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Angela's Addiction Pt. 01

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Following her divorce, Angela descends into debauchery.
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*Chapter 1*

After 19 years of marriage Angela is now divorced.

The separation was reasonably amicable, but in the months after its completion she has found herself resentful and depressed. She can't help but feel that she has wasted her best years.

She starts using hook-up sites, with great success. Barely a week goes by without her having sex with a new partner. She soon realises that she is becoming addicted to this lifestyle and worries about the toll it is starting to take.

She deletes all her accounts and apps, but, a few days later she finds herself in a local nightclub surrounded by men half her age. The first one of them brave enough to stake a claim is soon leading her into a toilet cubicle.

Caring little about the puddles of urine beneath her feet, she drops down to her knees and starts ferociously sucking her young friend's fat cock.

"Have you got a condom?" she whispers a few minutes later.

"No," he replies, as she climbs to her feet.

With no acknowledgement of his answer, she slides her panties down and bends over the toilet.

"Fuck me really hard," she pleads.

Taking a fistful of her hair, he ploughs into her and carries out the instruction. He doesn't last long. Within just a couple of minutes he pulls his cock out of her pussy and fires a heavy load of jizz across her back - much of it landing on her dress.

As they both catch their breath there is a load thump on the cubicle door.

"You two finished in there?" the bouncer's voice booms. "Time to go home."

Her head hanging to the floor, Angela is then lead through the busy nightclub and pushed out onto the street.


*Chapter 2*

When she wakes the next morning the first thing she sees is her cum-stained dress sprawled out across the bedroom floor. She thinks this is rock-bottom, but it's not until a couple of days later that she learns of the depths to which she's truly plunged.

She is sitting in her car outside of school, waiting for her son Jake, when a group of boys across the road catch her eye. Her stomach flips and her heart starts thumping.

In the middle of this group, laughing and joking with his friends, is the young man from the nightclub. She quickly turns her head in the opposite direction, petrified that he might recognise her.

As soon as Jake climbs into the car, a few minutes later, she speeds away, not even taking a moment to offer a friendly "hello".

"Are you OK?" he asks, seeming to notice something isn't quite right.

"Yes," she lies. "I just want to get dinner on."

As they pass the group, Jake mutters something under his breath.

"What did you say?" his mother asks.

"I said arseholes," he replies. "I hate those pricks."


*Chapter 3*

Realising that she desperately needs help Angela finds an online support group for women with sex addiction. She is assigned a mentor - a woman named Jodie.

Like Angela, Jodie is a divorcee in her early forties. She has been in the group for four years. During that time she has suffered occasional relapses, but is now nearly twelve months celibate.

Her experiences resonant strongly with Angela, and she too is soon on the path to recovery.


*Chapter 4*

One Friday Jake comes home with a busted lip and a swollen eye.

"What the hell happened?" Angela asks, rushing to comfort him.

"Me and James got jumped," he sniffs.

"What? By who?"

"Some arseholes from school. They've been giving us shit for weeks."

She feels a sudden sense of panic. "Arseholes", was exactly how he'd described the boys outside of school the other week.

"What are their names?" she asks, trying to hide her sudden anxiety.

Jake somewhat reluctantly answers the question, and Angela assures him that she will handle it with the school from here on out. He seems conflicted, and is worried about the potential consequences. Eventually though he agrees to let her take care of it.

Shortly after he goes to bed that night she searches for the boys on Facebook. Her worst fear is quickly confirmed. One of them, Oliver Smith, is the boy she fucked in the club toilet.


*Chapter 5*

Angela turns to Jodie for advice, telling her everything that has happened, and relaying her deep concern that raising the issue with the school might result in Oliver finding out she's Jake's mother.

"Oh honey." Jodie writes in reply. "I really don't know what to suggest. That is such a crazy fucked up situation.

"All I can recommend is that you give it a few weeks and hopefully it sorts itself out and dies down."

They exchange a few more messages and then the conversation comes to an end.

An hour or so later, however, Angela - who is now in bed and half asleep - receives another message from Jodie.

"Wanna hear something really fucking hot?" it begins. "One of the women I speak to in my support group fucked some kid in a nightclub a few months ago and now it turns out he goes to her son's school!

It gets better...the kid she fucked - who still has no idea who she is - has started bullying the son!"

Angela read this message three times, before appreciating that it had been sent to her in error.

"Oh my god." Jodie quickly followed, obviously realising her mistake. "I am so sorry.

"I'm struggling with things at the moment, and I've fallen off the wagon. That's no excuse for doing that though."

A sudden jolt of adrenaline rushed through Angela's veins. Hearing of Jodie's fall from grace felt like an opportunity to join her.

"Don't apologise." she replied. "It is pretty hot isn't it?"

"Very." Jodie answered.

"Did I tell you I found his Facebook profile?"


"He might only be 18 but he's sexy AF."

"Hmmm. You should message him. See if he's up for another round."


"Yes. You don't have to mention your son. Like I said earlier hopefully things will die down and you won't have to worry about any of that."


*Chapter 6*

Angela creates a fake account on Facebook and sends a message to Oliver. A week later they meet in a carpark and have sex in her car.

"Fuck that's so bad." Jodie tells her.

"I know." she replies, smiling wickedly as she types.

"Where did he cum?"

"In my mouth."

"I hope you swallowed it all down like a good little MILF..."

"Of course."

These liaisons continue for many weeks. After each one Angela takes great pleasure in relaying all the lurid details to her mentor.

Jodie often asks if Oliver is still picking on Jake. Angela's answer is always the same, that she's not sure and hasn't heard anything either way.

Then Jake comes home from school one day with more cuts and bruises.

"You said you'd fix it!" he sobs like he's about to throw a temper tantrum.

"I...I tried" she lies in response.

The full-blown nature of her affair with Oliver means it's now impossible for her to try to fix this problem through official channels. She tosses and turns all night thinking how best to rectify the situation.

By the morning she has a plan. It's risky, but she believes she knows Oliver well enough to know that it will work.

She tells him truth. The full uncut truth.

"Promise me you'll leave him alone," she pleads. "We can't keep doing this unless you swear to me that you'll stop giving him shit."

Oliver is flabbergasted, but agrees unequivocally that he will be longer bother Jake and his friends. He even offers to apologise to him.

"That won't be necessary," Angela tells him, as she starts to unbuckle his belt. "Just leave him alone."


*Chapter 7*

Many weeks pass. Oliver is true to his word and stops hassling Jake, but Angela soon realises that she is becoming bored with the relationship, and starts to worry what might happen if she breaks things off.

"Why don't you just hook up with some other guys at the same time?" Jodie suggests. "Surely the Oliver kid doesn't think you're exclusive?"

It's been a long time since Jodie has offered any piece of advice that resembles the wisdom of the woman Angela had put her faith in all those months ago, but it still shocks her at times quite how misleading she can now be.

"He doesn't." Angela tells her. "But I don't want to go back to multiple partners. That was too risky."

"OK." her mentor replies. "Well if that's how you feel right now, I know exactly how you can rekindle things with Oliver..."


"You won't like it..."

"Tell me."

"OK, but before I do I want you to have a glass of wine, and then climb into bed with your favourite toy."

"Haha. Really?"

"Yes. Trust me."

Thirty minutes later Angela is in her bed, naked under the covers. The tip of her trusty seven inch rubber dildo is resting gently against the lips of her pussy.

"OK." she sends. "I'm ready for you."

"Good." Jodie replies instantly. "Now start fucking yourself.

Imagine it's your boy toy inside you.

Think of him on top of you. Ploughing into your cunt."

Angela takes a large glug of wine, closes her eyes and begins.

"Are you doing it?" Jodie asks.

"Yes." she replies.

"Is it good?"

"It's OK."

"Just OK?"


"Tell me who's fucking you?"

"Oliver is fucking me."

"And who is Oliver?"

"My boy toy. My hung young lover."

"That's right. He's half your age, and he's going to fuck you senseless with his meaty young cock...but that's not making it any better is it?"

"A bit..."

"Who else is he?"

"I don't know?"

"Is he your son's friend?"

"They're not exactly friends..."


"I don't understand?"

"He's the guy who beats the shit out of your son isn't he?"

"He used to yes."

"Imagine he still does..."


"Fuck what?"

"That's so fucking wrong."

"It's better though isn't it?"


"How much better?"

"A lot fucking better..."


*Chapter 8*

The next few times Angela meets with Oliver she focuses on his past behaviour towards Jake. She doesn't mention this to him in anyway, but merely recalling his passed treatment of her son is enough to drive her wild.

This little hack works its magic for a couple of weeks but soon the impact it has starts to waiver. Angela once again seeks Jodie's advice.

The following day she and Oliver are in one of their favourite meeting spots. He has her bent over the bonnet of her car is fucking her hard from behind.

"Tell me..." she pants, nervously. "Tell me what you used to do to Jake."

"What?" Oliver grunts, confused.

"Tell me what you used to do to him."


"I want to hear all about it as you fuck me."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. Very...fucking serious."

Oliver grabs hold of her hips and starts thrusting into her with increased venom.

"Tell me," she repeats. "Tell me what you did to him."

"I beat the shit out of him," he snarls.

"How often?"

"Any time he pissed me off."

Angela lets out a heavy shriek, that echoes loudly across the deserted carpark.

"I'm gonna fucking cum!" she cries. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"


*Chapter 9*

Later that night Oliver sends her a message.

"Are you OK?" it begins. "You were a bit quiet on the drive back?"

"Yes." she replies. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I thought you might be a bit embarrassed or something?"

It is more shame than embarrassment, and it is still lingering heavily. The vicious circle of her addiction, however, means the quickest way to overcome that shame is to further embrace the very things that have caused it.

"Are you free right now?" she asks.

"Seriously?" Oliver replies. "Of course. I'm always free for you!"

"Do you want to come over to the house?"

"Isn't Jake there?"

"Yes, but he's in his room. We can be discreet don't you think?"

An hour later Angela slowly opens the front door, trying to stifle its creaking as much as possible.

"Hey," she whispers, with a smile.

"Hey," Oliver replies, stepping into the hallway.

She leads him upstairs initially intent on taking him into her bedroom, but as they pass Jake's door she changes her mind. She drops down to her knees and pulls heavily on the waistband of Oliver's trousers.

"Fuck," he whispers as his cock springs free.

Angela wastes no time. She takes him deep into her mouth and starts sucking and slurping like a woman possessed.

"Is that his room?" Oliver asks, gesturing towards the door.

She nods, not wanting to break off from the blowjob. Taking a fistful of her hair, Oliver then pushes himself deeper towards the back of her throat. This causes her to gag, but she makes no attempt to stop him.

Seemingly encouraged by this he starts to work up a bit of momentum. Again, he hits the back of her throat without any objections.

"Do you think he's asleep?" he asks.

Angela shrugs, and her hands move onto his arse to thrust him forward. He correctly takes this as an invitation to more vigorously work her throat. Gluck, gluck, gluck is soon echoing through the hallway.

Knowing that this won't last long, she starts thinking about where she wants him to cum. Her eyes flick towards Jake's door.

Seconds later Oliver lets out a heavy grunt. Angela quickly pulls his cock from her mouth and turns him towards Jake's bedroom. She then takes his cock into her hand and it instantly explodes covering the door with a thick load of jizz.

"Fuck," he pants. "That was...fuck."


*Chapter 10*

When Angela enters the hallway the next morning she can still see the remnants of Oliver's cum drying on Jake's door. The resulting guilt is unlike anything she's ever experienced.

She turns to Jodie, telling her everything that happened and how disgusted she now feels with herself.

"I'm so sorry." her confidant replies. "I've been a terrible mentor. This is all my fault."

"It's not!" Angela assures her. "I just don't know what to do!"

"Do you want to stop?"

"No. That's the problem. If anything I want to be even nastier!"

"Hmmm. I know a way to achieve that..."


"Arrange a meetup with lover boy. Once that's done I'll tell you the next step."

Angela wastes no time in following this instruction. The arrangements are made for six o'clock that evening, at one of their usual spots. She tells Jodie this and eagerly awaits her next suggestion.

The reply is a long time coming, however, and by the time it arrives Angela is at work, sitting at her desk, surrounded by colleagues. She looks around cautiously, unsure whether she should read the message in such a public setting. The temptation is too great.

"OK..." it begins. "So later tonight you're meeting this lad you've been fucking...your son's former bully?"

"Yes..." Angela quickly types in reply.

"That's pretty fucking nasty isn't it?"


"So what would make it even nastier?"

"I don't know. Tell me!"

"What if your lover boy wasn't his former bully, but was his current bully?"

Though Angela is still not entirely sure she understands what Jodie is suggesting, her pussy starts to tingle. She looks around the office and feels her face flushing a fiery pink.

"I don't understand?" she continues, hoping this will prompt Jodie to be more explicit.

"Surely it's not that hard to grasp?" she answers. "Where's Oliver right now?"

"At school."

"And Jake?"

"At school."

"So tell lover boy exactly what you want him to be. Jake's bully. Not his former bully. His actual bully."

Angela's pussy is on fire as she seriously contemplates this vile suggestion. She gets up from her desk and makes a beeline for the toilets.

"That is so fucking nasty." she writes as she buries her free hand into her cunt.

"You're going to do it though right?" Jodie replies.

"Yes I am."


*Chapter 11*

Angela is extremely worked up by the time she and Oliver meet in the carpark. As soon as he's within striking distance she grabs him by the collar, pulls him forward, and her tongue invades his mouth. In response his hand goes up to her neck and squeezes.

"You're going to get fucked so hard," he tells her, as he roughly shoves his other hand into her panties.

"Fuck!" she cries.

He's good to his word. She's soon on her knees having her face brutalised. He ploughs his meaty cock into her mouth, repeatedly hitting the back of her throat. Once he's had enough of this, he pulls her up, and throws her over the bonnet of her car.

For several minutes he fucks her hard from behind. There is no mention of the messages they exchanged earlier in the day, but they are very much at the forefront of Angela's mind.

"Tell me," she eventually pants.

"Tell you what?" Oliver smirks in reply.

"You know what."

His hand crashes down onto her bare arse.

"Tell you what?" he repeats.

"Tell me..." she whimpers. "Tell me what you did to him."

"To who?"

"To Jake...tell me what you did to Jake."

"I did exactly what you wanted."

Her hand moves onto her clit. She can't remember ever being so turned on in her entire life.

"Tell me more," she pleads.

"No," Oliver snaps. "You'll just have to wait to see the state he's in when you get home later. All filled up with my cum."

This thought sends her over the edge.

"Fuck!" she screams. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

As her body shudders, Oliver lets out a loud groan of his own and Angela feels his jizz squirt deep into her pussy. The exhilaration she experiences is unprecedented.

Less than an hour later she returns back home, her cheeks glowing bright red, her hair all over the place. Jake comes rushing to the door.

"Look what they did!" he shrieks, pointing at his swollen eye.

"I...I need ten minutes," she stutters.

She pushes passed him and darts upstairs to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. From under her pillow, she pulls out for trusty rubber friend and plunges it deep into her pussy.

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daganetdaganet2 months ago

OMFG! Thank you for this!

MTMan012345MTMan0123454 months ago

Such a naughty Mommy!!!

RoleplayVeenaRoleplayVeena4 months ago

this is superb story.. giving 5 stars..

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This is sooo fucking nasty. Mommy-slut needs to be fucked like an absolute whore. And she must be forced to convince her whimpy son to treat her big-cocked bf as his master. She’d become so addicted that she’d invite her cock master over for dinner. The stud would make both Mommy-slut and sonny wait on him, then take Mommy upstairs to the master bedroom. 😈😈😈

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