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Anchors Away!! Pt. 11

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An old mans dream of sailing takes a few unexpected turns...
12.1k words

Part 11 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/04/2022
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We drive by the Marina on our way to Colonial Williamsburg, just to make sure that the ship is still secure, and that nothing has been tampered with.

Once we are satisfied, we make our way to the Visitors Center; purchase our day passes and start our walk back through time to the Revolutionary war period. Have to admit, they know how to do things right! Aside from us "tourists" walking around in our modern clothes... a person could easily be convinced that they have traveled back to the 1700's!

We spend our day there visiting the historic shops and buildings, attending as many of the demonstrations as possible...even took a carriage ride around the town and up to the Governor's Mansion. Ate lunch at a pub that was frequented by the likes of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. Watched the soldiers march on the green and even went on a "ghost tour" just after the sun went down.

Next morning, we visited the Jamestown Settlement and museum. All three of us feeling amazed and humbled by all of the history that had taken place here, and all of the hardships that people had to endure in order to survive in the early days of this country.

We managed to make it to the Revolutionary War Museum before noon, so we spent the rest of our day here...going through all of the exhibits and living history areas. We finished off our day by having a wonderful dinner at a local seaside pub just down the road from the Museum.

We all took off our shoes and wandered out onto the beach and watched a three Masted Schooner "The Alliance" head out with passengers for an evening tour on the York River, out to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay and back.

All in all, it was a very relaxing and enjoyable day! None of us were ready to end our stay in the area, so we decided to travel to Charlottesville Va the next day; to visit Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson.

We figured that once we have made that trip, seen all that we can see there. Our heads should be full to running over with historic facts and trivia from the colonial time period.

When we arrive back at our hotel, we park the car and go to our room. The moment we step inside the elevator...Bob takes off her shoes and breathes a sigh of relief. We push the button to go up to our floor as she reaches up under the back of her blouse for a few seconds... then does a Criss cross thing with her arms and slips her hands inside the opposite sleeves of her blouse and then in one fell swoop...pulls her bra out of one sleeve!

Max just stood there amazed and said, "This is a perfect example of why women should be in charge of things!"

"You are just jealous that you can't take any of your clothes off in an elevator" Bob teases

"Who says I can't?"

"The laws on public decency, for one thing!" I remind them

"Have you SEEN any cops patrolling the halls of this Hotel?" Bob challenges me...

"No, but that don't mean you won't get caught! There are other people on the same floor as us...somebody's poor old grandmother steps out of her room to get a bucket of ice....and gets confronted by a naked guy wandering the halls with is dick just a swinging. Don't think that wouldn't get the cops up here in a hurry!" I say

"You'd let her play with it a bit, wouldn't you?" Bob questioned Max as if she were serious about doing this.

"Sure, you know I would" Max replies

"Bullshit!" Bob retorts "You would chicken out before you even take your shoes off!"

Max kicked off both of his shoes and removed his socks...

"Rick, you get that room card ready...when these elevator doors beat feet to our room and get the door open...THIS is going down!" Bob commands

I already had the room card in my hand so the moment the elevator stopped... I was ready to run. When the doors opened, I took off and the last thing I saw was Max and Bob standing just outside the elevator topless and in the process of taking off the rest of their clothes.

Our room was at the far end of the hall, and I have not run-in ages. So, by the time I made it to the room and got the door opened; I was completely out of breath and laughing so hard I thought I may pass out... but here comes Bob and Max...both stark naked...with their clothes tucked under their arms... running like sprinters in the Olympics with our door being the finish line!

This is the kind of fun and spontaneity that we have been missing on this leg of the trip. Glad to see it has returned and just hope I can come up with enough cash for bail money if the need arises!

Bob and Max fall onto the bed, both laughing so hard they can barely breathe.

"Oh my God, that was fun!" Max finally managed to say, "After Rick implanted the idea in my head... the whole time I was running, I kept expecting some old lady to step out into the hall and I just mow her down before I can get stopped!"

"Now I know why boys can run faster than girls...guys got stick shift and ball bearings!" Bob joked

"I needed every advantage I could get, just to keep up with you!" Max said "I swear, she took off like a rabbit, didn't think I was ever going to catch up to her! All I could think about was "Damn she has a nice ass as I watched her speed off down the hall!"

"So, you like my ass, do you?" Bob teases

"Hell, I had to look away from it...just so that I could concentrate on my running! Kept thinking, if I get a hard on now and fall on the carpet, that rug burn is going to hurt like hell!"

"Well, since I beat you to the door, I think I will accept my prize now" Bob teases as she plays with Max's hardening cock.

"Just what kind of prize are you expecting?" Max inquires

"Just hide and watch, I think you will enjoy it too!" she says, "Rick, get your clothes off, you ran the gauntlet get to share the prize as well."

As I removed my clothes, Bob went to work sucking on Max's cock, getting him quickly to full erection. When I am completely naked, she has Max and I stand next to each other...while she alternates sucking our cocks... she sucks Max for a while, then she sucks me for a while. Then she has us both stand that she can squeeze our cocks together and suck them both at the same time.

Max was a bit skittish about being this close to another male... but the sensations that Bob was giving our cocks was too overpowering for him to muster up a protest. So, he just hung right in there and let her do whatever she wanted to do.

Bob let our wet glistening cocks slip from her mouth and stands up in front of Max.

"Think you can hold my body weight, if we try to fuck standing up?" Bob Inquires

"Yeah, I think I can manage that!" Max replies

Bob wraps her arms around his neck and hops up...wrapping her legs around his waist and locking her ankles all in one quick movement. Max uses one hand to get a grip on her ass...while he slips his other hand down and guides his cock into her vagina.

Once it has slipped all the way inside... Bob starts to bounce up and down on his cock! After a bit of good hard fucking. Bob stops and tells me. "Rick, you've got asshole duty...You know what needs to be done and raises herself up just enough for me to gain easy access to her little brown hole...while still keeping Max's cock securely embedded in her pussy.

Although the principle of this position is the same, as when we did this with Tom. Standing up changes the whole dynamics of it. Where Tom and I had to use a see-saw motion to enjoy both holes at the same time. Standing did not allow for that as much... and so, as my cock slowly eased its way inside of her tight little cock had to slide in far enough for me to be cock head to cock head level with Max's cock, with only a thin wall of flesh to separate the two. Once I was in place and Bob had become relaxed and acclimated to having both cocks deep inside her...she began her rhythmic bouncing once again.

I grabbed onto her ass cheeks too and helped Max hang onto her as she rode both of our cocks...bringing all three of us closer and closer to an orgasm that promised to be of epic proportions!

We were NOT disappointed! Bob was the first to go "over the edge" She began to moan and tighten her grip around Max's neck and waist. Her ass cheeks clenched to the point that I thought for sure that her asshole was going to pinch my cock off at the base!

I came next, the tightness of her hole and the rhythmic movements that I had no control over...were just too much to ignore. My cock erupted in a volley of cum that filled her hole and quickly began to leak back out around my pistoning cock... running in a trickle down the inside of my thigh.

Max was doing his best to hold back, but when it was obvious that I was dumping my load, Max gave up his struggle and rode out his own orgasm...pumping a load of cum deep inside Bob's pussy.

I slid my cum slick cock out of Bob's ass and stepped back to allow her room to release her legs from around Max's waist and lower her feet to the floor. She stepped back allowing Max's still hard cock to spring free and slap him wetly on his stomach. He still had a few drops of semen sliding down the shaft of his cock, which Bob immediately seized upon....and dropped to her knees to lick his cock clean.

We all decide that we are starving, but really do not want to go through all of the trouble of getting dressed to go out for dinner. So, I offer to go over to the shopping mall and bring back some Chinese Take-out.

Bob and Max snuggle up next to each other to watch some TV until I come back with the food.

As I am returning to the room with the food. The desk clerk, a woman I suspect to be in her late-forties or early-fifties, with an "Ample" figure...flags me down.

I immediately assume that there must be a "no food in the room" policy ...that I am in flagrant violation of....and she is going to call me out on it.

"Sir, would you mind stepping around to this side door, for a few moments...I need to speak to you privately"

I do as she requests and just as I approach the door, she opens it and beckons me to come inside.

Once the door is closed. She says, "Sir, my name is Ann, I am the night manager here and I wanted to speak to you privately because we had an issue earlier this evening. That cannot be repeated. This is a family hotel, and we have guests of all ages staying here."

Trying to play innocent, I say "What kind of issue are you talking about?

"The "Streaking in the hallway" issue..." She says, "We DO have security cameras on every floor and while I know that kids will be kids, especially when they get to be college age. But we cannot allow your son and daughter to behave in this manner in our hotel. So, if you could please speak to them about this incident, and make sure that it does not happen again. It would be greatly appreciated!"

"You have my word, they will keep their clothes on in public areas, from now on!" I say, while thinking to myself "I HOPE!"

"Thank you, sir, and have a nice evening!"

I return to the room to find Max and Bob fucking like there is no tomorrow. Max has Bob's hands pinned to the bed, by her head and is fucking her pussy in long deep strokes. Although Bob is pretending to put up a is quite obvious that she is enjoying every moment of this!

I set the bags of food down on the table and take a seat. Watching the wonders of young lust unfold before me.

"Who would ever believe" I think to myself "that watching others enjoying themselves sexually...would become the new "Normal" for me! After all those years of self-denial, living by OTHER people's rules...and letting others dictate how I should be living my life. Why did it take me so long to finally "wake up" and learn to live in the moment...and enjoy all the wonderful things that life has to offer!

Max's body begins to jerk erratically as he dumps his load of cum deep inside of Bob's pussy. This triggers a wave of orgasm coursing through her; that has her quivering as if she is having a seizure.

Once they have both rode out their orgasms...Max rolls off of Bob's body...his cock still coated with a frothy white mixture of their combined juices. Bob is lying there with her legs still splayed open...a trickle of cum slowly draining from her pussy and leaving a glistening trail down toward her asshole.

"Nice to see that you two managed to whip up a batch of dipping sauce for the egg rolls while I was gone" I tease

"This was the second batch!" Max teased back

"Well, I would have been back sooner, except for the fact that I got called into the hotel front office... for an ass reaming about letting you two run up and down the halls up here...naked! I was told to keep my kids under better control"

"NO SHIT?" Max inquires seriously...

"YEP! You two got caught on surveillance video...running down the hall!" I reply

"Probably going to be a real hit when they show it at their office Christmas Party! They will be talking about us for years!" Bob adds

We check out of the hotel early the next morning, pack all of our stuff into the trunk of the car. Swing by the marina to check on the ship and once we are satisfied that everything is okay... we head off to Charlottesville to visit Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson.

I have always enjoyed reading about history...and have often thought about great men like Thomas Jefferson and how they worked to form this great country of ours. I knew that Jefferson was a very intelligent man... but had no clue exactly HOW intelligent... until visiting his home! There are so many things that the man invented and incorporated into his life, that I was awestruck by the sheer genius of it all.

For example...if he wanted to know which way the wind was blowing... all he had to do was step out on his front porch and look up... he had a weathervane mounted on the roof of his house.... that had a rod running down through the ceiling of the porch; that had a metal arrow attached to the bottom of it. Which pointed to the direction the wind was blowing from.

Jefferson even had a Clock in his house that was capable of telling not only the time, but the day of the week as well! The Clock is huge and hangs above the front door... it is a seven-day wind clock, meaning that it has to be wound every Sunday...and is powered by the weights of cannon balls weighing 18lbs each. As the weights pull on the cable that powers the clock...they slowly go down...slow enough that Jefferson has plaques on the wall indicating which day of the week it is, by where the cannon balls are on the wall.

Remember, this was built in the 1700's and is still working and keeping time to this very day! Not unlike everyone else...Jefferson did have a setback or two on some of his inventions... but what separated him, from the rest of that he was not one to simply give up...because an idea did not work out as he had hoped. Take that clock for instance...when he had it built originally, Monticello was still under construction... and so he had the clock set up to work in a house he was living in at the time. Monticello has much lower ceilings than the house the clock was originally installed when it was installed at Monticello...the cannon balls would hit the floor before the week was out...stopping the clock. Jefferson fixed this problem by cutting holes in the floor, to allow the cannon balls to pass through....and put the "Saturday" plaque on the wall in the basement...Problem solved

We thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent at Monticello, but by the time we had walked around the plantation, visited the gardens, and walked down to the family cemetery to see the graves...and followed the path through the woods to the Visitors center...we were all exhausted!

We drove back to Newport News, stopped by the Marina, and unloaded all of our things. Then took the car back to the rental place. On the way back to the Marina, we stopped at a nice seafood restaurant for a meal before returning to the ship.

We each ordered a sampler platter and are chit chatting, while we wait for the food to arrive. I happen to notice a woman at a table near us... looking at us and smiling every once in a while.

"WHY does this woman look so familiar?" I keep asking myself

Then it dawns on me... this is the night manager from the hotel we just stayed at!

The next time she looks our way, I smile back and wave.

"It's been a struggle, but I have managed to keep these two fully dressed today!" I tell her...

Bob and Max both turn around at the same time, to see who I am talking to... then turn back to me and mouth the words "is that the night manager?"

I nod my head yes, then invite the woman to come sit with she appears to be alone. At first, she politely refuses...but when I insist. She gathers her things and comes over to sit by me at our table.

I introduce her to Bob and Max...and Bob has to go through her usual Roberta to Bobbie to Bob nickname progression story.

"Well, my birth name is Edith Ann... but I go by just Ann...since the comedienne Lilly Tomlin, made my childhood a living hell with her act."

Our food soon arrives, and it turns out that Ann had ordered the same thing that we we all had a laugh about that.

During the meal, I tell Ann that Bob and Max are NOT my children. We are all just traveling together aboard my ship...and that we are traveling the loop. Left St Joseph Mo last year and this is as far as we have made it.

"Oh, I know all about the "great loop" that was something that my late husband always wanted to do and talked about it constantly. Unfortunately, he passed away from Cancer before he ever got the chance."

"I'm so sorry to hear that" I tell her

"He traded for a boat... just for that purpose, but it has been just tied up to the dock, ever since he got it. I probably need to see if I can find someone to check it out and see if it is still worth selling...rather than just let it sit there until it rots and sinks right where it is."

"Where is this boat at?" Max asks

"It's over here at the Leeward Marina...just a couple of blocks from here"

"That is where we are berthed..." Max says "I am a certified boat technician...I would be willing to take a look at it for you, if you want...maybe help to make up for you having to see my bare ass running down the hall of your hotel"

"You don't have to make anything up to me...and besides, you DO have a cute it was not a compete hardship my part!" Ann teased

Max blushed

"And you have a very nice tush as well" she said to Bob with a wink.

"Seriously, if you want me to look the boat over...and you have the time to show it to me... I am more than happy to do it"

"If you are sure you don't mind" She said "I really need to do something with it... before it is no longer of any use to anyone. But as it is... I don't know what it is worth...someone could tell me it is worth scrap price...and I would have to believe them"

"We are heading to the Marina right after we eat if you want to meet us over there... I'll grab some tools and look it over...and give you my best estimate of what it is worth"

"Better yet...why don't you all hop in with me, and I can drive us all over there. I've got a big enough car to haul all of us, no problem."

We finish our meal and I spring for the check...telling Ann that it is my way of saying thank you for not calling the cops on Bob and Max for public indecency.

Out in the parking lot we find out that Ann is driving a huge Cadillac Escalade. "This was my husband's pride and trying to drive a house down the road... but it will pass anything on the road...except a gas station."

Turns out, Ann's Boat is berthed only two slips over from where we are. I open up our boat and Max grabs a flashlight and some tools, and we all go over to check out her boat.

Her boat is a 1998 Sea Ray 400 39ft ...appears to be in excellent condition other than being covered in grime and bird droppings. She takes us below deck and gives us the grand tour. Said her husband took it in as part of a business deal right when he first found out that he had cancer. His business partner wanted to buy our half of the business but did not have the cash to do my husband took the boat and made a deal for him to pay off the rest...over time."

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