lay on her calves. She lowered her upper body to the bed so she could bury her face in the mattress. Her body jerked at his first touch.

With disbelief he watched her, the entire time a war battled within him. She was letting him touch her, and his wolf wanted so much more. Moving behind her he cupped her in his hand feeling her heat. He slowly stroked her waiting for her to relax a little. His fingers were gentle as they moved over her closed nether lips. Badly he wanted to part her and bury himself deep inside her. He wanted to hear her scream with her orgasm. He wanted to bind himself to her until he was empty and she was full.

"Maddox...," she whispered softly, "What are you doing?" Her hands fisted in the bottom sheet as her pussy swelled and became wet.

"Shhhhh...I don't want to hurt you. You need to be wet for me to check," he answered. With a wicked smile he parted her folds with his thumb and middle finger on one hand. Using his pointer finger he stroked spreading the moisture along the open slit. A few times he let his finger bump against her clit enjoying her shuddering breaths.

Tempest buried her face into the bed as a shiver of pleasure ran through her body. She rolled her lips inwards biting down on them when his finger reached her clit again. It stayed this time stroking in slow circles causing her to rock back and forth. "Ahhhhh....," she moaned, "Please hurry." She didn't know if she was begging him to finish or to get into her.

With whimpering pleas she lifted her bottom more giving him even greater access to her. Her body felt tight, warm, and so ready for release. She heard his words asking if she was sure she didn't want Dr. Beau checking her. She shook her head no just seconds before he slipped his finger into her. Her inner muscles clamped down on his finger tightly as if she was trying to hold it in her. He did something with that finger in her that caused her to scream. Biting the pillow she tried to muffle the cries of pleasure as she climaxed.

Maddox did nothing to hide the smug smile when she exploded. Her pussy milked his finger as it would a cock. He was careful with his movements because he could indeed feel her hymen. Working his finger in and out of her he moved under her while she was distracted. With his face directly below her spasming sex he withdrew his finger.

"I am happy to tell you that you are a virgin still which means I didn't all but rape you. That was thankfully a dream," he told her sounding so serious. He knew if she could see his face she might actually slap him. The cocky look on his face might get him into trouble, but there was no denying she wanted him. Oh he knew that from reading her thoughts, but reading her body was so much better.

It was several minutes after the mind-blowing orgasm that made her see stars before she realized he laid under her. She could feel each breath against her throbbing sex. With a ragged whimper she shook her head knowing he couldn't see her. She wanted him to touch her there with his mouth, to feel the wet slide of his tongue against her. She groaned into the pillow thinking about his lips closing over her clit and sucking.

"I can't. I want you to but I can't. Need to lay down, I'm starting to hurt," she explained still slightly breathless.

Maddox frown and cursed himself for not remembering her delicate condition. Leaning up he kissed the wet swollen sex above him before sliding back out from under her. His wolf clawed to get out, but they both knew to do so now might frighten her. The wolf wanted to mate, but he wanted to check on her more. Helping her lay back down he carefully drew her close to hold her to him. He would tell her the truth when she woke.

"Sleep," he commanded. He smiled against her hair thinking he had never told a woman in his bed to sleep so much.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Maddox's brothers were gathered in the large living room unknown to the couple in the bedroom. The two brothers that were mated held their wives in their laps seeking assurance from them. Their mother sat slightly apart from them looking strong thanks to the care of her sons. There was a time when she would hand been curled into the shadows trying to hide. Maddox and all her other sons had taken care with her and taught her to be strong again. She wanted them all mated and happy, she wanted more grandchildren.

The second eldest, Valerin, looked ready to explode. He had found young Tempest and felt protective of her. The feeling though was the same feeling he had for his sisters-in-law, brotherly. It had taken some searching, but he had finally found some pieces to the puzzle. Though it had taken more digging then he had thought it would, he had found out that some of the government members were indeed crooked.

The who and why still couldn't be found, but Were was involved. It didn't make sense to him why a Were would hurt her since they worked so hard to prove they meant no harm. On occasion he had heard of human males paying a Were or two to show their human woman a lesson. Was that it, Val wondered, was Tempest in love with a Were male? He didn't think so with the way she responded to Maddox. Had she just came across the wrong renegade Weres? His mind never shut down, never stopped wondering which drove most women insane.

After finding the answers about the agencies looking for Tempest he had came home and told the family. Maddox didn't know yet because when he went to tell him the noises him the room turned him away from it. In many ways he wanted to smack his brother for risking her health. There was a part of him that was purely male though, a part that grinned when he had heard the breathless whimpering. If it wasn't for his mother being in the room he would have grabbed one of the maids. Hearing those noises had made Val want a woman on her knees in front of him, and he wasn't picky when it came to women.

Cameron said something snapping Val out of his thoughts. He frowned at his brothers realizing they were all thinking the same thing. They all believed Weres were involved here, and behind them was a human male. The only unanswered question was why.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

This was a waste of time. The entire story feels rushed and a bit repetitive, I honestly think you have the concept for a great story but you lack the writing skills to turn it into one.

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 11 years ago

Val strikes me as the family slut

blackdahlia60blackdahlia60over 12 years ago
Love this story but it needs to be edited better! Please!

You are a very talented writer but the story needs to be edited. It makes it very hard to read. There are grammatical errors as well as spelling. I do editing for other writer's. And would be willing to help you out! Contact me.


Along, still needs grammar checked & corrected before submitting for posting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

So, short chapters? Check

Bad grammar? Check

Spelling errors? Check

All these things an editor SHOULD correct or at least inform you of. Sadly, this isn't happening here.

polgaranightpolgaranightover 13 years ago
I'm in Love

Just what every person needs. Love, and sex.. or should I say "hot passion". Love the story BIG TIME!!!!!

MaxillinaMaxillinaalmost 15 years ago
what a dream

Sexy dream that was!

spearman1spearman1almost 16 years ago

Wonderful! Great! Marvelous!

DaniellekittenDaniellekittenalmost 16 years ago
Great job

very enjoyable and nicely written.

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