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Angels Ch. 08 - Comforting

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The sisterhood helps one of their own.
7.7k words

Part 8 of the 24 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 09/17/2022
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This story contains characters from other stories but is intended as stand alone.

All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story contains lesbian sex, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Bea's world had been transformed a few months ago. At 28 she considered the world was her oyster, she had a beautiful son, a dotting husband, she looked good enough to draw attention when she wanted and she had a good job that afforded her a great deal of independence. The world was indeed her oyster, but then her boss -- her female boss I might stress -- had seduced her and shown her what joys awaited between another woman's legs.

Bea had proved to be suitably submissive when under Susan's control. She had done so many things willingly as soon as her boss had instructed, and she loved it. Susan loved the fact that this beautiful blond with an amazing body had first of all been so easy to seduce and secondly so willing to do her bidding. At the same time as her boss was ushering Bea through her first taste of another woman's pussy, Susan's gorgeous brunette assistant Gemma was also inducted into their little group.

The following weeks saw both Bea and/or Gemma either servicing their boss or their boss watching them service each other which made the pretty blond realise that her boss was more interested in her sexual partner coming than she was having her own climax which, in Bea's lust addled mind, made her appreciate her boss even more than she did previously. The three of them not only formed a regular group for hooking up but Susan had begun to use her two young employees to seduce others into their group which formed the backdrop to today's adventure.

Bea and Gemma were walking down one of the corridors returning from an errand Susan had asked them to do when Bea caught the faint sound of someone sobbing. She stopped Gemma in her tracks by hold her arm as the brunette came to a halt and took a step backwards in order to listen more carefully. Gemma worked out which door it was behind and knocked on the door gently asking, "Are you okay in there?"

The faint sound of sniffing could be heard followed by a strained "I'm okay."

Gemma's expression showed her dubious response to the reply and gently replied "It doesn't sound like it. Do you want to let me in, I'd like to talk to you about it?"

They heard the lock on the door dropped, Gemma opened the door and stepped inside with Bea half step behind her. They could see the rooms occupant was Faith from the company's Dispatch department. Tears were still trailing down her dark cheeks and she looked a little concerned when she saw Gemma was accompanied by someone else. Bea immediately sat down next to Faith and put her arm around her shoulder pulling the young woman in close so that she could whisper "It's okay, we're both here to help in any way we can and before you start pushing us away, we've finished our requested task and so have all day to sit and listen if needs be. We're here to help any colleague but a fellow female gets special attention especially a pretty one like you."

That did it. Faith started crying more, one of those where her whole upper body shook in response to the sobs. Bea stayed in her seat and Gemma went and pulled up a chair so that she could repeat the gesture on the opposite side of Faith. The blond said encouragingly "Let it out, we're going nowhere until you're better but when you are ready you can tell us anything and I mean anything."

This was accompanied by more sobbing and the three remained like that until the tears stopped and Faith mumbled "I doubt you'll want to hear this. You'll think of me as some kind of deviant."

"Try me" joked Bea "I specialise in freaky, in fact if you knew the half of it your hair would curl even more than it is already.

"I found my partner cheating on me, and I don't know where to turn" came the reply.

Bea held her closer still saying "Ahhh, I'm sorry to hear that. Men can be such bastards at times. I hope you've kicked his cheating ass out?"

Faith leant her head against Bea and said "I did. Only it wasn't him, it was her. We've been through some shit this last few years and the bitch goes and does that across me. I don't know how I'm going to afford my rent now she has gone."

Bea leant in closer and said "All the Financial stuff can be sorted, I'll speak to Susan and explain, I have no doubt she'll want to step up. The emotional stuff is a bit more complicated and needs careful handling."

"You mean because I'm a lesbian?" Faith asked.

"No, not really. I've not long discovered the joys of lesbian sex myself although I have yet to tell my husband about my lesbian dalliances, mainly because I don't class that as cheating, but for what it is worth I have been cheated on before and know it takes something special to get over it" Bea replied.

Faith was curious about Bea professing she swung both ways, first in front of her and secondly in front of Gemma. She knew both from around the office but not enough to confess much private information until now but something in the way Bea spoke made her believe she was genuine. As if to establish her credentials Gemma added "I too haven't long discovered lesbian sex and I've not yet had time to form any strong relationships but as with Bea, I have had the dirty done on me and so can at least claim solidarity with you. Plus, as it is the 21st century I would stress that being a lesbian should not make any difference in how you handle the problem. A cheat is a cheat no matter what."

Faith was reeling further that Gemma would profess similarly bi-sexual feelings. Having said that it did make her feel just a little better knowing that neither would judge her now. One comment she was curious about was how Bea knew Susan would be to support her financially. "How do you know that Susan will want to come to some assistance?"

Bea was now on the horns of a dilemma about how much she should say and decided to take the safe option "Well for starters she can be very supportive once she gets to know her employees. You'd have found out about it sooner or later, but I'm convinced she will willingly jump to your aid." Bea paused briefly before adding "Secondly, she is starting a new scheme for female employees, and it will pay very well. John is campaigning to swap out the professional models he used to use for internal employees. It would see the employee paid the equivalent that the professional models would get, and I suspect he would fall to his knees begging if he thought he could get you in front of his camera.

Bea again went silent for a short while before adding "If it helps, Gemma and myself have signed up as has Susan and a few others. It's not for the faint hearted though being dressed in lingerie in front of him but if I know John, he will be the perfect gentleman throughout. I had my first session a couple of days ago and he was the consummate professional. Plus, he's an artist and is more focused on getting the right shot than focusing on us being scantily clad. If it sounds of interest and it would help, I'll gladly come down and be with you for your first session."

Faith smiled at Bea's levity but then looked shocked as she added "Although now I know that you are gay, I can't say I wouldn't be mentally undressing you." Faith gasped and brought her hand up to her mouth. The important bit for Bea is that she had suitably distracted the ebony beauty enough that she had temporarily forgotten her troubles.

Gemma picked up the conversation and added "Don't look so shocked, I'd echo Bea's sentiment 100%. I would definitely hit that when your head is in a better place."

Faith's head was still reeling from both confessing they were bi, let alone their praise of her looks and it was then that it struck her that they had managed to distract her suitably from her problems. Bea decided to steer the conversation once more by suggesting "No time like the present, why don't we go see Susan to see if she's free to discuss how she might help you." She could see Faith was hesitant and so added "She really is very nice and I do firmly believe she will want to help but we won't know until we speak to her." Faith agreed at that point and the three made their way up to Susan's spacious office. The big boss looked up from the paper in front of her and smiled a friendly greeting as she noticed the three walk up to the front of her desk. "Do you have any free time to listen to a plea to help?"

"Of course," came the nonchalant reply as she leant back in her padded chair.

Gemma excused herself while Bea took a chair and Faith the one next to it that Bea had indicated. "Our friend here is in something of a dilemma at home and I suggested you might be keen to come to her assistance."

After listening to a paraphrased content of her earlier conversation Susan immediately responded with "Yes, I will most definitely help you, especially as you were the injured party. Tell me how much of your rent and general expenses need covering and I'll get a series of advances sorted so that you're not having to worry about that while getting your head around the emotional change."

"Bea mentioned a new scheme that you're introducing that might give me the means of overcoming the initial advance and remove the need for further ones" Faith stated.

Susan raised her eyebrows in surprise and Bea giggled before saying "I mentioned that you, Gemma and I had already signed up for modelling our stock for John to remove his need for professional models and the fact the artist in John would go positively gaga over our friend here. Based on the figures Andi talked to me about, it will virtually double my salary."

Susan nodded thoughtfully and replied "Yes John would lap up having you as a model, in fact if I know him, he'll want to plan the rest of the brochure around the pictures he'll take of you. Your skin tone is simply magical. As a by-product it would also mean you can afford not to have to move out of your current flat."

Faith was glowing from their compliments, but she couldn't see past the prospect of the extra money on offer as she said, "I'm really interested, where do I sign up."

Susan was the first to voice words of caution "Now slow down. I will freely profess that you are just perfect to address our predicament and it may sound your saviour financially, but you've only found out about this today and I'm sure you're seeing the extra money as a panacea for your financial woes, but I'd be remiss in my role if I didn't caution you to have a serious think about it before jumping into something. These pictures of you will be around for an awful long time, yes, we crop heads off so it's not obvious to people you may bump into in the street, but we don't have that many coloured employees -- yet, although with some positive discrimination I'd like to address that anomaly over the medium term."

Faith was pleased to hear that sentiment in one breath but immediately seized on the notion that she was one of a small number which meant that, certainly in the short term, they would have to come to her for skin diversity which in turn meant a bigger pay day for her. While trying to grab the initiative Faith leant forward and said "Well I have had chance to consider the prospect since Bea mentioned it and if I'm being brutally honest there is something exciting about showing myself off anonymously. I may not possess a runway model's body, but I have had plenty of compliments in the past. Who do I need to persuade that I should be part of the team?"

Bea thought for a moment and addressing her boss, she said "I suppose John would be the ultimate veto but it's your company and so how much influence do you exert?"

Susan considered the comment and then replied "Well it's probably too early to tell just yet and it is his baby, but we do consult each other regularly and he has taken on my suggestions on a number of occasions. What are you thinking?"

Leaning over towards Faith but saying it loud enough for Susan to hear Bea said "I'd suggest Susan here is maybe the one to convince. If you are both alright for time, why don't you undress and let Susan see what you have to offer."

Faith paused momentarily but then the logic of Bea's comment won out and sat forward so that she could remove her creamy silk blouse. Once that was folded neatly, she reached to her hip and undid her skirt.

What Faith couldn't see was the look that Susan and Bea shared with the latter winking knowingly which when combined with Faith's earlier confession of being gay triggered Susan's curiosity tremendously.

The ebony beauty stood to remove her skirt and then stood in front of Susan with her hands on her hips -- Susan was transfixed; Faith was gorgeous. She was pretty in the face and thankfully wore just enough makeup to accentuate her features without over doing it. She wasn't tall like Gemma but in Faith's case it made her similarly sized chest look even larger than Gemma's. Her hips flared out nicely and her legs were curvy in all the right places.

Susan's opening comment was "Very nice indeed, I think we have a winner straight out of the box. Would you mind walking to Gemma's office and back for me so I can see more?" The brunette had been sat eavesdropping on the conversation and flashed Faith a dazzling smile and a thumbs up once she had reached her door. Gemma then emerged from her office and stood at her door frame watching the delicious creature return to Susan's desk.

It was Faith who turned to Bea initially and said, "Is this better than having to mentally undress me?" before turning to Susan and asking, "So do you think I have what it takes."

Susan replied, "Oh you are more than qualified as long as you are comfortable doing the same in front of a man" she turned to Bea and asked, "What did Faith mean about undressing her?"

Bea smiled at having to explain "I confessed that I had only recently discovered lesbian sex and mentioned John was professional enough not to hit on her. I volunteered to hold her hand for the first session, that I might not have the same compunction as him once I saw her in her underwear -- such as now. And yes, I appreciate how inappropriate it was to say that after only recently being cheated on, but it was meant to provide perspective." Turning to Faith, Bea added "You are very, very attractive and, if I might say now having seen you in just your lingerie, extremely tempting. When your head is in the right place you will have a long list of people looking to hook up."

"But having said it to cheer me up, did you mean what you said?" asked Faith.

"Absolutely, you look delicious" gushed Bea in an instant.

Faith took her seat without getting dressed, smiled sweetly at Bea and spoke in a whisper "Now I'm a free agent, would you like to hook up at some time? I can't think of a better way of getting someone out of my mind."

"Just say the word" was Bea's reply.

Susan cleared her throat which brought both of the younger women back to the room "I'll leave you two to make your own private arrangements." Addressing Faith, she said "I take it that I can let John know you are on board."

"Absolutely" came the reply.

Susan then said, "In that case then are you okay to hang on and I'll ring him now." Faith was being carried along on a wave but at no point did she ever consider backing out. She sat there with Bea while they heard a one sided conversation which they judged from Susan's responses that John was immediately bought in especially when Susan described Faith as 'looking delicious.' The conversation continued until Susan held the phone away from her and asked Faith "Are you free at the moment?" Faith nodded and the message was passed along.

Finally, the conversation ended and Susan turned her attention back to Faith as she said "As you're free, John has some time spare and he'd like to take some sample shots. So, I'd like you to go visit him in the studio. As Bea has already volunteered, she will accompany you and coach you through what's needed. It might sound over the top but I can assure you it will be useful to have someone guide you as I can testify from my first time in front of the lens. While you're down there I'll arrange with Finance to get your first initial payment sorted for this week."

Susan then turned to Bea and added "Thank you for stepping up for Faith and bringing this to my attention, I need to make sure my staff feel suitably appreciated. After you've been to see John may I suggest the two of you take an extended coffee break so that Faith gets the feeling she has all the support she needs. I'd volunteer myself but suspect you're better at this and already have a head start." In reply, Bea simply nodded and gave a thumbs up.

Ten minutes later Faith and Bea stepped into John's office as he stood from behind his desk and beamed a friendly welcome "Well today, all my Christmases have come at once." Faith blushed slightly, she wasn't used to showing off her body and it being so obviously appreciated. "Your skin tone is just magical and I have big plans for you as long as you are comfortable and I can't stress this enough, whatever I ask something of you, you only do what is comfortable for you. At no point do I want you feeling pressured. Ok?"

Faith gave an impish nod and so John continued "Now Susan explained Bea will guide you through the poses, again if I ask anything of you that unnerves you, even in the slightest, you shout up. This project will be a tremendous help to me in being able to plan my time more efficiently but at the end of the day it will involve you standing around in just your underwear; above all I want you to enjoy yourself. Are you okay with that?"

Faith nodded again and added "Yes I fully understand and I was with Susan when she explained to you that I'm a lesbian."

John smiled and said "I do like a person who sets their stall out at the beginning. The good news is that you will have as much support as we can offer, you've been through some serious shit and remember we are all here for you, whether it's a friendly ear to chat to or some physical muscle to move things, there are plenty that have been where you are but the important bit is they've come out the other end a better and stronger person and we want the same for you."

John paused while his words sank in "The group that have volunteered isn't that large yet but as you're one of only a few black employees, are you prepared to be easily recognised within the group?"

"I am" replied Faith "but I thought you cropped the models head out?"

John nodded and replied "Yes that is indeed the case but the skin tone is a dead giveaway. I also offer to photoshop any tell-tale birth marks or tattoo's so that people at home don't put two and two together if you get my drift."

"No, there is nothing like that to worry about." Faith stated, adding "Susan mentioned that the pay deal is based on the number of images used and that she thought you'd plan the rest of the brochure around my shots. Care to expand?"

John opened his arms "Yes, we were only discussing the layout the other day but I will make no secret of wanting to make you centre stage. It means you will have a bumper pay day this quarter and I suspect quite a few quarters after that. We will need to have a number of sessions with different items but is there anything in our stock that is off limits -- again I want to underline that anything that gives you cause for concern I need to know about and will gladly steer us away from such a thing."

Faith thought through their current inventory and replied, "No I'm alright with anything we do."

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