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An Unexpected Catch

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Three old ex fisherman get their best catch in an old hotel!
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Late autumn, and once again I find myself sitting in the corner of a familiar cosy hotel bar on the edge of the small seaside town of Rye in Sussex.

For longer than I care to remember, I have visited this same hotel twice a year with old friends John and Pete. We used to come here to go sea fishing, but we decided a few years ago to give that up. Now in our early fifties, the good food, easy company and convivial bar seemed more agreeable to us than wallowing in a cold boat all day, so the decision was made to continue the weekends and drop the fishing.


Now, this is a small 18th Century hotel carrying a nautical theme. The small lounge bar is full of large comfortable armchairs, so as we sat chatting, it was easy to 'people watch' as the bar began to fill with small groups and couples having a quick drink before setting out for the evening. Polite conversation with strangers is the norm here, due to the confines of the place, so I was surprised when everyone's attention was drawn to two couples that burst through the door in a flurry of giggles and loud voices..

They had obviously had a few drinks already, and as they pushed their way to the bar, one of the men announced that he was going to buy everyone a drink.

As he asked around, most people politely declined his offer.

"Come on you lot, what's wrong with you? It's our wedding anniversary and my birthday, so the least you can do is have a drink with me!"

With this, a few of us took up his offer just to keep the peace.

Choosing a table next to us, he introduced himself as Steve, his wife as Sally and the other couple as Tony and Christine. As he sat opposite us, he kept drawing us into his conversation, a bit of a pain really, I was more interested in studying the menu for my evening meal, than his potted life history. Anyway, from the information forced up us, I deduced that Tony and Christine were staying at a nearby hotel as this place was fully booked, and that they were all eating there later that evening.

I breathed a sigh of relief, when after a few more drinks they announced that it was time to get changed before they went out.

Bidding us farewell like long lost friends, they left the bar and the usual calm was reinstated.


"'Ere," said Pete, "I'm fucking glad we're not eating at the same place as them tonight!"

John looked at him, smiling, "Oh I don't know, that big blond girl, what was her name? Christine! she looked like a lot of fun, better than sitting with you old buggers all night!"

"You'd never keep up with a young girl like that"

I joked,

"She could wear all three of us out and still want more!"

"I'd sooner be worn out by that little dark haired girl, Sally, she had a lovely little body on her, but you're right, at their age it would still take the three of us to satisfy them." replied Pete, turning back to the menu.

"Anyway, back to reality, have you lot decided what you're eating yet?"

Dinner was eventually chosen, and after another quick drink we left the bar to amble through to the restaurant. On passing through the lobby we found our paths crossed once more by Steve and Sally on there way out.

Now, I'm not one to take a lot of notice of girls in their twenties, after all, at thirty years older there seems little point. I am, however, a sucker for a pair of high heeled boots, and I was drawn to the pair the Sally wore as she tottered out. She wasn't dressy, just the knee high boots, black stockings, (they may have been tights, but I like to give them benefit of the doubt, tights can make the sweetest pussy look like a burglar!) All worn with a plain black dress, but really, it was the boots that got to me. Not worthy of comment to the others, but I made a mental note that I'd like to see more of them later should they return to the bar.


A couple of hours later after an excellent meal and a few equally excellent bottles of wine, we made our way back to the bar for a coffee and a few brandies.

Having settled comfortably back in the corner, I was just about to start my second brandy when the door flew open and in stumbled Steve. Weaving his way to the bar, his eyes lit up when he recognized us,

"Ah, my friends are shtill here, barman lesh have a round for these fine gents!"

"Are you sure that's a good idea sir?" enquired the bar tender.

"Issn excellent idea" replied Steve.

The barman gave me a questioning look with a raised eyebrow.

"It's OK George; give him one more, we'll keep an eye on him." I assured him.

Steve slumped down in a chair opposite Pete.

"What have done with the Missus then?" I ventured.

"Outside somewhere" he replied with a dismissive wave of his arm.

"Think she's got the hump with me!"

"No shit!" said Pete, "Why d' you think that is then?"

"Dunno, jusht been having a bit of fun, Christ, I need to piss, where's the bogs?"

Directing him downstairs, we watched him bounce across the bar, leaving a couple of stools on their side as he went.

George brought a tray of drinks over.

"Better make this the last one for him I think" he noted, as he placed the drinks on the table.

Just then the door opened and in walked Sally with a face like thunder.

"Has my 'Prat' been in here?" she asked.

"Yeah, he's just gone down to the toilets"

"Well, I hope he fucking stays there!" she retorted.

"He's as pissed as a parrot; I'm so fucking angry with him! This is supposed to be a treat for our wedding anniversary and all he's done is get pissed and embarrass me. We were nearly thrown out of the restaurant because of his behavior. I get one night away from the kids and this is what happens. I could kill him!"

I could see that she was now close to tears.

"Come and sit down love, do you want a drink or a coffee?" I invited.

She looked a little uncertain, and then sat down opposite me.

"Thanks, do you mind if I have both? A black coffee and a Southern Comfort on the rocks would be wonderful, better make it a large one, I've been taking it easy all night but there seems no point now!"

"Well don't go to mad," advised Pete, "You don't want to be catching up with your husband!"

Sally sighed, "He wouldn't take a lot of catching up with, he shouldn't drink really, he gets pissed walking past a bar's extractor fan, stupid sod!"

She lent to one side to look over her shoulder.

"Where's he got too? I bet he's fallen asleep in the toilets, it wouldn't be the first time!"

While she was looking away, my eyes were drawn back to her legs, this was getting more interesting as I could now see a glimpse of thigh above her stocking tops! Stockings and boots, my favorite combination, I was right, she didn't look the sort that would wear tights. I don't think that I would have been hitting the booze so hard had it been my anniversary!

As she sat chatting to us, I started to take more interest in her features.

She was quite short, may be five four in her heels, with a pale complexion exaggerated by her dark red lipstick, and black straight shoulder length hair that curled in at the bottom. She had a slim but nicely rounded body with a fine pair of firm tits, not big, but probably a good handful, which is all you need, (or should it be knead?) in my opinion.

Altogether a very nice little combination.

Her drinks arrived, but still no sign of her husband.

"I need to go downstairs, I'll 'ave a look and see if he's alright." Pete volunteered.

He was back a couple of minutes later.

"You were right love; he's sound asleep in one of them cubicles. I'll need a hand to get to him though; silly bugger's locked the door!"

"Oh leave him while we finish our drinks," sighed Sally, "at least he's not bothering anyone down there!"


Twenty minutes later, Pete and I went to rescue Steve as John got us a night cap to finish off the evening.

We managed to get him out of the cubicle and between us we carried him back up to the bar. It was a struggle as he was so drunk his legs were of no use to him at all.

"Right then Sally, where do you want him delivered to?" I asked.

"Can you get him up to our room? It's two flights up and there's no lift."

"No problem, lead the way."

Luckily the staircase was wide enough to get three people abreast, and the journey up was made more bearable by being able to watch Sally's sexy legs moving slowly up the stairs in front of us.

We finally got him into the room, and were about to dump him on the bed.

"No, not there!" Sally commanded, "I don't want him throwing up all over the bed in the night, I don't really want him in the room! Put him over there on the sofa, he can sleep there!"

We placed him on the sofa with a few pillows and found a spare blanket to put over him.

"There you go then love, he should be all right now, we'll leave you to it, sorry about your evening!"

As we made for the door, Sally grabbed her handbag.

"Hang on you two, I'm coming down with you, I'm not going to sit here twiddling my thumbs and looking at him!"


When we arrived back in the bar, John looked up in surprise.

"'You back then young lady?"

"I thought that I'd join you for a night cap rather than sit up there watching him snore, you don't mind do you?"

"Mind, of course I don't mind, the more the merrier!"

Sally smiled, "Hmm, that's what I am starting to think." she said quietly.

John brought over a large Southern Comfort for Sally.

"There you are love, that might help salvage some of the evening!"

"It's a bit late now, but thank you." She took a sip. "You know, I had such plans for tonight, and now that silly bugger has ruined it all. I even went shopping for some new sexy underwear yesterday. I was going to give him a real treat tonight, something special for his birthday."

I had to ask. "Are you wearing it now?"

"No, you cheeky old sod!" she laughed, giving me a playful slap on the arm.

"Pity, you could have given us a show, seems a shame to waste the effort."

"Oh yes, and what satisfaction do you think I'd get from flashing my knickers to three old men?"

"Easy girl," chipped in Pete, "We aren't that old you know! Though you might be wasting your time on John here, last time he saw sexy underwear was at the launderette!"

"Oy!" Quipped John, "You know what they say about good tunes and old fiddles!"

Sally laughed, "I 'm not sure I'm up for an old fiddle either!"


This banter continued for some time until George announced that he was about to close the bar.

"Ah well, that's it then, time for bed!" I announced.

I jotted down my room number on a beer mat and handed it to Sally.

"If you have any problems during the night, give me a ring."

"Thank you." she smiled, "I might just do that, though you should all come to make sure it's safe. I shouldn't be alone with just one of you, people might get the wrong idea!"

We left the bar and followed Sally upstairs, after all, it's only polite to let the lady go first!

When we reached the second floor, she gave us all a kiss on the cheek and thanked us, before disappearing into her room.

"What a shame." muttered Pete as we continued upstairs, "I thought for a moment that she might be up for a bit o' fun!"

"Yeah, in your dreams mate, she can't be more than twenty five, she would really be wanting us old codgers to play with, wouldn't she?" replied John.

"Oh well, it will give us something to think about tonight won't it." With that, I bade them goodnight and let myself into my room.


I had just boiled the kettle to make a coffee when the phone rang, making me jump.


"Hi, it's me ....Sally."

"'You all right love?"

"No... Not really, can you all come down in about five minutes; I have something to show you!"

"All of us, are you sure you need all of us?"

"Well it's up to you," she replied, but it's all or nothing, so ...are you coming or not?"

"O.K. I'll give the others a shout, five minutes you say?"

"Yes, no longer, bye." The phone went dead.

Pete and John were at my door in no time, and we crept back down to the second floor, feeling like a gang of naughty schoolboys.

I knocked gently on Sally's door. There was a rustling from inside before the door opened slightly and she peeped out.

"Good, you're all here, come in ... and keep the noise down."


As we entered the softly lit room, Sally closed the door behind us.

She was now wearing a three quarter length white fur coat.

"'You feeling cold love?" I asked.

"Yes, she replied, but I plan to warm up soon!"

"What did you want to show us then?" asked Pete.

Slowly pulling her coat open, she replied,

"All of this!"

Our faces must have been a picture as we stood gawking at the sight before us!

Sally was now standing in her boots and stockings, wearing a tiny black thong and a black lacy half cup bra that was just about containing her lovely round tits.

"Fucking hell!" sighed John, "That looks good enough to eat!"

My cock had stiffened in full agreement.

"Well," said Sally, softly, "Are you just going to stand there looking? If you like it that much you had better come closer do want to touch, don't you!"

We hesitated like idiots for a second or two, before moving towards her.

"What about him?" I asked, nodding towards Steve who was still sleeping like a baby on the sofa.

"Oh don't worry about him, he'll be like that 'till the morning, anyway it will serve him right to miss out. Do you know, he's being trying to talk me into a threesome with one of his mates for ages?"

"You don't fancy that then?" asked John.

"I like the idea, but not with a mate of his, it'd be all round the pub in no time! This is a much better idea, don't you think?"

I was begining to love the way she put a question at the end of each sentence!

Pete moved behind her, pulling her coat open and cupping her breasts,

"Them's a fine pair of tits if my say so miss, I 'ent 'ad me 'ands on such a lovely pair for years!"

She pushed her bum back into his crotch and began to sway gently from side to side as he continued to squeeze them.

John and I allowed our hands to roam over body, relishing the soft warmth of her skin.

As Sally's hands started stroking our cocks through our trousers, gently outlining the profiles between her thumbs and fore fingers, Pete unclipped her bra and as it fell away, I swear that her lovely firm tits never dropped a fraction.

"These feel nice," she whispered, looking down at our straining cocks "I think that you had better get undressed now, don't you?"

We backed off a little and were out of our clothes in seconds, but she stopped us when we got to our briefs.

"Leave them for a bit, I like the way that a cock looks so uncomfortable when it's straining against elastic, and I like the mystery of what's to come!"

Moving away from John to allow him time to undress, she sat on the edge of the creaky bed, still gently feeling our straining cocks as we stood in front of her.

John soon joined us in line, and one by one, she pulled our waistbands open with one hand while carefully reaching in to release our cocks with the other.

On her instructions, we removed our underwear so that we were now naked in line as she continued to slowly relish the feel of our cocks and balls. This girl was in no hurry!

She looked over towards her sleeping husband.

"Look Steve, it's my wedding anniversary and I've got three lovely big stiff cocks, with big hairy balls full of cum waiting to fuck me silly, aren't I a lucky girl? I bet this is just what you are dreaming about, isn't it?

Then, looking up at us.

"You do all want to give me a good fucking, don't you?"

On hearing our joint approval she smiled.

"I bet you would like me to suck you all first, wouldn't you? Just to make sure that you're as hard as possible."

Without waiting for a reply, she pulled me towards her, and slackly opening her mouth she began to gently rub my swollen cock around her dark red lips. I tried pushing forward, but she moved her head back to counter the move as she flicked her tongue around my helmet, licking off the pre cum.

Then, pursing her lips she began to flick my cock rapidly up and down against them, occasionally flicking her tongue over the tip.

The next quick move took me by surprise. One hand grabbed the cheek of my butt as the other cupped my balls, her mouth opened and I was pulled forward as she took my entire length in. She was sucking steadily now as my pubes were tickling her nose. I held her head and began to fuck her mouth with purpose. Boy could this girl suck!

She was soon alternating between us as we stood before her, wanking two while sucking one. After a few minutes she stopped, and rolled herself into the middle of the bed.

"This is far too one sided, one of you needs to get his tongue in my pussy, or better still, let's have two of you down there, ...fighting over it with your tongues. I think I'd like that!"

John and Pete moved quickly as the bed creaked under their weight, her thong was removed as they then spread her shapely stocking clad legs in the air and moved their mouths and tongues deep between her quivering thighs.

I moved up the bed and filled her mouth with my cock again as she began to moan in ecstasy at their attention.

With one hand behind her head, pulling her mouth over my cock and the other rubbing her lovely tits, I began to give her face a good fucking.

We continued like this for some time, changing positions occasionally so that we all got a chance to fuck her mouth and tongue her sweet little pussy. Finally, as Pete and I were between her legs, her hands came down and pulled our faces hard into her pussy as her thighs clamped us in place and her body shook in orgasm. It must have lasted a good fifteen seconds so we were obviously getting it right!

"Oh, that was good! ....that was so, so good, ... phew ...I need cock now, a big cock to fuck me, Come on one of you, get your big old cock inside me!"

Pete wasted no time, he crawled over her with her boots resting on his shoulders, his cock easily buried itself and he was soon slapping away at her.

"Is that what you want love? D'ya like being bounced around on a big old knarled cock?" He asked.

"Oh yes ...oh God yes, come on you bastard, fuck me hard, work your big cock into me, ...Ahh ...ah ... harder, ... that's it, harder, ...ooh Yes!"

Pete kept this up for a few minutes before calling in a replacement.

"I 'ent as fit as I used to be," he panted, "I reckon you was right, it's gonna take all three of us to satisfy this little minx!"

He rolled to one side, passing her legs to me.

I gripped her ankles holding her legs wide apart as my cock rested on her red pussy lips. I slid it up and down lazily before asking:

"You ready for another cock now love? We can stop if you like you know."

"No don't stop! ... please, don't stop, Fill me up, I want you all to fuck me hard, come on you bastard, slide it in and fuck me!"

Well, you can't keep a lady waiting! I slowly eased my fat cock into her hot wet pussy, God it felt good, just like warm oily velvet. I wanted to pace myself but it was just to inviting. I soon had her boots beside my ears and was giving her all I had. I may not have the worlds biggest cock, but it's got over 200 pounds driving it home!

It seemed to be doing the trick as she writhed and panted beneath me on the creaky old bed.

As I was getting into a steady rhythm, John was now giving her a deep kiss. He pulled away for a few seconds.

"What do you think your old man would say if he could see you now?"

With panting breath she replied;

"He will see it, ...eventually, ... I'll let you know!"

"How's he gonna see it then?" asked Pete.

"Because I'm recording this on his camcorder over there ... He likes to video me when I'm all dressed up, he was going to do that tonight. It was all set up, ready for when we got back, so I turned it on for him. He'll enjoy this when he plays it back. That will teach him to get drunk on our anniversary!"


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