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Amy Moves In

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Nicky's friend Amy gets caught by the landlord.
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Amy slowed her pace as she approached the farm house. She stopped to double-check the truck was gone just like Nicky had said to. No truck meant no Bob. Amy then went around the back and found the back-door unlocked just like Nicky said it would be. Amy's heart raced as she entered the empty house. This was so naughty.

Amy and Nicky had been friends for ever. So when Amy showed up at Nicky's caravan looking for a place to stay Nicky happily took her in. Nicky and her boyfriend had started renting the caravan on the remote rural property about a year ago. The first few months were fun but then things went sour. Five months ago her 'boyfriend' headed North looking for work. He hadn't called her in three months. She didn't think he was coming back and she wasn't too upset about it.

Nicky thought about moving out but really had nowhere to go; Besides she loved living on the farm. She had her own generator and grew her own veggies; And every Tuesday Bob, her landlord, would go into town to buy his supplies and Nicky would sneak into Bob's house to do some washing and have a real shower.

Overall Nicky was pretty happy; Her only problem was paying the rent.

She managed for the first few months but then the generator needed fixing and she simply ran out of cash. She avoided Bob for over 2 months but one Tuesday he came home early and caught her still in the shower. She had to let him fuck her in return for not calling the cops. She also gave him head in return for using the shower. She then had to let him fuck her again for each weeks rent that she owed him. Nicky was still a few weeks in arrears when Amy arrived.

Amy thought the idea of fucking the landlord sounded gross but Nicky said it actually felt pretty nice and she normally just closed her eyes and imagined someone else was fucking her. As a result Bob had made Nicky cum more than any of her boyfriends had.

Amy was still not convinced.

But Amy did want a shower. And that was why she was now sneaking through Bob's empty house. First she went to the fridge to grab a beer. She took a long swig to calm her nerves but her conscience reminded her that now she had not only illegally entered someone's home but she had also stolen their property. Shit, she thought to herself. She took another swig and headed for the bathroom. The sooner she was showered the sooner she could leave.

Bob wasn't in town.

The parts to fix Bob's truck had come in yesterday so one of the guys from the workshop had dropped by earlier and picked up the truck.

Bob was lying on his bed in his boxer shorts reading a book when he heard the back door close. Just wishful thinking he thought and his mind wandered back to the first time he found Nicky naked in his shower. How he stood there watching her wash herself while he thought about fucking her. And then he did fuck her. His dick started to thicken at the memory of her body wrapped around him. His daydream was broken by the sound of the fridge closing.

Nicky! Bob thought. She didn't know he was home, just like the first time he caught her.

He jumped up and was halfway across his bedroom when he heard soft footsteps coming up the hall. He just had time to hide behind his bedroom door before someone entered the bathroom opposite his room. They pushed the door half closed behind them.

Bob's heart raced as he crept from his room to the bathroom door.

He peeped around the corner and his heart skipped a beat. His dick stiffened so quickly it ached. She was standing with her back to him. Him eyes ran up the back of her legs. Her glorious butt was outlined in blue cotton micro-shorts. She was struggling to pull a tight white tank-top over her head but it was stuck on her ponytail. Her young body writhed seductively from side to side as she tried to free her head and arms. Bob couldn't stand it. His cock was throbbing so hard it hurt. He crept into the room directly behind her and grabbed her exposed breasts. He gave them a squeeze and rolled her nipples as he yelled "Surprise!".

Amy shrieked and instinctively dropped her arms and turned her body.

There was a low thud as her left elbow smacked into the side of Bob's head sending him crashing into the wall. Bob caught himself at the last minute and stopped his head from hitting the wall as well. He tried to shake his head clear, something was wrong. Nicky was taller, her breasts had changed and her hair was a different colour. He shook his head again.

Amy wasn't doing much better. Part of her was thinking her worst nightmare had come true; Bob was home!!! Another part was thinking about how she had broken into someone's house, stolen from them and now assaulted them. Either way she knew she was screwed. Literally.

"Your not Nicky?" Bob half-asked as he shook his head again.

"No you dirty pervert I am not Nicky." Amy spat as she made sure her top was covering as much as possible. "You'd think having raped my best-friend you would at least remember what she looked like."

"I didn't rape her." Bob's head was starting to work again.

"She entered my most private sanctum without permission. I just re-balanced the scales of justice. She paid me for using my shower then fucked me so I wouldn't call the cops."

Amy bit her tongue. She almost bought Bob's bullshit.

"Two wrongs don't make a right." quipped Amy.

"I admit I wouldn't have got to fuck Nicky if I hadn't caught her in my house. But she has come back of her own volition and let me fuck her instead of paying the rent. If she really hated it she could just move out; or earn the money elsewhere."

Amy opened her mouth but could think of nothing to say.

"Which brings us to you; 'Nicky's-best-friend'." Bob rubbed his hand over the growing bruise on his cheek. His eyes were fixed on Amy's. "Nicky told you what happened when I caught her in my house and yet here you are. I can only assume deep down you wanted me to catch you too."

Amy looked down and shook her head "No way."

Bob smirked; "Look me in the eye and say that."

She looked at him. "No." she said, but her eyes flicked away again.

Bob rubbed his throbbing cock through the thin cotton of his boxers as he looked hard at Amy. Nicky was the most beautiful young woman he had ever had the pleasure to fuck but Amy was something else again. She had 'it'. That extra something reserved for only the rarest of beauties. 'It' was nothing in particular, more the way all the parts came together to create a beautiful whole. Or beautiful hole, leered Bob as his eyes feasted on her.

Her tits and arse seemed to defy gravity. Her soft skin was flawless. Her hair seemed to shimmer. Her fingers and toes were exquisite and the nails all painted the same blue as her shorts.

"You're just a bad girl who gets off on the thrill of getting away with it... or is it the thrill of thinking what might happen if you get caught?"

"No." Amy said as she noticed the very large bulge in the front of Bob's boxers.

"Well, today bad-girl you didn't get away with it. You have been caught. But like Nicky you have a choice. Either be a good-girl and do what I say or you can explain to the police why you broke into my house and bashed me."

"No" said Amy but the word was losing its conviction.

"So you want me to call the cops?"

Amy hesitated slightly, "No" she said.

"So you'll be a good girl and do what I say?"

Amy looked down, shook her head and whispered "no", some strands of hair fell in front of her pretty face.

Bob stepped closer and ran his hands over the curve of Amy's hip.

"I asked, are you going to be a good girl?" Bob brushed the back of his hand against the soft skin of Amy's cheek.

Amy kept her eyes down, Bob almost came as she bit her lip and mutely nodded her compliance. "I'll be a good girl" Amy whispered.

Bob's hands circled Amy's waist and pulled her against him.

She could feel his thick dick pressing into her belly. He pulled her into a bear hug and her feet came off the floor. He hugged her so tight it almost winded her. He released her and she staggered slightly as she regained her feet (and breath).

Bob grabbed Amy's breasts through her tank-top and started squeezing them. They felt so soft. He felt her nipples harden under his palms and his raging hard-on grew even larger. He needed a release and he needed it soon. Just touching this girl was driving him over the edge.

He grabbed the bottom of Amy's tight white tank-top and started pulling it up. Amy clamped her arms down trying to delay the inevitable. But Bob just kept pulling the top up. He grabbed her elbows through the material and kept pushing up. He was just too strong for her. Amy felt her nipples tingle as the thin cotton was pulled up and over them. Bob didn't stop until the top was around her head, trapping her arms just like when he had first come into the room. But this time he held her arms pinned inside her top with one hand while he used the other to enjoy her body.

Bob played with her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingers. Amy squirmed and bucked but couldn't get away. He ran his hand down her flat toned tummy; He stopped at the top of her cotton shorts. He ran his hands around her waist from front to back with his fingers inside the waistband. He then ran his hand up her spine and back again caressing her perfect soft skin as he went. Finally he kept her arms up with both hands as he lowered his mouth and started sucking on her incredible breasts.

Bob licked and sucked and slobbered and all the while Amy squirmed trying to get her arms free. She tried to pull away but he grab her arse and pulled her against his throbbing hard-on. Then he grabbed the side of her shorts and started pulling them down. Amy shrieked as she tried to hold her shorts up by clenching her thighs together but she couldn't stop him.

Bob was so fucking horny he couldn't take it any more. He needed to fuck something and now. He was surprised he hadn't already come.

Bob pulled Amy's shorts down side to side inch by inch with his free hand. Her little lace panties came down with them. Once they were low enough Bob hooked his toe into the front and pulled them down around her ankles.

Amy shrieked again as Bob spun her around and bent her over the vanity cabinet. He pulled his cock out and rubbed it as he looked at Amy's pussy. Like the rest of her it was perfection. And he could see she was highly aroused; her delicate pink lips grasping the empty air.

"You are a bad little girl aren't you." He ran his hand down across her incredible arse and put his index finger into her gapping slit. Amy bucked and yelped. He slid his finger forward and found her clit. Amy squealed and squeezed her thighs together but this just pulled Bob's hand harder into her pussy. He briefly fucked her pussy with his finger while he rubbed between her legs. She gasped and pushed back a little onto his finger.

Bob kept one arm around Amy's waist and used the other to keep her bent forward. Amy could feel the head of Bob's dick brushing against her pussy. She clenched her butt and wiggled in a vain attempt to stop him.

Bob pushed the bulbous head of his dick between her pouting pussy lips; He fucked her a little bit, just with the head. Amy moan and whimpered. It had been almost a year since she broke up with her last boyfriend and Bob was re-awakening a part of her no dildo could reach. Her body involuntarily pushed back trying to capture more of his meat.

Bob responded by slamming his cock all the way into Amy's lucious cunt in one long, hard thrust. Amy gasped as she felt his thick shaft thrust so deep within her. Amy could feel her pussy stretching around Bob's cock. With a little grunt Bob pushed even deeper, his dick pushing against her cervix. Bob could feel Amy's pussy muscles ripple as they settled around his large pulsing cock.

Bob slowly pulled back. He could feel Amy's pussy contracting as he withdrew. He felt the head of his cock between Amy's pussy lips. He paused briefly then gabbed Amy by the hips and started fucking her as hard and fast as he could.

Bob really wanted this girl. She was everyman's fantasy and she was his to do with as he pleased. He fucked her with total abandon.

Amy jiggled on the bench beneath him. She braced herself on the vanity as best she could. She could feel Bob's dick sliding in and out and in and out. She couldn't help but match his rhythm

He watched her beautiful back as it writhed back and forth.

Was she trying to evade him or adding her own dimension to his rhythm?

Bob ran his hands up and grabbed Amy's breasts. As his fingers closed around her rosebud nipples Amy whimpered and Bob almost lost control. He could feel the rush rising within him.

Bob's cock fucked Amy with a mind of it's own as his orgasm built. Faster...Harder...

Bob thrust all the way into Amy as he erupted deep inside her. He came and came and still kept coming. He continued pumping into her until his dick started to soften. He pulled out and let her go.

Amy's body lay across Bob's bathroom cabinet, her tight white top around her ears, her tight blue shorts around her ankles and her tight pink pussy full of Bob's cream.

Amy's mind drifted across a plateau of pleasure just short of the orgasmic heights but pretty damn good just the same.

Bob pulled Amy's top up over her ponytail and off her head. She stood up and turned around lowering her arms and holding the top across her chest. Bob smiled at her modesty.

"Shower time." he said.

He turned around and started the water running.

When he turned back she was still standing there holding her top over her breasts with her shorts and undies lying on the floor behind her. Bob came over and took the top out of her hands; She didn't resist. He then took Amy's hand and lead her over to the shower. He adjusted the temperature then stepped back with a mock bow as Amy stepped under the warm stream of water.

Bob left Amy in the shower while he went to the fridge to grab a couple of beers.

Amy relaxed a little and closed her eyes as the warm water caressed her body.

Bob came back to the door and took a long swig of beer while he watched Amy in the shower. She was facing him but bent forward washing her pussy and thighs. Bob ogled her breasts as they hung forward with water trickling from each ripe nipple. Amy stood up and saw him staring at her. She turned her back trying to pretend he wasn't there. Bob took another swig of his beer as he admired Amy's legs and arse, then he put down the beers, dropped his boxers on the floor and stepped into the shower behind Amy.

Bob lathered some shower gel into his hands as his eyes roamed up and down Amy's glorious legs, arse and back. She flinched as she felt Bob's soapy hands on her waist. He started to move his hands up and around her body towards her breasts.

"Leave me alone." Amy protested as she covered her breasts with her hands and pushed her elbows down tight against her sides to halt his progress. Bob's hands were trapped between Amy's upper arms and ribs.

Bob spread his fingers along Amy's ribs. He could feel the tension in Amy's arms and upper body as she tried to resist him. He gently massaged her soft smooth skin with his soapy fingers. But Amy was not giving in, she held her arms down tight.

Bob rocked his hands backwards and forwards over her slippery wet skin. As he rocked forward he pushed his soapy hands a little further under her arms. His fingertips brushed the soft sides of Amy's breasts. She pushed her wrists down trying to stop his hands advancing. He rocked forward again and his fingers pushed further under her hands. Bob massaged the soft flesh searching and probing. He rocked forward again and his fingertips found Amy's nipples. They were rock hard. He rolled them between his fingers and thumbs and gently pulled on them.

Amy bucked her hips as little bolts of electricity shot through her body. She could feel Bob's erection pressing against her arse and lower back. It raged and twitched as Amy pushed back against him. Bob rocked forward to match her movements.

Amy tried to stop moving but Bob made her jump by playfully pinching her nipples. Each time he pinched her, Amy bucked and Bob chuckled.

Bob opened his fingers and thumbs slightly and Amy tensed her body in preparation for the next pinch. But Bob did something Amy had never experienced before. Instead of pinching the hard nubs of her nipples he squeezed each nipple just below the nub. Amy gasped as she felt Bob ever so slightly increase the pressure pushing the hard nubs into the sensitive skin over the ends of her nipples. Her nipples had never felt so long and sensitive. She felt a torrent of sexual sensation open up within her body. Her hips moved side to side as her body sort some kind of release. She started rubbing her hands over her breasts as Bob maintained constant pressure on the base of her nipples. The energy running through her was turning from pleasure to shear lust. She badly needed to come .Her nipples wanted so much more more but Bob just kept holding the base denying her any relief. The heat in her pussy was building way too high. She humped her arse against Bob's cock but it just rubbed up and down between her arse cheeks. She lifted her arse higher and ground her open pussy against the base of his dick.

Amy started to pant as she felt her orgasm building. Bob still held the base of each nipple between his index-fingers and thumbs as his cock slide up and down against her arse and pussy. Amy dropped a hand down between her legs and started rubbing her clit.

Suddenly Amy stopped bucking and Bob felt her entire body go rigid. She arched her back and her head tilted back as her orgasm ripped through her.

"Ohhhh....f.fuuuckkk," Amy screamed.

She collapsed forward and put her hands against the shower wall for support. Bob finally released her nipples and grabbed her breast with his hands rubbing her sensitive nipples into his palms. Amy reached another peak. Bob could still feel the jolts of pleasure washing through her body. Amy leant against the wall panting. She could feel her pussy rippling up and down, in and out.

Bob turned the water off and grabbed a towel. Amy stayed inside the shower cubicle as she steadied her breathing. She stepped out and dried herself before wrapping the towel around her body.

Bob watched her. He still could not believe how absolutely gorgeous this young woman was. He stroked his raging hard-on as he looked at her body wrapped in the towel.

"Did you enjoy the shower?" Bob teased as he continued to play with his dick.

Amy looked daggers at him but the corners of her mouth betrayed a slight smile. Bob had just made Amy come harder and quicker than she had in a long time. The fact she did not even want this man to touch her seemed to increase rather than decrease her response to him.

"Well come over here and show me how much you appreciate me letting you use my facilities." Bob continued to stroke his cock as he smiled wickedly at Amy.

Amy walked towards Bob and looked down at his cock standing at attention between them. Nicky was right, Bob's cock was long and thick.

Amy reached out and put her hand around Bob's cock. "Is this what you mean?"

Before Bob could answer Amy quickly crouched down and wrapped her mouth around Bob's cock. Bob gasped as Amy took almost his entire length into her mouth before sucking back up along his length as she stood up. There was a popping noise as her mouth came off his cock.

"All done." Amy said.

Bob couldn't speak but he smiled and shook his head 'no' before grabbing Amy's bare shoulders and pushing her down onto her knees. Amy grabbed Bob's cock in one hand and licked around the head with her tongue. She then wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and started working up and down pulling more and more of him into her mouth and throat.


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