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Amber 15

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Amber and I spend the first night in our vacation cabin.
4.7k words

Part 15 of the 29 part series

Updated 05/12/2024
Created 02/09/2024
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I awoke on the couch surprisingly well-rested. Amber and I were in northern Arkansas visiting her uncle. We had flown in the day before and arrived at his house in the early afternoon. There, I met her uncle, Mike, for the first time and later we had dinner with her parents. The day went well and in the evening we retired to his basement, which was made up as a guest suite.

Now, as I sat up, I realized Amber's couch was empty. Checking the bathroom, it appeared that she had already gone upstairs to visit with her uncle. I quickly got ready in the bathroom then changed into a pair of jeans and a sweater before going up to join them.

When I opened the door at the top of the stairs, I was met by the wonderful smell of coffee and cooking meat. In the kitchen, I found Amber, dressed similar to me, drinking a cup of coffee while Mike finished cooking up some eggs and sausages. Turning and seeing me he exclaimed, "There he is! Is he always this lazy in the morning?"

I was momentarily embarrassed until he started laughing and Amber said, "No, he's usually the one up before me making breakfast." Mike looked back at me and winked as he turned off the stove and got ready to serve breakfast. We moved to the next room and sat around his table. Taking a bite of the sausage, it was the easily the best I had ever had. I asked Mike if this was also from his deer. He smiled proudly and said, "Sure is! Seriously, are you interested in hunting? I'd be happy to have you up next fall."

I nodded emphatically and said, "Absolutely. I've always wanted to go but I've just never had the opportunity. Where do you go to hunt?"

Mike shrugged modestly and said, "I own quite a bit of land around here. There's plenty of places for us to hunt." Then with a sudden look of realization he said, "Oh, I forgot; I've got something for you."

Mike reached into his pocket and leaned across the table, handing me a check folded in half. Without opening it I asked, "What's this for?" He just nodded towards my hand, encouraging me to open it.

Looking at the value, I realized it was for about the same amount that I had paid to reserve the cabin. When he saw the recognition on my face he started laughing and said, "How'd you think I knew about that cabin to recommend it? It's mine. I keep it as a rental property for people on vacation. I let some company handle the booking and they clean it really well, but I'm not taking your money. If you like it, that place is yours whenever you want to come visit."

With a deeply appreciative smile I thanked Mike for his generosity. He just winked at Amber and said, "The two of you go enjoy it. Oh and before you ask: no, there's no cameras in the cabin either." I just shook my head as Mike laughed heartily at his teasing of Amber, referring back to her question of him the first time we visited his ranch.

After breakfast, I helped clean the table and then Mike asked if there was anything specific we wanted to do. Amber shook her head and said, "No, we just wanted to come spend some time with you."

Mike again suggested that perhaps we could ride around with him. He wanted to show us some of the area to give us ideas of things to do later in the week. Then he suggested heading into town, "It's not much; but, there's a good cafe where we can get lunch before heading back."

Amber and I both agreed that that sounded fun. We grabbed our coats and when Mike was ready, we headed out. I sat in the back seat of his truck while Amber rode up front and that's how we spent the morning. As we rode around, Mike showed us different trail heads and told us what could be seen along each hike. Then he drove to an overlook, where it seemed we could see for tens of miles across the gently rounded mountains. Amber and I stood and admired the countryside, then turned to Mike and thanked him for bringing us up there. I could tell that Mike took pride in showing us around where he called home and took pleasure in seeing us enjoying it too.

After driving around all morning, Mike suggested we head back into town. The ride wasn't long and soon we arrived at a small, quaint little town. There were a couple blocks of old brick storefronts with a variety of shops; the street was wide and had angled parking down each side. We found a spot in front of the cafe and, after parking, climbed out of the truck and went inside. There, I had one of the best, hearty lunches I've ever had, a country fried steak with mashed potatoes and green beans.

Throughout the morning and lunch, the conversation between the three of us never stopped. Of course we talked a lot about Amber and me; but we also just talked about how Mike was doing, what he does to keep busy and his plans for the coming years. It became clear that he made his wealth through real estate and land management and now lived off the gains from his investments. He still kept a few properties, but almost as a hobby. I was impressed by his modesty and generosity. He truly was one of the nicest people I'd ever met.

At the end of lunch, despite our protests, he of course insisted on paying. Then, with that taken care of, we gathered our things and headed back to the truck. Before unlocking the doors, Mike looked across at Amber and me standing together. He smiled and said, "Guys, I really appreciate you coming to visit. I've really missed you, Amber and I'm so very happy for you both."

Before either of us could respond, he had unlocked the doors and climbed into the driver seat. We followed him into the truck and made the short drive back to his house. As we pulled into the driveway, Mike spoke up, "So guys, really, I want you to know how much I appreciate you coming up to see me. And I'm not running you off, you're welcome to stay as long as you want. But I also know that those couches aren't the most comfortable things to sleep on and I know you're looking forward to some time alone just the two of you."

As we got out of the car, I could see Amber slightly blush and Mike laughed. He then continued, "How about when we get back in the house, y'all get your stuff and head on over to the cabin. Really, I brought you all up here for a vacation. You've made me as happy as you possibly could've just by spending last night and this morning with me. Go enjoy your trip."

Amber ran up and gave her uncle a big hug, thanking him for everything. We then went inside, packed up our things and carried them up the stairs and stacked them by the front door. Mike then handed us a few pieces of paper. One was a local road map; he warned us that GPS could be spotty in some of the valleys. Another was a map of the various trails he had shown us. Finally, he handed us a sheet of paper with the door code and a list of phone numbers if we were to need anything. After a series of hugs, handshakes and a few tears from Amber, we said goodbye to Mike.

On our way to the car, I hung behind and Mike put his arm around me as Amber loaded her bags into the car. With a smile and still gripping my shoulder he said, "It was really great to meet you. Amber did an excellent job with you. Now you take care of my Amber and I'll take care of you."

With another one of his winks, he slapped me on the shoulder and we shook hands and said goodbye. Amber and I waved as we pulled out of the driveway. Standing on his porch, Mike waved back. Pulling out onto the road, I turned to Amber and said, "You were right; he's the best."

With a bittersweet smile she replied, "He really is."

We drove in silence for a few minutes as Amber got over the sadness of saying goodbye. But as we wound deeper into the woods, following the narrow roads up and over, around and down into breathtaking streamlined valleys, Amber smiled and then looked at me excitedly. I smiled back at her and she gripped my hand tightly. I finally came to a driveway that lead off the main road. Following it, we went deeper into the trees and up a couple switchbacks before we came to a concrete parking pad next to a beautiful two story wooden cabin set among the trees on a ridge. As we stepped out of the car and looked around, I heard Amber say to herself, "Wow, this place is amazing."

It really was. Even in the winter, with all the trees bare, the woods were thick enough that from the cabin atop the ridge, no other cabins or other structures could be seen. We were alone, completely isolated, just as we had wanted. Amber looked at me with excitement in her eyes and said, "Come on, let's go check it out!"

We grabbed our bags and carried them to the front porch. As I unlocked and opened the door, we placed the bags just inside and looked around. It was beautiful; in fact it felt a lot like Mike's house. The front door opened into a large living area with dark brown leather couches and chairs arranged around a fireplace with a TV mounted over it. The entire back wall was floor to ceiling windows with a door that lead out onto a deck with a grill and a bench swing. Finally, there was a relatively large kitchen with a window over the sink.

On the way over, Amber had gotten a text from her uncle saying that he had taken the liberty of having the cabin stocked for us so that we wouldn't have to go into town on a shopping trip right away. Opening the refrigerator, it was indeed stocked. Not only were all the staples present but looking in the door, I also saw two bottles of sparkling wine. Amber looked in the cupboards and there were plenty of dry goods too.

Amber texted him back to thank him for so thoroughly making sure we were taken care of. He texted back, "Don't mention it. Whatever y'all don't use I'll just bring down to my house anyways." I could hear him laughing as I read the text.

Closing the refrigerator door, we made our way up the wide, wooden stairs to the second floor. Reaching the top, we found a large open bedroom. To the right was a king-sized bed flanked by end tables. To the left was a sitting area with more couches and chairs on a large rug facing another TV. On the other side of the room was the door to the bathroom. Looking inside Amber just groaned, "Oh fuck yeah."

Peeking in behind her, I saw what she was talking about. On one side of the bathroom was a large glass shower. On the other side was a two-person bathtub. A double vanity was set between them. Turning to me she said, "This is going to be good." I just smiled and gave her a kiss. But in my mind, I was already thinking of all the things we could do in there.

Finally, we made our way to the back wall, also lined with floor to ceiling windows. A door lead out to a covered deck, on which was a large hot tub. Standing on the deck looking over the railing, the scene was absolutely majestic. Rolling mountains stretched out as far as one could see. The mountainsides were covered in thick forests but even in their bare, wintery state they looked beautiful. Looking around, we were truly isolated; there was absolutely no one in sight, let alone within earshot.

I pulled Amber to me and kissed her. Holding her tight I looked back out over the land and said, "This week's gonna be great."

Amber reached behind me, squeezed my butt and said, "I'm going to fuck you dry and then you're going to fuck me some more." I laughed and she kissed me again.

We made our way back downstairs and retrieved our bags, carrying them up to the bedroom. There was a large empty dresser so we went ahead and unloaded our suitcase into the drawers, making it feel more like home. Falling back on the bed and staring up at the ceiling Amber said, "After that lunch I'm definitely not going to be hungry for dinner." I agreed and she asked, "What time is it?" When I told her, she said, "Hey, the sun should be setting soon. How about you go get the hot tub heated up? I'm going to go to the bathroom and get changed. Throw on your bathing suit and I'll come join you in a few minutes."

With a smile and a nod of my head I headed out onto the deck. It was chilly and I knew as soon as the sun went down it would get downright cold. Taking the cover off the hot tub, it looked incredibly clean and I could feel that the water was already warm. I turned the jets on low and turned up the heat. As the water heated up, I returned inside to the dresser, where I quickly slipped off my sweater and pulled down my jeans and underwear. After folding up the jeans and putting my sweater and underwear in the dirty clothes bag, I opened the dresser drawer, retrieved my bathing suit and pulled it on. I looked at the closed bathroom door, wondering what Amber was putting on. Then turning and seeing a linen closet, I grabbed a couple towels and made my way back outside.

Walking out into the crisp air wearing nothing but a thin pair of shorts, I shivered as I set the towels on a table next to the spa. I then dipped my hand in. Feeling that it was now hot, I climbed the couple steps and then lowered myself down into the water. The hot tub was a perfect refuge from the cold and I immediately relaxed as I felt the jets massaging my back.

I waited there, staring out at the beautiful landscape. When I heard Amber walking around in the cabin, I resisted the urge to turn around and peek. A minute later, I heard the door open and through stepped Amber. With a look of astonishment, I simply muttered, "My god, Amber..."

She walked out onto the deck looking absolutely radiant. Seeing that I honestly liked what she was wearing, she smiled and playfully stuck her hips to the side. Her bathing suit was made from a black-shaded, patterned fabric. A thin strap went over each shoulder and the chest of it perfectly cradled and tastefully accentuated her gorgeous breasts. The fabric then hung down, forming a dress-like design that clung tight to her midsection, highlighting her curvy body. The frilly bottom of the dress stopped just below her hips, with her smooth, shapely thighs visible beneath.

Although I knew she was cold, she still smiled at me and sensually spun around so I could see her backside. As she turned, the dress swung out and the black panties covering her voluptuous backside were able to be seen. When she finished her turn and stood there looking back at me I said, "Goddamn, Amber. You look fucking amazing." I groaned as I looked her up and down and then said, "Come on, get in here with me."

She smiled and chuckled to herself, apparently quite happy with my reaction. I watched, enjoying the view from below, as she climbed the steps over the side of the hot tub, before lowering herself into the water. She let out a long exhale as she settled down into the hot water and then slid over next to me. As we sat there, I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for a long kiss.

We settled back into our spots and I tried the different jet settings until I found one that massaged both our backs and shoulders. We both sighed as we just sat there watching the sky darken. Unfortunately, we could only laugh when we realized that the back of our cabin faced east. There would be no sunset but that didn't really matter. Amber and I just wanted to relax, to decompress not just from the day but from a long, eventful weekend before. Amber lifted up her hand and looked at her ring again, smiled and then settled down lower into the water as the jets beat on her shoulders.

With her neck just sticking out of the water, Amber turned her head to me and we made eye contact. With a flash of her eyebrows and a seductive smile, she raised up and rotated herself so that she was now straddled atop my lap. After putting her arms around my neck, she looked down at her bathing suit and then back to me and asked, "So is this ok?"

Wrapping my arms around her and rubbing her back I said, "Ok? Amber, you looking so hot in that." Then jokingly I said, "I mean, if you're looking for lingerie, just wear that to bed one night."

Amber laughed and said, "I'm glad you like it."

I then asked, "Do you like it?"

Looking down again, she said, "Yeah, I do. I actually feel good in it and your reaction definitely helped."

Running my hands up and down her sides, feeling the slick fabric under my hands as I rubbed over her curvy hips, I said, "I definitely like it." With that Amber leaned forward and we kissed. As we kissed, I continued rubbing my hands up and down her sides and back. Then reaching down, I rubbed both of my hands across her backside.

Amber leaned back and I ran my hands up the front of her belly and then cupped her breasts in my hands. As I rubbed across her nipples through the fabric of her bathing suit, she quietly moaned and bit her lip. Then reaching up, Amber slid the shoulders of her bathing suit down and lowered the top, freeing her breasts. I softly moaned at the sight of her large breasts, buoyantly bobbing in the water. I reached up and took them in my hands. Then leaning forward, I kissed all over her smooth pale skin. After caressing her large breasts, I took one of them in my mouth and flicked my tongue around her puffy areola and repeatedly across her now-hardened nipple, causing Amber to moan loudly. I repeated this on the other side, eliciting a similar response.

Amber then reached down between my legs and, through the thin fabric of my bathing suit, stroked her fingers across my penis. I groaned as I felt my erection tense at the feeling of her touch. Then leaning back Amber said, "It's going to be hard for me to do it in the hot tub. Let's go get rinsed off and then get in bed."

I nodded and followed her out of the water. The freezing cold air immediately stung our skin and we both quickly wrapped ourselves in our towels and rushed inside. Racing into the bathroom, I turned on the water and was relieved when it was immediately hot. We both quickly got in and embraced under the water. As we warmed back up, Amber looked down and laughed, "Do you often take showers with your pants on?"

I laughed and said, "Well, you're wearing a dress with your tits hanging out."

Amber laughed so hard she doubled over to catch her breath. Standing back up, she grasped the sides of her bathing suit and with a few wiggles of her hips, worked it down until it fell in one piece to the floor. Standing in front of me now completely naked, she watched as I pulled the elastic waistband of my bathing suit and let it fall to the floor. Unfortunately, due to the shock of the cold, my erection was long gone.

With a smile, we embraced again and kissed under the hot shower. After a minute or so, Amber suggested we get washed off and go crawl in bed. So I watched as she washed her hair and then soaped up and rinsed off. She then got out to get dried off. As she did so, I got washed and then rinsed off. Stepping out of the shower, I finished drying off just as Amber was finished drying her hair.

As I stood in front of her, she looked me up and down. Then with a lustful look in her eyes, she nodded her head toward the bed. I followed Amber out into the room. When she got to the bed, she turned and sat on the edge facing me.

I stood between her legs, bending down to kiss her. As we kissed, I reached down and held both of her breasts in my hand. While I caressed her chest and teased her nipples, she reached out and took my scrotum in her hand. I groaned as she gently rolled my testicles in her hand. As she continued playing with my balls, I moaned as I felt my penis becoming erect again.

Looking down and seeing my erection quivering in front of her, Amber scooted slightly back on the bed, lied back and spread her legs. I stood there for a moment just taking in the scene. Amber was lying on her back, her hair strewn across the bedspread below her. Those large breasts on her chest sagged slightly to the side and rose and fell with her breathing. Her smooth belly led down to her curvy hips and her legs were spread wide. With her heels supporting her on the edge of the bed, her thick, beautiful thighs were opened wide, exposing herself to me. Her sexy patch of trimmed pubic hair sat atop her groin. Her thick outer labia ran down the middle with her pink inner labia just peeking out. The sight of her lying there just waiting for me caused my erection to spasm and my heart to skip a beat.


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