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Angel of Death Pt. 04

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The Zombie Virus is injected into our heroine.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/23/2024
Created 03/21/2024
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Reading parts 1 and 2 is recommended To understand the plot.


Helga Lay bound to the examination chair, She was barley conscious, breathing deeply.

The doctors had installed IV lines to her brain and spinal cord with bags of iodine infused fluids hanging from the ceiling, the brutality of the operation was evident to anyone who walked in.

No one had bothered to remove the log of feces lying on the seat between her legs, nor assist her to expel the other log poking out of her anus.

Admiral von Heidelberg was sitting on a stool in front of her, caressing her head.

"Oh my beautiful Helga. You're so brave," he whispered.

There was no time for subtleties. Time and resources were fast diminishing. They didn't even know for how long they would have electricity.

"Clean her up and get her standing, we need to inject the virus and prepare her for the embalming," said the head scientist.

A nurse inserted a finger into her anus and pushed out the remaining stools. After inserting not one, but three glycerin suppositories, she patted the patient's buttocks indicating everything was well.

The anesthetic gas was turned down and Helga slowly came to. Her head and spine ached like hell. Her head was spinning.

"OHH, father, I feel sick, " was all she could say as she vomited into the oxygen mask.

Helga was untied from the chair and forced to scoot down and stand. The doctors held the IV drips above her head. Two nurses supported her.

"Helga, your doing great. A quick wash and we shall proceed to the final step. There won't be any pain after that!," said another doctor.

She was loaded into a wheelchair and wheeled out to the next room. It was as cold and damp as the other covered in gray-ish green tiles from floor to ceiling, but much larger, with a horrible looking metal frame in the middle.

An assortment of menacing looking machines with glass tanks and long rubber tubing, and instruments surrounded the frame.

The nude girl was helped up out of the chair and guided to the frame.

"What is this?" she asked dazed, looking at what appeared to be a medieval torture device.

"Its comfortable and will support you in all the right places. It can be rotated on all axis to allow access to your body from all angles," explained the lead scientist. "We need to act quickly after the Zombie virus is injected, in order to prevent your body from decaying and the virus taking over completely, you need to be embalmed,"

"Embalmed?" this was new.

"Yes, remember Helga, your body shall die and begin decomposition. We are not making you into a rotting walking corpse, as you've seen in the Himalayan mummies, you shall be immortal, forever young, and able to survive the harshest environments, the ultimate soldier!"

The contraption was built with metal tubing, not that far off from a model of an atom, the nucleus being the human subject restrained in the middle. The base was heavy and bolted to the floor. The floor had channels cut into it for liquids to drain off. The naked and shivering girl was guided to the center and helped to climb on. Her head, arms, feet and thighs rested on small padded seats. There was no support for her butt or spine. She sat in a half squat with legs far apart and arms spread. Her pose was extremely erotic and humiliating, but allowed access to all her orifices.

A separate stand was wheeled in and the lines and bags connected to her brain and spine were hung on it.

Her father stood back, gazing at the horrific sight of his daughter so pathetically restrained.

" Aaah", moaned Helga as a nurse adjusted her spinal lines.

"Doctor, does she have to have those lines always?" he asked.

" Yes Admiral, they keep her brain and spinal cord Oxygenated and free of the Zombie virus. But. not in this configuration, after the procedure, she shall have an in built doping and oxygenation device in her special suit, the system needs re charging once a week, we don't expect the mission to last more than three days," he said, while examining Helga's eyes with a torch.

Helga looked up and realized the room they were in had a massive ceiling, several stories high, which she couldn't even see. It was like a large well. For a moment the bright spotlights illuminating her and the doctors flickered and went out. It was then that she saw the dimly lit balcony far above, with shadowy figures looking down. They must be the top Generals and Admirals she met days before. Watching her torturous transformation.

The team brought in more padded iron restraints and bolted them down on the r neck, head, arms, hands, thighs, and feet. Two more large "C" shaped pads were bolted against her waist rendering her immobile. Her stomach rumbled, the suppositories were working.

"Doctor, I need to use the bathroom," She said.

"Don't hold back, my dear. Let go," said a nurse rubbing her shoulders. She was maybe two feet above the ground.

"Here? Oh!" she cried in distress.

"It's fine, everything is washed away," said another.

Helga held on for as long as she could. More hideous machines with tanks and tubes were brought in close around her.

The frame was swung back, leaving her in a semi - reclining position.

"Now, we are about to insert a few tubes. One down to your lungs and one into your stomach. Stay calm!"

The tubes were large rubber affairs with little flexibility. The nasal tube was absolute torture as it was inserted into her windpipe. "AAAH, She screamed, her throat burning, tears streamed from her eyes and her bowels voided with ferocity splashing the nurses in front of her.

Thankfully their heavy rubber aprons protected them from the worst!

Next was the throat tube,. Helga's mouth was streatched open with a metal clamp, and the large, quarter of an inch rubber tube pushed in with such brute force that she voided her bladder and bowels both. Her father looked on, his fists clenched. There was nothing to do. It was a necessity for his country.

Cold water and disinfectant was hosed onto her neither regions. Helga shivered as she was brutally wiped down. The nurse even injected half a gallon of soapy water into her anus and another quart into her vagina, which Helga had to expel after holding in for five minutes. At least these fluids were warm.

Then the frame was swiveled 180 degrees forward to to bring the girl's head face down and ass up in the air.

Helga's face was not more than two feet from the floor, where she watched her own excrement being hosed away into a drain. The contents of her stomach flowed out through the tube unobstructed.

Now, the doctors inserted two more large rubber hoses. one into her anus and one into her vagina. The vaginal tube went deep in, as far as her cervix. In-built balloons were inflated. A third thinner tube was inserted into her urethra. It stung like hell. All tubes were connected to the menacing looking machines except the urinary catheter, which was left to dribble onto the floor.

Now, she was swiveled back to a seating position.

"Helga, we are now about to tap your blood circulation system," said the head surgeon.

The restrained and intubated girl began to writhe in horror, here eyes wide, no amount of military training had prepared her for this torture. She was led to believe the virus was an injection and nothing more. Hers was a suicide mission, but she was caught completely off guard as to the ordeal she had to endure in transforming into a Zombie soldier.

Helga's eyes fell on some of the machines next to her. They had long tubes with large hypodermic needles. Larger than she had ever experienced.

But thankfully a topical anesthetic was applied to her neck, chest, abdomen and inner thigh before large needles with orange rubber tubes were inserted into her arteries.

One extra large needle was inserted through her belly button into her abdominal cavity.

All were secured with special leather straps and a neck collar.

All tubes were connected to embalming machines filled with various fluids, some transparent, some pink and some blue or green.

It was a terrifying and erotic sight to see the naked girl so obscenely restrained under bright lights with an assortment of tubes down her nose, mouth, pussy, ass as well as neck, thighs and abdomen.

"Now, Helga, tell us, are you in any sort of pain?" asked the head surgeon.

"One finger for yes. Two fingers for no," he said.

"Helga showed two fingers. She was uncomfortable, and her head was heavy, but surprisingly no pain after the faint pin pricks of the needles tapping her arteries.

"Helga, we are almost ready. We need to inject your eyes with iodine to protect them. These needles are very thin and won't hurt. Your vision shall be a bit blurry, but its temporary,"

A small optical device similar to a pair of binoculars were clamped a foot or so above her head on the metal frame.

"Look into the lenses. focus on the red lights within," said one doctor.

As she looked, nurses inserted clamps into her eyes and pried them open. She couldn't blink. The frame was slightly tilted back and numbing eyedrops were added. "Steady now" said the doctor.

Helga didn't see the needles of the small syringes as they entered her eyeballs from the sides. Her vision went hazy and her eyes felt cold.

"Now, don't worry. Your vision shall return in a few hours. We are ready for the virus, try to relax Helga,"

The virus required extra safety precautions. The team left Helga and her father alone and retired for some well earned rest and to suit up with more appropriate attire.

Helga's nasal breathing tube was connected to an Oxygen cylinder. She breathed in deeply and looked at her father. He was only a blurry figure now.

"My dear, I'm so sorry," he wept. kissing her face.

"Admiral von Heidelberg" said a voice through a crackling speaker.

"We are ready to inject the virus. Please vacate the laboratory."

Helga's vision was becoming bit more clear. She saw her father's silhouette walking backwards and disappearing.

A few minutes later a door in the side opened and the team walked in pushing a heavy, lead lined trolley.

The whole team was in thick heavy rubber from head to toe and wore heavy gas masks with long hoses connected to portable breathing stations on wheels. Their heavy breathing through the masks sending a chill down Helga's spine.

The top of the trolley was opened and white smoke emitted from the liquid nitrogen cooled interior. A nurse pulled out a large glass syringe filled with a murky greenish liquid. The needle was thick and about eight inches long. Helga looked on wide eyed.

There was no speaking as the doctor took the syringe and approached her.

"Close your eyes" whispered a nurse softly to her ear.

As she did, the doctor plunged the long needle through her ribcage directly into her heart. Helga's eyes flew open as the cold liquid filled her heart and began coursing though her veins. Panic stricken, she struggled with all her might as she felt her body cooling, her lungs failing and her heart spasming.

She was alert. Her brain was fully aware, but her body was dying! Her heart gave a few last pathetic beats and fell silent. Her life flashed before her, her whole body went into a fit, arms, legs spasming line a fish put of water and all of a sudden it stopped. It was as if she was a pair of floating eyeballs. Sounds became distant. She lost sensation of the cold. Her body was dead!

As soon as her heart stopped, the embalmers began their process.

The machines were activated and her blood began to drain out, replaced by a mixture of glycerin, arsenic and formaldehyde.

Fireworks spread through her body as her nerves died and fired randomly. Her body was still there, but it felt numb. Her stomach contents was pumped out and replaced with a strong solution of formaldehyde. So were her lungs.

Her frame was then swiveled so she lay face down, where her colon, vagina and bladder were all filled with a gel consisting of glycerin, formaldehyde and a complex array of chemicals designed to stop decay but maintain flexibility.

Her abdominal cavity was filled as well. Doctors then used needles to inject embalming fluids into her liver and kidneys as well as her breasts, buttocks and limbs. Nurses massaged her body as the machines kept pumping and the doctors kept injecting the various chemicals.

Long syringes injected fluids into her kidneys, while more slender needles were used to treat her head and face. The goal was to replace all the water in her body (Minus her brain, eyes and spinal cord) with specially formulated chemicals which were to preserve her body.

A special glycerin based gel was massaged into her skin. The formulas were perfected to keep the skin moist and flexible after death.

The final step on the frame was the removal of her tubes and sealing off all her orifices. A special gel was injected which solidified in her oral cavity down to her esophagus. The team then used metal braces with screws drilled into her gums to clamp her jaws shut, permanently. Next, they applied a strong adhesive to her teeth and inner lips before sewing her mouth shut.

Thick rubber plugs were inserted and inflated to hold the embalming fluid inside her anus and vagina. The same fluid was injected into her bladder. The doctors then deflated the catheter balloon and pulled the tube half way out. A special silicone cement was now injected while the rest of the catheter was pulled out, effectively sealing her urethra forever.

The doctors then proceeded glue shut and to suture her anus. She was swung onto her back and positioned with her crotch in the air.

Doctors applied a special adhesive into her inner labia and pinched the opening together. As a final precaution to prevent leaking of the precious chemicals, her vulva was also sutured shut!

The needles which tapped her veins were removed and plugs were inserted with more silicone cement and sutured shut. Each location received a thick leather belt to support the plug. As a Zombie, the one drawback was that there was no healing if the body is damaged.

"Move your fingers," ordered a doctor.

Helga did, but it felt as if she was controlling a puppet. She moved her head, it was as if she was watching a movie. It wasn't real. She was no longer breathing. Her heart was no longer beating. It was an out of body experience.

There was no time to contemplate, as the doctors inserted protective lenses into her eyes and glued them in place. She couldn't blink and the next steps needed her eyes to be protected from the strong and toxic chemicals.

The restraints were removed and the limp Helga was lifted off the frame and into a trolley and wheeled out.

What went on to the frame was a lively young woman. Big breasted. Athletic, with rosy cheeks and a bright complexion. What came out was a gray corpse, with its orifices sown shut.

Moving along the corridor, Helga tried to sit up. She could feel pressure, but not heat or cold. Her whole body was numb.

They reached a smaller room with a large metal sphere in the middle. The sphere was filled with liquid and lit brightly. Small portholes were seen on the sides. It was a hyperbaric chamber. The final step in her embalming.

The team helped Helga stand up.

" Easy now. Try to walk", said the doctor.

"Helga looked down at her pale white body and tried to move her legs. They did move but there was no coordination. She buckled and fell. The team caught her.

"You need rehabilitation. But first we need to complete the infusion." said the head surgeon.

The top of the tank was open. A gondola was attached to a gantry crane on the ceiling. Helga was carried like a baby onto the gondola and lifted above the tank. The head surgeon and three nurses accompanied her in the gondola.

Waiting on a platform at the top was a new device. It was a tall Oxygen cylinder with three other smaller cylinders connected by a series of tubes to a metal sphere with several gauges sticking out. Three tubes extended out of the sphere.

The team rolled the limp girl onto her stomach and unplugged the IV lines to her brain and spine. These were replaced by the lines from the metal sphere.

"Helga, can you here me?" asked the doctor.

"Give me a thumbs up if you do", he said.

With great difficulty, she gave what she hoped was a thumbs up.

"Good girl!, now we are inserting you into the hyperbaric chamber. You'll spend a week inside, cycling through high and low pressures to draw out all the air and water from your body. We'll communicate with you and you must try to exercise your limbs as instructed."

Helga gave a thumbs up. There was nothing else for her to do but follow orders.

First, her oxygenation apparatus was gently dropped into the tank.

Next, a strong armed nurse picked the hapless girl up and gently lowered her feet first into the liquid.

Helga dropped slowly but didn't reach the bottom. She was stuck floating in the middle of the tank. The top was sealed with a large wheel turned by two strong assistants plus several other heavy bolts all round the lid.

The team returned to the ground and the lead doctor sat behind a control panel with a microphone.

"Helga, we shall now commence the cycle. First it shall be a vacuum followed by high pressure. It'll be uncomfortable for your ears and head but don't worry, after all, nothing can kill you.

"Oh yes. I'm already dead!" she thought. At least the chamber was well lit.

A siren went off and the cycle began, literally, cooking the fresh zombie girl in a pressure cooker.

to be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

pls add "copi luwak" story

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