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Black Tie Affair

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human females help aliens celebrate humans' domestication.
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The culmination of the annual celebration of the glory of the Nakozi interstellar empire was a formal reception attended by a multitude of high-level officials, rich businesspeople, aristocrats, and foreign dignitaries, including diplomats from client races. Kaboshi was enjoying himself very much as he wandered casually through the halls, delighting in the colorful sights around him, and stopping every now and then to exchange greetings and embraces with many friends and acquaintances on this joyous occasion--Domestication Day! Nakozi loved ceremonies and ritual celebrations, and this was the supreme event of the year, celebrating the glorious fertility and lactation that humans had achieved under benevolent Nakozi rule.

Kaboshi paused to adjust his tie, who was squirming again. Like every other Nakozi at the reception, Kaboshi's towering, elongated frame was adorned as he walked along by a very decorative naked human female (a hugely pregnant human female) who was solidly mounted on his cock. She was facing out from his torso, with her arms raised above her head so that her bound wrists met behind his neck, while her legs were bent backwards, with her ankles likewise bound behind his lower back, so that her entire weight rested on the cock she was riding. A short chain linked her wrist and ankle bindings and kept her from slipping.

Wearing ties to work and to formal occasions was one of the very few Nakozi borrowings from human culture, although the Nakozi had definitely put their own spin on it. Fortunately, human females came in a wonderful variety of races, colors, shapes, and sizes (though continued selective breeding had led to a general top-heaviness), so one could find a tie to suit every taste; and particularly flashy or artistic individuals could even body-paint theirs for added color. Kaboshi personally favored redheads, and the tie he usually wore to the office had flaming red hair, top and bottom; he enjoyed stroking her abundant bush during particularly boring meetings.

(Kaboshi's preference for pale-skinned redheads dated back to his school days. Like every other young Nakozi, he had attended mandatory classes on human anatomy and the care and feeding of female humans in particular. His teacher, Mr. Horomi, wore a long-limbed redhead to work, who doubled as a demonstration model and practice dummy, not to mention a drinking fountain for the children during recess. The female was remarkably docile and very patient with being poked and prodded in every orifice by immature Nakozi; Kaboshi remembered her fondly, and sometimes wondered whether she had been an elementary school teacher herself before domestication. One of Kaboshi's proudest memories was of the time when he had won a competition organized by Mr. Horomi as part of their final exam to see who could bring the redhead to orgasm fastest. Although he was not yet old enough to have an erection himself, he had discovered for himself that fisting a human female worked very well. The sensitive and responsive red tie, who had fainted after a thunderous orgasm, had thanked him with tears in her eyes, in her adorable pidgin Nakozi that sounded so much like baby talk.)

Like every other human female at the reception being worn by a Nakozi, the lovely animal Kaboshi was now wearing would periodically use whatever leverage she could get from her wrists and ankles to slide herself up his torso slightly, in a vain effort to keep her cervix above the tip of his massive cock. The female human necktie did not have the strength to hold herself up by her arms for long, though, and would find herself sliding back down his shaft again, gasping as she was once again completely impaled--hence the squirming.

Kaboshi found this little game, which did exquisite things to his throbbing cock, absolutely delightful, and judging by the fragrance of sweat and sexual arousal, his tie seemed to be enjoying herself, too. He wondered how long it would be before she would shudder against him in orgasm, even if he refrained from playing with her, as he absolutely intended to do. Kaboshi, of course, as a Nakozi, could maintain his erection for many hours, and would not ejaculate until he saw fit. This was one more proof of the obvious superiority of Nakozi to lesser species.

In the meantime, he was enjoying her soft, warm weight (which, though substantial, was as nothing to a powerfully built Nakozi), the heat of her firm buttocks nestled against his belly, her musky scent, her charming little gasps and moans, the way that her heavy milk-laden breasts swayed from side to side as he bore her along, her very pregnant belly protruding before them as Kaboshi walked along, and most of all, the way that her sweet, tight cunt grasped his member so firmly. Even the way that the light in the hall shimmered off her oiled and sweaty skin, as well as off the bodies of the thousands of other human women on public display at the reception, added to his enjoyment of the occasion.

The droplets of milk already leaking from so many swollen black nipples at the tips of so many bobbing and swinging massive blue-black, dark brown, and chocolate breasts were also arousing as Kaboshi passed by other guests in the crowd. The pregnancy-swollen breasts resting on top of protuberant, ready-to-burst bellies proceeded their wearers like the busty naked figureheads of a fleet of ancient human sailing vessels, bobbing up and down as they were borne across the waves.

Kaboshi's tie was a rental, of course, and probably so were most of the other human women here. Few Nakozi would just happen to have one at home that would meet the proper specifications, at least in time for this reception. (Similarly, in ages past, human men would often rent a tuxedo rather than buy one for a special event.) Kaboshi had rented her online from an AI agency that specialized in providing human females certified to be of the proper race for formal occasions, appropriate stage of pregnancy (8.5 months), and attractiveness for a social occasion of this magnitude, and of course in perfect health and housebroken. Within hours, a drone had appeared at his home dangling this voluptuous black-nippled female hogtied below it. The broker had guaranteed that she would already be bound hand and foot and ready to mount, oiled from head to toe, prelubricated, and temporarily devoiced (of course you don't want your own tie interrupting a conversation with unwanted vocalizations).

The drone's AI further assured him aloud upon its arrival that she had been given enough food and water to last her through the evening, though he was of course welcome to give her as many treats as he desired. Her bladder and bowels had already been evacuated, as a precaution to prevent any messy accidents, just in case. It also mentioned discreetly that she had a tracking chip installed to forestall theft, though of course this esteemed customer would never consider such a thing. Finally, it gave him an estimate of her hourly milk production, and reminded him that the rental fee included the consumption of whatever milk she could produce for him during her rental period.

All Kaboshi had to do was enter the unique electronic code he had been given to release her from the drone's restraints, then after the drone had carefully deposited her on the floor, use the wrist and ankle restraints to slip the famale onto his body, and then slip his cock inside her; and then he was ready to leave for the reception. The chocolate-brown beauty who had groaned and smiled when he entered her was already writhing langorously and seductively; she was clearly aware that she was high-quality merchandise.

When he was done with her at the end of the evening, all he would need to do was feed her back into the drone's restraint system, which would use its articulated arms to seize and package her as soon as her tracking chip came back within range, and the by then well-used and exhausted fleshy cargo would be sailing silently off into the sky on her way back where she belonged for inspection, cleaning, and return to her breeding pen. The automated rental and return process really could not have been any easier; but then of course the agency had been in this business for a long, long time.

If Kaboshi were pleased enough with this one, he might make a note of her inventory control number (human females were not given names, of course, at least not on any civilized planet), and reserve her for the following year. After she gave birth, her AI owners, as per best livestock management practices, would allow her a couple of months to recover before impregnating her again. Her belly should ripen in time to rent her out for the following Domestication Day celebations. And so the cycle would continue for her, for the rest of her life, or at least while the female remained fertile.

Kaboshi continued walking through the hallways of the Domestication Day celebration, occasionally feeding his tie a treat or a cube of cheese (human cheese, of course--there were no other milk-producing mammals on this planet). Her full, sensitive lips would delicately take it from his fingers, and she would gratefully swallow.

He ran into a close friend in front of the display presenting the holiday's history, and they embraced, pressing their ties' chests against each other, while being reasonably careful not to put too much pressure on the females' bulging bellies. Kaboshi and his friend exchanged polite compliments on the beauty and fertility of their ties, while the latter stared smiling into each other's big brown eyes. Kaboshi wondered briefly whether they knew each other; for all he could tell, they could have been sisters, or one could have birthed the other.

After his friend carried his own jiggling and sighing human female away, while casually raising her left breast to his mouth for a sip of milk as he walked, Kaboshi remained at the display, browsing the slideshow about the history of Nakozi-Terran relations, while casually playing with his tie's breasts, jiggling them in his hands or twiddling her nipples. He knew all about that history, of course, as a scholar specializing in the subject, but the story will amused him.

Terra's absorption into the Nakozi Empire was widely considered to be the greatest success story in imperial expansion, and it had happened without a shot being fired. No one was certain whether the human officials at the time had woefully misunderstood what was going on, or were just wildly optimistic and relying on wishful thinking, which seemed to be a human specialty. Either way, the humans had actually applied to be admitted to the Empire, and were apparently overjoyed when they were promptly accepted.

The Nakozi diplomats had promised to take the humans to the stars, which the humans mistakenly assumed was an offer of new colony worlds for themselves, allowing them to fulfill what they believed to be their manifest destiny and their rightful place in the universe. The humans were all excited about gaining access to Nakozi science and technology, and opening up trade agreements with alien systems. They had naturally neglected to read the treaty's fine print.

It was some time before the humans realized to their shock and horror that although they would technically be going to the stars, as promised (the Empire always kept the letter of its promises), humans' rightful place among the stars, in Nakozi eyes, was as livestock. There had, in fact, been an abrupt change of course in the Nakozi's diplomatic aims.

The problem (for the humans) was that during the very last stages of the treaty negotiations, a flirtatious human female diplomat, a plump, fleshy blonde named Tiffany, who had recently given birth and was lactating heavily, had surreptitiously offered herself to a Nakozi counterpart with whom she had been working, and whom she considered a friend to some extent. She was apparently impressed with his powerful build and impressively masculine member (Nakozi did not wear pants, just harnesses), which she had been admiring throughout the talks; and also, she thought it would be cool to be the very first human woman to bag some alien cock. This perverse impulse toward xenophilia (or friendly cultural relations, whatever) led to a strenuous sexual encounter that had been thoroughly satisfying to both parties, but their liaison had unexpected and far-reaching consequences. Tiffany's runaway hormones and cock-hungry cunt had, in fact, changed the course of history, and led to her race's downfall!

Her Nakozi male had realized that the scent and taste of human vaginas had a significant aphrodesiac effect on Nakozi; in addition their enchanting cunts were perfect, extraordinarily tight sheaths for Nakozi cocks, having been designed by evolution for much smaller members, but able to stretch enough that they could accommodate Nakozi members, if just barely. He wanted more of these vaginas. He had also discovered that human breast milk was absolutely delicious, to the point of being addictive. He wanted a regular supply of Tiffany's milk, too. And the commercial possibilities for the sale of human females to eager Nakozi markets were mind-boggling! They were all going to be rich!

And so, displaying a praiseworthy presence of mind that would later lead to his being awarded the prestigious Hero of the Empire medal, he seized an exhausted and barely conscious Tiffany and carried her naked over his shoulder to his shuttle and then to the Nakozi flagship, ignoring her mumbled protests. Once he had her on board, he called the rest of the diplomatic team together and gave an impassioned speech that boiled down to "You've got to try this!" They all recognized Tiffany from the official talks, of course, but the sight and scent of Tiffany's sweaty post-coital body, not to mention the milk droplets already starting to leak from her wobbling mammaries, had them all concurring instantly.

Kaboshi had seen the video recordings so many times that he could follow Tiffany's thought processes with some accuracy, he thought. Tiffany just blinked at them all in confusion, since she did not speak Nakozi and had no idea what was going on. If she had been brought here for further negotiations, where was the rest of her team, and why did she have to be naked? She was not authorized to conduct solo negotiations, especially by herself. This offended her sense of professional decorum! She soon got the gist, however, as she was passed around from diplomat to diplomat (in order of rank) for the rest of the night, and acquired a far more extensive acquaintance with alien cocks than she had planned.

The next morning found a miserable Tiffany crouched naked inside a cramped cage at the center of a large circular conference table, nursing her sore nipples and battered pussy, from which Nakozi semen was still slowly dripping onto the cage's floor. A large viewscreen at the end of the room showed the Earth far below, making it clear that she was now in space and far from any possible aid. She still had no idea what was going on, but she was beginning to suspect that she had made a dreadful mistake in spreading her legs for a Nakozi. It was probably little consolation to her that she was now not only the first human female to fuck a Nakozi, but also the first to be gangbanged by them.

She recognized the Nakozi now gathered around the table as their treaty negotiators and her official counterparts, though she did not feel much like a professional diplomat as she stared trembling back at them. She felt the full extent of her own helplessness and vulnerability, and she was acutely conscious that her nipples were starting to drip again. Some of these Nakozi, judging by their still glistening cocks, were the same ones who had been enjoying her reluctant hospitality all night, and they were already licking their lips as they focused on her heaving breasts. Clearly another wave of assaults upon her tits and pussy was imminent, but for some reason they seemed to be having a loud discussion about it.

Kaboshi knew that she would have despaired indeed if she had been able to understand their animated debate over what the Nakozi should do with her and her fellow humans. She would have been absolutely horrified to learn that her body, whose charms the Nakozi evidently found so delectable, was the reason for their eventual decision that proper exploitation of this precious resource by the Nakozi empire would require the thorough subjugation and harvesting of humans for the Empire's use. The terms of the treaty would be amended to reflect this small change in humans' status within the Empire to which they would now be subject; the Nakozi diplomats were certain that the treaty would be signed without the human leadership even noticing the subtle alterations.

Upon the official ratification of this unanimous decision by the starship captain who was chairing the meeting, all the Nakozi present stood up and cheered enthusiastically, while a deeply confused Tiffany blinked up at them from her cage. The video ended with a whimpering Tiffany being dragged out of her cage, passed around the table so that everyone could enjoy a taste of her milk, two at a time (it was a very orderly process, and by no means a feeding frenzy), and then bent over the edge of the conference table and fucked by the entire command staff, starting with the captain. As the latter had properly noted, rank hath its privileges.

The date of this momentous, historic decision would later be celebrated as Domestication Day across the entire Empire. The meeting was of course recorded for posterity, and it was this inspiring video, playing over and over again in a loop, that Kaboshi and the succulent passenger riding his cock were watching. Of course Kaboshi's tie did not understand the Nakozi language any more than Tiffany had at that time, and could not comprehend the historical significance of a naked human female crouching naked in a cage or being hammered by a Nakozi; it was undoubtedly a perfectly familiar scene to her.

The aftermath of Domestication Day had been surprisingly trouble-free. The human officials who had signed the treaty, along with most of the human negotiators, were naturally torn to pieces by angry mobs after they realized what was happening. Tiffany was very fortunate to be safely up on the starship being put through her paces and learning to be the Nakozi's very first human cow (another first for her!).

The foolish human officials' successors had attempted to organize a resistance, but that soon fizzled out after the Nakozi calmly pointed out that the treaty was ironclad and irrevocable under galactic law. That meant that all humans would be bound by its provisions for the rest of eternity. The abrupt arrival of an enormous Nakozi armada orbiting the Earth further cooled tempers, and a fatalistic resignation soon prevailed.

Some humans still protested vociferously, but only up until they were stripped naked, permanently and humanely devoiced, and loaded into the vast transport barges that had arrived with the armada. With astonishing efficiency, the Nakozi shipped four-fifths of the human race off to marketplaces in the stars where their lives would finally have a meaningful purpose.

Some particularly desirable specimens were naturally kept back for the use of Nakozi military and diplomatic personnel stationed on and around Earth. One could assume that it was probably an enormous relief to Tiffany, rather than a shock, when she saw additional female livestock arriving, and she no longer had to service an entire starship crew by herself. No one would ever know exactly how she felt, of course, since Tiffany had been devoiced by then along with the rest, and no one was all that curious about her opinions on the matter anyway. The Nakozi still remembered her vital contributions to mutual relations, of course.


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