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Anal Alice Act 09


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Alice blushed, thanking him warmly. He was a bigger guy, hairy, definitely older than her but not quite her dad's age.

She sat there, radiating joy for a while as the truck set off and rumbled forward, picking up speed. Then she noticed him glancing at her. She thought maybe his eyesight was a bit off as he kept looking at her body rather than being able to meet her eyes. She wasn't so insensitive as to say anything, though.

'Where's a fine piece of ass like you headin, then?' the man grunted in a thick drawl.

'Oh, um ...' Alice had a moment of panic. Where did Tom live? He hadn't said! 'Oh, I don't know!' Her face creasing in consternation. 'Do you know Tom?'

'Tom? Tom who?'

'Tom ... um ... Tom Will ... Williams. Tom Williams, that's it.'

The man frowned. 'Not an uncommon name, these parts.'

'He lives on a farm, out by, out by ...' She waved her hand in a vague direction. She knew she'd passed it many times in the car. 'There's goats,' she added. 'And a really big tree.'

'The Williams place, near the old church?'

'Yes! I think so, yes. Tom is their son.'

'Sure. I know it. I'll get you there, don't you worry.'

Her worries dissipated as quickly as they had come. 'Thank you so much,' she said, expressing the gratitude as solemnly and fervently as she could.

The man nodded. He scratched his beard. 'Sure,' he said. 'Ain't no trouble.'

* * * * *

The man hadn't been much one for small talk, but that was okay. She was daydreaming thinking of Tom when she saw the Williams estate up ahead. He definitely had more money than her family. He probably had new clothes whenever he needed them, and didn't have to resort to wearing skimpy barely-fitting things that his well-meaning father might buy him ...

The truck was slowing. They were pulling in, some way ahead of the house.

'It's just a bit further,' she said. 'If that's okay.' She felt a bit rude saying, but she didn't want to get all sweaty again in the heat walking up to the house.

'You owe me a lil somethin for the ride,' the man said, putting the handbrake on. 'Make that a big somethin.'

'What do you mean?' she asked, confused. Then her eyes widened as he licked his lips, staring fixedly at her body. It slowly dawned on her. He probably wanted a kiss! She'd heard of something like that happening to nice girls who hitch-hiked sometimes. She'd once overheard one girl say to another, 'He told me to use my mouth. You know, to thank him for the ride.'

Ew! was her initial reaction, but she immediately felt bad for being so judgemental. It's not as though he was ugly or anything, but he was a total stranger, and she really didn't want to give him a kiss, something that should be romantic or between family members. She was trying to think of a polite way to put it without offending him when he spoke up first.

'Turn around and bend over,' he said. 'Let's see that big butt.'

'Oh!' She felt so relieved! 'That's not so bad,' she blurted out before she could stop herself. 'I thought you wanted a kiss or something! I mean ... sorry ...'

'A kiss? No, no,' he said, grinning. 'I ain't interested in a kiss. Just wanna check out that ass.'

She giggled slightly, still relieved that she wouldn't have to do anything unpleasant. She turned around, getting on her knees and bending over. He lifted her skirt up onto her waist and gave a whistle.

'Now that sure is a purdy ass,' he said. 'Nice and fat. Goddamn if I ain't ever seen an ass so nice.'

'Thank you,' Alice replied, remembering her brothers always encouraging her to accept compliments. She felt him pull down her panties and was about to say something when she remembered he wanted to see her ass. Can't see my ass if it's all covered up! she thought to herself with amusement, even though her thong had disappeared into the crack of her butt before he peeled it away.

Next thing she knew, he had his hands on her butt and was squeezing it and parting her cheeks, breathing heavily. She was about to admonish him when she remembered he had driven all this way for her, and it really wasn't that much to ask to let him play with her butt a little. In fact, he'd made such good time that she might arrive at Tom's earlier than he was ready for her.

She had turned her head to face back to the window, as craning her neck round to see what the man was doing was starting to get uncomfortable, when she felt him shuffle around and half-onto her seat, budging her up against the window. Something slightly sticky pressed hard against her butthole, and after a moment of confusion she recognised from her recent experiences that it was a cock.

'Hey!' she said, turning her head back in surprise and annoyance. 'I didn't say you could do that.'

'Thought you were grateful for the ride,' he replied gruffly. 'Could just let you out here if you prefer.'

She frowned. She really didn't fancy walking all the way up to the house. It was off the main road and she might get dirty, especially if she clumsily fell over. Still, this didn't exactly seem fair ... She tried to work out in her head whether it was worth it or not, while the truck driver pushed his cock into her bottom.

After a minute of careful thought she decided she should walk instead and not let this kinda pervy guy do anything, not when she had a nice date and needed to be all fresh and clean for him. However, by this point the man's cock had been fucking her ass for a full minute. She tried to struggle but he had a firm grip on her hips and was now pounding her bottom too hard to escape. He used one arm to push her head down to the seat as he continued.

'Fuck, you dirty young slut,' he groaned, and she felt his warm cum flood into her bowels to join what remained of her brother's. He released her a few moments later and sank back down onto his side of the car, doing up his pants and starting the engine.

He drove her the rest of the way up to the house as she pulled her panties back up and her skirt back down. She was a little annoyed at first, but the driver seemed in a good mood and she couldn't stay mad at him. He'd done her a big favour after all, and only took a few minutes from her in return. When he let her out at the house she thanked him warmly again and he grinned and said anytime.

See? she said to herself. Thank people and they'll want to keep doing you favours. Now if he's going that way again you're guaranteed a ride.

She walked up the drive, crossing her arms nervously across her chest, inadvertently pushing her large boobs up so they bulged out above her arms and top. She felt oddly exposed, and trotted to the front door, where she hesitated, biting her lip, then rapped the knocker. She could feel her bumhole still twitching from the driver's attentions.

She was just about to knock again, thinking to herself, Nobody's home. Or I've got the wrong house. Or it was all a joke. I should just walk away now before I feel worse ... when the door opened.

An older man stood there. His eyebrows lifted practically up into his receding hairline as he looked at her.

'You're not Tom,' Alice blurted out.

The man stared at her from head to toe for more awkward seconds, then turned his head. 'Tom! One of your hussies!'

She had no idea what that word meant but had no time to ponder on it before Tom arrived at the door, behind the man who Alice realised must be his father.

'Hey Tom,' she said timidly. Trying not to too obviously admire his handsome face, his broad shoulders and working man's arms.

'You look good,' Tom said with a grin.

'Thanks,' she said, blushing and smiling, looking down as she scuffed the ground with her feet. She hugged her chest tighter.

'Sure is a sight,' Tom's father said, his eyes wide. 'I can see what you see in her.'

'I hope not,' Tom chuckled. 'But I reckon I'll be seeing what's inside her before the hour's out.'

Alice didn't understand that puzzling statement, but she let it pass by as she often did -- people were always saying things she didn't quite get; she was more than used to it.

Tom shoved his feet into boots, clapped his hand on his dad's shoulder, and then brushed past him out the door. 'C'mon, A, let's go for a ride.'

She followed him, practically glowing, but not forgetting to wave goodbye to the father who was staring after her. His gaze was unfocused on something lower down and so didn't meet hers or notice her wave. That was okay -- she spaced out a lot herself.

She entered his car, lifting up the back of her skirt so it didn't get trapped under her as she sat. She wasn't sure how long the drive would be, and if she kept shifting around to look at Tom a trapped skirt would be annoying.

She turned to Tom and saw his stare fixed on where she was sitting. He had a kind of hungry light in his eyes.

'Am I okay to sit here?' she asked, uncertainly.

He blinked and looked directly at her. Grinned. 'Of course, baby. Where else?' He set the engine and took off, rumbling from the driveway to the open road.

He called me baby! That means he really likes me! she thought, feeling a little giddy.

Don't let it go to your head -- just don't do or say anything too stupid, her brain warned her. Show him you can be really nice to be with and he'll want to see you more. Try not to upset things or do anything to make him unhappy!

It was easier said than done. She tried to make small talk as they drove, and sometimes Tom asked her things, but both time she felt she was messing up the conversation. She stumbled over her words or said wrong things, and kept blushing and looking down at herself as she hugged her chest. Thankfully, though, Tom didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to find her ditzy foggy-headedness endearing somehow.

Then she found to her horror that the truck driver's thick orgasm was trying to travel out of her bottom! She clenched herself tight and was profoundly relieved that it didn't leak out much further. She hoped it wouldn't make a stain on the car seat. If only I hadn't got my skirt out of the way!

'Here we are,' Tom said at last, pulling the car to a stop. Alice had been so focused on Tom and getting things right, and keeping as much cum as possible locked inside her troublesome anus, that she hadn't paid attention to where they were going. Now she looked out the windows and frowned.

'Lookout Point,' Tom stated, studying her.

'Ohhh!' She put a hand to her mouth. 'Oh Tom, how lovely!' She had completely forgotten she'd considered about him taking her to Lookout Point. Now she thought on her earlier reverie, she realised she hadn't really expected it, she'd just been silly ... but it hadn't been so silly, after all. He had taken her!

'You like it?' Tom said. He put one arm out and draped around her shoulders. His other rested casually on the lap of his jeans.

'Yes! It's ... romantic,' Alice admitted with a shy smile.

'Yeah, I thought so too.' He smiled back at her. She drew in breath as he moved towards her.


Is he going to ...

He leaned in, and pulled her towards him at the same time, and his lips touched hers.

She kissed back, melting in his hands. She felt so happy. The guy she fancied for so long was kissing her! It felt so romantic, in the back of his car at the Lookout Point where all the couples would drive up to kiss each other. She felt a little like they were Marty McFly and Lorraine in the romantic car scene in the film Back to the Future (before Marty had ruined things by pushing her off, that was).

Tom's kissing quickly got more intense and passionate, and he started groping her big breasts. He's very excitable! she thought to herself. He must really like me! She felt like she almost loved him herself, in that moment. She was suddenly grateful that her brother had given her some practice in this kind of kissing earlier. It had prepared her, so she knew she couldn't be completely terrible ... Mike had seemed to enjoy it ... and Tom seemed to like it too ...

She was lost in the moment for a while -- all her fairytale romance fantasies coming true in her mind -- when she realised his hands that had previously been all over her boobs (one nipple now seemed to be on display), had since been slipping her panties off, and they were already down to her knees.

She tried to say something -- not that she knew what she was going to say -- but his tongue and lips were in the way. Then suddenly they weren't, but they had latched onto her naked nipple and she became temporarily lost for words. She vaguely felt another small rivulet of cum ooze from her asshole ... but that was least on her mind.

He was sucking on her exposed breast like he expected milk from it. She was astonished -- but it felt nice, strangely nice, and she felt her nipple engorge in his mouth. She couldn't see his hands. She opened her own mouth and her head tipped back, her eyes half-lidded.

This must be what boyfriends and girlfriends do, she thought in a pleasurable fog, barely noticing her asshole twitch. When they're kissing on their dates. Tom is so experienced ... he knows just how to make me feel special.

Tom shifted in his seat, having removed his mouth from her flushed wet nipple -- she'd never seen it look so big! She looked to him, a little breathless, and her eyes widened in surprise as she saw he had his penis out and his hand clutched around it. It was rock hard. It wasn't as big and fat as her brothers' but it wasn't far off; it still looked a bit intimidating in the moment.

'Um,' she mumbled. He kissed her deeply again, once more robbing her of words. She searched for them as he stroked his freed cock and put his other hand on her bare thighs, making her shiver.

'Can we take it slow?' she managed, as the heated kiss broke off. She wasn't certain, but she thought she had an idea what he might be going for, with his cock in his hand and her panties round her knees. 'I don't think I'm ready to lose my virginity yet ... It'd have to be really special.' Oh no, she thought. Now you're Marty McFly! What did I tell you about spoiling the moment!

Tom laughed. 'You don't have any reason to worry,' he said. 'I wasn't going to take your virginity. I don't have any interest in that at all.'

'Oh thank god!' She giggled, relieved. She didn't want him to get the wrong idea and think her a boring prude, but nor did she want a reputation or for him to think she was "easy", as she knew some guys and girls put it. She was happy enough with how the date was going as it was without going too far too soon. 'But then why's your, um, penis out?' she asked, still smiling but confused once more.

He didn't reply at first, instead turning her on her side, in a no-nonsense, assertive manner, until she was facing away from him with her legs hanging half over the seat, her skirt up and her panties still twisted around her knees. He got up close to her from behind, kissing her neck, and she shivered again with romantic pleasure. She felt his hard, warm cock against her asscheeks.

'It's out,' he whispered into her ear, 'because I'm gonna fuck that gorgeous ass of yours.'

'No!' she cried out softly, but already he'd budged up and was pushing the head of his cock into her cum-bubbling butthole.

'Relax babe,' he said. 'I know you take in the butt. Everyone knows.'

'I donn'ttt!' she cried, without pausing to consider the accuracy of his statement. He had a firm hold around her boobs and, because of what remained of the truck driver's cumload, as well as her relaxed, pleasured state (taking its time to fade), his cock was sliding in without a whole lot of resistance.

'What do you call that then,' he said with satisfaction, as he buried himself to the hilt, forcing a groan out of her. 'Went right in there like a hot dick into butter.' He pulled out a little then pushed in again. 'God your asshole feels good, Alice,' he said. 'Did you lube it up just for me? Cause that's dedication to being a buttslut.'

Why does everyone wanna fuck my bottom? she thought, put out and a little bit upset. It had been going so romantically, too!

'Do all first dates go like this?' she asked, looking back at him as he fucked her ass.

'All first dates with you I bet,' he grunted in reply, not taking his eyes from his cock pumping in and out of her bumcheeks.

She pouted. That wasn't a reply!

'But my bum's sore,' she complained. 'Can't we just kiss?'

'Why's it sore? Wait a sec.' His movements slowed. He felt so warm and thick inside her. 'Is that why your butt feels so fucking wet and steamy? Have you already been fucked there today? You have, haven't you?'

'Mmm well sort of,' she said, reddening further. She didn't want to lie to him. It was probably obvious, anyway. 'But I didn't have a choice!'

'Who with?'

'I hitch-hiked with this man, and had to thank him ...'

'Fucking hell,' Tom groaned, picking up speed again and mauling her big tits roughly. 'You hitch-hike by letting guys fuck your ass? God no wonder you got a ride, you dirty slut.'

'Just himm!' she whined. The car felt so hot now. Tom hadn't rolled the windows down and probably didn't have air-con, or hadn't turned it on; it was like being in a sauna. She could feel the sweat gathering on her: face, breasts, thighs, and especially ass.

'Bet you'll do it on the way back too. Bet you bend over and stick your fat butt out at the road, just so drivers know what they're gonna get if they pick you up. Man I can't believe you let a stranger cum in your ass right before seeing me. You're so nasty.'

'Aren't you going to give me a lift back to mine?' Alice said in a small voice.

'What gave you that idea? Alright I was gonna, maybe, but now I kinda just want you to get a third load in your butt like a sexy little whore.'

More than three if we count my brother, she thought, but knew better than to say. That's if we don't count all those from yesterday ... 'Please drive me back, Tom!' she pleaded. 'I'll do anything! Just don't ... don't have sex with me.'

'I told you babe, all I wanna do is fuck your fat butt,' Tom said. 'Which I'm already doing. Tell you what though, if you keep taking my cock deep in your asshole like a good girl I'll drive you back. But you better be really fucking thankful.'

'I will be!' She looked back happily at him. 'Thank you so much! I'm sorry I'm being annoying ... I didn't really know what to expect on a first date.'

'No, well, now you do. I'm gonna cum in your ass soon but you're so fucking sexy I think I'm gonna keep on going.'

He thinks you're sexy! She tried to muster some courage, and finally mumbled, 'Will you be my boyfriend?' before blushing, deliberately not looking back at him.

'Come on, you said you wanted to take it slow, remember?'

'Oh yeah,' she said, giggling despite herself. 'I forgot, sorry!'

'Ditzy slut,' Tom said affectionately, a second before he shuddered and began to cum inside her bottom.

As Alice felt her prized teen ass once again fill to the brim with another man's love, combining with that of the others, she was dimly thankful of one thing: nobody would be able to see her sweating, strained, panting face, nor much of anything that was happening inside, not with the windows steadily steaming over ...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Can't wait to read chapter 10! You are an amazing writer, I hope you keep going!

Neon_UltraNeon_Ultraover 2 years agoAuthor

ACT 10 HAS BEEN SUBMITTED! Check back every day to see if it's come!

Anon - Thank you for the words <3

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Neon my dude, this girl, this formula of naiive innocence getting buttfucked, its just pure erotic gold, thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Are you done writing act 10?

Neon_UltraNeon_Ultraover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much for all your enthusiastic comments, love and support! I'm sorry I haven't commented - I didn't want to tease. Better to forget about me until a new AA comes along. I am also sorry (as always) for how long it takes me. I have been writing my serious fiction (my career) and also struggling with depression, and the general vicissitudes of life.

ATM, yes definitely at some point, maybe not next chapter.

"I'd pay good money for a new chapter" - My Cashapp is on my profile ;)

"Will there be a part 10?" - Yes, and 11, 12, 13, etc... Although there will be a definitive end one day - it has long been written.

Good news is that most of the next chapter, 10, has been written, I just to slap myself into gear and barrel through. I can also confirm that the next chapter is the long-awaited Daddy Chapter. I hope I can do justice to your expectations (if not, well there's always future chapters).

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'd pay good money for a new chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Will there be a part 10?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love you neon ultra

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

When will there be an update?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great story, really looking forward to the next instalment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Looking forward the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Creat story, looking forward to part 10

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Still waiting for the next chapters. Great story

maxx7839maxx7839about 3 years ago

I check your profile all the time when’s the next chapter coming?!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Still waiting for act 10, great story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Just so perverted! Love it!

MrMKKMrMKKover 3 years ago

Totally agree with anon, gotta have some ATM at some point

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

thanks for such an erotic work of literature

clearly Alice is becoming to addicted to anal love.

lets hope her Daddy punishes her bottom hole to instill better behavior!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

When will act 10 be released?

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