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Angela's Choice Ch. 02


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He laughed heartily. "Yes! You drive me to drink!"

"Well then, I'll have to break out another bottle of wine."

They held hands along the way. When she opened the door she said "Excuse the state of things in here. It's a work in progress. Next step is new countertops and appliances in the kitchen and a bathroom makeover. They're all very 1950's. And there's a small attic space that I plan to eventually finish into a room. Another bedroom or even an office of sorts."

After several glasses she said "Let me show you what I've done with the master bedroom."

He looked around the room at the double bed with colorful throw pillows, bright curtains at the windows and oak chests of drawers, hardwood floors. Everything looked light and airy.

"Very nice. Sooo, what do you want to do?"

"My turn to ask. What do YOU want to do?"

"I want to throw you onto the bed and rip your clothes off."

"Ooooh. You animal."

"I'll show you animal!"

He pushed her backwards onto the bed, laughing, and yanked off her tennis shoes and socks, then kissed her hard as he worked on the buttons of her jeans. He sat up and yanked down the jeans and panties in one motion and stopped to stare.

"Do you like it?"

"What the...I've never seen anything like it! I think I'll stop the clothes ripping and explore that heart. It seems to be pointing at something. I wonder what it is."

His hands roamed her abdomen and wandered down her legs and up the insides of her thighs. She drew her legs up and separated them. He kissed the lips of her vulva and traced the heart with a finger, ending just at the clitoral hood. "It seems to be pointing here," he said as he nuzzled the lips, forcing them open with his tongue. "Mmmmm. What do you know? Buried treasure."

He thrust his tongue under the hood and massaged the clit that noticeably enlarged even as he tongued it, and she drew a sharp breath at the sensation. He licked and sucked the lips and briefly thrust a tongue into her. In turn he drew each side of her vulva into his mouth and sucked on it while massaging the labia with his tongue. When he sucked on her clit she sat up and pulled off her tee shirt and bra.

Breathing heavily she pulled his mouth to hers and fell back onto the bed. His hand fondled a breast, but she stopped him.

"Time out. There's something I want to do."

She undid his belt and zipper, pulling down his jeans. While she worked on his shirt he kicked off his shoes. She pushed down his boxers, grasped him and held him in her hand.

"Over on your back."

"Yes, ma'am."

She sat astride his legs and played with his erection while she looked him in the eye. "The whole thing this time. I'm going to finish it."

She slid down his legs and bent over to take him in her mouth, tonguing the tip. She bent further and took more of him in, bobbing and occasionally taking him out for some leisurely licks from base to tip.

"Jeez, Angela. I'm not going to last long. It's been a long time since I've..."

She took him in again and he groaned. When she popped him out again she asked "A long time? Really?"

"Not since our last time together."

She stopped playing with him. "But that was last fall."

"I got wrapped up in the book and all I could think of was you. I couldn't do it with another woman."

She stared at him in disbelief.

"Seriously. It's been that long, and that heart thing is...wow! Very erotic."

"Maybe I'll let you play around with it again when I'm done here. Well, it sounds to me like you need relief."

She took him in again and bobbed while using her tongue. With one hand she held and caressed his scrotum. She felt him tense and his penis got suddenly harder. Knowing what was coming she pulled him almost all the way out and used her tongue on the underside of the tip until he exploded in her mouth. Jet after jet.

She wasn't used to handling it and, in an effort to swallow, lost some.

When he was finished she used her hand to milk out a few more drops and then licked her hand and his abdomen where what she had lost from her mouth had landed. He lay gasping on his back.

She licked her fingers and gently held his softening member in her hand once more.

"What are you doing now?"

"I want to feel how it changes."

"Have you been practicing? That was much more than I ever expected you would do."

"No practice. I just decided to do it. It took me by surprise a little bit. I was caught off guard with the force and sudden volume of it. I'll do better next time."

"You're thinking of a next time?"

"Depends on what you want."

He laughed at the turnaround - now she was asking him what he wanted instead of him asking her.

When he had caught his breath he pushed her over onto her back.

"Oh, sir, please be gentle with me."

He laughed "You've been reading too many..."

"G. M. Stroud novels. Yeah."

"This is what I want."

He kissed her, but softer this time and fondled a breast while kissing down her neck and throat. She arched, thrusting her chest up, offering her breasts to him. He took the hint and buried his face between them and kissed one while caressing the other. Her moans guided him.

One hand skimmed down her abdomen and traced the heart.

"I want you, Mike."

"Too late, you've temporarily used me up. But maybe I can make a substitution."

He kissed down her abdomen, tonguing her navel along the way, and kissed the heart.

She sighed. "Anna made the heart and said it was for you. She was right."

He kissed down her legs to her toes and sucked them, one by one. Up the inside of her legs his kisses slowly made their way, while she trembled with anticipation. But when he reached the crease between her legs and body he kissed along the crease, bypassing her vulva altogether. He kissed around the heart, ending at the point. He wrapped the protruding clit in his lips and curled his tongue around it. She squirmed and mewled. Only then did he kiss her lower lips and thrust a tongue between them. He paused to wet a finger and gently push it into her vagina. His other hand attended to a breast, rubbing a nipple with his thumb. His tongue slid the length of her vulva and he stopped at the top to suck on the engorged clit, sticking out like a pencil eraser.

Her hips bounced up and down on the bed and she put her hands on his head, holding him on her clit until she came with a loud shuddering moan and her body seemed to coil and uncoil until her spasms died away and she lay gasping.

He kissed his way up her belly, between the breasts and found her mouth for a gentle kiss, and she caressed his cheek with her fingers. "That was wonderful, Mike."

Her fingers combed through his hair. "That made me hungry. I'm ready for a bedtime snack, how about you? Then we'll take stock of who wants what next."

She pulled on her panties and he his boxers and they made their way to the kitchen. She scooped them each a bowl of chocolate chip ice cream. While they ate she slid a foot up his leg.

She suggested they get ready for bed - and he laughed when she mentioned she just happened to have a spare toothbrush. She slipped on the black silk pajamas she had worn the last time they were together, and he stayed in his shorts. They got into bed together, between the sheets and under the covers. They faced each other and kissed. She closed her eyes when he caressed a breast trough the fabric.

"Damn, these pajamas make me horny. I love the way my hands glide over the fabric. It is extra erotic to caress your breasts, to caress all of you."

He proved his point by touching every part of her, arousing her in the process until she murmured "I think we should get into something a little more comfortable," and he laughed as he slipped off his shorts and she shed the pajamas.

They embraced, a full body embrace and his hands wandered over her back and butt, savoring the smooth skin. She felt the growing hardness pressing against her. "Mmm, I think something needs a place to park."

He laughed again, kissed her and reached down to trace the heart. She held his face in a kiss and reached down to stroke the length of him. They pleasured each other with rising excitement until she whispered "I wanted you before, but I think you're ready this time. I want you, Mike. I want you inside."

He bent down to tend to her with his tongue and fingers while she fumbled with the drawer of the bedside table, eventually extracting a tube.

"I think there's enough left in here."

"Been active?"

"Only with my fingers or my vibrator. I want the real thing tonight."

They coated his penis and he smeared some at her vaginal entrance and worked some inside as well. She guided him and wrapped her arms and legs around him when he was fully sheathed. "I want to feel your whole body against mine. I want to feel like you are part of me."

He kissed her and began a slow thrusting. She matched him, but picked up the pace gradually. When she felt it coming she moved her hips violently, slamming hard against him. He squeezed a breast.

She let her mind go and let her body take over, not thinking about anything, just reacting to the pleasure that filled her. She crushed against him in a spasm that squeezed his penis in a tight grip. Two more thrusts in the tight sheath and he came, too. He slammed against her time after time and she thrust her hips to match him until he began to soften and her climax began to slowly fade. They stayed for long minutes with his penis still inside. He finally rolled off and they embraced, kissed and fell asleep.

The morning sun filtered through the curtains and flooded the room with light. He pushed the covers down and savored the sight of her resting body. A thin shaft of sunlight made its way between where the curtains didn't quite meet. The beam struck the heart and it glowed. He watched until the slowly moving beam of light moved elsewhere, and she stirred.

After a kiss and a caress they arose and headed to the shower.

"It's very tight quarters in here, smaller than at the B & B."

He held her face in his hands. "I'm sure we'll manage somehow. I'd be happy to pleasure you with my hands."

"Uh uh, we're gonna... oh shoot. I'm not used to doing this and didn't bring the lube. We'll have to be creative."

With water cascading over them he pulled her in to him, to feel her breasts on his chest. He caressed one and reached down to play in the heart hair and seek the treasures below. When her clit protruded he rolled it between his fingers and she squealed.

She grabbed his hardness and lightly used her fingernails on it, causing it to twitch, and then stroked it. As her own arousal drove her she pumped him. She wanted to thrust against him. Her legs were long enough that she could trap him between her thighs and thrust her hips.

Mike had her fast approaching climax, so she took him in her hand again and pumped furiously. In the beginning throes of her own ecstasy she pulled up his erection against his body so it was trapped between them and the mutual movements of their bodies stimulated him. It almost felt like he was inside her, warm and wet.

She moaned and pressed against him as he continued to manipulate her clitoris. When he felt himself tighten he used both hands to pull her hips tighter against him. He erupted, trapped between their bodies, and his ejaculate spurted up, only to run back down and lubricate him even more, driving him to even more movement. In a sudden move he thrust a leg between her thighs and she rubbed against him, just as Anna had done with her. Her climax intensified and she dug her nails into his back.

Finally, gasping, they let the water course over them as they clung to each other.

After drying each other off she pulled on a robe and he his shorts before they stumbled into the kitchen for breakfast. She made coffee and fried some bacon while he scrambled eggs and made buttered toast.

As they ate a feeling of sadness came over her. They cleared the table and he asked "What's wrong?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. Right now I have everything I worked for, but something's missing. I'm independent and own my own home. I'm not rich but comfortable. The time I spend with you is wonderful. Everything is better than it was, but still..."

They sat silently, cradling mugs of coffee. He looked across the table at her. "You have all that, so what are your plans for the future?"

"That's just it. I don't seem to have any. I don't know where I go from here. What about your plans?"

He fidgeted with the mug. "Me? I don't seem to have any real plans, either. I mean I will continue to write, but I've got to admit that you, Angela, have turned my world upside down. Even a year ago I had plans, but now I don't know what to think."

"So, what happens to us?"

There was a long silence before he answered. "I guess that's the elephant in the room we've been talking around and ignoring, almost since day one." He took a deep breath and thrust a finger as if pointing at something behind her. "Okay, elephant, I'm talking to you, so listen up. You see, elephant, she makes me feel something I've never felt for another woman. Even though I write about it I never before believed in love at first sight, but I love her and don't know what to do about it. I think I fell for her about five minutes after meeting her. There elephant, what do you think of that?"

Tears sprang to her eyes. "I never wanted to admit it to myself, but I love you, too. That's what has been missing."

They each took a moment to digest what they just transpired.

She sighed and broke the silence first. "So, what's to become of us now? It's an impossible situation."

"Why does it have to be impossible?"

"Sometimes real life isn't a romance novel. Dammit Mike, I'm almost sixty two. In twenty years I'll be a shriveled prune and you'll still be in vigorous middle age. It's impossible."

"I don't see it that way. My own parents are a perfect example, although the ages were switched. I know I've told you that you are a beautiful woman, and you are. I don't know many women of any age who are as beautiful as you. But I see deeper. Just as I saw another Angela trapped in your body, I see beauty inside. When you're a hundred you'll still be beautiful. Maybe some in the world will see something else because they don't look for it, but I see your true beauty. Right now it's reflected on your outside, but it's there inside, for anyone who takes time to look, no matter what you look like on the outside." He paused. "Tell me something. In twenty years if I'm bald and have a pot belly what will you think of me?"

She laughed at the image. "I guess I'd see you for who you really are - a thoughtful man with unique insights into life - and love."

"There, see?"

"But there are practical things to think about. Like you travel and write and research and you need time and space to do that."

"I need a home base. Other writers have one. I like the time I've spent here and have found this town to be laid back and conducive to creative writing. I like that it's off the beaten path. Even before I came for the book talk and realized you were already living here I was considering setting up a home base here. I don't really need that much room, although I have a lot of bookshelves and they are rather full. I was thinking of looking for a small place like this to rent."

"That small room in the attic I planned on turning into another bedroom. It could just as well be a cozy office." She drummed her fingers on the table. "Jeez, I'm beginning to really sound like Rose."

"Look, Angela. I don't know what the future holds for us. At this point I'm not presumptuous enough to think of suggesting a permanent relationship like Rose ended up with. Yet..."

"But you could stay here until you're sure you really want this as your home base. The upstairs office is a real offer. Mike, I like the way I feel when I'm around you - and not just in bed. But the thought of a permanent relationship scares me. I don't want to ruin everything."

He pulled his chair next to hers. "We'll just take it one step at a time. You could travel with me. While I write you could read and suggest corrections or changes. Tell me what you like. What you like is what my readers would like."

"I don't know if I'd like to travel with you and see all those young women throw themselves at you."

"There's only one woman I've been unable to resist."

"Maybe I won't be able to satisfy you."

"I have no doubt you would be able to satisfy me. And I would do everything I could to satisfy you. We want to please each other. That's what could make it work."

Angela looked over her shoulder. "Is that damned elephant still in here?"

"I think I saw it saunter out the front door, looking for someone else to pester."

Angela laughed and sat on his lap. "Maybe it will work, and maybe it won't. But we won't know if we just give up, unless we try, will we?"

He kissed her and reached inside her robe to fondle a breast.

"Mmm. I think you are very good at satisfying me, but I think I need a little more practice satisfying you."

He stood and scooped her into his arms.

"What are you doing!?"

He grinned. "My dear, I'm going to carry you into the bedroom and rip your robe off, and then I'm going to play with that heart some more. It's all part of practice makes perfect."

"Please be gentle with me, kind sir," she laughed.

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happyandfriendly54happyandfriendly54over 5 years ago
😄😄😄. More Please

Would love to have a chapter 3 where the daughter joins them for five

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

This is very well written. Can we have Ch. 03.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

All 7 pages of parts 1 and 2 create a story of love and care not often seen here. I would like to read the book but it seems as if the story only is complete.

5 stars for the story seems about 1 short of a high enough accolade.

oldermale1948oldermale1948about 7 years ago
Enjoyed It

Again well written and I agree with another responder, Daughter/Mother interaction was part of her growth.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Very Enjoyable

All aspects of the story worked. Thankyou for a.very enjoyable stiry.

TSreaderTSreaderabout 7 years ago
A very yummy story!

Thank you for continuing this story! Wonderfully done!

worshipper622worshipper622about 7 years ago
Love it!

Copy my comment from "Angela's Choice Ch. 01," and paste it below.

I agree withDadDavis.

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