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Always a Bridesmaid Pt. 03


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My sense of peace was short-lived, as she took my hand and slipped it over her own breast, holding it there with her other hand. I could have fought to pull back, but threw caution to the wind and began caressing her. I had wanted this moment for as long as I could remember and it was even more amazing than I could have imagined.

"Ok, babe, I'm in the driver's seat now. Let me show you how it's done." I said firmly, pulling my hand back from her breast, and sliding it around the back of her neck. I lingered that way for a moment, with several inches separating our faces, my eyes locked with hers, studying them. I could see an eternity in them, surprise, discover, desire, and deep love and adoration. Not the kind that was transient attraction, infatuation or casual affection, but a powerful, sweet, intense, and over-the-top kind of love.

I leaned forward, sliding my nose along hers, eliciting a deep shiver that vibrated up into my hand, almost making me lose my grip. I knew more about that woman than anyone else on the planet, her likes and dislikes, fears, dreams, secrets, hurts, and even what inspired her and turned her on sexually. Paula loved extended foreplay, even to the point of drawing it to the point of discomfort, something that her past lovers had no doubt tried but had missed the mark.

"You are so incredibly gorgeous, sexy, and desirable, and I want you, but I love you even more." I said, in a whisper that was as sultry as I could manage.I drew back a bit, hovered my face a little bit away, and then slid my nose alongside hers, inching up, and then ever so slowly going back down. When my lips nearly reached hers, I exhaled a long breath, knowing it would make her skin tingle and caress her mouth with incredible warmth.

"Will you just go ahead and kiss me already?" Paula demanded.

I chuckled as I continued nuzzling her and breathing on to her lips periodically, completely ignoring her request. After about thirty seconds or so, I said, "You aren't in charge any more, princess, it's not up to you. You are mine now, and I will love you however I please."

Any one of my past lovers will tell you that while I am not dominant in the sexual sense, I do firmly take the lead in lovemaking. Some loved it, others hated it, but I never once relinquished control. I planned to do the same with her. After a few more times of relentlessly teasing her with nose to nose contact, I leaned in and brushed my lips against hers, making her tremble and yelp. "Oh my gawd." was all she could get out before I did it again.

Part of being an amazing lover is reading your partner, namely what they respond to, what they don't and certainly focusing on their needs and not your own. I could feel Paula trembling and squirming as I teased her, building her need and desire for release. I had never once had this level of closeness with a partner before, and the degree of intimacy already between us amplified everything for me; happily, I sensed the same in her.

I shifted my body so that I was sitting all the way back on the couch, and gently guided Paula on to my lap, with her knees on either side of me, straddling me. Our slight height difference worked out in our favor, making us nearly level with one another. She let out a deep sigh as my breasts pressed into hers, and I placed a light kiss on her lips, her very first from any other woman. I secretly relished the fact that the ecstasy was amplifying every physical contact, and felt her moan into the brief kiss.

"Oh your lips are so, so soft." Paula whispered as her body quivered in response.

"So how do my kisses rate?" I asked, letting my lips gently claim hers once more, careful not to introduce my tongue yet.

Paula moaned as our lips stayed joined for several seconds, her hands on my shoulders hanging on for dear life. "Oh no damn comparison, so perfect." she gasped until I interrupted her words with another kiss, this one longer than the rest. I could feel the heat from her body rising rapidly, and her hardened nipples assaulting mine tenderly.

I initiated a very long and sensual kiss in that moment, my lips massaging and caressing hers, bringing an equally sexy response from her mouth. My intention was to make her experience the best lovemaking ever and create a complete addiction to it in her, ensuring that she would be mine forever.

Paula parted her lips slightly, not offering me her tongue, but clearly not venturing out on her own. I pulled back and playfully bit her lips. "Not yet, love, not gonna rush patient." I chided before resuming our kissing session. Obediently, I felt her mouth close and give itself back over to just lip to lip caresses. Oh that's it, good girl, I promise you will be rewarded, I said to her silently. I wanted the kisses to arouse her and imprint upon her, in preparation for the next stage of what we were doing. As a straight girl, I knew from her own stories how brief kissing and touching often were, and I wanted her to relish it taking a lot longer.

Even through the layers of clothing I could feel the intense heat between her legs, confirming that everything I had been doing was perfect. In that moment it hit me that no matter the circumstances of this happening, that the maid of honor, me, was fucking the bride, and one that had never experienced sapphic love. The taboo of that sent a thrill through me, but in reality it was my deep affection for her that made it all amazing.

As I parted my lips, she had a massive tremor rip through her body, making it gyrate for a moment in an erotic way. To my surprise, Paula kept her mouth closed, presumably to get back at me for stopping her from doing it earlier. Oh yeah? I can play too!, I thought, worming my powerful tongue through her closed lips and probing along her gumline to make my intentions crystal clear.

Once her mouth opened slightly, I slowly slid my tongue inside as far as I possibly could, trying to find hers. I heard her gasp in surprise at the invasion, but soon after, our tongues touched, tentatively at first, but then more insistently. I was pleasantly surprised at how skilled she was in the more aggressive kissing, one of the best I had ever experienced. Part of me wondered if she had been a lesbian all along and had just buried those desires so deeply that they were locked away. Truthfully, I didnt fucking care, all that mattered to me was being in that moment with her.

Minutes slipped away as we surrendered to passionate kisses, lips and tongues learning more about each other with each gyration of our sexual dance. As Paula darted her tongue between my lips, I wrapped my lips around it and started rhythmically sucking on it, making her dig her nails into my shoulders like claws. Her body was shaking and thrashing with each moment of backwards pressure, like I was making her fuck my mouth.

I lurched my body sideways, rolling Paula from straddling me, to a sitting position on the couch with me wedged between her legs. I slipped down to my knees and looked up at her, tempted to bury my head between her legs and bring her a climax right then. Patience, Carlotta, I reminded myself.

Wordlessly, I reached behind her to find the zipper of her dress, grabbing the pull and tugging it down an inch or two. As Paula frowned, I leaned up and resumed my fierce but gentle kisses, and timed each move down with the tempo of my lips against hers. Once done, I pulled back from her with a smile, and peeled her dress down, patting her hips once it was down far enough to pull it away entirely. She reached up with her hand to repeat the same motion on my own dress, but I playfully slapped her hand away. "Nu uh, all in time, don't be greedy." I said, throwing the dress on a recliner some three feet away.

"Bitch!" Paula said, giggling.

"Oh yes, you will be." I answered playfully as I leaned up to kiss her neck, something I knew was a huge turn on to her, and to me as well.

I pressed my body to hers as I nibbled her neck, tempted to leave a mark, but deciding to wait. There was enough uncertainty about whatever might happen in the days ahead with adding anything that would trigger questions. The marks I was making on her body were not visible but just as indelible. There would be plenty of time for that later, for the moment my moist kisses were more than enough.

"Oh that feels amazing, don't stop. Please, please do not fucking stop!" Paula moaned loudly, her back arching away from the back of the couch. Sensing a window of opportunity, I reached around and unhooked her bra, but made no effort to remove it, wanting to take the next step slowly. I lavished her neck with kisses, nibbling and nipping, but doing so with great restraint. I glanced down at her thick lace panties and smiled once I saw how dripping wet they were, solid proof that she was enjoying this. Her scent wafted upwards, exciting me about what was yet to come.

I kissed Paula's neck towards her right shoulder, inching to the silky strap keeping her luscious breasts from my devouring eyes. "I have always loved looking at your sexy body, even subtly, babe. How are you feeling? Everything ok?" I whispered, nudging the strap as I kissed every inch.

"Oh very ok, your lips feel incredible." she whispered back, still squirming.

I eased Paula's lacy bra off her shoulders, triggering the instinct to cover herself in modesty. I grabbed her arms and gently forced them back to her sides, being insistent but gentle. "No, no, I have seen you stark naked more times than I could count, no need to feel embarrassed." I said, kissing on the hollow of her neck again.

Paula blushed. "Yeah, but this." she said meekly.

I let my eyes roam down to her breasts, her amazing perfect breasts, smaller than mine but incredibly delicious. They were light skinned like the rest of her, firm and full, with no sag, and crowned with rosy nipples. I placed my hand on her bare hip and started inching upwards, memorizing every place I touched on her skin, silently staking my claim to her. I purposely made eye contact with her as I slipped my fingers around her breast, cupping it, but staying away from her nipple.

I dropped my gaze to what I was doing, running my fingers all the way around the perimeter of her breast, and resumed a cupping motion once complete. "Never touched you like this either, but I love how you feel, Pauls." I said, squeezing gently.

"And I love your touch, it's so gentle but not weak, and still full of desire." she responded, lip quivering. I was worried she might be on sensory overload.

Moving slowly, I slipped my other hand around her free breast, caressing gently, watching her face twitch and her body quiver with every touch. "Breasts are so feminine, so soft, so sexy, so wonderful to caress and touch. I can't get enough of yours." I said with a smile.

Making eye contact with Paula again, I stroked a nipple with my thumb, watching her lean her head back and close her eyes. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh wowww" she said out loud.

"Oooooo she likes it." I teased, repeating the action.

"F--fuck n--no, ll lllove it." she moaned, eyes closed, taking it all in.

"Mmmmmm" I responded, kissing her neck again and moving down very gradually, pausing as I reached her breast, kissing and licking the skin at the very top of it. Reaching the nipple, I leaned in close and blew warm breath on it, making it harden even more. I knew how sensitive her nipples were, and I wanted to exploit that weakness.

I extended my tongue and licked her nipple, forcing a grunt and gasp out of her, feeling her eyes on me watching what I was doing. I licked around the base of it slowly before hovering my mouth over it, lips wide, breathing heavily, making her moan. I closed my lips slowly and wrapped them around her nipple, slowly and rhythmically sucking, knowing what it would do to her.

Paula drew in a sharp breath and arched her back, her hands cradling me against her, legs pushing tight against my sides like a vice. I started sucking in a steady rhythm, my tongue stroking the part of the nipple in my mouth while my lips caressed the rest. My thumb and fingers began playing with her other breast, making her gyrate and thrash about, with the most erotic moans I had ever heard from any lover. I knew she was soaked, both seeing it with my eyes earlier, but now the entire room was soaked with the smell of her sex.

I reasoned that in her present state that Paula might climax from breast play alone, but rather than take the chance, I let go of one of her breasts and plunged it in her wet panties. I reached between her pussy lips and navigated my way to her clit, and massaged it with my index finger as lightly as I could.

Just that light contact forced the orgasm out of her so intensely that it felt like I had yanked the soul from her body. Paula let out a high-pitched sexual cry of ecstasy as she gyrated and thrashed like a woman possessed. I tried in vain to keep my lips on her breast, but her jerky movements pulled out with a wet popping sound. I let my hands settle on her hips as she rode out the intense climax, watching it consume her, making me even more aroused in the process. She let out a slow moan as her body melted back into relaxation, trembling a little, but otherwise still and silent.

Paula managed to catch her breath after a minute or so, and reached up to put one hand on her forehead. "Oh gawd....oh my gawd...that" she squeaked out.

"Better than your hot tub orgasm?" I joked, patting her leg.

She sat up slowly and got her bearings before answering. "That was a stupid ass question, of course it was. And before you fucking ask, yes this one was the absolute best of my life!" she said, her voice less shaky now.

I withdrew my hand from between her legs slowly, knowing Paula's juices were on my fingers, and wanting to taste them, but thinking we had done enough for the moment. She needed time to process what had happened between us in the light of day, with a clear head. Part of me wanted to go down on her before we stopped, to reinforce just how amazing lesbian sex was, and that nothing she had experienced could measure up. The other part of me didn't want to overwhelm her or push her too far, too fast. To make matters worse, I was incredibly aroused and the scent of her on my fingers was beckoning me like a sexual siren.

Losing the battle of self-control, I plunged my fingers in my mouth, taking in her taste firsthand, feeling her eyes burning into me. If this was my one moment with Paula, I wanted to ensure she experienced the most pleasure possible, and at my hands no less. Lowering my lips to her neck, I began kissing and nipping the flesh, with my hands on her hips with my thumbs caressing her skin.

"Ohhhhh that feels so amazing, I am still so turned on by what you did." she groaned, squirming.

"Oh, you just wait, darlin'. I need to taste you, and you are going to fucking love how it feels." I said, sinking to my knees, allowing my body to gently and naturally push her sexy legs apart. I completed the necessary actions by gently pushing her further open, providing unfettered access to her womanhood.

I gasped as my face ventured closer, inching my way to her most sacred spot, marveling at the fullness of her labia, the sight of her engorged clit, and the juices flowing from her freely. I knew that Paula had only slept with men, but knowing that her arousal was because of me gave me an incredible thrill. Many of the straight women I had been with had inevitably gone back to men, but I also knew that the pleasure I showed them was unforgettable. And right now she was mine!

"Fuck, babe, your pussy is gorgeous!" I said, kissing her inner thigh, eliciting an intense shiver. A moment later, I extended my tongue and slowly traced around her outer lip, taking in the warmth and taste of her most intimate spot. Paula's taste was slightly sweet but tangy, with a very slight hint of saltiness. I knew right then and there that given the choice, I would dine there constantly and already felt an immediate addiction of sorts to the flavor.

"Oh...oh my...ohhhhh that feels amazing...gawd..." she said, stammering.

I gently slid my hands further back on her lovely hips, which were warm to the touch and smooth, until I grasped her ass and pulled her against my waiting mouth. Paula let out a surprised gasp as my lips formed themselves against her labia in an erotic kiss of sorts. Not content to stop there, I slid my tongue inside her as far as I could, wanting more of her juices.

Her back arched as she let out a sweet but powerful moan, signaling incredible pleasure, and then I felt her hands intertwine with my hair, urging me on. I began to slowly and firmly sliding my tongue in and out, fucking her pussy in a way I was almost entirely certain she had never even remotely experienced before.

Paula's fingers pressed against my head and involuntarily tugged at my hair, not quite to the point of being painful, but quite firm at the same time. I felt her hips responding to my oral adoration, moving with a mind all their own, meeting my tongue thrusts stroke for stroke. I was tongue fucking my straight best friend and she was all in, surrendering to new desires, and embracing them without reservation. Trying to up the ante, I nudged her swollen clit gently, triggering a powerful tremble throughout her entire body.

"Shit!" she blurted out, her voice rife with lust. To my surprise, Paula began frantically grinding against my face, as if any last bit of self control had been ripped away in no uncertain terms. Up until that moment, I had been the one in control, the one fucking her, but now she began fucking me back, desire and need consuming her. Within a few heartbeats, my gorgeous friend's body seized up as a soul-shattering climax slammed into her, the kind I had observed from lovers only a couple of rare times. I had always loved this girl, but now I felt it on an entirely different level.

Paula erupted in a loud and guttural scream filled with released desire, and I was struck at how musical it sounded to me, as beautiful and perfect as she was. Her pussy flooded me with sweet juices, which flowed between my parted lips and down inside my body. I held on as the orgasm carried her along, feeling her gyrate and jerk from the intensity of the experience.

Once her climax had passed, I pulled back from my position and looked up into my friend's eyes, which were filled with surprise, wonder, and complete adoration. In that instant, an eternity of connectedness passed between us, binding us together in a new and amazing way. My own desire was raging almost out of control, but with what lucidity I could muster, I wanted to coax and tease one more climax from her.

"Oh...fuck...that was...." she began.

Before Paula could say anything else, I slipped two fingers easily inside of her, curling them and instantly finding her g-spot, massing it gently. Simultaneously I wrapped my full latina lips around her quivering clit and began sucking on it the same way I had done to her nipples moments ago. In her already aroused state I was sure that she would not last very long, but still tried not to be overly aggressive in my efforts.

Her third orgasm crashed into her mere moments after, but was intense enough that I could see her mouth open wide, but not one sound coming out. Paula did not thrash about as she had before, but stayed frozen and silent, trembling almost violently, still gripping me tightly. Her silent climax passed after what seemed like an eternity, and still without noise, her body crumpled like a sandcastle flattened by a wave.

I rose to my feet slowly and slipped next to her and pulled her against me, with her head resting on my shoulder and her face against my neck. We stayed that way for at least fifteen minutes, essentially cuddling in complete silence, basking in the afterglow, at least for her. Finally, she spoke.

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