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Some heros are born for this... Adam's story.
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Welcome reader and thank you for clicking on this story. If you've read some of my past stuff you know I like character development, purposeful plots and finding the good in people. The erotic component of my stories is interjected where it makes sense for the storyline and characters. If you like wall-to-wall sex in your stories, I may not be the writer for you... and that's ok.

This story is more of a spinoff than a sequel, from my series, It's a journey, not a destination. Some characters are carried for continuity, perspective, and to enhance the storyline. While it wouldn't be imperative for you to read the other series first, some of the prior nuances may be missed. I tried to supply a brief post narrative for clarity, when it was necessary, but I purposely didn't try to rehash too much from the series as I want this to stand on it's own.

It's my first-time publishing under Novels and Novellas. This story stretches through many of the categories including straight content, lesbian content, transexual content with a dash of sci-fi and fantasy. If any of these are not your cup of tea, please heed the and perhaps click a different story. I realize my tastes are not shared by everyone... again, that's ok!

I've been working on this for awhile and I anticipate this to be a four-part series. Like all my other work, I've done my best to catch grammar and spelling errors, so please excuse any misses. I hope you enjoy Adam's story. Cheers!





In the most primitive moments of time, man made etchings on the walls of caves, chronicling the ways of the Neanderthals. As did the storied hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt. Even back then, evidence of life from outside our world has been documented. Our fascination with the unknown... with outer space, has polarized mankind for thousands of years.

The 1938 ill-fated Halloween broadcast of "War of the Worlds" by Orson Welles, that was meant to be a theatrical interlude, caused nation wide panic and fear. People running from their homes, police and hospitals going on full alert... the story wasn't real, but the belief that an alien race could come and gas our planet was very real. In today's world, Hollywood's corporate greed has cashed in time and time again as the fascination of the unknown compels us to partake in it's entertainment.

What truly lies out there is immensely debated but ultimately it bears down to the beliefs of the individual. It usually starts with the reasonable can we be the only sentient and intelligent beings in a universe that is made up of approximately two trillion galaxies, with each having multiple planets? Then there's the documented proof of NASA's ability to hear and track radio signals in varying frequencies from outer space to consider. Mix in the thousands of sightings and pictures, with the odd story of abductions and you'll find that the vast majority of people believe there's life out there. Are they friendly? Does an ET life form exist or are we going to have to face down an attempted invasion like the movie Independence Day? No matter how brutal, evil, or advanced, the space perpetrators can be, the film makers would have us believe that we will always be capable of staving off annihilation... it's good for the bottom line. Nobody wants to feel powerless. If the morality of our own habitants of our planet range from good to evil, one would have to believe that the universe would be no different.

In 2021 the Pentagon finally admitted to documenting and studying UFO's or the more politically agreed upon term, unexplained ariel phenomena. On August 10th, 2046, the unthinkable, yet inevitable event took place. An alien race had made definitive contact with the habitants of Earth. The story leaked after several bodies of Government tried to keep it under wraps. Very few knew what was said or what the occupants of Terra could expect. All they knew was the politics of the world would have to come together in an effort to understand, prepare and plan for whatever came next. It was no longer a question or a feeling. The debate had changed... we now knew we were not alone in the universe. What would become of us?


Chapter I

"In this dream, where the room is all white, do you see or hear anyone Adam?"

"Honestly Dr. Powers, I'm not sure. I don't recall anyone or anything, or hearing voices. It's more like... a presence, like I can feel something is there." The young man looked at the Psychologist with a strained face, like he was apologizing for his answer.

"It's ok Adam." The therapist smiled while using her soothing tone. "Images and dreams always tend to be very abstract, especially following an emotional trauma like you experienced. There's no right or wrong, we'll just keep monitoring these dreams as they develop."

"But why now? I mean, I dealt with nightmares for years, but what's this about? I don't understand." The distressed young man looked at his doctor.

"I wish I could give you a definitive answer Adam." She frowned, as his face looked dejected. "But I promise you, I will work with you for as long as you need, I'm going no where." She patted his right arm.

"Neither were my parents." The distraught young man whispered as he looked at the magazines on the coffee table.

The quiet statement wasn't lost on the doctor, but she knew nothing she could say at this moment would distract him from his pain. "Why don't we wrap up early today, Adam, we can start fresh on Monday. How's that sound?

The young man looked up to the doctor's face and nodded. He knew she was doing her best and he couldn't help but feel like he was the reason she wasn't truly getting anywhere. He stood and shook her hand, headed out the door and back into his routine life.

Watching him leave the office, the receptionist left her desk and walked into the doctor's office. "Are you able to help him Dr. Powers? He looks... like he's lost." The young receptionist's face was forlorn.

Dr. Dorothy Powers gave the girl a worried look. "I honestly don't know. Losing both of your parents in an incident that has been classified as top secret by the American government, is a hard pill to swallow and move on." She adjusted her glasses, "By all accounts he made some great progress, but these new events have shaken him up."

Adam Cooper who, like many 20-year-old young men, was pushing through his life looking for direction and purpose. But unlike most young men, his life was always destined to be different, even before the incident involving his parents. Adam was the son of Isabel Pitterani and Jason Cooper. A young couple who met at a prestigious private college in California. Epicaste was known for their elite and highly specialized graduates, but it was also a school that nurtured, supported, and sometimes even reformed young adults. A truly specialized school that was funded by past graduate boosters, corporate donation, and a shadow division of the American government.

The two exceptional youths met after Isabel had transferred from her local college in Virginia and eventually the two would become an up-and-coming power couple. While both were highly intelligent, his father Jason, had made quite a name for himself at Nexus labs Inc. and was the unofficial leader in modified DNA and genetic sequencing... at least among his peers. But it was Adam's mother who possessed the secret of all secrets.

Isabel had been born with an extremely rare condition identified as Geno-Metamorphal Chromofusion. So rare that there were only 3 confirmed case studies ever known. GMC, in short, was a gender realigning transition that happened to an affected young female, usually between the ages of 18 months to 3 years. In short, the body would generate a second set of sex organs, a pair of testicles and a penis, and would slowly morph itself through the vaginal cavity until it became the only external genitalia, totally absorbing all remnants of the once present vagina and clitoris. Principally the subject was completely female, save for the masculine genitalia. Quite possibly due to the rareness of the condition, there had been no scientific theory as to how or why it happens, and there were never any other cases documented. A transition of this kind of course was very traumatising on the parents and the child as they got older, but with the thoughtful guidance from her parents, the specialized medical team and the love of her best friend, Isabel had lived a relatively normal, low-key life, but that all changed when she got to Epicaste.

Adam understood he was a miracle in his own right. Born from the comprised DNA sequencing of three different people (his father, his mother, and her best friend) he was unique... a hybrid of sorts. His father had somehow combined his and his mother's genetic code into a singular form of 'super' semen and Katie (his mom's best friend) was inseminated, getting pregnant on the first try. By genetic design Adam had two mothers and a father; his DNA was the only one of its kind. It seemed that Adam was a suitable name for the first of a mutated species.

From the time Adam was born in December 2027, he had nothing but great memories with his diverse and interesting family. He had amazing grandparents, although grandma and grandpa Cooper had passed on in his early teens, Nonna and Nonno Piteranni were very active in his life and always supportive, even though they still lived in Virginia. He lived with Isabel and Jason, as a traditional family unit, but Katie was as permanent a fixture in the house as the walls that held it up. If three parents weren't enough to guide the young boy, he had two "aunties" who fussed over him all of the time. Technically not auntie's by relation, Veronica and Jade were as close as any other, if not closer. Isabel met Veronica and Jade at Epicaste and along with Katie the four had developed a relationship that was nothing short of amazing. While it was lost on him as a child, as Adam grew older and 'wiser' he could see that whatever was between them all went deeper than simple friendship.

Despite having an unhealthy crush on his aunt Veronica, Adam grew up like any other kid. Gifted with the best attributes of his three parents, Adam was a modest 5'11, with dark olive colored skin like his mother, piercing blue eyes like his second mom and a solid runners build like his dad. He had the smile and charm that could get him out of any trouble and was always quick to make new friends... just like his father, his mom would point out. Always full of energy, easily gifted in most sports and a hell of a dancer, thanks to his mom, Katie. However, the compassion and humility were all Isabel, as was the dark brown hair and olive skin that was consistent with her Italian heritage. Adam's 'most' distinguishing feature was the one he had the most difficulty embracing. While he was not a carrier of the GMO genes, he did possess the oversized genitals, that his mother developed. When the timing was appropriate, his parents explained everything to him about his mother's genetic condition. Unfortunately, unlike his mother's condition, which would see her penis shrink to micro status when she was not aroused, for Adam, he didn't have the same luxury. As a result, his 'genetic problem' was almost always evident to some degree and naturally the brunt of many jokes as he got older.

Despite the occasional unpleasantries it caused, Adam had a thick skin and the life that most people would wish for. He had no shortage of friends and was always popular in school with both fellow students and teachers. His parents were never tired of hearing what a joy he was to have around from almost all those who encountered him. He was a well-rounded young man with a promising future. That was until that fateful night.

Adam was awoken by an explosion that rocked his entire house. The blast was so strong he was thrown from his own bed, smashing his head on the bedside table. The impact had affected his vision, hearing and even his consciousness, leaving him feeling drugged. Trying to catch his bearings, he could overhear men yelling and furniture being smashed, like there was a struggle ensuing. Adam struggled to comprehend the situation when the sounds of gunshots and his mother's unearthly screaming of his name, snapped him back to reality. He struggled to his feet and made his way to the bedroom door. It was shut, which was weird, because he never shut his door at night. When he turned the doorhandle, the door wouldn't budge. He pulled harder but nothing. He could hear his mom screaming his name, but it was getting further and further away. He panicked and adrenaline kicked in as he yanked until the door frame pulled from the wall. Smoke quickly entered his room, and he was immediately coughing and squinting, his ability to see was almost zero. Adam tried to navigate his way down the hall when he heard the screeching of tires leaving his driveway. Without reservation he ran down the hall and subsequently fell down the unseen stairs, breaking an arm and knocking himself unconscious before he hit the bottom.

Chapter II

The 17-year-old awoke to the sound of soft voices and sniffling. Adam tried to open his eyes, but the light of the hospital room instantly increased his pain on top of the headache he already felt. He tried to raise an arm to get someone's attention, but it seemed too heavily weighted, and it hurt to move. He tried his left arm, but without his use of vision he accidentally knocked over a tray or something similar, that fell in a loud crash, causing him to wince in pain once again.

"Oh my god!" A high-pitched voice rang out. "He's awake! Go get the doctor Vern!"

The body of the voice rushed over to his bedside, and he could instantly tell who it was by her smell.

"Oh my god Adam! Adam... can you hear me sweetheart?"

"Can you whisper mom; my head really hurts..." He could hear Katie blow out the breath she had been holding.

"I'm sorry honey. I'm just relieved to see you awake. We were all so worried." Katie was trying to keep her emotions in check for him, the last 2 days had been an emotional rollercoaster and it wasn't a pleasurable ride.

"Mom... dad... are they ok? I heard mom screaming, but I..." Tears began streaming from the corners of his still shut eyes.

"Shhhh... just take it easy honey. Auntie Vern is getting the doctor. You're pretty banged up and you've been unconscious for almost 2 days." Thankfully, the pain on her face wasn't noticeable to him as she tried to skirt that issue for now. Like a guardian angel, Veronica rushed through the door with the doctor in tow, alleviating Katie from further questions about his parents.

"Mr. Cooper, I'm doctor Jones. Can you hear me?"

Adam nodded his head. "I tried to open my eyes, but the lights are too bright and my head hurts."

The doctor looked back at Veronica and gave her a light switch gesture and the woman proceeded to turn the room lights off. With the space considerably darker the doctor moved closer to his bed.

"Now Adam... I want you to slowly open your eyes a bit at a time if you could." She had her pen light in her hand hoping for a good result.

Adam couldn't believe eye lids could hurt so much, but he persevered and slowly opened them halfway.

"I'm going to flick a light past your eye real quick Adam, ok? It will be brief, but it could trigger some discomfort."

With a slight nod he caught movement from the doctor and there was a quick flash in one eye and ten seconds later the other. He winced both time's, but it wasn't excruciating.

The doctor let herself smile a little. "Both pupils dilated, that's a really good sign. I don't think I've ever seen such brilliant blue eyes before and with such a dark complexion." The doctor seemed to give her head a shake and refocus. "Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up Adam?"


"Perfect! Can you see who's in this room right now?" She continued.

"You, my mom, and auntie Veronica. H.. hi auntie Vern." He smiled towards her and waved his fingers on his good hand.

"Hi sweety. I'm so glad you're awake." The tears were betraying her 'don't look upset' posture.

"Mom? Dad? Where are they? Are they here in the hospital?" He could see Katie's face sink with his question. Unable to let it go he asked her again. "Mom? Do you know where they are?"

"Mr. Cooper... Adam. You have suffered a very traumatic injury and you should really focus on getting some rest and when you're feeling better, we c..." Even the doctor knew her words were hollow.

"Please! Tell me where my parents are!" He turned his head toward Katie. "Please mom... tell me."

The silence in the room was filled with tension and as hard as Katie tried to keep it together, her shoulders started to shake, and her tears started flowing. He cast his eyes up at Veronica and she was doing no better. He finally turned to the doctor looking for something because right now his heart was in his throat, but she couldn't even look him in the eyes.

"We don't know..." It was a whisper that came from Katie. She looked down at the boy she gave birth to and felt so useless in the moment. His face was twisted like he was trying to comprehend what she said, but it made no sense. She watched him try to speak but his foggy brain was making things difficult, so she straightened her spine and found her resolve. "What do you remember honey?"

Adam laid back and looked up at the ceiling. "I... I remember a blast or explosion of some kind. I was on the floor, and I heard mom screaming... some gun shots! OH MY GOD! ARE THEY DEAD?"

His eyes fixated back to her face looking for a reaction. "Adam honey... when the police showed up there were no sign of Isabel or Jason. They believe someone took them."

"WHY? Why would someone take my parents? It makes no sense. We're not rich or anything like that!" The young man cried.

"The police are investigating Adam. They said they'd come back and talk to you when you're awake. Dr. Jones just has to give them the ok." Veronica stepped up a little closer.

He turned to the doctor, who was already getting up, as she patted his arm. "I'll call them right now and let them know." She gave him a slight smile and left the room.

Veronica took the opportunity and quickly took the doctors old spot. She bent over top and gave him a kiss on his forehead, running her manicured fingers lightly through his dark brown hair. Her tears were a complete free for all now and she was sniffing hard to keep her sobs at bay. Adam closed his eyes and tried to take in the information he just heard, but the quiet sobbing projecting from the two women close to his bed made it difficult. He couldn't wait until the police came... he had a lot of questions.

Later that afternoon, Adam met with two police officers and special agent Hernandez, from the FBI. The officers were there for the call that night and gave him a description of what they saw when they got there including finding him at the bottom of the stairs. His recollection of an explosive sound was confirmed as they were able to deduce that the explosion came from a briefcase believed to be his fathers. They also confirmed the gunshots he heard and while they found blood, it was in small quantities, but it was a match for his father. Tire marks were left at the scene and were still being analyzed by the crime lab, along with all the other evidence collected at the house.

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