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Anchors Away!! Pt. 17

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Bonus chapter... The adventures of Rick and Bob Continue...
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Part 17 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/04/2022
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After my morning shower. I wrap a towel around my waist and make my way to the kitchen. Where I find a pot of hot coffee already brewed, and a pan of cinnamon rolls, fresh from the oven; waiting for me when I get there.

I pour myself a cup, get a cinnamon roll and set down at the table to enjoy my breakfast. Leaned up against the salt and pepper shakers, I see a handwritten note from Bob, which reads:

"Good morning, Honeybun! On my way to pick up some groceries we need. Oh yes... Just checked with Tina and believe it or not, we are almost booked solid this week for all three boats! Love Ya!"

Hard to believe that Bob and I have been in the Private Day Charter business together, for soon to be a year and a half. When we first set up "R&B BOAT CHARTERS" my accountant just about soiled himself... He simply could not believe that we could actually make money from giving people day long "boat rides"!

But not only have we made a successful business of it... we have grown from just having one boat... the "Tia Maria" Which Bob and I operate ourselves... to now having three boats in operation and considering adding a fourth!

Bob and I flew back to Missouri about a year ago and brought the "Queen Ann" down to the Gulf coast and put it in service... then just last month...we purchased a third boat... the "Awesome Possum" and have it working for us as well.

We currently have six full time employees... Dave and Teresa, a husband-and-wife team that operates the Queen Ann for us. Mike and Ashley... a soon to be married couple that Operates the "Possum" for us... and Carl and Tina; Carl is our full-time mechanic and all around "Mr. Fixit." If Carl cannot patch something back together... then it is far beyond repair. Tina is our office manager/ booking agent and all around go-to girl... if we need something done... we tell Tina, and she makes It happen for us.

We offer our guests all of the things that they come to expect from a Charter Service. Some people just love to get away from civilization for a while and do some fishing. Some just want to experience "life on the water" seagulls calling and swooping at the boat as we fish. Some just want to relax and watch for bottlenose dolphins to spring from the water as they swim alongside of the boat.

So, you may ask... what makes our little business "different" from all the rest of the "Day Charter" services that are available in the area? Well... it is not about the services we provide... it is about what we DO NOT require! Which is clothing!

Once we are out of sight from public view... clothing becomes "Optional" onboard our boats and what you choose to do while naked... is entirely up to you. Some people just want to get some sun and like to feel the cool breeze all over their whole body. Others, like groups of college kids, tend to enjoy having themselves an orgy. We neither encourage nor discourage such behavior... but as long as they are not doing something dangerous, then we just let them have their fun.

Our attorneys insist that all passengers sign a waiver before getting onboard, that we are not held responsible for sunburns, pregnancies or any other "issues" that may arise from their "Actions" while on our boats.

We do not advertise, that our day charters offer this kind of freedom. As far as anyone knows...we simply take people out on the ocean or into Bayou country to sightsee or fish. But our "excursions" are becoming more and more popular as news of our "on board freedom" spreads by word of mouth.

I finish my breakfast and tidy up the kitchen...wash and dry the dishes and put them away. Just as I am finishing up, Bob walks in with her arms full of groceries.

As she sets the bags on the counter, I ask "Is that everything, or do you need help carrying more stuff in?"

"There are two more bags setting on the back step...if you could bring them in...that would be awesome" she says

I walk out onto our back deck still wearing only a towel. I wave to our next-door neighbors, who are just thankful that I am wearing the towel.... THIS time! I pick up the two shopping bags that are sitting there and carry them into the house for her.

Just as I am setting them on the counter, Bob walks over and gives me a big hug. "Thanks, Hun!" Gives me a kiss, then grabs my towel and whips it off of me before I even realize what is happening.

"Help me put these groceries away... and I might give you a treat" She giggles

By working together...we make quick work of putting everything away. Just as I am putting the last of the items in my shopping bag into the cabinet. Bob walks up behind me and wraps her arms around me...

Before I can even turn around...she is stroking my cock sensually.

Once she has me fully erect, she turns me around and drops to her knees, then licks all up and down the shaft of my cock and sucks on my balls before returning to the head of my cock... taking it all the way down her throat.

Don't care if I live to be 100 years old...I will NEVER grow tired of her doing this for me. She knows me and know what turns me on... even better than I do! She can take me right up to the razor-sharp edge of pleasure... then stop everything just in the nick of that I don't cum. So incredibly wonderful and so incredibly frustrating...all rolled up into one lustful bundle.

She has had me "right there" three times already. I honestly do not know how much more pleasure that I can take... so, I take her by the shoulders and lift her up... so that we can kiss, while I take her clothes off of her.

We break from our kiss, only long enough for me to pull her top up over her head... then I unfasten her bra and slide the straps off of her shoulders and let the bra fall to the floor. I unfasten her shorts and slide them, along with her panties off of her cute little bubble butt...and let them fall to the floor around her ankles.

She quickly steps out of them and slips her shoes off, all in the same motion.

We resume our kiss and enjoy that wonderful feeling of warm flesh to flesh contact. There is absolutely no way that we can get close enough to each other to suit us.

I pick her up and set her on the counter just vacated by the grocery bags. I bend over and kiss her breasts and suck on her nipples until they are both rock hard.

Drop to my knees and put both of her legs over my shoulders...grab ahold of her butt and pull her toward me... I take my time...licking around the perimeter of her vagina.

I suck each of her labia lips into my mouth one at a time...before finally plunging my tongue as deeply as I can inside of her...flicking it in and out as I work my way toward her clit. I tease it with my tongue... sometimes using my tongue directly on it... sometimes all around it... Then I go back to the bottom of her vagina and start the process all over again.

Bob has my head held firmly in her the pleasure builds for her... and she gets closer and closer to her orgasm. Her vagina is sopping wet at this point... actually dripping with that sweet/salty nectar that it produces.

"Oh Honey" She cries out "Give me that goddamn cock... I need you inside of me... right fucking now!"

As I stand up, she wraps her legs around my waist and uses them to pull me toward her... all I have to do, is point my cock in the general direction... and it knows it's way home. I feel the instant warmth as my cock enters her vagina... and marvel at how tightly her pussy grabs onto my cock... as if trying to milk every last drop of semen from my body.

We TRY to pace ourselves, so that we can enjoy this for as long as possible. But our bodies have other ideas... although we try to resist... we are both thrusting our pelvises toward each other... harder and faster. My balls are slapping up against her asshole to the point that it sounds as if someone is clapping.

Bob goes over the edge first, her body tenses for a moment... then begins to quiver and shake in full blown orgasmic bliss. She moans and tightens her hold on my upper body as she tries to hang on ... to ride this out, to its wonderfully intense conclusion.

I am only good for a few more strokes... before my cock begins to spew out its creamy goodness... filling her vagina to overflowing... leaving a small puddle on the countertop then trickling down the front of the counter.

We work together to clean up our mess. "Oh my gosh, look at the time" Bob exclaims... "We better get our butts to moving, we have a charter scheduled to begin in two hours!"

"Guess it's a good thing that I got the boat ready to go last night!" I say, "have any idea who we are taking out on the boat?"

"Haven't got a clue, Tina just said that they appear to be an "interesting" group"

In order to save time...we both jump in the shower together, unfortunately we don't have time for any we are in, out and dressed in no time.

We grab our cooler...which is filled with cold drinks and a tote full of snacks, our duffel bag full of towels and travel bag with a few bottles of sunscreen, Astroglide and condoms... and we are on our way.

We get everything unloaded from the back of our company truck and loaded onboard the Tia Maria.

Normally, when we have a group going out with us... they are bunched up...standing beside the boat... eager to get onboard and get underway. But either our group is running late...or they are going to be a "no show" which, while very rare... does happen when people book an excursion like this... then the reality of what they are doing sets in...and they chicken out, at the last minute.

We do notice a group of 6 ...2 older men, 2 older women and 2 young men...possibly college age grandsons, sitting around a table with an umbrella... having cold drinks... while watching every move that Bob and I make.

Bob and I grab a couple of deck chairs and set them on the dock for us to sit in, while we wait to see if our group is going to show up. Figured we would give them about 30 minutes, and if we don't hear from them... we will call Tina and let her that she can try to find out what has happened.

We do have a no refund policy posted... for "No Shows," but if there are good reasons for why someone does not show...then we try to make allowances... either reschedule or give them a refund...whatever works best for them.

We have been sitting here for about 5 minutes or so... when one of the ladies from the "cold drink" group gets up and walks over to us...

She stops in front of us... looks around as if trying to make sure that no one can hear what she is about to say ... "Is this the Love Boat?" She asks in almost a whisper.

"That is not its name," Bob replies with a grin "But we like to think of it as that! It has brought us a lot of love over the years. This is actually the Tia Maria; we take people out on day long excursions in the bay or on the Bayous"

"We understand that people can do whatever they want long as it is within that right?" the woman asks

"Yes, we allow our guests to enjoy whatever ways make them, nature watching, catching some sun, maybe enjoy a little romance on the water..." I tell her

"Rumor has it that you don't require swimwear while onboard, is that right?" She asks

"Yes, this is a clothing optional charter... what our guests prefer to wear while onboard ...if anything... is entirely up to them" I answer

"There won't be anyone else on the boat except you two, and us?" she queries

"That is correct, my wife and I own and operate this boat and when you charter with have our complete and undivided attention. As our guests, only the people that you have invited to join you...are allowed on board...up to a maximum of 6, on this vessel. We do have other boats that can accommodate more people... if you have need for that. We are even looking at a schooner to possibly add to our fleet sometime in the can handle up to 20 passengers easily." I tell her...

"GOOD!" She says as she waves to the others in the group... "We booked a charter on this boat and just wanted to make sure that what we had heard about it was true."

She waves again for the rest of the group come over and everyone introduces themselves... Bob helps them get all of the necessary paperwork signed...while I go through my whole spiel about safety... what to expect on the cruise...what they can do, and what they can't. Such as, "While this is... a clothing optional excursion... You can be naked the whole time we are out on the water...however you must remain clothed until we are out of sight of land...and upon returning to shore. Stow all your clothes in the waterproof bags provided so that they stay dry, and you don't lose them overboard. Same goes for any trash...make sure to place it in containers, so that it does not end up in the water. The ocean is home to a lot of different creatures...we don't want to cause harm to them, because of our careless actions."

We get all of the group on board, get them seated and life jackets on satisfy the water patrol, in case they see us heading out. Bob fires up the engines as I begin to untie the mooring lines. Once we are ready, I untie the last line...give it a toss back on board...and hop aboard myself.

"While I am stowing the ropes that we use to tie the boat to the dock... My wife Roberta, alias "Captain Bob" will be piloting the boat out of the marina and then take us out into the open water of the bay. Once we are far enough out...she will sound the airhorn... one short blast. That is your signal ...that you are now free to take off the life jackets... or anything else that you want to take off at that time. We have blankets up on the foredeck for anyone that wants to catch some sun...we also have sun block...which I HIGHLY suggest that you use... Especially on body parts that don't normally get to experience much sun! NOT good places to be sunburned...I can assure you from my own personal experience!"

"Please hang onto the handrails at all times when moving about the boat. It is very easy to become off balanced and fall....and with the exception of Bob and these two young men...we are at that age where a broken hip is quite possible. Don't want anything like that happening on MY watch!"

"We do have everything you need to do some fishing... if that is what you want to do. I will rig and bait the poles for you... and take off any fish that you catch. If you wish to take the fish home with you...I will clean and package it...and place it in the fridge for you to take with you at the end of the day."

"Below deck we have the head... that is sailor's language for "Bathroom" for you land lubbers..."

"In the galley there are cold drinks in the cooler, snacks in a tote... so, help yourself to any of that...and please feel free to use the boat as if it were your own. Enjoy yourselves and if there is anything that we can do for you... or anything you might need...please do not hesitate to let Bob or I know!"

I get all of the ropes stowed away... open up the duffel bag full of beach towels, blankets, and sunscreen....and stash the Astroglide and condoms in a cubby for future use... we always try to keep items like these, on hand...for whoever may need them.

I open up a storage locker and pull out some fishing poles... None have any hooks on them...only bobbers and weights. If someone wants to fish...I have everything we need and can set them up so that they can fish...very easily.

If they have other things that they would rather do instead... such as sunbathing...or just "getting frisky..." I still put the poles out in their holders that any boaters that happen to pass by...will see the poles and stay a little further as not to scare away the fish or get tangled up in our fishing lines. Doesn't matter that the poles aren't actually set up to catch fish... just provides the illusion that we are fishing... which is an easy way to keep things as private as possible, for our guests.

Some charters have "fish flags" that they fly announcing the day's catch. We don't use them, for two seems like a form of "bragging..." and/or a putdown for the charters that might not have had any luck that particular day.

Second... the flags seem to attract other fishermen. Guess they figure that if we are catching fish...then they should be able to catch some in the same area... so if we have no flags flying... they don't stick around as much.

The waters in the bay are relatively calm today. Just a nice gentle breeze blowing from the southwest. Only small waves today...making it easy for the Tia Maria to slice right through them and make the ride feel as smooth as silk.

Once the shoreline disappears behind us...Bob sounds the air horn and makes a big sweeping turn towards the bank of small islands. These are all far too small for anyone to build upon...yet big enough to give our guests someplace "exotic" to explore "Au Naturelle" if that is what they choose to do. I admit it...Bob and I have "explored" the islands a couple of times...thinking that it would be so much fun...and be so enjoy sex on the beach...while the waves are crashing onto the shore nearby.

Truth of the matter is, that while that makes for a very sexy and romantic "photo shoot opportunity..." the reality of it is...that sand gets EVERYWHERE! Gets into places that you would really rather it not get into! But everyone has to find that out on their own. Telling them about it will do absolutely no good.

"What have we got here... a boat load of chickens?" Bob teases when not a single one of them moves, after she had sounded the airhorn.

"You can at least remove your life jackets... just put them close case the water patrol comes by to do a safety inspection, Adults aren't required to wear a PFD... personal flotation device... all the time. But occasionally we do run into officers that like to argue the point; so, it is just easier to slip the jackets back on when we see them coming toward our boat...and just avoid that whole conversation altogether."

With that everyone removes their life vests and sits back down.

The woman that had come talk to us earlier asks. "Would it be alright if we take some pictures and made a movie?"

"Whatever you want to do honey, is perfectly fine with us" Bob assures her.

"Great!" she she stands up and lets down her hair... then begins to unbutton her blouse. Followed by her bra...then the pants and her "granny panties" ...and there she was in all her glory, naked as a jaybird with her hair blowing in the breeze.

The other woman follows her lead. For 70+ year old women... neither one is in bad shape! Tits might not be as perky as they once were...and there might be a few wrinkles here and there where their skin has lost a bit of its elasticity. But overall, they are still a very beautiful and sexually appealing woman.

"The women's actions were the catalyst that got the rest of the group moving. Soon everyone in the group is rummaging through the bags that they brought on board. While the women are putting their clothes into the waterproof bags that we provided.

You can clearly see that this is not something that this group of people does on a regular basis. All of them are acting a bit nervous and unsure of exactly what it is that they want to do.

Bob has me take over the helm as she turns to the group and asks, "Are these pictures, or this movie, something of an "ADULTS ONLY nature?"

They all nod their heads in the affirmative...

"Not only that...this is the first time, in a very long time... that the four of us have met up with each other or tried to do ANYTHING like this!" He says gesturing to indicate the two couples.

"We have talked and joked about it for a couple of years... but just never found the right boys to help us out...until a few days ago"

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