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Amelette and the Magic Buttplug


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"I suppose, having spent millennia alone in a vault will do that to such an item. While it does not possess an intelligence of its own, it will nonetheless seek to fulfill its purpose. It might have taken and briefly amplified the enchantments from the surrounding artifacts before turning its sights on you when you came upon it. But as I was saying, to avoid such a thing and to make use of the magic that is being heightened by the gem, one must affix it to their own body."

"So, like an amulet?"

Eliandra shook her head. "No. It must have a point of entry into the body. A piercing might do. That is what most sorcerers did, during those times. But this piercing has to be at the nexus of your body's ley lines."

Amelette knew that, much like Azeroth herself, every individual had a network of ley lines within themselves that they could tap into. But this idea of a nexus within herself was... interesting. She listened attentively, trying to divert her gaze from the other elf's impressive décolletage.

"One could always just affix the gem directly onto one's skin and bind it with arcane magic, but given how old this artifact is... I'm afraid it might have degraded over the years and such a method could endanger you greatly. The best course of action, I believe, would be to simply fashion some jewelry from it and affix it at a point near your nexus."

Amelette nodded eagerly, hanging off every word the night elf spoke. She noticed Eliandra's gaze lingering on the crystal as she placed it back down onto the counter.

"And... how much would that cost me?"

"We will discuss prices later. But first, follow me."

With that said, Eliandra spun and strode into the back store, her long white braid swinging behind her, drawing Amelette's attention to the woman's considerable rear upon which hung her silk robes. As she slipped between curtains, Amelette briefly found herself alone with the stone. She placed it into the silver box and followed the jeweler.

"This way."

Eliandra led her to a small room, doubtlessly the woman's workshop by the look of it. There were a few delicate-looking tools on tables, along with a few chairs and lights. The walls were lined with shelves, some containing books, others with various magical trinkets and gemstones.

Amelette could feel the tingle of magic in the air, even before Eliandra snapped her fingers, summoning a floating crystal globe that was about the size of the nightborne's head.

"This sphere will allow me to properly detect your inner mana flow. Now, please disrobe," Eliandra said, waiting patiently with hands clasped together.

Amelette fidgeted uncomfortably before complying. She had wanted to protest, but the professional yet commanding way with which the jeweler had spoken touched something deep within the mage's mind. There was no magic imbued within those words, simply thousands of years of practice. She took off her bustier and skirt, leaving her naked before the jewelcrafter.

The Highborne woman studied her closely, her eyes lingering on the arcane markings that covered Amel's body, their silver hue contrasting sharply with the mage's dusky blue skin. "Interesting. This is not a technique we used during our time... I suppose this was developed by those who remained in Suramar?"

The mage nodded simply. "It is both a result of our proximity to the Nightwell and our own desire to harness its energies. Much as other elves tend to change when living near a great source of power, this change was as much our own doing as the Nightwell's."

"Fascinating. May I?" Eliandra asked, taking a step closer to Amel, slowly reaching out but looking into the other woman's eyes for approval before touching her.

Amelette felt her breath hitch as she looked up at the taller night elf. She swallowed hard, feeling herself beginning to blush as the jewelcrafter stepped closer to her. Her scent was intoxicating, like jasmine and sage, and Amelette could feel her heart beating in her chest.

"I... y-yes, of course" she managed to get out, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Eliandra's finger touched the small of her back, making her skin erupt with goosebumps. The jewelcrafters hand wandered across the arcane markings that covered much of Amelette's curves, causing a pleasant tingling to course through every nerve.

It was unclear whether such a thing was due to the woman's touch, or the arcane markings themselves reacting to it, but the nightborne found herself wanting more. She turned her head slightly, glancing at the Highborne woman out of the corner of her eye, her gaze lingering for a moment on her soft lips before turning away. She didn't want to move too abruptly, for fear of causing that sensation to end.

While Amel was usually far more self-assured and in control during interactions such as these, Eliandra's very being made her feel so weak and timid. She felt as though she could melt beneath those hands, and she felt the embers of her arousal kindled by those gentle touches.

The orb that had been conjured, Amel saw, would glow brighter depending on where on her body the jeweler's hands roamed. The nearer she got to her arcane markings, the brighter the orb became, and as her fingers traced down her spine and dipped just barely into the cleft of Amel's ass, it began to glow brightly.

She found herself unable to speak, her words having become stuck in her throat as Eliandra ran her fingers down to Amel's inner thighs, the nightborne's breath quickening as the Highborne woman kneaded the sensitive flesh with practiced ease.

"I do believe you might be even more attuned to arcane magic than most of my customers," the woman said with a faint chuckle.

It was the first time Amel had heard anything resembling laughter coming from the jewelcrafter, and she could feel herself relax slightly, despite the state she was in. She had expected the woman to be quite formal and clinical about the whole ordeal, but the slight lilt in her tone as she made her observations was strangely comforting.

Eliandra's hands slowly, delicately moved back up Amel's skin, up her ribs and then her arms, moving behind Amelette.

Though the feeling tickled her somewhat at first, she felt a sudden rush of desire course through her when the night elf pressed her curvaceous form against Amelette's own.

"May I?" the Highborne whispered in Amel's ear, her warm breath washing over her skin, her hands slowly inching upwards to the woman's chest.

Those two words could have been enough to get the smaller elf to cum right then and there.

How is such a thing... Amel thought to herself as she felt the other elf's hands cup her bust, gently squeezing and kneading that abundant flesh. While her curves were nowhere near as impressive as Eliandra's, she was no pushover in that department, and the fleshy mounds overflowed from the jeweler's grasp.

The orb flashed briefly, indicating an accumulation of arcane power, though not as much as when she'd touched her markings or her rear. It seemed like the enchantment on the gem would do little good if it couldn't find a suitable source to latch onto.

Amel sighed quietly, enjoying the feeling of Eliandra's hands on her body and of the night elf's breasts upon her back.

"It would appear that my initial observations might have been... incorrect. Usually, a woman's chest is a great way to store excess magical energy for later use. It is why so many of the greatest mages in the world are women," she said with a chuckle. "I thought, considering the size of your assets, that you might have been storing a decent quantity of mana within them and that would be where the nexus of your body's ley lines would be. Though, judging by the reaction of the sphere, it would appear that the flow of your magic is situated lower on your body," the Highborne explained, her hands never leaving Amel's chest.

The mage let a soft moan slip from her lips as she felt Eliandra's fingers pinching at her rock-hard nipples, gently tugging upon the sensitive nubs.

"Mmh... though there is still quite a bit of magic in here. Does your chest vary in size, sometimes?" the jeweler asked, offering the nightborne a gentle kiss on the back of the neck.

Amelette shuddered, her body trembling slightly. She nodded slowly. "O-oh, yes... it... it does, sometimes."

"Fascinating," Eliandra mused, pressing another kiss to Amelette's shoulder, then moving up to her jawline, planting a few soft kisses along her cheek and then stopping to suck on her earlobe. "I would have thought crafting nipple piercings with the gem would have been an obvious choice but... I might have other ideas you will like..."

The nightborne rubbed her thighs together, trying desperately to resist the urge to simply bring herself to orgasm right then and there in the middle of this woman's workshop.

Tell me what those ideas are... please... she thought inwardly, as though the other elf could hear her begging.

She could feel her own juices beginning to run down the inside of her thighs and she sighed again, trying to keep herself calm. She had always been one to get extremely aroused extremely quickly and was prone to becoming rather needy if she were to be stimulated in any way. But for the sake of the fortune (and because she was putty in the other woman's hands), she somehow managed to keep herself relatively under control.

But even with all that in mind, Eliandra seemed to know exactly what to do to have Amel weak in the knees and wanting to drop to the floor and just... surrender control over to the older and more experienced woman. The gentle, calculated touches along her skin, the soft kisses on the back of her neck, the way she squeezed her tits so tenderly...

All these sensations were doing their part to send her senses into overload, and she knew she wouldn't be able to take much more.

She felt a soft kiss on her earlobe, followed by a breathy whisper. "Are you enjoying yourself, Amelette?"

The nightborne nodded slightly. "M-more than I can express... and... I w-want..."

The Highborne took Amel's earlobe between her lips, gently sucking and licking at the flesh before she responded. By the Grand Magistrix, if her breasts had been sensitive, her ears were...

"Ahn..." Amel moaned softly as she felt a small, yet potent, orgasm run through her. She hadn't even needed to touch herself to cum, though she desperately wanted to.

Eliandra chuckled quietly, placing another kiss on Amel's shoulder, not asking her to complete her thoughts. "Now, let's see if my assessment was correct..."

Amel was struggling to find the words, as her senses were overcome with desire. The gentle pressure of Eliandra's chest against her back, the soft warmth of her body, the feeling of her hand gently caressing her flesh and breasts before slowly wandering down her stomach. It was exquisite, every touch intoxicating to the nightborne.

There was some surprise, however, when Amel felt Eliandra step back, her hands deviating from their trajectory. They soon rested upon Amel's large rear, gently squeezing and kneading the firm flesh. Amel sighed softly, relaxing slightly at the sensation of those expert fingers touching her body.

As soon as the Highborne's hands met the mage's plump rump, the mana-detecting sphere began to flash and spin in place in the air, bathing the two women in its soft glow.

"Well, now. I think we have found the convergence point of your body's magical essence," Eliandra said. "Such a particular place... yet, one with great advantages. You see, as your chest can act as a sponge for magical energy, so too can your rear. Given its already impressive size," and she said this with an appreciative squeeze of said rear, "one can only imagine how much energy you can store in there... Plus, there is already an access point nearby that could allow the gem to draw upon your power to amplify it further," the jeweler spoke analytically and as professionally as one could given the circumstances, greedy fingers groping and kneading her client's abundant flesh.

"A-ah, that's quite the revelation..." Amelette said, biting her lower lip gently.

She couldn't believe how incredibly arousing she found it, being discussed in such a clinical manner by someone who was so stunningly beautiful and experienced.

"It would be easy enough to fashion some sort of... apparatus to push into your... Well..." "W-wait, how do I know this isn't some trick to just use me?" Amel interrupted, trying to maintain some shred of control over the situation. Though she thoroughly enjoyed the other woman's touch, she felt that things were progressing at a speed with which she was starting to get uncomfortable.

The Highborne woman stopped for a moment, arching an eyebrow at the nightborne and pulling her hands from the vastness of Amelette's ass. "Would I have come this highly recommended if I was just some pervert luring beautiful women in with the promise of magical artifacts?"

Amel took a deep breath, trying to relax somewhat. She couldn't deny that having someone so beautiful touching her in such a way made her feel more excited than she'd ever been in some time and the promise of power that accompanied her discovery of the amplifying gem was making her arousal all the more potent.

"The decision is yours... If you are uncomfortable with this, then we need not go any further. You may keep the stone or have it fashioned into an amulet or something less... intrusive," Eliandra said, taking a step back slowly.

"Would I need to wear it at all times?" Amel asked, turning to the jeweler.

She nodded in response. "There would need to be a link between your body and the gem, otherwise it would simply be another bit of jewelry. You need not wear it at all times, but it would be more potent if you did."

Amel paused for a moment, thinking to herself. "I think... that might be best, then. The less I have to worry about the stone being out of place, the better."

Eliandra smiled warmly. "Excellent! Now, if you'll follow me, we can get started," she said, ushering Amelette over to a table where she laid out several tools and bottles of various liquids.

Amel couldn't help but feel her heart racing at the thought of having something so precious, so sacred, shoved up her ass. She'd always had an affinity for this type of sexual activity. It was nice to know that her love of all things anal was linked to her aptitude as a sorceress. The mere idea of it excited her somewhat, she had to admit.

No, no. This is purely to enhance your magical aptitude... she reminded herself.

Nothing sexual about it.

Amelette watched as Eliandra poured some sort of oil over her hands, rubbing it into her palms. It looked almost like...

"Mana oil?" Amelette asked curiously. She had often seen the liquid used on weapons to assist in drawing out magical power to enhance one's spellcasting. If used on a person, she surmised that a similar effect could be produced.

Eliandra chuckled softly. "I suppose you can see its use here, yes? Both for its magical effects and as a lubricant," she explained, making her way over to Amel and motioning for her to turn around. "Hands on the table."

The nightborne did as she was told, though she couldn't help but feel nervous at the sudden order. There was something so domineering about her tone... Even if the Highborne was patient and almost motherly with her, Amelette, once more, could not resist those words.

She watched over her shoulder as Eliandra stood behind her, leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Now, I think it's time we put that lovely rear of yours to work," she said. "To be sure you are properly suited for what I have in mind, of course..."

Amel felt a soft jolt of arousal run through her at the thought, but before she could even speak, she felt Eliandra's oiled hands slide over her plump rump, groping and massaging the firm flesh. She sighed quietly, letting out a soft moan as her ass was kneaded by the Highborne's skilled fingers.

No matter how much she repeated to herself that this was strictly business, one would be foolish to imagine that both women were not enjoying themselves immensely, and Eliandra played the part to perfection.

Amelette let out a soft whimper when the other woman's fingers slowly slid over her fleshy cheeks, moving from one to the other, giving each mound ample attention before moving onto the next. It felt almost like Eliandra was taking her time with her, as though she had all the time in the world to explore every inch of Amelette's body.

And while Amel enjoyed the slow pace, she could feel that same throbbing need within her, begging for release.

Don't ask her to stop... you want this too much... Amel thought to herself, trying desperately to resist the urge to touch herself or to put the whole thing on hold. Even if the more experienced Highborne had not explicitly told her not to masturbate, she knew very well that this was part of their little game.

Eliandra was now spreading Amel's cheeks apart, moving closer and closer to the nightborne's most sensitive areas. Her juices were beginning to drip from between her thighs, and she bit her lower lip gently, feeling a rush of anticipation flow through her.

"May I?" the Highborne whispered in Amel's ear, her hands still holding the woman's ass cheeks firmly. She knew very well she needed no permission. Not anymore.

The word 'please' almost left Amel's mouth, but she swallowed it down before it could come out.

She nodded slowly, biting her lower lip once more.

Eliandra wasted no time in sliding two of her fingers into Amel's dripping wet pussy, slowly thrusting them in and out of her while she curled her digits inside the smaller woman's body.

Amel was moaning quietly, leaning against the table and pushing back against Eliandra's hand. Her knees were beginning to feel weak, her thighs trembling with excitement. The sensation of the jewelcrafter's fingers within her was quickly becoming unbearable, and she felt that familiar heat growing within her abdomen, knowing she wasn't far from cumming.

Amel gasped softly, trying desperately to hold herself up on shaky legs. The orb flashed with light, though not as strongly as it did when Eliandra was massaging her ass.

Eliandra smirked, gently pulling her fingers from the nightborne's snatch. "So much arcane potential in one so small," the woman said as her fingers slowly made their way upwards, slick with Amel's juices. "Much like the rest of your kin, you are positively brimming with this kind of magic. A wonder to behold, truly. Most of those I spent those long millennia with in Eldre'thalas could only dream of being touched by magic in such a way. I suppose, with your use of the Nightwell, it was to be expected."

With one hand firmly pressed to the tattooed elf's large ass, Eliandra slowly pressed the tip of her middle finger to the other woman's tight rear entrance.

Amel let out a gasp and a moan. She was ready for this, after being fingered so expertly and teased to the brink of orgasm. The sensation of the jewelcrafter's finger pressing against her asshole was electrifying, and she couldn't help but push back against it.

The orb flashed brightly.

"Ah. It would then appear that we have found the exact point where your ley lines converge, where so much of those arcane energies have accumulated. You see, if we had been dealing with any other type of magic, I would have been a little bit more worried," Eliandra continued, slowly pushing her finger deeper into Amel's ass. "But arcane magic is precise, it is Order. Easier to harness. Magic is like a river, and the paths of energy within you flow towards this one specific..." she pushed her finger to the first knuckle into Amel's ass as if to emphasise the following word. "Point. As I said before, your body has been shaped to be this way by the arcane, so this location is no mistake. The fact that it is there makes this perfect for our purposes. If you've ever wondered why it is you gain so much pleasure from having this specific part of your body played with, well, we now have the answer."

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